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synced 2025-02-01 06:37:32 +01:00
feat(YouTube): Add Alternative thumbnails
patch (#462)
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
package app.revanced.integrations.patches;
import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.chromium.net.UrlResponseInfo;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import app.revanced.integrations.settings.SettingsEnum;
import app.revanced.integrations.utils.LogHelper;
import app.revanced.integrations.utils.ReVancedUtils;
* Alternative YouTube thumbnails, showing the beginning/middle/end of the video.
* (ie: sd1.jpg, sd2.jpg, sd3.jpg).
* Has an additional option to use 'fast' thumbnails,
* where it forces sd thumbnail quality and skips verifying if the alt thumbnail image exists.
* The UI loading time will be the same or better than using the the original thumbnails,
* but thumbnails will initially fail to load for all live streams, unreleased, and occasionally very old videos.
* If a failed thumbnail load is reloaded (ie: scroll off, then on screen), then the original thumbnail
* is reloaded instead. Fast thumbnails requires using SD or lower thumbnail resolution,
* because a noticeable number of videos do not have hq720 and too many fail to load.
* Ideas for improvements:
* - Selectively allow using original thumbnails in some situations,
* such as videos subscription feed, watch history, or in search results.
* - Save to a temporary file the video id's verified to have alt thumbnails.
* This would speed up loading the watch history and users saved playlists.
public final class AlternativeThumbnailsPatch {
private enum ThumbnailQuality {
// In order of lowest to highest resolution.
DEFAULT("default", ""), // effective alt name is 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg
MQDEFAULT("mqdefault", "mq"),
HQDEFAULT("hqdefault", "hq"),
SDDEFAULT("sddefault", "sd"),
HQ720("hq720", "hq720_"),
MAXRESDEFAULT("maxresdefault", "maxres");
* Lookup map of original name to enum.
private static final Map<String, ThumbnailQuality> originalNameToEnum = new HashMap<>();
* Lookup map of alt name to enum. ie: "hq720_1" to {@link #HQ720}.
private static final Map<String, ThumbnailQuality> altNameToEnum = new HashMap<>();
static {
for (ThumbnailQuality quality : values()) {
originalNameToEnum.put(quality.originalName, quality);
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
altNameToEnum.put(quality.altImageName + i, quality);
* Convert an alt image name to enum.
* ie: "hq720_2" returns {@link #HQ720}.
static ThumbnailQuality altImageNameToQuality(@NonNull String altImageName) {
return altNameToEnum.get(altImageName);
* Original quality to effective alt quality to use.
* ie: If fast alt image is enabled, then "hq720" returns {@link #SDDEFAULT}.
static ThumbnailQuality getQualityToUse(@NonNull String originalSize) {
ThumbnailQuality quality = originalNameToEnum.get(originalSize);
if (quality == null) {
return null; // Not a thumbnail for a regular video.
final boolean useFastQuality = SettingsEnum.ALT_THUMBNAIL_FAST_QUALITY.getBoolean();
switch (quality) {
// SD alt images have somewhat worse quality with washed out color and poor contrast.
// But the 720 images look much better and don't suffer from these issues.
// For unknown reasons, the 720 thumbnails are used only for the home feed,
// while SD is used for the search and subscription feed
// (even though search and subscriptions use the exact same layout as the home feed).
// Of note, this image quality issue only appears with the alt thumbnail images,
// and the regular thumbnails have identical color/contrast quality for all sizes.
// Fix this by falling thru and upgrading SD to 720.
case HQ720:
if (useFastQuality) {
return SDDEFAULT; // SD is max resolution for fast alt images.
return HQ720;
if (useFastQuality) {
return quality;
final String originalName;
final String altImageName;
ThumbnailQuality(String originalName, String altImageName) {
this.originalName = originalName;
this.altImageName = altImageName;
String getAltImageNameToUse() {
return altImageName + SettingsEnum.ALT_THUMBNAIL_TYPE.getInt();
* Uses HTTP HEAD requests to verify and keep track of which thumbnail sizes
* are available and not available.
private static class VerifiedQualities {
* After a quality is verified as not available, how long until the quality is re-verified again.
