LisoUseInAIKyrios 0cbad98205
feat(YouTube - Hide layout components): Filter home/search results by keywords (#584)
Co-authored-by: oSumAtrIX <>
2024-03-27 14:07:36 +01:00

413 lines
17 KiB

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
* Searches for a group of different patterns using a trie (prefix tree).
* Can significantly speed up searching for multiple patterns.
public abstract class TrieSearch<T> {
public interface TriePatternMatchedCallback<T> {
* Called when a pattern is matched.
* @param textSearched Text that was searched.
* @param matchedStartIndex Start index of the search text, where the pattern was matched.
* @param matchedLength Length of the match.
* @param callbackParameter Optional parameter passed into {@link TrieSearch#matches(Object, Object)}.
* @return True, if the search should stop here.
* If false, searching will continue to look for other matches.
boolean patternMatched(T textSearched, int matchedStartIndex, int matchedLength, Object callbackParameter);
* Represents a compressed tree path for a single pattern that shares no sibling nodes.
* For example, if a tree contains the patterns: "foobar", "football", "feet",
* it would contain 3 compressed paths of: "bar", "tball", "eet".
* And the tree would contain children arrays only for the first level containing 'f',
* the second level containing 'o',
* and the third level containing 'o'.
* This is done to reduce memory usage, which can be substantial if many long patterns are used.
private static final class TrieCompressedPath<T> {
final T pattern;
final int patternStartIndex;
final int patternLength;
final TriePatternMatchedCallback<T> callback;
TrieCompressedPath(T pattern, int patternStartIndex, int patternLength, TriePatternMatchedCallback<T> callback) {
this.pattern = pattern;
this.patternStartIndex = patternStartIndex;
this.patternLength = patternLength;
this.callback = callback;
boolean matches(TrieNode<T> enclosingNode, // Used only for the get character method.
T searchText, int searchTextLength, int searchTextIndex, Object callbackParameter) {
if (searchTextLength - searchTextIndex < patternLength - patternStartIndex) {
return false; // Remaining search text is shorter than the remaining leaf pattern and they cannot match.
for (int i = searchTextIndex, j = patternStartIndex; j < patternLength; i++, j++) {
if (enclosingNode.getCharValue(searchText, i) != enclosingNode.getCharValue(pattern, j)) {
return false;
return callback == null || callback.patternMatched(searchText,
searchTextIndex - patternStartIndex, patternLength, callbackParameter);
static abstract class TrieNode<T> {
* Dummy value used for root node. Value can be anything as it's never referenced.
private static final char ROOT_NODE_CHARACTER_VALUE = 0; // ASCII null character.
* How much to expand the children array when resizing.
private static final int CHILDREN_ARRAY_INCREASE_SIZE_INCREMENT = 2;
* Character this node represents.
* This field is ignored for the root node (which does not represent any character).
private final char nodeValue;
* A compressed graph path that represents the remaining pattern characters of a single child node.
* If present then child array is always null, although callbacks for other
* end of patterns can also exist on this same node.
private TrieCompressedPath<T> leaf;
* All child nodes. Only present if no compressed leaf exist.
* Array is dynamically increased in size as needed,
* and uses perfect hashing for the elements it contains.
* So if the array contains a given character,
* the character will always map to the node with index: (character % arraySize).
* Elements not contained can collide with elements the array does contain,
* so must compare the nodes character value.
* Alternatively this array could be a sorted and densely packed array,
* and lookup is done using binary search.
* That would save a small amount of memory because there's no null children entries,
* but would give a worst case search of O(nlog(m)) where n is the number of
* characters in the searched text and m is the maximum size of the sorted character arrays.
* Using a hash table array always gives O(n) search time.
* The memory usage here is very small (all Litho filters use ~10KB of memory),
* so the more performant hash implementation is chosen.
private TrieNode<T>[] children;
* Callbacks for all patterns that end at this node.
private List<TriePatternMatchedCallback<T>> endOfPatternCallback;
TrieNode() {
TrieNode(char nodeCharacterValue) {
this.nodeValue = nodeCharacterValue;
* @param pattern Pattern to add.
