oSumAtrIX ca809f0948
fix: Create options if it does not exist when updating them
Previously, the file could not be read to be updated. If the file does not exist, simply serialize the options to the file.
2023-09-03 22:41:20 +02:00

46 lines
1.6 KiB

package app.revanced.cli.command
import app.revanced.patcher.PatchBundleLoader
import app.revanced.utils.Options
import app.revanced.utils.Options.setOptions
import picocli.CommandLine
import picocli.CommandLine.Help.Visibility.ALWAYS
import java.util.logging.Logger
name = "options",
description = ["Generate options file from patches"],
internal object OptionsCommand : Runnable {
private val logger = Logger.getLogger(
description = ["Paths to patch bundles"], arity = "1..*"
private lateinit var patchBundles: Array<File>
names = ["-p", "--path"], description = ["Path to patch options JSON file"], showDefaultValue = ALWAYS
private var filePath: File = File("options.json")
names = ["-o", "--overwrite"], description = ["Overwrite existing options file"], showDefaultValue = ALWAYS
private var overwrite: Boolean = false
names = ["-u", "--update"],
description = ["Update existing options by adding missing and removing non-existent options"],
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS
private var update: Boolean = false
override fun run() = if (!filePath.exists() || overwrite) with(PatchBundleLoader.Jar(*patchBundles)) {
if (update && filePath.exists()) setOptions(filePath)
Options.serialize(this, prettyPrint = true).let(filePath::writeText)
else logger.severe("Options file already exists, use --override to override it")