2024-04-24 14:37:02 +04:00

776 lines
35 KiB

import static app.revanced.integrations.shared.StringRef.str;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import app.revanced.integrations.shared.Logger;
import app.revanced.integrations.shared.Utils;
* Handles showing, scheduling, and skipping of all {@link SponsorSegment} for the current video.
* Class is not thread safe. All methods must be called on the main thread unless otherwise specified.
public class SegmentPlaybackController {
* Length of time to show a skip button for a highlight segment,
* or a regular segment if {@link Settings#SB_AUTO_HIDE_SKIP_BUTTON} is enabled.
* Effectively this value is rounded up to the next second.
private static final long DURATION_TO_SHOW_SKIP_BUTTON = 3800;
* Highlight segments have zero length as they are a point in time.
* Draw them on screen using a fixed width bar.
* Value is independent of device dpi.
private static final int HIGHLIGHT_SEGMENT_DRAW_BAR_WIDTH = 7;
private static String currentVideoId;
private static SponsorSegment[] segments;
* Highlight segment, if one exists and the skip behavior is not set to {@link CategoryBehaviour#SHOW_IN_SEEKBAR}.
private static SponsorSegment highlightSegment;
* Because loading can take time, show the skip to highlight for a few seconds after the segments load.
* This is the system time (in milliseconds) to no longer show the initial display skip to highlight.
* Value will be zero if no highlight segment exists, or if the system time to show the highlight has passed.
private static long highlightSegmentInitialShowEndTime;
* Currently playing (non-highlight) segment that user can manually skip.
private static SponsorSegment segmentCurrentlyPlaying;
* Currently playing manual skip segment that is scheduled to hide.
* This will always be NULL or equal to {@link #segmentCurrentlyPlaying}.
private static SponsorSegment scheduledHideSegment;
* Upcoming segment that is scheduled to either autoskip or show the manual skip button.
private static SponsorSegment scheduledUpcomingSegment;
* Used to prevent re-showing a previously hidden skip button when exiting an embedded segment.
* Only used when {@link Settings#SB_AUTO_HIDE_SKIP_BUTTON} is enabled.
* A collection of segments that have automatically hidden the skip button for, and all segments in this list
* contain the current video time. Segment are removed when playback exits the segment.
private static final List<SponsorSegment> hiddenSkipSegmentsForCurrentVideoTime = new ArrayList<>();
* System time (in milliseconds) of when to hide the skip button of {@link #segmentCurrentlyPlaying}.
* Value is zero if playback is not inside a segment ({@link #segmentCurrentlyPlaying} is null),
* or if {@link Settings#SB_AUTO_HIDE_SKIP_BUTTON} is not enabled.
private static long skipSegmentButtonEndTime;
private static String timeWithoutSegments;
private static int sponsorBarAbsoluteLeft;
private static int sponsorAbsoluteBarRight;
private static int sponsorBarThickness;
static SponsorSegment[] getSegments() {
return segments;
private static void setSegments(@NonNull SponsorSegment[] videoSegments) {
segments = videoSegments;
if (SegmentCategory.HIGHLIGHT.behaviour == CategoryBehaviour.SKIP_AUTOMATICALLY
|| SegmentCategory.HIGHLIGHT.behaviour == CategoryBehaviour.MANUAL_SKIP) {
for (SponsorSegment segment : videoSegments) {
if (segment.category == SegmentCategory.HIGHLIGHT) {
highlightSegment = segment;
highlightSegment = null;
static void addUnsubmittedSegment(@NonNull SponsorSegment segment) {
if (segments == null) {
segments = new SponsorSegment[1];
} else {
segments = Arrays.copyOf(segments, segments.length + 1);
segments[segments.length - 1] = segment;
static void removeUnsubmittedSegments() {
if (segments == null || segments.length == 0) {
List<SponsorSegment> replacement = new ArrayList<>();
for (SponsorSegment segment : segments) {
if (segment.category != SegmentCategory.UNSUBMITTED) {
if (replacement.size() != segments.length) {
setSegments(replacement.toArray(new SponsorSegment[0]));
public static boolean videoHasSegments() {
return segments != null && segments.length > 0;
* Clears all downloaded data.