* Used only if fast mode is not enabled. Intended for live streams and unreleased videos
* that are now finished and available (and thus, the alt thumbnails are also now available).
private static final long NOT_AVAILABLE_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS = 10 * 60 * 1000; // 10 minutes.
* Cache used to verify if an alternative thumbnails exists for a given video id.
private static final Map<String, VerifiedQualities> altVideoIdLookup = new LinkedHashMap<>(100) {
private static final int CACHE_LIMIT = 1000;
protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest) {
return size() > CACHE_LIMIT; // Evict oldest entry if over the cache limit.
private static VerifiedQualities getVerifiedQualities(@NonNull String videoId, boolean returnNullIfDoesNotExist) {
synchronized (altVideoIdLookup) {
VerifiedQualities verified = altVideoIdLookup.get(videoId);
if (verified == null) {
if (returnNullIfDoesNotExist) {
return null;
verified = new VerifiedQualities();
altVideoIdLookup.put(videoId, verified);
return verified;
static boolean verifyAltThumbnailExist(@NonNull String videoId, @NonNull ThumbnailQuality quality,
@NonNull String imageUrl) {
VerifiedQualities verified = getVerifiedQualities(videoId, SettingsEnum.ALT_THUMBNAIL_FAST_QUALITY.getBoolean());
if (verified == null) return true; // Fast alt thumbnails is enabled.
return verified.verifyYouTubeThumbnailExists(videoId, quality, imageUrl);
static void setAltThumbnailDoesNotExist(@NonNull String videoId, @NonNull ThumbnailQuality quality) {
VerifiedQualities verified = getVerifiedQualities(videoId, false);
verified.setQualityVerified(videoId, quality, false);
* Highest quality verified as existing.
ThumbnailQuality highestQualityVerified;
* Lowest quality verified as not existing.
ThumbnailQuality lowestQualityNotAvailable;
* System time, of when to invalidate {@link #lowestQualityNotAvailable}.
* Used only if fast mode is not enabled.
long timeToReVerifyLowestQuality;
synchronized void setQualityVerified(String videoId, ThumbnailQuality quality, boolean isVerified) {
if (isVerified) {
if (highestQualityVerified == null || highestQualityVerified.ordinal() < quality.ordinal()) {
highestQualityVerified = quality;
} else {
if (lowestQualityNotAvailable == null || lowestQualityNotAvailable.ordinal() > quality.ordinal()) {
lowestQualityNotAvailable = quality;
timeToReVerifyLowestQuality = System.currentTimeMillis() + NOT_AVAILABLE_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS;
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> quality + " not available for video: " + videoId);
* Verify if a video alt thumbnail exists. Does so by making a minimal HEAD http request.
synchronized boolean verifyYouTubeThumbnailExists(@NonNull String videoId, @NonNull ThumbnailQuality quality,
@NonNull String imageUrl) {
if (highestQualityVerified != null && highestQualityVerified.ordinal() >= quality.ordinal()) {
return true; // Previously verified as existing.
final boolean fastQuality = SettingsEnum.ALT_THUMBNAIL_FAST_QUALITY.getBoolean();
if (lowestQualityNotAvailable != null && lowestQualityNotAvailable.ordinal() <= quality.ordinal()) {
if (fastQuality || System.currentTimeMillis() < timeToReVerifyLowestQuality) {
return false; // Previously verified as not existing.
// Enough time has passed, and should re-verify again.
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Resetting lowest verified quality for: " + videoId);
lowestQualityNotAvailable = null;
if (fastQuality) {
return true; // Unknown if it exists or not. Use the URL anyways and update afterwards if loading fails.
boolean imageFileFound;
try {
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Verifying image: " + imageUrl);
// This hooked code is running on a low priority thread, and it's slightly faster
// to run the url connection thru the integrations thread pool which runs at the highest priority.
