# Building from source If you have already downloaded the prebuilt packages you can skip to [Using the ReVanced CLI](7_usage.md). Before continuing you need to be authenticated to GitHub Packages. \ This will assume you have a GitHub account. Create a PAT with the scope `read:packages` [here](https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=read:packages&description=Revanced) and add your token to ~/.gradle/gradle.properties. \ Example `gradle.properties` file: ```properties gpr.user = YourUsername gpr.key = ghp_longrandomkey ``` ## Overview 1. [Building the ReVanced Patcher](3_building_revanced_patcher.md) 2. [Building the ReVanced Patches](4_building_revanced_patches.md) 3. [Building the ReVanced Integrations](5_building_revanced_integrations.md) 4. [Building the ReVanced CLI](6_building_revanced_cli.md)