
28 lines
985 B

package app.revanced.lib
import app.revanced.patcher.PatchSet
* Utility functions for working with patches.
@Suppress("MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate", "unused")
object PatchUtils {
* Get the version that is most common for [packageName] in the supplied set of [patches].
* @param patches The set of patches to check.
* @param packageName The name of the compatible package.
* @return The most common version of.
fun getMostCommonCompatibleVersion(patches: PatchSet, packageName: String) = patches
.mapNotNull {
// Map all patches to their compatible packages with version constraints.
it.compatiblePackages?.firstOrNull { compatiblePackage -> == packageName && compatiblePackage.versions?.isNotEmpty() == true
.flatMap { it.versions!! }
.groupingBy { it }
.maxByOrNull { it.value }?.key