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
imageFileFound = ReVancedUtils.submitOnBackgroundThread(() -> {
final int connectionTimeoutMillis = 5000;
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(imageUrl).openConnection();
// Even with a HEAD request, the response is the same size as a full GET request.
// Using an empty range fixes this.
connection.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=0-0");
final int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PARTIAL) {
String contentType = connection.getContentType();
return (contentType != null && contentType.startsWith("image"));
if (responseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) {
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Unexpected response code: " + responseCode + " for url: " + imageUrl);
return false;
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Alt verification took: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms");
} catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException ex) {
LogHelper.printInfo(() -> "Could not verify alt url: " + imageUrl, ex);
imageFileFound = false;
setQualityVerified(videoId, quality, imageFileFound);
return imageFileFound;
* YouTube video thumbnail url, decoded into it's relevant parts.
private static class DecodedThumbnailUrl {
* YouTube thumbnail URL prefix. Can be '/vi/' or '/vi_webp/'
private static final String YOUTUBE_THUMBNAIL_PREFIX = "https://i.ytimg.com/vi";
static DecodedThumbnailUrl decodeImageUrl(String url) {
final int videoIdStartIndex = url.indexOf('/', YOUTUBE_THUMBNAIL_PREFIX.length()) + 1;
if (videoIdStartIndex <= 0) return null;
final int videoIdEndIndex = url.indexOf('/', videoIdStartIndex);
if (videoIdEndIndex < 0) return null;
final int imageSizeStartIndex = videoIdEndIndex + 1;
final int imageSizeEndIndex = url.indexOf('.', imageSizeStartIndex);
if (imageSizeEndIndex < 0) return null;
int imageExtensionEndIndex = url.indexOf('?', imageSizeEndIndex);
if (imageExtensionEndIndex < 0) imageExtensionEndIndex = url.length();
return new DecodedThumbnailUrl(url, videoIdStartIndex, videoIdEndIndex,
imageSizeStartIndex, imageSizeEndIndex, imageExtensionEndIndex);
/** Full usable url, but stripped of any tracking information. */
final String sanitizedUrl;
/** Url up to the video id. */
final String urlPrefix;
final String videoId;
/** Quality, such as hq720 or sddefault. */
final String imageQuality;
/** jpg or webp */
final String imageExtension;
/** User view tracking parameters, only present on some images. */
final String urlTrackingParameters;
private DecodedThumbnailUrl(String fullUrl, int videoIdStartIndex, int videoIdEndIndex,
int imageSizeStartIndex, int imageSizeEndIndex, int imageExtensionEndIndex) {
sanitizedUrl = fullUrl.substring(0, imageExtensionEndIndex);
urlPrefix = fullUrl.substring(0, videoIdStartIndex);
videoId = fullUrl.substring(videoIdStartIndex, videoIdEndIndex);
imageQuality = fullUrl.substring(imageSizeStartIndex, imageSizeEndIndex);
imageExtension = fullUrl.substring(imageSizeEndIndex + 1, imageExtensionEndIndex);
urlTrackingParameters = (imageExtensionEndIndex == fullUrl.length())
? "" : fullUrl.substring(imageExtensionEndIndex);
static {
// Fix any bad imported data.
final int altThumbnailType = SettingsEnum.ALT_THUMBNAIL_TYPE.getInt();
if (altThumbnailType < 1 || altThumbnailType > 3) {
LogHelper.printException(() -> "Invalid alt thumbnail type: " + altThumbnailType);
* Injection point. Called off the main thread and by multiple threads at the same time.
