2024-04-24 14:37:02 +04:00

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

import static app.revanced.integrations.shared.StringRef.str;
import android.os.Build;
import android.text.Spannable;
import android.text.SpannableString;
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
import android.text.Spanned;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import app.revanced.integrations.shared.Logger;
import app.revanced.integrations.shared.Utils;
* Handles fetching and creation/replacing of RYD dislike text spans.
* Because Litho creates spans using multiple threads, this entire class supports multithreading as well.
public class ReturnYouTubeDislike {
public enum Vote {
public final int value;
Vote(int value) {
this.value = value;
* Maximum amount of time to block the UI from updates while waiting for network call to complete.
* Must be less than 5 seconds, as per:
* <a href="">...</a>
private static final long MAX_MILLISECONDS_TO_BLOCK_UI_WAITING_FOR_FETCH = 4000;
* How long to retain successful RYD fetches.
private static final long CACHE_TIMEOUT_SUCCESS_MILLISECONDS = 7 * 60 * 1000; // 7 Minutes
* How long to retain unsuccessful RYD fetches,
* and also the minimum time before retrying again.
private static final long CACHE_TIMEOUT_FAILURE_MILLISECONDS = 3 * 60 * 1000; // 3 Minutes
* Unique placeholder character, used to detect if a segmented span already has dislikes added to it.
* Must be something YouTube is unlikely to use, as it's searched for in all usage of Rolling Number.
private static final char MIDDLE_SEPARATOR_CHARACTER = 'â—Ž'; // 'bullseye'
private static final boolean IS_SPOOFING_TO_OLD_SEPARATOR_COLOR
= SpoofAppVersionPatch.isSpoofingToLessThan("18.10.00");
* Cached lookup of all video ids.
private static final Map<String, ReturnYouTubeDislike> fetchCache = new HashMap<>();
* Used to send votes, one by one, in the same order the user created them.
private static final ExecutorService voteSerialExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
* For formatting dislikes as number.
@GuardedBy("ReturnYouTubeDislike.class") // not thread safe
private static CompactDecimalFormat dislikeCountFormatter;
* For formatting dislikes as percentage.
private static NumberFormat dislikePercentageFormatter;
// Used for segmented dislike spans in Litho regular player.
public static final Rect leftSeparatorBounds;
private static final Rect middleSeparatorBounds;
* Left separator horizontal padding for Rolling Number layout.
public static final int leftSeparatorShapePaddingPixels;
private static final ShapeDrawable leftSeparatorShape;
static {
DisplayMetrics dp = Objects.requireNonNull(Utils.getContext()).getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
leftSeparatorBounds = new Rect(0, 0,
(int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 1.2f, dp),
(int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 18, dp));
final int middleSeparatorSize =
(int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 3.7f, dp);
middleSeparatorBounds = new Rect(0, 0, middleSeparatorSize, middleSeparatorSize);
leftSeparatorShapePaddingPixels = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 10.0f, dp);
leftSeparatorShape = new ShapeDrawable(new RectShape());
private final String videoId;
* Stores the results of the vote api fetch, and used as a barrier to wait until fetch completes.
* Absolutely cannot be holding any lock during calls to {@link Future#get()}.
private final Future<RYDVoteData> future;
* Time this instance and the fetch future was created.
private final long timeFetched;
* If this instance was previously used for a Short.
private boolean isShort;
* Optional current vote status of the UI. Used to apply a user vote that was done on a previous video viewing.
private Vote userVote;
* Original dislike span, before modifications.
private Spanned originalDislikeSpan;
* Replacement like/dislike span that includes formatted dislikes.
* Used to prevent recreating the same span multiple times.
private SpannableString replacementLikeDislikeSpan;
* Color of the left and middle separator, based on the color of the right separator.
* It's unknown where YT gets the color from, and the values here are approximated by hand.
* Ideally, this would be the actual color YT uses at runtime.
* Older versions before the 'Me' library tab use a slightly different color.
* If spoofing was previously used and is now turned off,
* or an old version was recently upgraded then the old colors are sometimes still used.
private static int getSeparatorColor() {
return ThemeHelper.isDarkTheme()
? 0x29AAAAAA // transparent dark gray
: 0xFFD9D9D9; // light gray
return ThemeHelper.isDarkTheme()
? 0x33FFFFFF
: 0xFFD9D9D9;
public static ShapeDrawable getLeftSeparatorDrawable() {
return leftSeparatorShape;
* @param isSegmentedButton If UI is using the segmented single UI component for both like and dislike.
private static SpannableString createDislikeSpan(@NonNull Spanned oldSpannable,
boolean isSegmentedButton,
boolean isRollingNumber,
@NonNull RYDVoteData voteData) {
if (!isSegmentedButton) {
// Simple replacement of 'dislike' with a number/percentage.
return newSpannableWithDislikes(oldSpannable, voteData);
// Note: Some locales use right to left layout (Arabic, Hebrew, etc).