* @param patternIndex Current recursive index of the pattern.
* @param patternLength Length of the pattern.
* @param callback Callback, where a value of NULL indicates to always accept a pattern match.
private void addPattern(@NonNull T pattern, int patternIndex, int patternLength,
@Nullable TriePatternMatchedCallback<T> callback) {
if (patternIndex == patternLength) { // Reached the end of the pattern.
if (endOfPatternCallback == null) {
endOfPatternCallback = new ArrayList<>(1);
if (leaf != null) {
// Reached end of the graph and a leaf exist.
// Recursively call back into this method and push the existing leaf down 1 level.
if (children != null) throw new IllegalStateException();
//noinspection unchecked
children = new TrieNode[1];
TrieCompressedPath<T> temp = leaf;
leaf = null;
addPattern(temp.pattern, temp.patternStartIndex, temp.patternLength, temp.callback);
// Continue onward and add the parameter pattern.
} else if (children == null) {
leaf = new TrieCompressedPath<>(pattern, patternIndex, patternLength, callback);
final char character = getCharValue(pattern, patternIndex);
final int arrayIndex = hashIndexForTableSize(children.length, character);
TrieNode<T> child = children[arrayIndex];
if (child == null) {
child = createNode(character);
children[arrayIndex] = child;
} else if (child.nodeValue != character) {
// Hash collision. Resize the table until perfect hashing is found.
child = createNode(character);
child.addPattern(pattern, patternIndex + 1, patternLength, callback);
* Resizes the children table until all nodes hash to exactly one array index.
private void expandChildArray(TrieNode<T> child) {
int replacementArraySize = Objects.requireNonNull(children).length;
while (true) {
//noinspection unchecked
TrieNode<T>[] replacement = new TrieNode[replacementArraySize];
addNodeToArray(replacement, child);
boolean collision = false;
for (TrieNode<T> existingChild : children) {
if (existingChild != null) {
if (!addNodeToArray(replacement, existingChild)) {
collision = true;
if (collision) {
children = replacement;
private static <T> boolean addNodeToArray(TrieNode<T>[] array, TrieNode<T> childToAdd) {
final int insertIndex = hashIndexForTableSize(array.length, childToAdd.nodeValue);
if (array[insertIndex] != null ) {
return false; // Collision.
array[insertIndex] = childToAdd;
return true;
private static int hashIndexForTableSize(int arraySize, char nodeValue) {
return nodeValue % arraySize;
* This method is static and uses a loop to avoid all recursion.
* This is done for performance since the JVM does not optimize tail recursion.
* @param startNode Node to start the search from.
* @param searchText Text to search for patterns in.
* @param searchTextIndex Start index, inclusive.
* @param searchTextEndIndex End index, exclusive.
* @return If any pattern matches, and it's associated callback halted the search.
private static <T> boolean matches(final TrieNode<T> startNode, final T searchText,
int searchTextIndex, final int searchTextEndIndex,
final Object callbackParameter) {
TrieNode<T> node = startNode;
int currentMatchLength = 0;
while (true) {
TrieCompressedPath<T> leaf = node.leaf;
if (leaf != null && leaf.matches(startNode, searchText, searchTextEndIndex, searchTextIndex, callbackParameter)) {
return true; // Leaf exists and it matched the search text.
List<TriePatternMatchedCallback<T>> endOfPatternCallback = node.endOfPatternCallback;
if (endOfPatternCallback != null) {
final int matchStartIndex = searchTextIndex - currentMatchLength;
for (@Nullable TriePatternMatchedCallback<T> callback : endOfPatternCallback) {
if (callback == null) {
return true; // No callback and all matches are valid.
if (callback.patternMatched(searchText, matchStartIndex, currentMatchLength, callbackParameter)) {
return true; // Callback confirmed the match.
TrieNode<T>[] children = node.children;
if (children == null) {
return false; // Reached a graph end point and there's no further patterns to search.
if (searchTextIndex == searchTextEndIndex) {
return false; // Reached end of the search text and found no matches.