* @param originalUrl Image url for all url images loaded, including video thumbnails.
public static String overrideImageURL(String originalUrl) {
try {
if (!SettingsEnum.ALT_THUMBNAIL.getBoolean()) {
return originalUrl;
DecodedThumbnailUrl decodedUrl = DecodedThumbnailUrl.decodeImageUrl(originalUrl);
if (decodedUrl == null) {
return originalUrl; // Not a thumbnail.
// Keep any tracking parameters out of the logs, and log only the base url.
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Original url: " + decodedUrl.sanitizedUrl);
ThumbnailQuality qualityToUse = ThumbnailQuality.getQualityToUse(decodedUrl.imageQuality);
if (qualityToUse == null) return originalUrl; // Video is a short.
// Images could be upgraded to webp if they are not already, but this fails quite often,
// especially for new videos uploaded in the last hour.
// And even if alt webp images do exist, sometimes they can load much slower than the original jpg alt images.
// (as much as 4x slower has been observed, despite the alt webp image being a smaller file).
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(originalUrl.length() + 2);
String sanitizedReplacement = builder.toString();
if (!VerifiedQualities.verifyAltThumbnailExist(decodedUrl.videoId, qualityToUse, sanitizedReplacement)) {
return originalUrl;
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Replaced url: " + sanitizedReplacement);
// URL tracking parameters. Presumably they are to determine if a user has viewed a thumbnail.
// This likely is used for recommendations, so they are retained if present.
return builder.toString();
} catch (Exception ex) {
LogHelper.printException(() -> "Alt thumbnails failure", ex);
return originalUrl;
* Injection point.
* Cronet considers all completed connections as a success, even if the response is 404 or 5xx.
public static void handleCronetSuccess(@NonNull UrlResponseInfo responseInfo) {
try {
if (responseInfo.getHttpStatusCode() == 404 && SettingsEnum.ALT_THUMBNAIL.getBoolean()) {
// Fast alt thumbnails is enabled and the thumbnail is not available.
// The video is:
// - live stream
// - upcoming unreleased video
// - very old
// - very low view count
// Take note of this, so if the image reloads the original thumbnail will be used.
DecodedThumbnailUrl decodedUrl = DecodedThumbnailUrl.decodeImageUrl(responseInfo.getUrl());
if (decodedUrl == null) {
return; // Not a thumbnail.
ThumbnailQuality quality = ThumbnailQuality.altImageNameToQuality(decodedUrl.imageQuality);
if (quality == null) {
// Video is a short or unknown quality, but the url returned 404. Should never happen.
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Failed to load unknown url: " + decodedUrl.sanitizedUrl);
VerifiedQualities.setAltThumbnailDoesNotExist(decodedUrl.videoId, quality);
} catch (Exception ex) {
LogHelper.printException(() -> "Alt thumbnails callback failure", ex);
@ -154,6 +154,10 @@ public enum SettingsEnum {
HIDE_SHORTS_NAVIGATION_BAR("revanced_hide_shorts_navigation_bar", BOOLEAN, TRUE, true),
HIDE_SHORTS("revanced_hide_shorts", BOOLEAN, FALSE, true),
ALT_THUMBNAIL("revanced_alt_thumbnail", BOOLEAN, FALSE),
ALT_THUMBNAIL_TYPE("revanced_alt_thumbnail_type", INTEGER, 2, parents(ALT_THUMBNAIL)),
ALT_THUMBNAIL_FAST_QUALITY("revanced_alt_thumbnail_fast_quality", BOOLEAN, FALSE, parents(ALT_THUMBNAIL)),
//Player flyout menu items
HIDE_QUALITY_MENU("revanced_hide_player_flyout_quality", BOOLEAN, FALSE),
HIDE_CAPTIONS_MENU("revanced_hide_player_flyout_captions", BOOLEAN, FALSE),
@ -80,12 +80,24 @@ public enum SharedPrefCategory {
public String getString(@NonNull String key, @NonNull String _default) {
try {
return preferences.getString(key, _default);
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
// Value stored is a completely different type (should never happen).
