plugins { kotlin("jvm") version "1.8.20" alias(libs.plugins.shadow) } group = "app.revanced" dependencies { implementation(libs.revanced.patcher) implementation(libs.kotlin.reflect) implementation(libs.kotlinx.coroutines.core) implementation(libs.picocli) implementation(libs.jadb) // Updated fork implementation(libs.apksig) implementation(libs.bcpkix.jdk15on) implementation(libs.jackson.module.kotlin) testImplementation(libs.kotlin.test) } kotlin { jvmToolchain(11) } tasks { test { useJUnitPlatform() testLogging { events("PASSED", "SKIPPED", "FAILED") } } processResources { expand("projectVersion" to project.version) } build { dependsOn(shadowJar) } shadowJar { manifest { attributes("Main-Class" to "app.revanced.cli.main.MainKt") } minimize { exclude(dependency("org.jetbrains.kotlin:.*")) exclude(dependency("org.bouncycastle:.*")) exclude(dependency("app.revanced:.*")) } } // Dummy task to fix the Gradle semantic-release plugin. // Remove this if you forked it to support building only. // Tracking issue: register("publish") { group = "publish" description = "Dummy task" } }