package app.revanced.cli import app.revanced.patch.PatchLoader import app.revanced.patch.Patches import app.revanced.utils.adb.Adb import picocli.CommandLine.* import @Command( name = "ReVanced-CLI", version = ["1.0.0"], mixinStandardHelpOptions = true ) internal object MainCommand : Runnable { @Parameters( paramLabel = "INCLUDE", description = ["Which patches to include. If none is specified, all compatible patches will be included"] ) internal var includedPatches = arrayOf() @Option(names = ["-p", "--patches"], description = ["One or more bundles of patches"]) internal var patchBundles = arrayOf() @Option(names = ["-t", "--temp-dir"], description = ["Temporal resource cache directory"], required = true) internal lateinit var cacheDirectory: String @Option(names = ["-r", "--resource-patcher"], description = ["Enable patching resources"]) internal var patchResources: Boolean = false @Option( names = ["-c", "--clean"], description = ["Clean the temporal resource cache directory. This will be done anyways when running the patcher"] ) internal var clean: Boolean = false @Option(names = ["-l", "--list"], description = ["List patches only"]) internal var listOnly: Boolean = false @Option(names = ["-m", "--merge"], description = ["One or more dex file containers to merge"]) internal var mergeFiles = listOf() @Option(names = ["-a", "--apk"], description = ["Input file to be patched"], required = true) internal lateinit var inputFile: File @Option(names = ["-o", "--out"], description = ["Output file path"], required = true) internal lateinit var outputPath: String @Option(names = ["-d", "--deploy-on"], description = ["If specified, deploy to adb device with given name"]) internal var deploy: String? = null override fun run() { if (listOnly) { patchBundles.forEach { PatchLoader.injectPatches(it) Patches.loadPatches().forEach { println(it().metadata) } } return } val patcher = app.revanced.patcher.Patcher( inputFile, cacheDirectory, patchResources ) Patcher.start(patcher) if (clean) { File(cacheDirectory).deleteRecursively() } val outputFile = File(outputPath) deploy?.let { Adb( outputFile, patcher.packageName, deploy!! ).deploy() } if (clean) outputFile.delete() } }