LisoUseInAIKyrios 0cbad98205
feat(YouTube - Hide layout components): Filter home/search results by keywords (#584)
Co-authored-by: oSumAtrIX <>
2024-03-27 14:07:36 +01:00

284 lines
12 KiB

import static app.revanced.integrations.shared.StringRef.str;
import static;
import static;
import android.os.Build;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import app.revanced.integrations.shared.Logger;
import app.revanced.integrations.shared.Utils;
* <pre>
* Allows hiding home feed and search results based on keywords and/or channel names.
* Limitations:
* - Searching for a keyword phrase will give no search results.
* This is because the buffer for each video contains the text the user searched for, and everything
* will be filtered away (even if that video title/channel does not contain any keywords).
* - Filtering a channel name can still show Shorts from that channel in the search results.
* The most common Shorts layouts do not include the channel name, so they will not be filtered.
* - Some layout component residue will remain, such as the video chapter previews for some search results.
* These components do not include the video title or channel name, and they
* appear outside the filtered components so they are not caught.
* - Keywords are case sensitive, but some casing variation is manually added.
* (ie: "mr beast" automatically filters "Mr Beast" and "MR BEAST").
* - Keywords present in the layout or video data cannot be used as filters, otherwise all videos
* will always be hidden. This patch checks for some words of these words.
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.N)
final class KeywordContentFilter extends Filter {
* Minimum keyword/phrase length to prevent excessively broad content filtering.
private static final int MINIMUM_KEYWORD_LENGTH = 3;
* Strings found in the buffer for every videos.
* Full strings should be specified, as they are compared using {@link String#contains(CharSequence)}.
* This list does not include every common buffer string, and this can be added/changed as needed.
* Words must be entered with the exact casing as found in the buffer.
private static final String[] STRINGS_IN_EVERY_BUFFER = {
// Video playback data.
"", // Thumbnail url.
"sddefault.jpg", // More video sizes exist, but for most devices only these 2 are used.
"", // Video url.
"ANDROID", // Video url parameter.
// Video decoders.
// User analytics.
// Litho components frequently found in the buffer that belong to the path filter items.
* Substrings that are always first in the identifier.
private final StringFilterGroup startsWithFilter = new StringFilterGroup(
null, // Multiple settings are used and must be individually checked if active.
"video_with_context.eml", // Subscription tab videos.
* Substrings that are never at the start of the path.
private final StringFilterGroup containsFilter = new StringFilterGroup(
"shorts_lockup_cell.eml" // Part of 'shorts_shelf_carousel.eml'
* The last value of {@link Settings#HIDE_KEYWORD_CONTENT_PHRASES}
* parsed and loaded into {@link #bufferSearch}.
* Allows changing the keywords without restarting the app.
private volatile String lastKeywordPhrasesParsed;
private volatile ByteTrieSearch bufferSearch;
* Change first letter of the first word to use title case.
private static String titleCaseFirstWordOnly(String sentence) {
if (sentence.isEmpty()) {
return sentence;
final int firstCodePoint = sentence.codePointAt(0);
// In some non English languages title case is different than upper case.
return new StringBuilder()
.append(sentence, Character.charCount(firstCodePoint), sentence.length())
* Uppercase the first letter of each word.
private static String capitalizeAllFirstLetters(String sentence) {
if (sentence.isEmpty()) {
return sentence;
final int delimiter = ' ';
// Use code points and not characters to handle unicode surrogates.
int[] codePoints = sentence.codePoints().toArray();
boolean capitalizeNext = true;
for (int i = 0, length = codePoints.length; i < length; i++) {
final int codePoint = codePoints[i];
if (codePoint == delimiter) {
capitalizeNext = true;
} else if (capitalizeNext) {
codePoints[i] = Character.toUpperCase(codePoint);
capitalizeNext = false;
return new String(codePoints, 0, codePoints.length);
* @return If the phrase will will hide all videos. Not an exhaustive check.
private static boolean phrasesWillHideAllVideos(@NonNull String[] phrases) {
for (String commonString : STRINGS_IN_EVERY_BUFFER) {
if (Utils.containsAny(commonString, phrases)) {
return true;
return false;
private synchronized void parseKeywords() { // Must be synchronized since Litho is multi-threaded.
