# 👨‍💻 Setup a development environment for ReVanced A certain development environment is suggested to allow for streamlined development on ReVanced. ## 1. ⬇️ Clone repositories ```bash mkdir revanced && cd revanced repositories=( "revanced-cli" "revanced-patches" "revanced-patcher" # Only if you want to work on ReVanced Patcher "revanced-library" # Only if you want to work on ReVanced Library "revanced-integrations" ) for repository in "${repositories[@]}" ; do git clone -b dev --single-branch --depth 1 https://github.com/revanced/$repository done ``` ## 2. 🛠️ Build To build all projects, run the following command from the directory which contains the repositories. ```bash for project in */; do (cd "$project" && ./gradlew build) done ``` > [!NOTE] > If the build fails due to authentication, you may need to authenticate to GitHub Packages. > Create a PAT with the scope `read:packages` [here](https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=read:packages&description=ReVanced) and add your token to ~/.gradle/gradle.properties. > > Example `gradle.properties` file: > > ```properties > gpr.user = user > gpr.key = key > ``` ## ⚙️ Workspace setup in IntelliJ IDEA 1. Open the `revanced-cli` project in IntelliJ IDEA and ensure you are using the right JDK from [💼 Prerequisites](0_prerequisites.md) 2. Import other projects you cloned earlier as modules to the `revanced-cli` project - Open the `Project Structure` dialog by pressing `Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S` - Click on `Modules` and add the other projects as modules to the `revanced-cli` project 3. Add a new Run/Debug configuration for `revanced-cli`; Make sure to add `Before launch` tasks to build `revanced-patches` or `revanced-integrations` if necessary - Open the `Run/Debug Configurations` dialog by pressing `Alt + Shift + F10` and selecting `Edit Configurations...` - Add a new `Kotlin` configuration and configure it as follows: - `Main class`: `app.revanced.cli.command.MainCommandKt` - `Program arguments`: The program arguments you would use to run ReVanced CLI from the command line Example program arguments: ```sh patch -b revanced-patches\build\libs\revanced-patches-.jar -m revanced-integrations\app\build\outputs\apk\release\revanced-integrations-.apk binaries\some.apk -d ``` - `Working directory`: The parent directory of the `revanced-cli` project (`$ProjectFileDir$/..`) - `Before launch`: Add a `Gradle` task to build `revanced-patches` (and `revanced-integrations` if necessary) - Click on the `+` button and select `Gradle` - Select the `revanced-patches` project and add the `build` task - Optionally, add the `revanced-integrations` project and the `build` task Ensure the `Build` task of the `revanced-cli` project is the last task in the list. > [!WARNING] > With every release in the `revanced-patches` and `revanced-integrations` projects, the names of the artifacts change. > **Do not forget to update them in the run configuration program arguments when you pull new commits.** > [!TIP] > To test the `revanced-patcher` and `revanced-library` projects, publish them to your local maven repository > by running `./gradlew publishToMavenLocal`. > You can now use them as dependencies in local projects such as `revanced-patches` or `revanced-cli`. ## 5. ⚠️ Troubleshoot your development environment Confirm that your development environment works as intended: - Debug the build configuration for `revanced-cli` and confirm that your IDE reaches and breaks at the breakpoint. Continue and let ReVanced CLI exit. - If ReVanced CLI output is unexpected, confirm if you supplied the correct program arguments by following [💻 ReVanced CLI](/docs/revanced-cli). - If the breakpoint was not hit, confirm that you correctly added the necessary projects as modules to the `revanced-cli` project ## ❗ Afterword A couple of things should be considered with the development environment for ReVanced: - Follow [conventional commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/) - If you intend to contribute to ReVanced, ensure that you branch off and PR to `dev` branches and follow the contribution guidelines of the respective repository - Merge new commits regularly from the remotes to keep your branch up to date - Keep your Run/Debug configuration up to date. After pulling new commits, ensure you use the correct paths in `Program arguments`. If you forget to do this, you might end up debugging for hours until realizing, you supply paths to old artifacts, because the artifact names change with new releases