// If making changes to this code, change device settings to a RTL language and verify layout is correct.
String oldLikesString = oldSpannable.toString();
// YouTube creators can hide the like count on a video,
// and the like count appears as a device language specific string that says 'Like'.
// Check if the string contains any numbers.
if (!stringContainsNumber(oldLikesString)) {
// Likes are hidden.
// RYD does not provide usable data for these types of videos,
// and the API returns bogus data (zero likes and zero dislikes)
// discussion about this:
// example video:
// RYD data:
// Change the "Likes" string to show that likes and dislikes are hidden.
String hiddenMessageString = str("revanced_ryd_video_likes_hidden_by_video_owner");
return newSpanUsingStylingOfAnotherSpan(oldSpannable, hiddenMessageString);
SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder();
final boolean compactLayout = Settings.RYD_COMPACT_LAYOUT.get();
if (!compactLayout) {
String leftSeparatorString = Utils.isRightToLeftTextLayout()
? "\u200F" // u200F = right to left character
: "\u200E"; // u200E = left to right character
final Spannable leftSeparatorSpan;
if (isRollingNumber) {
leftSeparatorSpan = new SpannableString(leftSeparatorString);
} else {
leftSeparatorString += " ";
leftSeparatorSpan = new SpannableString(leftSeparatorString);
// Styling spans cannot overwrite RTL or LTR character.
new VerticallyCenteredImageSpan(getLeftSeparatorDrawable(), false),
new FixedWidthEmptySpan(leftSeparatorShapePaddingPixels),
// likes
builder.append(newSpanUsingStylingOfAnotherSpan(oldSpannable, oldLikesString));
// middle separator
String middleSeparatorString = compactLayout
: " \u2009" + MIDDLE_SEPARATOR_CHARACTER + "\u2009 "; // u2009 = 'narrow space' character
final int shapeInsertionIndex = middleSeparatorString.length() / 2;
Spannable middleSeparatorSpan = new SpannableString(middleSeparatorString);
ShapeDrawable shapeDrawable = new ShapeDrawable(new OvalShape());
// Use original text width if using Rolling Number,
// to ensure the replacement styled span has the same width as the measured String,
// otherwise layout can be broken (especially on devices with small system font sizes).
new VerticallyCenteredImageSpan(shapeDrawable, isRollingNumber),
shapeInsertionIndex, shapeInsertionIndex + 1, Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
// dislikes
builder.append(newSpannableWithDislikes(oldSpannable, voteData));
return new SpannableString(builder);
* @return If the text is likely for a previously created likes/dislikes segmented span.
public static boolean isPreviouslyCreatedSegmentedSpan(@NonNull String text) {
return text.indexOf(MIDDLE_SEPARATOR_CHARACTER) >= 0;
* Correctly handles any unicode numbers (such as Arabic numbers).
* @return if the string contains at least 1 number.
private static boolean stringContainsNumber(@NonNull String text) {
for (int index = 0, length = text.length(); index < length; index++) {
if (Character.isDigit(text.codePointAt(index))) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean spansHaveEqualTextAndColor(@NonNull Spanned one, @NonNull Spanned two) {
// Cannot use equals on the span, because many of the inner styling spans do not implement equals.
// Instead, compare the underlying text and the text color to handle when dark mode is changed.
// Cannot compare the status of device dark mode, as Litho components are updated just before dark mode status changes.
