package; import; import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import app.revanced.integrations.shared.settings.BaseSettings; import app.revanced.integrations.shared.settings.EnumSetting; import app.revanced.integrations.shared.settings.Setting; import; import app.revanced.integrations.shared.Logger; import app.revanced.integrations.shared.Utils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import static app.revanced.integrations.shared.StringRef.str; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; /** * Alternative YouTube thumbnails. *

* Can show YouTube provided screen captures of beginning/middle/end of the video. * (ie: sd1.jpg, sd2.jpg, sd3.jpg). *

* Or can show crowd-sourced thumbnails provided by DeArrow (...). *

* Or can use DeArrow and fall back to screen captures if DeArrow is not available. *

* Has an additional option to use 'fast' video still thumbnails, * where it forces sd thumbnail quality and skips verifying if the alt thumbnail image exists. * The UI loading time will be the same or better than using original thumbnails, * but thumbnails will initially fail to load for all live streams, unreleased, and occasionally very old videos. * If a failed thumbnail load is reloaded (ie: scroll off, then on screen), then the original thumbnail * is reloaded instead. Fast thumbnails requires using SD or lower thumbnail resolution, * because a noticeable number of videos do not have hq720 and too much fail to load. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public final class AlternativeThumbnailsPatch { // These must be class declarations if declared here, // otherwise the app will not load due to cyclic initialization errors. public static final class DeArrowAvailability implements Setting.Availability { public static boolean usingDeArrowAnywhere() { return ALT_THUMBNAIL_HOME.get().useDeArrow || ALT_THUMBNAIL_SUBSCRIPTIONS.get().useDeArrow || ALT_THUMBNAIL_LIBRARY.get().useDeArrow || ALT_THUMBNAIL_PLAYER.get().useDeArrow || ALT_THUMBNAIL_SEARCH.get().useDeArrow; } @Override public boolean isAvailable() { return usingDeArrowAnywhere(); } } public static final class StillImagesAvailability implements Setting.Availability { public static boolean usingStillImagesAnywhere() { return ALT_THUMBNAIL_HOME.get().useStillImages || ALT_THUMBNAIL_SUBSCRIPTIONS.get().useStillImages || ALT_THUMBNAIL_LIBRARY.get().useStillImages || ALT_THUMBNAIL_PLAYER.get().useStillImages || ALT_THUMBNAIL_SEARCH.get().useStillImages; } @Override public boolean isAvailable() { return usingStillImagesAnywhere(); } } public enum ThumbnailOption { ORIGINAL(false, false), DEARROW(true, false), DEARROW_STILL_IMAGES(true, true), STILL_IMAGES(false, true); final boolean useDeArrow; final boolean useStillImages; ThumbnailOption(boolean useDeArrow, boolean useStillImages) { this.useDeArrow = useDeArrow; this.useStillImages = useStillImages; } } public enum ThumbnailStillTime { BEGINNING(1), MIDDLE(2), END(3); /** * The url alt image number. Such as the 2 in 'hq720_2.jpg' */ final int altImageNumber; ThumbnailStillTime(int altImageNumber) { this.altImageNumber = altImageNumber; } } private static final Uri dearrowApiUri; /** * The scheme and host of {@link #dearrowApiUri}. */ private static final String deArrowApiUrlPrefix; /** * How long to temporarily turn off DeArrow if it fails for any reason. */ private static final long DEARROW_FAILURE_API_BACKOFF_MILLISECONDS = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 Minutes. /** * If non zero, then the system time of when DeArrow API calls can resume. */ private static volatile long timeToResumeDeArrowAPICalls; /** * Used only for debug logging. */ private static volatile EnumSetting currentOptionSetting; static { dearrowApiUri = validateSettings(); final int port = dearrowApiUri.getPort(); String portString = port == -1 ? "" : (":" + port); deArrowApiUrlPrefix = dearrowApiUri.getScheme() + "://" + dearrowApiUri.getHost() + portString + "/"; Logger.printDebug(() -> "Using DeArrow API address: " + deArrowApiUrlPrefix); } /** * Fix any bad imported data. */ private static Uri validateSettings() { Uri apiUri = Uri.parse(Settings.ALT_THUMBNAIL_DEARROW_API_URL.get()); // Cannot use unsecured 'http', otherwise the connections fail to start and no callbacks hooks are made. String scheme = apiUri.getScheme(); if (scheme == null || scheme.equals("http") || apiUri.getHost() == null) { Utils.showToastLong("Invalid DeArrow API URL. Using default"); Settings.ALT_THUMBNAIL_DEARROW_API_URL.resetToDefault(); return validateSettings(); } return apiUri; } private static EnumSetting optionSettingForCurrentNavigation() { // Must check player type first, as search bar can be active behind the player. if (PlayerType.getCurrent().isMaximizedOrFullscreen()) { return ALT_THUMBNAIL_PLAYER; } // Must check second, as search can be from any tab. if (NavigationBar.isSearchBarActive()) { return ALT_THUMBNAIL_SEARCH; } if (NavigationButton.HOME.isSelected()) { return ALT_THUMBNAIL_HOME; } if (NavigationButton.SUBSCRIPTIONS.isSelected() || NavigationButton.NOTIFICATIONS.isSelected()) { return ALT_THUMBNAIL_SUBSCRIPTIONS; } // A library tab variant is active. return ALT_THUMBNAIL_LIBRARY; } /** * Build the alternative thumbnail url using YouTube provided still video captures. * * @param decodedUrl Decoded original thumbnail request url. * @return The alternative thumbnail url, or the original url. Both without tracking parameters. */ @NonNull private static String buildYoutubeVideoStillURL(@NonNull DecodedThumbnailUrl decodedUrl, @NonNull ThumbnailQuality qualityToUse) { String sanitizedReplacement = decodedUrl.createStillsUrl(qualityToUse, false); if (VerifiedQualities.verifyAltThumbnailExist(decodedUrl.videoId, qualityToUse, sanitizedReplacement)) { return sanitizedReplacement; } return decodedUrl.sanitizedUrl; } /** * Build the alternative thumbnail url using DeArrow thumbnail cache. * * @param videoId ID of the video to get a thumbnail of. Can be any video (regular or Short). * @param fallbackUrl URL to fall back to in case. * @return The alternative thumbnail url, without tracking parameters. */ @NonNull private static String buildDeArrowThumbnailURL(String videoId, String fallbackUrl) { // Build thumbnail request url. // See return dearrowApiUri .buildUpon() .appendQueryParameter("videoID", videoId) .appendQueryParameter("redirectUrl", fallbackUrl) .build() .toString(); } private static boolean urlIsDeArrow(@NonNull String imageUrl) { return imageUrl.startsWith(deArrowApiUrlPrefix); } /** * @return If this client has not recently experienced any DeArrow API errors. */ private static boolean canUseDeArrowAPI() { if (timeToResumeDeArrowAPICalls == 0) { return true; } if (timeToResumeDeArrowAPICalls < System.currentTimeMillis()) { Logger.printDebug(() -> "Resuming DeArrow API calls"); timeToResumeDeArrowAPICalls = 0; return true; } return false; } private static void handleDeArrowError(@NonNull String url, int statusCode) { Logger.printDebug(() -> "Encountered DeArrow error. Url: " + url); final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (timeToResumeDeArrowAPICalls < now) { timeToResumeDeArrowAPICalls = now + DEARROW_FAILURE_API_BACKOFF_MILLISECONDS; if (Settings.ALT_THUMBNAIL_DEARROW_CONNECTION_TOAST.get()) { String toastMessage = (statusCode != 0) ? str("revanced_alt_thumbnail_dearrow_error", statusCode) : str("revanced_alt_thumbnail_dearrow_error_generic"); Utils.showToastLong(toastMessage); } } } /** * Injection point. Called off the main thread and by multiple threads at the same time. * * @param originalUrl Image url for all url images loaded, including video thumbnails. */ public static String overrideImageURL(String originalUrl) { try { EnumSetting optionSetting = optionSettingForCurrentNavigation(); ThumbnailOption option = optionSetting.get(); if (BaseSettings.DEBUG.get()) { if (currentOptionSetting != optionSetting) { currentOptionSetting = optionSetting; Logger.printDebug(() -> "Changed to setting: " + optionSetting.key); } } if (option == ThumbnailOption.ORIGINAL) { return originalUrl; } final var decodedUrl = DecodedThumbnailUrl.decodeImageUrl(originalUrl); if (decodedUrl == null) { return originalUrl; // Not a thumbnail. } Logger.printDebug(() -> "Original url: " + decodedUrl.sanitizedUrl); ThumbnailQuality qualityToUse = ThumbnailQuality.getQualityToUse(decodedUrl.imageQuality); if (qualityToUse == null) { // Thumbnail is a Short or a Storyboard image used for seekbar thumbnails (must not replace these). return originalUrl; } String sanitizedReplacementUrl; final boolean includeTracking; if (option.useDeArrow && canUseDeArrowAPI()) { includeTracking = false; // Do not include view tracking parameters with API call. final String fallbackUrl = option.useStillImages ? buildYoutubeVideoStillURL(decodedUrl, qualityToUse) : decodedUrl.sanitizedUrl; sanitizedReplacementUrl = buildDeArrowThumbnailURL(decodedUrl.videoId, fallbackUrl); } else if (option.useStillImages) { includeTracking = true; // Include view tracking parameters if present. sanitizedReplacementUrl = buildYoutubeVideoStillURL(decodedUrl, qualityToUse); } else { return originalUrl; // Recently experienced DeArrow failure and video stills are not enabled. } // Do not log any tracking parameters. Logger.printDebug(() -> "Replacement url: " + sanitizedReplacementUrl); return includeTracking ? sanitizedReplacementUrl + decodedUrl.viewTrackingParameters : sanitizedReplacementUrl; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.printException(() -> "overrideImageURL failure", ex); return originalUrl; } } /** * Injection point. *

* Cronet considers all completed connections as a success, even if the response is 404 or 5xx. */ public static void handleCronetSuccess(UrlRequest request, @NonNull UrlResponseInfo responseInfo) { try { final int statusCode = responseInfo.getHttpStatusCode(); if (statusCode == 200) { return; } String url = responseInfo.getUrl(); if (urlIsDeArrow(url)) { Logger.printDebug(() -> "handleCronetSuccess, statusCode: " + statusCode); if (statusCode == 304) { // return; // Normal response. } handleDeArrowError(url, statusCode); return; } if (statusCode == 404) { // Fast alt thumbnails is enabled and the thumbnail is not available. // The video is: // - live stream // - upcoming unreleased video // - very old // - very low view count // Take note of this, so if the image reloads the original thumbnail will be used. DecodedThumbnailUrl decodedUrl = DecodedThumbnailUrl.decodeImageUrl(url); if (decodedUrl == null) { return; // Not a thumbnail. } Logger.printDebug(() -> "handleCronetSuccess, image not available: " + url); ThumbnailQuality quality = ThumbnailQuality.altImageNameToQuality(decodedUrl.imageQuality); if (quality == null) { // Video is a short or a seekbar thumbnail, but somehow did not load. Should not happen. Logger.printDebug(() -> "Failed to recognize image quality of url: " + decodedUrl.sanitizedUrl); return; } VerifiedQualities.setAltThumbnailDoesNotExist(decodedUrl.videoId, quality); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.printException(() -> "Callback success error", ex); } } /** * Injection point. *

* To test failure cases, try changing the API URL to each of: * - A non-existent domain. * - A url path of something incorrect (ie: /v1/nonExistentEndPoint). *