String rawKeywords = Settings.HIDE_KEYWORD_CONTENT_PHRASES.get();
if (rawKeywords == lastKeywordPhrasesParsed) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Using previously initialized search");
return; // Another thread won the race, and search is already initialized.
ByteTrieSearch search = new ByteTrieSearch();
String[] split = rawKeywords.split("\n");
if (split.length != 0) {
// Linked Set so log statement are more organized and easier to read.
Set<String> keywords = new LinkedHashSet<>(10 * split.length);
for (String phrase : split) {
// Remove any trailing white space the user may have accidentally included.
phrase = phrase.stripTrailing();
if (phrase.isBlank()) continue;
if (phrase.length() < MINIMUM_KEYWORD_LENGTH) {
// Do not reset the setting. Keep the invalid keywords so the user can fix the mistake.
Utils.showToastLong(str("revanced_hide_keyword_toast_invalid_length", phrase, MINIMUM_KEYWORD_LENGTH));
// Add common casing that might appear.
// This could be simplified by adding case insensitive search to the prefix search,
// which is very simple to add to StringTreSearch for Unicode and ByteTrieSearch for ASCII.
// But to support Unicode with ByteTrieSearch would require major changes because
// UTF-8 characters can be different byte lengths, which does
// not allow comparing two different byte arrays using simple plain array indexes.
// Instead add all common case variations of the words.
String[] phraseVariations = {
if (phrasesWillHideAllVideos(phraseVariations)) {
Utils.showToastLong(str("revanced_hide_keyword_toast_invalid_common", phrase));
search.addPatterns(convertStringsToBytes(keywords.toArray(new String[0])));
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Search using: (" + search.getEstimatedMemorySize() + " KB) keywords: " + keywords);
bufferSearch = search;
lastKeywordPhrasesParsed = rawKeywords; // Must set last.
public KeywordContentFilter() {
// Keywords are parsed on first call to isFiltered()
addPathCallbacks(startsWithFilter, containsFilter);
private static void logNavigationState(String state) {
// Enable locally to debug filtering. Default off to reduce log spam.
final boolean LOG_NAVIGATION_STATE = false;
// noinspection ConstantValue
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Navigation state: " + state);
public boolean isFiltered(@Nullable String identifier, String path, byte[] protobufBufferArray,
StringFilterGroup matchedGroup, FilterContentType contentType, int contentIndex) {
if (contentIndex != 0 && matchedGroup == startsWithFilter) {
return false;
if (NavigationBar.isSearchBarActive()) {
// Search bar can be active with almost any tab active.
if (!Settings.HIDE_KEYWORD_CONTENT_SEARCH.get()) {
return false;
} else if (PlayerType.getCurrent().isMaximizedOrFullscreen()) {
// For now, consider the under video results the same as the home feed.
if (!Settings.HIDE_KEYWORD_CONTENT_HOME.get()) {
return false;
logNavigationState("Player active");
} else if (NavigationButton.HOME.isSelected()) {
// Could use a Switch statement, but there is only 2 tabs of interest.
if (!Settings.HIDE_KEYWORD_CONTENT_HOME.get()) {
return false;
logNavigationState("Home tab");
} else if (NavigationButton.SUBSCRIPTIONS.isSelected()) {
if (!Settings.HIDE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_BUTTON.get()) {
return false;
logNavigationState("Subscription tab");
} else {
// User is in the Library or Notifications tab.
logNavigationState("Ignored tab");
return false;
// Field is intentionally compared using reference equality.
if (Settings.HIDE_KEYWORD_CONTENT_PHRASES.get() != lastKeywordPhrasesParsed) {
// User changed the keywords.
if (!bufferSearch.matches(protobufBufferArray)) {
return false;
return super.isFiltered(identifier, path, protobufBufferArray, matchedGroup, contentType, contentIndex);