if (!one.toString().equals(two.toString())) {
return false;
ForegroundColorSpan[] oneColors = one.getSpans(0, one.length(), ForegroundColorSpan.class);
ForegroundColorSpan[] twoColors = two.getSpans(0, two.length(), ForegroundColorSpan.class);
final int oneLength = oneColors.length;
if (oneLength != twoColors.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < oneLength; i++) {
if (oneColors[i].getForegroundColor() != twoColors[i].getForegroundColor()) {
return false;
return true;
private static SpannableString newSpannableWithDislikes(@NonNull Spanned sourceStyling, @NonNull RYDVoteData voteData) {
return newSpanUsingStylingOfAnotherSpan(sourceStyling,
? formatDislikePercentage(voteData.getDislikePercentage())
: formatDislikeCount(voteData.getDislikeCount()));
private static SpannableString newSpanUsingStylingOfAnotherSpan(@NonNull Spanned sourceStyle, @NonNull CharSequence newSpanText) {
SpannableString destination = new SpannableString(newSpanText);
Object[] spans = sourceStyle.getSpans(0, sourceStyle.length(), Object.class);
for (Object span : spans) {
destination.setSpan(span, 0, destination.length(), sourceStyle.getSpanFlags(span));
return destination;
private static String formatDislikeCount(long dislikeCount) {
synchronized (ReturnYouTubeDislike.class) { // number formatter is not thread safe, must synchronize
if (dislikeCountFormatter == null) {
// Note: Java number formatters will use the locale specific number characters.
// such as Arabic which formats "1.234" into "Û±,Û²Û³Ù¤"
// But YouTube disregards locale specific number characters
// and instead shows english number characters everywhere.
Locale locale = Objects.requireNonNull(Utils.getContext()).getResources().getConfiguration().locale;
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Locale: " + locale);
dislikeCountFormatter = CompactDecimalFormat.getInstance(locale, CompactDecimalFormat.CompactStyle.SHORT);
return dislikeCountFormatter.format(dislikeCount);
// Will never be reached, as the oldest supported YouTube app requires Android N or greater.
return String.valueOf(dislikeCount);
private static String formatDislikePercentage(float dislikePercentage) {
synchronized (ReturnYouTubeDislike.class) { // number formatter is not thread safe, must synchronize
if (dislikePercentageFormatter == null) {
Locale locale = Objects.requireNonNull(Utils.getContext()).getResources().getConfiguration().locale;
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Locale: " + locale);
dislikePercentageFormatter = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(locale);
if (dislikePercentage >= 0.01) { // at least 1%
dislikePercentageFormatter.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); // show only whole percentage points
} else {
dislikePercentageFormatter.setMaximumFractionDigits(1); // show up to 1 digit precision
return dislikePercentageFormatter.format(dislikePercentage);
public static ReturnYouTubeDislike getFetchForVideoId(@Nullable String videoId) {
synchronized (fetchCache) {
// Remove any expired entries.
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
fetchCache.values().removeIf(value -> {
final boolean expired = value.isExpired(now);
if (expired)
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Removing expired fetch: " + value.videoId);
return expired;
ReturnYouTubeDislike fetch = fetchCache.get(videoId);
if (fetch == null) {
fetch = new ReturnYouTubeDislike(videoId);
fetchCache.put(videoId, fetch);
return fetch;
* Should be called if the user changes dislikes appearance settings.
public static void clearAllUICaches() {
synchronized (fetchCache) {
for (ReturnYouTubeDislike fetch : fetchCache.values()) {
private ReturnYouTubeDislike(@NonNull String videoId) {
this.videoId = Objects.requireNonNull(videoId);
this.timeFetched = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.future = Utils.submitOnBackgroundThread(() -> ReturnYouTubeDislikeApi.fetchVotes(videoId));
private boolean isExpired(long now) {
final long timeSinceCreation = now - timeFetched;
return false; // Not expired, even if the API call failed.
return true; // Always expired.
// Only expired if the fetch failed (API null response).
return (!fetchCompleted() || getFetchData(MAX_MILLISECONDS_TO_BLOCK_UI_WAITING_FOR_FETCH) == null);
public RYDVoteData getFetchData(long maxTimeToWait) {
try {
return future.get(maxTimeToWait, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException ex) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Waited but future was not complete after: " + maxTimeToWait + "ms");
} catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException ex) {
Logger.printException(() -> "Future failure ", ex); // will never happen
return null;
* @return if the RYD fetch call has completed.
public boolean fetchCompleted() {
return future.isDone();
private synchronized void clearUICache() {
if (replacementLikeDislikeSpan != null) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Clearing replacement span for: " + videoId);
replacementLikeDislikeSpan = null;
public String getVideoId() {
return videoId;
* Pre-emptively set this as a Short.
public synchronized void setVideoIdIsShort(boolean isShort) {
this.isShort = isShort;
* @return the replacement span containing dislikes, or the original span if RYD is not available.
public synchronized Spanned getDislikesSpanForRegularVideo(@NonNull Spanned original,
boolean isSegmentedButton,
boolean isRollingNumber) {
return waitForFetchAndUpdateReplacementSpan(original, isSegmentedButton, isRollingNumber,false);
* Called when a Shorts dislike Spannable is created.
public synchronized Spanned getDislikeSpanForShort(@NonNull Spanned original) {
return waitForFetchAndUpdateReplacementSpan(original, false, false, true);
private Spanned waitForFetchAndUpdateReplacementSpan(@NonNull Spanned original,
boolean isSegmentedButton,
boolean isRollingNumber,
boolean spanIsForShort) {
try {
if (votingData == null) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Cannot add dislike to UI (RYD data not available)");
return original;
synchronized (this) {
if (spanIsForShort) {
// Cannot set this to false if span is not for a Short.
