
242 lines
9.1 KiB

import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import app.revanced.integrations.shared.Logger;
import app.revanced.integrations.shared.Utils;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import static app.revanced.integrations.shared.Utils.containsAny;
import static;
/** @noinspection unused*/
public class SpoofSignaturePatch {
* Parameter (also used by
* <a href="">yt-dlp</a>)
* to fix playback issues.
private static final String INCOGNITO_PARAMETERS = "CgIQBg==";
* Parameters used when playing clips.
private static final String CLIPS_PARAMETERS = "kAIB";
* Parameters causing playback issues.
private static final String[] AUTOPLAY_PARAMETERS = {
"YAHI", // Autoplay in feed.
"SAFg" // Autoplay in scrim.
* Parameter used for autoplay in scrim.
* Prepend this parameter to mute video playback (for autoplay in feed).
private static final String SCRIM_PARAMETER = "SAFgAXgB";
* Last video id loaded. Used to prevent reloading the same spec multiple times.
private static volatile String lastPlayerResponseVideoId;
private static volatile Future<StoryboardRenderer> rendererFuture;
private static volatile boolean useOriginalStoryboardRenderer;
private static volatile boolean isPlayingShorts;
private static StoryboardRenderer getRenderer(boolean waitForCompletion) {
Future<StoryboardRenderer> future = rendererFuture;
if (future != null) {
try {
if (waitForCompletion || future.isDone()) {
return future.get(20000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // Any arbitrarily large timeout.
} // else, return null.
} catch (TimeoutException ex) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Could not get renderer (get timed out)");
} catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException ex) {
// Should never happen.
Logger.printException(() -> "Could not get renderer", ex);
return null;
* Injection point.
* Called off the main thread, and called multiple times for each video.
* @param parameters Original protobuf parameter value.
public static String spoofParameter(String parameters, boolean isShortAndOpeningOrPlaying) {
try {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Original protobuf parameter value: " + parameters);
if (parameters == null || !Settings.SPOOF_SIGNATURE.get()) {
return parameters;
// Clip's player parameters contain a lot of information (e.g. video start and end time or whether it loops)
// For this reason, the player parameters of a clip are usually very long (150~300 characters).
// Clips are 60 seconds or less in length, so no spoofing.
//noinspection AssignmentUsedAsCondition
if (useOriginalStoryboardRenderer = parameters.length() > 150 || parameters.startsWith(CLIPS_PARAMETERS)) {
return parameters;
// Shorts do not need to be spoofed.
//noinspection AssignmentUsedAsCondition
if (useOriginalStoryboardRenderer = VideoInformation.playerParametersAreShort(parameters)) {
isPlayingShorts = true;
return parameters;
isPlayingShorts = false;
boolean isPlayingFeed = PlayerType.getCurrent() == PlayerType.INLINE_MINIMAL
&& containsAny(parameters, AUTOPLAY_PARAMETERS);
if (isPlayingFeed) {
//noinspection AssignmentUsedAsCondition
if (useOriginalStoryboardRenderer = !Settings.SPOOF_SIGNATURE_IN_FEED.get()) {
// Don't spoof the feed video playback. This will cause video playback issues,
// but only if user continues watching for more than 1 minute.
return parameters;
// Spoof the feed video. Video will show up in watch history and video subtitles are missing.
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.printException(() -> "spoofParameter failure", ex);
private static void fetchStoryboardRenderer() {
if (!Settings.SPOOF_STORYBOARD_RENDERER.get()) {
lastPlayerResponseVideoId = null;
rendererFuture = null;
String videoId = VideoInformation.getPlayerResponseVideoId();
if (!videoId.equals(lastPlayerResponseVideoId)) {
rendererFuture = Utils.submitOnBackgroundThread(() -> getStoryboardRenderer(videoId));
lastPlayerResponseVideoId = videoId;
// Block until the renderer fetch completes.
// This is desired because if this returns without finishing the fetch
// then video will start playback but the storyboard is not ready yet.
private static String getStoryboardRendererSpec(String originalStoryboardRendererSpec,
boolean returnNullIfLiveStream) {
if (Settings.SPOOF_SIGNATURE.get() && !useOriginalStoryboardRenderer) {
StoryboardRenderer renderer = getRenderer(false);
if (renderer != null) {
if (returnNullIfLiveStream && renderer.isLiveStream()) {
return null;
String spec = renderer.getSpec();
if (spec != null) {
return spec;
return originalStoryboardRendererSpec;
* Injection point.
* Called from background threads and from the main thread.
public static String getStoryboardRendererSpec(String originalStoryboardRendererSpec) {
return getStoryboardRendererSpec(originalStoryboardRendererSpec, false);
* Injection point.
* Uses additional check to handle live streams.
* Called from background threads and from the main thread.
public static String getStoryboardDecoderRendererSpec(String originalStoryboardRendererSpec) {
return getStoryboardRendererSpec(originalStoryboardRendererSpec, true);
* Injection point.
public static int getRecommendedLevel(int originalLevel) {
if (Settings.SPOOF_SIGNATURE.get() && !useOriginalStoryboardRenderer) {
StoryboardRenderer renderer = getRenderer(false);
if (renderer != null) {
Integer recommendedLevel = renderer.getRecommendedLevel();
if (recommendedLevel != null) return recommendedLevel;
return originalLevel;
* Injection point. Forces seekbar to be shown for paid videos or
* if {@link Settings#SPOOF_STORYBOARD_RENDERER} is not enabled.
public static boolean getSeekbarThumbnailOverrideValue() {
if (!Settings.SPOOF_SIGNATURE.get()) {
return false;
StoryboardRenderer renderer = getRenderer(false);
if (renderer == null) {
// Spoof storyboard renderer is turned off,
// video is paid, or the storyboard fetch timed out.
// Show empty thumbnails so the seek time and chapters still show up.
return true;
return renderer.getSpec() != null;
* Injection point.
* @param view seekbar thumbnail view. Includes both shorts and regular videos.
public static void seekbarImageViewCreated(ImageView view) {
try {
if (!Settings.SPOOF_SIGNATURE.get()
if (isPlayingShorts) return;
// Also hide the border around the thumbnail (otherwise a 1 pixel wide bordered frame is visible).
ViewGroup parentLayout = (ViewGroup) view.getParent();
parentLayout.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.printException(() -> "seekbarImageViewCreated failure", ex);