private static void clearData() {
currentVideoId = null;
segments = null;
highlightSegment = null;
highlightSegmentInitialShowEndTime = 0;
timeWithoutSegments = null;
segmentCurrentlyPlaying = null;
scheduledUpcomingSegment = null;
scheduledHideSegment = null;
skipSegmentButtonEndTime = 0;
toastSegmentSkipped = null;
toastNumberOfSegmentsSkipped = 0;
* Injection point.
* Initializes SponsorBlock when the video player starts playing a new video.
public static void initialize(Object ignoredPlayerController) {
try {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Initialized SponsorBlock");
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.printException(() -> "Failed to initialize SponsorBlock", ex);
* Injection point.
public static void setCurrentVideoId(@Nullable String videoId) {
try {
if (Objects.equals(currentVideoId, videoId)) {
if (videoId == null || !Settings.SB_ENABLED.get()) {
if (PlayerType.getCurrent().isNoneOrHidden()) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "ignoring Short");
if (!Utils.isNetworkConnected()) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Network not connected, ignoring video");
currentVideoId = videoId;
Logger.printDebug(() -> "setCurrentVideoId: " + videoId);
Utils.runOnBackgroundThread(() -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.printException(() -> "Failed to download segments", e);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.printException(() -> "setCurrentVideoId failure", ex);
* Must be called off main thread
static void executeDownloadSegments(@NonNull String videoId) {
try {
SponsorSegment[] segments = SBRequester.getSegments(videoId);
Utils.runOnMainThread(()-> {
if (!videoId.equals(currentVideoId)) {
// user changed videos before get segments network call could complete
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Ignoring segments for prior video: " + videoId);
final long videoTime = VideoInformation.getVideoTime();
if (highlightSegment != null) {
// If the current video time is before the highlight.
final long timeUntilHighlight = highlightSegment.start - videoTime;
if (timeUntilHighlight > 0) {
if (highlightSegment.shouldAutoSkip()) {
skipSegment(highlightSegment, false);
highlightSegmentInitialShowEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + Math.min(
(long) (timeUntilHighlight / VideoInformation.getPlaybackSpeed()),
// check for any skips now, instead of waiting for the next update to setVideoTime()
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.printException(() -> "executeDownloadSegments failure", ex);
* Injection point.
* Updates SponsorBlock every 1000ms.
* When changing videos, this is first called with value 0 and then the video is changed.
public static void setVideoTime(long millis) {
try {
if (!Settings.SB_ENABLED.get()
|| PlayerType.getCurrent().isNoneOrHidden() // Shorts playback.
|| segments == null || segments.length == 0) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "setVideoTime: " + millis);
final float playbackSpeed = VideoInformation.getPlaybackSpeed();
// Amount of time to look ahead for the next segment,
// and the threshold to determine if a scheduled show/hide is at the correct video time when it's run.
// This value must be greater than largest time between calls to this method (1000ms),
// and must be adjusted for the video speed.
// To debug the stale skip logic, set this to a very large value (5000 or more)
// then try manually seeking just before playback reaches a segment skip.
final long speedAdjustedTimeThreshold = (long)(playbackSpeed * 1200);
final long startTimerLookAheadThreshold = millis + speedAdjustedTimeThreshold;
SponsorSegment foundSegmentCurrentlyPlaying = null;
SponsorSegment foundUpcomingSegment = null;
for (final SponsorSegment segment : segments) {
if (segment.category.behaviour == CategoryBehaviour.SHOW_IN_SEEKBAR
|| segment.category.behaviour == CategoryBehaviour.IGNORE
|| segment.category == SegmentCategory.HIGHLIGHT) {
if (segment.end <= millis) {
continue; // past this segment
if (segment.start <= millis) {
// we are in the segment!
if (segment.shouldAutoSkip()) {
skipSegment(segment, false);
return; // must return, as skipping causes a recursive call back into this method
// first found segment, or it's an embedded segment and fully inside the outer segment
if (foundSegmentCurrentlyPlaying == null || foundSegmentCurrentlyPlaying.containsSegment(segment)) {
// If the found segment is not currently displayed, then do not show if the segment is nearly over.