* Cronet uses a very timeout (several minutes), so if the API never responds this hook can take a while to be called. * But this does not appear to be a problem, as the DeArrow API has not been observed to 'go silent' * Instead if there's a problem it returns an error code status response, which is handled in this patch. */ public static void handleCronetFailure(UrlRequest request, @Nullable UrlResponseInfo responseInfo, IOException exception) { try { String url = ((CronetUrlRequest) request).getHookedUrl(); if (urlIsDeArrow(url)) { Logger.printDebug(() -> "handleCronetFailure, exception: " + exception); final int statusCode = (responseInfo != null) ? responseInfo.getHttpStatusCode() : 0; handleDeArrowError(url, statusCode); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.printException(() -> "Callback failure error", ex); } } private enum ThumbnailQuality { // In order of lowest to highest resolution. DEFAULT("default", ""), // effective alt name is 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg MQDEFAULT("mqdefault", "mq"), HQDEFAULT("hqdefault", "hq"), SDDEFAULT("sddefault", "sd"), HQ720("hq720", "hq720_"), MAXRESDEFAULT("maxresdefault", "maxres"); /** * Lookup map of original name to enum. */ private static final Map originalNameToEnum = new HashMap<>(); /** * Lookup map of alt name to enum. ie: "hq720_1" to {@link #HQ720}. */ private static final Map altNameToEnum = new HashMap<>(); static { for (ThumbnailQuality quality : values()) { originalNameToEnum.put(quality.originalName, quality); for (ThumbnailStillTime time : ThumbnailStillTime.values()) { // 'custom' thumbnails set by the content creator. // These show up in place of regular thumbnails // and seem to be limited to the same [1, 3] range as the still captures. originalNameToEnum.put(quality.originalName + "_custom_" + time.altImageNumber, quality); altNameToEnum.put(quality.altImageName + time.altImageNumber, quality); } } } /** * Convert an alt image name to enum. * ie: "hq720_2" returns {@link #HQ720}. */ @Nullable static ThumbnailQuality altImageNameToQuality(@NonNull String altImageName) { return altNameToEnum.get(altImageName); } /** * Original quality to effective alt quality to use. * ie: If fast alt image is enabled, then "hq720" returns {@link #SDDEFAULT}. */ @Nullable static ThumbnailQuality getQualityToUse(@NonNull String originalSize) { ThumbnailQuality quality = originalNameToEnum.get(originalSize); if (quality == null) { return null; // Not a thumbnail for a regular video. } final boolean useFastQuality = Settings.ALT_THUMBNAIL_STILLS_FAST.get(); switch (quality) { case SDDEFAULT: // SD alt images have somewhat worse quality with washed out color and poor contrast. // But the 720 images look much better and don't suffer from these issues. // For unknown reasons, the 720 thumbnails are used only for the home feed, // while SD is used for the search and subscription feed // (even though search and subscriptions use the exact same layout as the home feed). // Of note, this image quality issue only appears with the alt thumbnail images, // and the regular thumbnails have identical color/contrast quality for all sizes. // Fix this by falling thru and upgrading SD to 720. case HQ720: if (useFastQuality) { return SDDEFAULT; // SD is max resolution for fast alt images. } return HQ720; case MAXRESDEFAULT: if (useFastQuality) { return SDDEFAULT; } return MAXRESDEFAULT; default: return quality; } } final String originalName; final String altImageName; ThumbnailQuality(String originalName, String altImageName) { this.originalName = originalName; this.altImageName = altImageName; } String getAltImageNameToUse() { return altImageName + Settings.ALT_THUMBNAIL_STILLS_TIME.get().altImageNumber; } } /** * Uses HTTP HEAD requests to verify and keep track of which thumbnail sizes * are available and not available. */ private static class VerifiedQualities { /** * After a quality is verified as not available, how long until the quality is re-verified again. * Used only if fast mode is not enabled. Intended for live streams and unreleased videos * that are now finished and available (and thus, the alt thumbnails are also now available). */ private static final long NOT_AVAILABLE_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS = 10 * 60 * 1000; // 10 