// Use the start node to reduce VM method lookup, since all nodes are the same class type.
final char character = startNode.getCharValue(searchText, searchTextIndex);
final int arrayIndex = hashIndexForTableSize(children.length, character);
TrieNode<T> child = children[arrayIndex];
if (child == null || child.nodeValue != character) {
return false;
node = child;
* Gives an approximate memory usage.
* @return Estimated number of memory pointers used, starting from this node and including all children.
private int estimatedNumberOfPointersUsed() {
int numberOfPointers = 4; // Number of fields in this class.
if (leaf != null) {
numberOfPointers += 4; // Number of fields in leaf node.
if (endOfPatternCallback != null) {
numberOfPointers += endOfPatternCallback.size();
if (children != null) {
numberOfPointers += children.length;
for (TrieNode<T> child : children) {
if (child != null) {
numberOfPointers += child.estimatedNumberOfPointersUsed();
return numberOfPointers;
abstract TrieNode<T> createNode(char nodeValue);
abstract char getCharValue(T text, int index);
abstract int getTextLength(T text);
* Root node, and it's children represent the first pattern characters.
private final TrieNode<T> root;
* Patterns to match.
private final List<T> patterns = new ArrayList<>();
TrieSearch(@NonNull TrieNode<T> root, @NonNull T... patterns) {
this.root = Objects.requireNonNull(root);
public final void addPatterns(@NonNull T... patterns) {
for (T pattern : patterns) {
* Adds a pattern that will always return a positive match if found.
* @param pattern Pattern to add. Calling this with a zero length pattern does nothing.
public void addPattern(@NonNull T pattern) {
addPattern(pattern, root.getTextLength(pattern), null);
* @param pattern Pattern to add. Calling this with a zero length pattern does nothing.
* @param callback Callback to determine if searching should halt when a match is found.
public void addPattern(@NonNull T pattern, @NonNull TriePatternMatchedCallback<T> callback) {
addPattern(pattern, root.getTextLength(pattern), Objects.requireNonNull(callback));
void addPattern(@NonNull T pattern, int patternLength, @Nullable TriePatternMatchedCallback<T> callback) {
if (patternLength == 0) return; // Nothing to match
root.addPattern(pattern, 0, patternLength, callback);
public final boolean matches(@NonNull T textToSearch) {
return matches(textToSearch, 0);
public boolean matches(@NonNull T textToSearch, @NonNull Object callbackParameter) {
return matches(textToSearch, 0, root.getTextLength(textToSearch),
public boolean matches(@NonNull T textToSearch, int startIndex) {
return matches(textToSearch, startIndex, root.getTextLength(textToSearch));
public final boolean matches(@NonNull T textToSearch, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
return matches(textToSearch, startIndex, endIndex, null);
* Searches through text, looking for any substring that matches any pattern in this tree.
* @param textToSearch Text to search through.
* @param startIndex Index to start searching, inclusive value.
* @param endIndex Index to stop matching, exclusive value.
* @param callbackParameter Optional parameter passed to the callbacks.
* @return If any pattern matched, and it's callback halted searching.
public boolean matches(@NonNull T textToSearch, int startIndex, int endIndex, @Nullable Object callbackParameter) {
return matches(textToSearch, root.getTextLength(textToSearch), startIndex, endIndex, callbackParameter);
private boolean matches(@NonNull T textToSearch, int textToSearchLength, int startIndex, int endIndex,
@Nullable Object callbackParameter) {
if (endIndex > textToSearchLength) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("endIndex: " + endIndex
+ " is greater than texToSearchLength: " + textToSearchLength);
if (patterns.size() == 0) {
return false; // No patterns were added.
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
if (TrieNode.matches(root, textToSearch, i, endIndex, callbackParameter)) return true;
return false;
* @return Estimated memory size (in kilobytes) of this instance.
public int getEstimatedMemorySize() {
if (patterns.size() == 0) {
return 0;
// Assume the device has less than 32GB of ram (and can use pointer compression),
// or the device is 32-bit.
final int numberOfBytesPerPointer = 4;
return (int) Math.ceil((numberOfBytesPerPointer * root.estimatedNumberOfPointersUsed()) / 1024.0);
public int numberOfPatterns() {
return patterns.size();
public List<T> getPatterns() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(patterns);