// This check prevents the skip button text from rapidly changing when multiple segments end at nearly the same time.
// Also prevents showing the skip button if user seeks into the last 800ms of the segment.
final long minMillisOfSegmentRemainingThreshold = 800;
if (segmentCurrentlyPlaying == segment
|| !segment.endIsNear(millis, minMillisOfSegmentRemainingThreshold)) {
foundSegmentCurrentlyPlaying = segment;
} else {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Ignoring segment that ends very soon: " + segment);
// Keep iterating and looking. There may be an upcoming autoskip,
// or there may be another smaller segment nested inside this segment
// segment is upcoming
if (startTimerLookAheadThreshold < segment.start) {
break; // segment is not close enough to schedule, and no segments after this are of interest
if (segment.shouldAutoSkip()) { // upcoming autoskip
foundUpcomingSegment = segment;
break; // must stop here
// upcoming manual skip
// do not schedule upcoming segment, if it is not fully contained inside the current segment
if ((foundSegmentCurrentlyPlaying == null || foundSegmentCurrentlyPlaying.containsSegment(segment))
// use the most inner upcoming segment
&& (foundUpcomingSegment == null || foundUpcomingSegment.containsSegment(segment))) {
// Only schedule, if the segment start time is not near the end time of the current segment.
// This check is needed to prevent scheduled hide and show from clashing with each other.
// Instead the upcoming segment will be handled when the current segment scheduled hide calls back into this method.
final long minTimeBetweenStartEndOfSegments = 1000;
if (foundSegmentCurrentlyPlaying == null
|| !foundSegmentCurrentlyPlaying.endIsNear(segment.start, minTimeBetweenStartEndOfSegments)) {
foundUpcomingSegment = segment;
} else {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Not scheduling segment (start time is near end of current segment): " + segment);
if (highlightSegment != null) {
if (millis < DURATION_TO_SHOW_SKIP_BUTTON || (highlightSegmentInitialShowEndTime != 0
&& System.currentTimeMillis() < highlightSegmentInitialShowEndTime)) {
} else {
highlightSegmentInitialShowEndTime = 0;
if (segmentCurrentlyPlaying != foundSegmentCurrentlyPlaying) {
} else if (foundSegmentCurrentlyPlaying != null
&& skipSegmentButtonEndTime != 0 && skipSegmentButtonEndTime <= System.currentTimeMillis()) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Auto hiding skip button for segment: " + segmentCurrentlyPlaying);
skipSegmentButtonEndTime = 0;
// schedule a hide, only if the segment end is near
final SponsorSegment segmentToHide =
(foundSegmentCurrentlyPlaying != null && foundSegmentCurrentlyPlaying.endIsNear(millis, speedAdjustedTimeThreshold))
? foundSegmentCurrentlyPlaying
: null;
if (scheduledHideSegment != segmentToHide) {
if (segmentToHide == null) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Clearing scheduled hide: " + scheduledHideSegment);
scheduledHideSegment = null;
} else {
scheduledHideSegment = segmentToHide;
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Scheduling hide segment: " + segmentToHide + " playbackSpeed: " + playbackSpeed);
final long delayUntilHide = (long) ((segmentToHide.end - millis) / playbackSpeed);
Utils.runOnMainThreadDelayed(() -> {
if (scheduledHideSegment != segmentToHide) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Ignoring old scheduled hide segment: " + segmentToHide);
scheduledHideSegment = null;
if (VideoState.getCurrent() != VideoState.PLAYING) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Ignoring scheduled hide segment as video is paused: " + segmentToHide);
final long videoTime = VideoInformation.getVideoTime();
if (!segmentToHide.endIsNear(videoTime, speedAdjustedTimeThreshold)) {
// current video time is not what's expected. User paused playback
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Ignoring outdated scheduled hide: " + segmentToHide
+ " videoInformation time: " + videoTime);
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Running scheduled hide segment: " + segmentToHide);
// Need more than just hide the skip button, as this may have been an embedded segment
// Instead call back into setVideoTime to check everything again.