minutes. /** * Cache used to verify if an alternative thumbnails exists for a given video id. */ @GuardedBy("itself") private static final Map altVideoIdLookup = new LinkedHashMap<>(100) { private static final int CACHE_LIMIT = 1000; @Override protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Entry eldest) { return size() > CACHE_LIMIT; // Evict the oldest entry if over the cache limit. } }; private static VerifiedQualities getVerifiedQualities(@NonNull String videoId, boolean returnNullIfDoesNotExist) { synchronized (altVideoIdLookup) { VerifiedQualities verified = altVideoIdLookup.get(videoId); if (verified == null) { if (returnNullIfDoesNotExist) { return null; } verified = new VerifiedQualities(); altVideoIdLookup.put(videoId, verified); } return verified; } } static boolean verifyAltThumbnailExist(@NonNull String videoId, @NonNull ThumbnailQuality quality, @NonNull String imageUrl) { VerifiedQualities verified = getVerifiedQualities(videoId, Settings.ALT_THUMBNAIL_STILLS_FAST.get()); if (verified == null) return true; // Fast alt thumbnails is enabled. return verified.verifyYouTubeThumbnailExists(videoId, quality, imageUrl); } static void setAltThumbnailDoesNotExist(@NonNull String videoId, @NonNull ThumbnailQuality quality) { VerifiedQualities verified = getVerifiedQualities(videoId, false); //noinspection ConstantConditions verified.setQualityVerified(videoId, quality, false); } /** * Highest quality verified as existing. */ @Nullable private ThumbnailQuality highestQualityVerified; /** * Lowest quality verified as not existing. */ @Nullable private ThumbnailQuality lowestQualityNotAvailable; /** * System time, of when to invalidate {@link #lowestQualityNotAvailable}. * Used only if fast mode is not enabled. */ private long timeToReVerifyLowestQuality; private synchronized void setQualityVerified(String videoId, ThumbnailQuality quality, boolean isVerified) { if (isVerified) { if (highestQualityVerified == null || highestQualityVerified.ordinal() < quality.ordinal()) { highestQualityVerified = quality; } } else { if (lowestQualityNotAvailable == null || lowestQualityNotAvailable.ordinal() > quality.ordinal()) { lowestQualityNotAvailable = quality; timeToReVerifyLowestQuality = System.currentTimeMillis() + NOT_AVAILABLE_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS; } Logger.printDebug(() -> quality + " not available for video: " + videoId); } } /** * Verify if a video alt thumbnail exists. Does so by making a minimal HEAD http request. */ synchronized boolean verifyYouTubeThumbnailExists(@NonNull String videoId, @NonNull ThumbnailQuality quality, @NonNull String imageUrl) { if (highestQualityVerified != null && highestQualityVerified.ordinal() >= quality.ordinal()) { return true; // Previously verified as existing. } final boolean fastQuality = Settings.ALT_THUMBNAIL_STILLS_FAST.get(); if (lowestQualityNotAvailable != null && lowestQualityNotAvailable.ordinal() <= quality.ordinal()) { if (fastQuality || System.currentTimeMillis() < timeToReVerifyLowestQuality) { return false; // Previously verified as not existing. } // Enough time has passed, and should re-verify again. Logger.printDebug(() -> "Resetting lowest verified quality for: " + videoId); lowestQualityNotAvailable = null; } if (fastQuality) { return true; // Unknown if it exists or not. Use the URL anyways and update afterwards if loading fails. } boolean imageFileFound; try { // This hooked code is running on a low priority thread, and it's slightly faster // to run the url connection thru the integrations thread pool which runs at the highest priority. final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); imageFileFound = Utils.submitOnBackgroundThread(() -> { final int connectionTimeoutMillis = 10000; // 10 seconds. HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(imageUrl).openConnection(); connection.setConnectTimeout(connectionTimeoutMillis); connection.setReadTimeout(connectionTimeoutMillis); connection.setRequestMethod("HEAD"); // Even with a HEAD request, the response is the same size as a full GET request. // Using an empty range fixes this. connection.