package import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import import /** * hooking class for player overlays */ @Suppress("MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate") object PlayerOverlays { /** * called when the overlays finished inflating */ val onInflate = Event() /** * called when new children are added or removed from the overlay */ val onChildrenChange = Event() /** * called when the overlay layout changes */ val onLayoutChange = Event() /** * start listening for events on the provided view group * * @param overlaysLayout the overlays view group */ @JvmStatic fun attach(overlaysLayout: ViewGroup) { onInflate.invoke(overlaysLayout) overlaysLayout.setOnHierarchyChangeListener(object : ViewGroup.OnHierarchyChangeListener { override fun onChildViewAdded(parent: View?, child: View?) { if (parent is ViewGroup && child is View) { onChildrenChange( ChildrenChangeEventArgs( parent, child, false, ), ) } } override fun onChildViewRemoved(parent: View?, child: View?) { if (parent is ViewGroup && child is View) { onChildrenChange( ChildrenChangeEventArgs( parent, child, true, ), ) } } }) overlaysLayout.addOnLayoutChangeListener { view, newLeft, newTop, newRight, newBottom, oldLeft, oldTop, oldRight, oldBottom -> if (view is ViewGroup) { onLayoutChange( LayoutChangeEventArgs( view, Rectangle( oldLeft, oldTop, oldRight - oldLeft, oldBottom - oldTop, ), Rectangle( newLeft, newTop, newRight - newLeft, newBottom - newTop, ), ), ) } } } } data class ChildrenChangeEventArgs( val overlaysLayout: ViewGroup, val childView: View, val wasChildRemoved: Boolean, ) data class LayoutChangeEventArgs( val overlaysLayout: ViewGroup, val oldRect: Rectangle, val newRect: Rectangle, )