return _default;
public boolean getBoolean(@NonNull String key, boolean _default) {
try {
return preferences.getBoolean(key, _default);
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
// Value stored is a completely different type (should never happen).
return _default;
@ -30,9 +30,19 @@ public final class ByteTrieSearch extends TrieSearch<byte[]> {
super.addPattern(pattern, pattern.length, Objects.requireNonNull(callback));
public boolean matches(@NonNull byte[] textToSearch, int startIndex, int endIndex, @Nullable Object callbackParameter) {
return super.matches(textToSearch, textToSearch.length, startIndex, endIndex, callbackParameter);
public boolean matches(@NonNull byte[] textToSearch, int startIndex) {
return matches(textToSearch, startIndex, textToSearch.length, null);
public boolean matches(@NonNull byte[] textToSearch, @Nullable Object callbackParameter) {
return super.matches(textToSearch, textToSearch.length, callbackParameter);
return matches(textToSearch,0, textToSearch.length, callbackParameter);
@ -33,8 +33,18 @@ public final class StringTrieSearch extends TrieSearch<String> {
super.addPattern(pattern, pattern.length(), Objects.requireNonNull(callback));
public boolean matches(@NonNull String textToSearch, int startIndex, int endIndex, @Nullable Object callbackParameter) {
return super.matches(textToSearch, textToSearch.length(), startIndex, endIndex, callbackParameter);
public boolean matches(@NonNull String textToSearch, @Nullable Object callbackParameter) {
return super.matches(textToSearch, textToSearch.length(), callbackParameter);
return matches(textToSearch, 0, textToSearch.length(), callbackParameter);
public boolean matches(@NonNull String textToSearch, int startIndex) {
return matches(textToSearch, startIndex, textToSearch.length(), null);
@ -243,12 +243,17 @@ public abstract class TrieSearch<T> {
root.addPattern(pattern, patternLength, 0, callback);
boolean matches(@NonNull T textToSearch, int textToSearchLength, @Nullable Object callbackParameter) {
final boolean matches(@NonNull T textToSearch, int textToSearchLength, int startIndex, int endIndex,
@Nullable Object callbackParameter) {
if (endIndex > textToSearchLength) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("endIndex: " + endIndex
+ " is greater than texToSearchLength: " + textToSearchLength);
if (patterns.size() == 0) {
return false; // No patterns were added.
for (int i = 0; i < textToSearchLength; i++) {
if (root.matches(textToSearch, textToSearchLength, i, 0, callbackParameter)) return true;
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
if (root.matches(textToSearch, endIndex, i, 0, callbackParameter)) return true;
return false;
@ -287,19 +292,27 @@ public abstract class TrieSearch<T> {
public abstract void addPattern(@NonNull T pattern, @NonNull TriePatternMatchedCallback<T> callback);
* Searches through text, looking for any substring that matches any pattern in this tree.
* @param textToSearch Text to search through.
* @param startIndex Index to start searching, inclusive value.
* @param endIndex Index to stop matching, exclusive value.
* @param callbackParameter Optional parameter passed to the callbacks.
* @return If any pattern matched, and it's callback halted searching.
public abstract boolean matches(@NonNull T textToSearch, int startIndex, int endIndex, @Nullable Object callbackParameter);
public abstract boolean matches(@NonNull T textToSearch, int startIndex);
public abstract boolean matches(@NonNull T textToSearch, @Nullable Object callbackParameter);
* Identical to {@link #matches(Object, Object)} but with a null callback parameter.
public final boolean matches(@NonNull T textToSearch, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
return matches(textToSearch, startIndex, endIndex, null);
public final boolean matches(@NonNull T textToSearch) {
return matches(textToSearch, null);
return matches(textToSearch, 0);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package org.chromium.net;
//dummy class
public abstract class UrlResponseInfo {
public abstract String getUrl();
public abstract int getHttpStatusCode();
// Add additional existing methods, if needed.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user