package import android.content.Context import import android.os.Build import app.revanced.integrations.shared.Logger.printException import import /** * controller to adjust the device volume level * * @param context the context to bind the audio service in * @param targetStream the stream that is being controlled. Must be one of the STREAM_* constants in [AudioManager] */ class AudioVolumeController( context: Context, private val targetStream: Int = AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC ) { /** * audio service connection */ private lateinit var audioManager: AudioManager private var minimumVolumeIndex by Delegates.notNull() private var maximumVolumeIndex by Delegates.notNull() init { // bind audio service val mgr = context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE) as? AudioManager if (mgr == null) { printException { "failed to acquire AUDIO_SERVICE" } } else { audioManager = mgr maximumVolumeIndex = audioManager.getStreamMaxVolume(targetStream) minimumVolumeIndex = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) { audioManager.getStreamMinVolume( targetStream ) } else { 0 } } } /** * the current volume, ranging from 0.0 to [maxVolume] */ var volume: Int get() { // check if initialized correctly if (!this::audioManager.isInitialized) return 0 // get current volume return currentVolumeIndex - minimumVolumeIndex } set(value) { // check if initialized correctly if (!this::audioManager.isInitialized) return // set new volume currentVolumeIndex = (value + minimumVolumeIndex).clamp(minimumVolumeIndex, maximumVolumeIndex) } /** * the maximum possible volume */ val maxVolume: Int get() = maximumVolumeIndex - minimumVolumeIndex /** * the current volume index of the target stream */ private var currentVolumeIndex: Int get() = audioManager.getStreamVolume(targetStream) set(value) = audioManager.setStreamVolume(targetStream, value, 0) }