// Should not use VideoInformation time as it is less accurate,
// but this scheduled handler was scheduled precisely so we can just use the segment end time
}, delayUntilHide);
if (scheduledUpcomingSegment != foundUpcomingSegment) {
if (foundUpcomingSegment == null) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Clearing scheduled segment: " + scheduledUpcomingSegment);
scheduledUpcomingSegment = null;
} else {
scheduledUpcomingSegment = foundUpcomingSegment;
final SponsorSegment segmentToSkip = foundUpcomingSegment;
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Scheduling segment: " + segmentToSkip + " playbackSpeed: " + playbackSpeed);
final long delayUntilSkip = (long) ((segmentToSkip.start - millis) / playbackSpeed);
Utils.runOnMainThreadDelayed(() -> {
if (scheduledUpcomingSegment != segmentToSkip) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Ignoring old scheduled segment: " + segmentToSkip);
scheduledUpcomingSegment = null;
if (VideoState.getCurrent() != VideoState.PLAYING) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Ignoring scheduled hide segment as video is paused: " + segmentToSkip);
final long videoTime = VideoInformation.getVideoTime();
if (!segmentToSkip.startIsNear(videoTime, speedAdjustedTimeThreshold)) {
// current video time is not what's expected. User paused playback
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Ignoring outdated scheduled segment: " + segmentToSkip
+ " videoInformation time: " + videoTime);
if (segmentToSkip.shouldAutoSkip()) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Running scheduled skip segment: " + segmentToSkip);
skipSegment(segmentToSkip, false);
} else {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Running scheduled show segment: " + segmentToSkip);
}, delayUntilSkip);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.printException(() -> "setVideoTime failure", e);
* Removes all previously hidden segments that are not longer contained in the given video time.
private static void updateHiddenSegments(long currentVideoTime) {
Iterator<SponsorSegment> i = hiddenSkipSegmentsForCurrentVideoTime.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
SponsorSegment hiddenSegment =;
if (!hiddenSegment.containsTime(currentVideoTime)) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Resetting hide skip button: " + hiddenSegment);
private static void setSegmentCurrentlyPlaying(@Nullable SponsorSegment segment) {
if (segment == null) {
if (segmentCurrentlyPlaying != null) Logger.printDebug(() -> "Hiding segment: " + segmentCurrentlyPlaying);
segmentCurrentlyPlaying = null;
skipSegmentButtonEndTime = 0;
segmentCurrentlyPlaying = segment;
skipSegmentButtonEndTime = 0;
if (Settings.SB_AUTO_HIDE_SKIP_BUTTON.get()) {
if (hiddenSkipSegmentsForCurrentVideoTime.contains(segment)) {
// Playback exited a nested segment and the outer segment skip button was previously hidden.
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Ignoring previously auto-hidden segment: " + segment);
skipSegmentButtonEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + DURATION_TO_SHOW_SKIP_BUTTON;
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Showing segment: " + segment);
private static SponsorSegment lastSegmentSkipped;
private static long lastSegmentSkippedTime;
private static void skipSegment(@NonNull SponsorSegment segmentToSkip, boolean userManuallySkipped) {
try {
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (lastSegmentSkipped == segmentToSkip) {
// If trying to seek to end of the video, YouTube can seek just before of the actual end.
// (especially if the video does not end on a whole second boundary).
// This causes additional segment skip attempts, even though it cannot seek any closer to the desired time.