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=0-0"); final int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PARTIAL) { String contentType = connection.getContentType(); return (contentType != null && contentType.startsWith("image")); } if (responseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) { Logger.printDebug(() -> "Unexpected response code: " + responseCode + " for url: " + imageUrl); } return false; }).get(); Logger.printDebug(() -> "Verification took: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms for image: " + imageUrl); } catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException ex) { Logger.printInfo(() -> "Could not verify alt url: " + imageUrl, ex); imageFileFound = false; } setQualityVerified(videoId, quality, imageFileFound); return imageFileFound; } } /** * YouTube video thumbnail url, decoded into it's relevant parts. */ private static class DecodedThumbnailUrl { /** * YouTube thumbnail URL prefix. Can be '/vi/' or '/vi_webp/' */ private static final String YOUTUBE_THUMBNAIL_PREFIX = ""; @Nullable static DecodedThumbnailUrl decodeImageUrl(String url) { final int videoIdStartIndex = url.indexOf('/', YOUTUBE_THUMBNAIL_PREFIX.length()) + 1; if (videoIdStartIndex <= 0) return null; final int videoIdEndIndex = url.indexOf('/', videoIdStartIndex); if (videoIdEndIndex < 0) return null; final int imageSizeStartIndex = videoIdEndIndex + 1; final int imageSizeEndIndex = url.indexOf('.', imageSizeStartIndex); if (imageSizeEndIndex < 0) return null; int imageExtensionEndIndex = url.indexOf('?', imageSizeEndIndex); if (imageExtensionEndIndex < 0) imageExtensionEndIndex = url.length(); return new DecodedThumbnailUrl(url, videoIdStartIndex, videoIdEndIndex, imageSizeStartIndex, imageSizeEndIndex, imageExtensionEndIndex); } final String originalFullUrl; /** Full usable url, but stripped of any tracking information. */ final String sanitizedUrl; /** Url up to the video ID. */ final String urlPrefix; final String videoId; /** Quality, such as hq720 or sddefault. */ final String imageQuality; /** JPG or WEBP */ final String imageExtension; /** User view tracking parameters, only present on some images. */ final String viewTrackingParameters; DecodedThumbnailUrl(String fullUrl, int videoIdStartIndex, int videoIdEndIndex, int imageSizeStartIndex, int imageSizeEndIndex, int imageExtensionEndIndex) { originalFullUrl = fullUrl; sanitizedUrl = fullUrl.substring(0, imageExtensionEndIndex); urlPrefix = fullUrl.substring(0, videoIdStartIndex); videoId = fullUrl.substring(videoIdStartIndex, videoIdEndIndex); imageQuality = fullUrl.substring(imageSizeStartIndex, imageSizeEndIndex); imageExtension = fullUrl.substring(imageSizeEndIndex + 1, imageExtensionEndIndex); viewTrackingParameters = (imageExtensionEndIndex == fullUrl.length()) ? "" : fullUrl.substring(imageExtensionEndIndex); } /** @noinspection SameParameterValue */ String createStillsUrl(@NonNull ThumbnailQuality qualityToUse, boolean includeViewTracking) { // Images could be upgraded to webp if they are not already, but this fails quite often, // especially for new videos uploaded in the last hour. // And even if alt webp images do exist, sometimes they can load much slower than the original jpg alt images. // (as much as 4x slower has been observed, despite the alt webp image being a smaller file). StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(originalFullUrl.length() + 2); builder.append(urlPrefix); builder.append(videoId).append('/'); builder.append(qualityToUse.getAltImageNameToUse()); builder.append('.').append(imageExtension); if (includeViewTracking) { builder.append(viewTrackingParameters); } return builder.toString(); } } }