package app.revanced.cli import app.revanced.patch.PatchLoader import app.revanced.patch.Patches import import app.revanced.patcher.patch.base.Patch import app.revanced.utils.filesystem.FileSystemUtils import app.revanced.utils.signing.Signer import internal class Patcher { internal companion object { internal fun start(patcher: app.revanced.patcher.Patcher) { // merge files like necessary integrations patcher.addFiles(MainCommand.mergeFiles) // add patches, but filter incompatible or excluded patches patcher.addPatchesFiltered() // apply patches for ((meta, result) in patcher.applyPatches { println("Applying $it.") }) { println("Applied ${}. The result was $result.") } // write output file val outFile = File(MainCommand.outputPath) if (outFile.exists()) outFile.delete() MainCommand.inputFile.copyTo(outFile) val zipFileSystem = FileSystemUtils(outFile) // replace all dex files for ((name, data) in { zipFileSystem.replaceFile(name, } if (MainCommand.patchResources) { for (file in File(MainCommand.cacheDirectory).resolve("build/").listFiles().first().listFiles()) { if (!file.isDirectory) { zipFileSystem.replaceFile(, file.readBytes()) continue } zipFileSystem.replaceDirectory(file) } } // finally close the stream zipFileSystem.close() // and sign the apk file Signer.signApk(outFile) } private fun app.revanced.patcher.Patcher.addPatchesFiltered() { // TODO: get package metadata (outside of this method) for apk file which needs to be patched val packageName = this.packageName val packageVersion = this.packageVersion val checkInclude = MainCommand.includedPatches.isNotEmpty() MainCommand.patchBundles.forEach { bundle -> PatchLoader.injectPatches(bundle) val includedPatches = mutableListOf>() Patches.loadPatches().forEach patch@{ val patch = it() // TODO: filter out incompatible patches with package metadata val filterOutPatches = true if (filterOutPatches && !patch.metadata.compatiblePackages.any { packageMetadata -> == packageName && packageMetadata.versions.any { it == packageVersion } }) { println("Skipping ${} due to incompatibility with current package $packageName.") return@patch } if (checkInclude && !MainCommand.includedPatches.contains(patch.metadata.shortName)) { return@patch } println("Adding ${}.") includedPatches.add(patch) } this.addPatches(includedPatches) } } } }