// Check for and ignore repeated skip attempts of the same segment over a small time period.
final long minTimeBetweenSkippingSameSegment = Math.max(500,
(long) (500 / VideoInformation.getPlaybackSpeed()));
if (now - lastSegmentSkippedTime < minTimeBetweenSkippingSameSegment) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Ignoring skip segment request (already skipped as close as possible): " + segmentToSkip);
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Skipping segment: " + segmentToSkip);
lastSegmentSkipped = segmentToSkip;
lastSegmentSkippedTime = now;
scheduledHideSegment = null;
scheduledUpcomingSegment = null;
if (segmentToSkip == highlightSegment) {
highlightSegmentInitialShowEndTime = 0;
// If the seek is successful, then the seek causes a recursive call back into this class.
final boolean seekSuccessful = VideoInformation.seekTo(segmentToSkip.end);
if (!seekSuccessful) {
// can happen when switching videos and is normal
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Could not skip segment (seek unsuccessful): " + segmentToSkip);
final boolean videoIsPaused = VideoState.getCurrent() == VideoState.PAUSED;
if (!userManuallySkipped) {
// check for any smaller embedded segments, and count those as autoskipped
final boolean showSkipToast = Settings.SB_TOAST_ON_SKIP.get();
for (final SponsorSegment otherSegment : Objects.requireNonNull(segments)) {
if (segmentToSkip.end < otherSegment.start) {
break; // no other segments can be contained
if (otherSegment == segmentToSkip ||
(otherSegment.category != SegmentCategory.HIGHLIGHT && segmentToSkip.containsSegment(otherSegment))) {
otherSegment.didAutoSkipped = true;
// Do not show a toast if the user is scrubbing thru a paused video.
// Cannot do this video state check in setTime or earlier in this method, as the video state may not be up to date.
// So instead, only hide toasts because all other skip logic done while paused causes no harm.
if (showSkipToast && !videoIsPaused) {
if (segmentToSkip.category == SegmentCategory.UNSUBMITTED) {
} else if (!videoIsPaused) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.printException(() -> "skipSegment failure", ex);
private static int toastNumberOfSegmentsSkipped;
private static SponsorSegment toastSegmentSkipped;
private static void showSkippedSegmentToast(@NonNull SponsorSegment segment) {
if (toastNumberOfSegmentsSkipped > 1) {
return; // toast already scheduled
toastSegmentSkipped = segment;
final long delayToToastMilliseconds = 250; // also the maximum time between skips to be considered skipping multiple segments
Utils.runOnMainThreadDelayed(() -> {
try {
if (toastSegmentSkipped == null) { // video was changed just after skipping segment
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Ignoring old scheduled show toast");
Utils.showToastShort(toastNumberOfSegmentsSkipped == 1
? toastSegmentSkipped.getSkippedToastText()
: str("revanced_sb_skipped_multiple_segments"));
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.printException(() -> "showSkippedSegmentToast failure", ex);
} finally {
toastNumberOfSegmentsSkipped = 0;
toastSegmentSkipped = null;
}, delayToToastMilliseconds);
* @param segment can be either a highlight or a regular manual skip segment.
public static void onSkipSegmentClicked(@NonNull SponsorSegment segment) {
try {
if (segment != highlightSegment && segment != segmentCurrentlyPlaying) {
Logger.printException(() -> "error: segment not available to skip"); // should never happen
skipSegment(segment, true);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.printException(() -> "onSkipSegmentClicked failure", ex);
* Injection point
public static void setSponsorBarRect(final Object self) {
try {
Field field = self.getClass().getDeclaredField("replaceMeWithsetSponsorBarRect");
Rect rect = (Rect) Objects.requireNonNull(field.get(self));
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.printException(() -> "setSponsorBarRect failure", ex);
private static void setSponsorBarAbsoluteLeft(Rect rect) {
final int left = rect.left;
if (sponsorBarAbsoluteLeft != left) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "setSponsorBarAbsoluteLeft: " + left);
sponsorBarAbsoluteLeft = left;
private static void setSponsorBarAbsoluteRight(Rect rect) {
final int right = rect.right;
if (sponsorAbsoluteBarRight != right) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "setSponsorBarAbsoluteRight: " + right);
sponsorAbsoluteBarRight = right;
* Injection point
public static void setSponsorBarThickness(int thickness) {
if (sponsorBarThickness != thickness) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "setSponsorBarThickness: " + thickness);
sponsorBarThickness = thickness;
* Injection point.
public static String appendTimeWithoutSegments(String totalTime) {
try {
if (Settings.SB_ENABLED.get() && Settings.SB_VIDEO_LENGTH_WITHOUT_SEGMENTS.get()
&& !TextUtils.isEmpty(totalTime) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(timeWithoutSegments)) {
// Force LTR layout, to match the same LTR video time/length layout YouTube uses for all languages
return "\u202D" + totalTime + timeWithoutSegments; // u202D = left to right override
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.printException(() -> "appendTimeWithoutSegments failure", ex);
return totalTime;
private static void calculateTimeWithoutSegments() {
final long currentVideoLength = VideoInformation.getVideoLength();
if (!Settings.SB_VIDEO_LENGTH_WITHOUT_SEGMENTS.get() || currentVideoLength <= 0
|| segments == null || segments.length == 0) {
timeWithoutSegments = null;
boolean foundNonhighlightSegments = false;
long timeWithoutSegmentsValue = currentVideoLength;
for (int i = 0, length = segments.length; i < length; i++) {
SponsorSegment segment = segments[i];
if (segment.category == SegmentCategory.HIGHLIGHT) {
foundNonhighlightSegments = true;
long start = segment.start;
final long end = segment.end;
// To prevent nested segments from incorrectly counting additional time,
// check if the segment overlaps any earlier segments.
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
start = Math.max(start, segments[j].end);
if (start < end) {
timeWithoutSegmentsValue -= (end - start);
if (!foundNonhighlightSegments) {
timeWithoutSegments = null;
final long hours = timeWithoutSegmentsValue / 3600000;
final long minutes = (timeWithoutSegmentsValue / 60000) % 60;
final long seconds = (timeWithoutSegmentsValue / 1000) % 60;
if (hours > 0) {
timeWithoutSegments = String.format("\u2009(%d:%02d:%02d)", hours, minutes, seconds);
} else {
timeWithoutSegments = String.format("\u2009(%d:%02d)", minutes, seconds);
private static int highlightSegmentTimeBarScreenWidth = -1; // actual pixel width to use
private static int getHighlightSegmentTimeBarScreenWidth() {
if (highlightSegmentTimeBarScreenWidth == -1) {
highlightSegmentTimeBarScreenWidth = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(
return highlightSegmentTimeBarScreenWidth;
* Injection point.
public static void drawSponsorTimeBars(final Canvas canvas, final float posY) {
try {
if (segments == null) return;
final long videoLength = VideoInformation.getVideoLength();
if (videoLength <= 0) return;
final int thicknessDiv2 = sponsorBarThickness / 2; // rounds down
final float top = posY - (sponsorBarThickness - thicknessDiv2);
final float bottom = posY + thicknessDiv2;
final float videoMillisecondsToPixels = (1f / videoLength) * (sponsorAbsoluteBarRight - sponsorBarAbsoluteLeft);
final float leftPadding = sponsorBarAbsoluteLeft;
for (SponsorSegment segment : segments) {
final float left = leftPadding + segment.start * videoMillisecondsToPixels;
final float right;
if (segment.category == SegmentCategory.HIGHLIGHT) {
right = left + getHighlightSegmentTimeBarScreenWidth();
} else {
right = leftPadding + segment.end * videoMillisecondsToPixels;
canvas.drawRect(left, top, right, bottom, segment.category.paint);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.printException(() -> "drawSponsorTimeBars failure", ex);