// When spoofing to an old version and a Short is opened while a regular video
// is on screen, this instance can be loaded for the minimized regular video.
// But this Shorts data won't be displayed for that call
// and when it is un-minimized it will reload again and the load will be ignored.
isShort = true;
} else if (isShort) {
// user:
// 1, opened a video
// 2. opened a short (without closing the regular video)
// 3. closed the short
// 4. regular video is now present, but the videoId and RYD data is still for the short
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Ignoring regular video dislike span,"
+ " as data loaded was previously used for a Short: " + videoId);
return original;
if (originalDislikeSpan != null && replacementLikeDislikeSpan != null) {
if (spansHaveEqualTextAndColor(original, replacementLikeDislikeSpan)) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Ignoring previously created dislikes span of data: " + videoId);
return original;
if (spansHaveEqualTextAndColor(original, originalDislikeSpan)) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Replacing span with previously created dislike span of data: " + videoId);
return replacementLikeDislikeSpan;
if (isSegmentedButton && isPreviouslyCreatedSegmentedSpan(original.toString())) {
// need to recreate using original, as original has prior outdated dislike values
if (originalDislikeSpan == null) {
// Should never happen.
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Cannot add dislikes - original span is null. videoId: " + videoId);
return original;
original = originalDislikeSpan;
// No replacement span exist, create it now.
if (userVote != null) {
originalDislikeSpan = original;
replacementLikeDislikeSpan = createDislikeSpan(original, isSegmentedButton, isRollingNumber, votingData);
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Replaced: '" + originalDislikeSpan + "' with: '"
+ replacementLikeDislikeSpan + "'" + " using video: " + videoId);
return replacementLikeDislikeSpan;
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.printException(() -> "waitForFetchAndUpdateReplacementSpan failure", e); // should never happen
return original;
public void sendVote(@NonNull Vote vote) {
try {
if (isShort != PlayerType.getCurrent().isNoneOrHidden()) {
// Shorts was loaded with regular video present, then Shorts was closed.
// and then user voted on the now visible original video.
// Cannot send a vote, because this instance is for the wrong video.
voteSerialExecutor.execute(() -> {
try { // Must wrap in try/catch to properly log exceptions.
ReturnYouTubeDislikeApi.sendVote(videoId, vote);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.printException(() -> "Failed to send vote", ex);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.printException(() -> "Error trying to send vote", ex);
* Sets the current user vote value, and does not send the vote to the RYD API.
* Only used to set value if thumbs up/down is already selected on video load.
public void setUserVote(@NonNull Vote vote) {
try {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "setUserVote: " + vote);
synchronized (this) {
userVote = vote;
if (future.isDone()) {
// Update the fetched vote data.
if (voteData == null) {
// RYD fetch failed.
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Cannot update UI (vote data not available)");
} // Else, vote will be applied after fetch completes.
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.printException(() -> "setUserVote failure", ex);
* Styles a Spannable with an empty fixed width.
class FixedWidthEmptySpan extends ReplacementSpan {
final int fixedWidth;
* @param fixedWith Fixed width in screen pixels.
FixedWidthEmptySpan(int fixedWith) {
this.fixedWidth = fixedWith;
if (fixedWith < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public int getSize(@NonNull Paint paint, @NonNull CharSequence text,
int start, int end, @Nullable Paint.FontMetricsInt fontMetrics) {
return fixedWidth;
public void draw(@NonNull Canvas canvas, CharSequence text, int start, int end,
float x, int top, int y, int bottom, @NonNull Paint paint) {
// Nothing to draw.
* Vertically centers a Spanned Drawable.
class VerticallyCenteredImageSpan extends ImageSpan {
final boolean useOriginalWidth;
* @param useOriginalWidth Use the original layout width of the text this span is applied to,
* and not the bounds of the Drawable. Drawable is always displayed using it's own bounds,
* and this setting only affects the layout width of the entire span.
public VerticallyCenteredImageSpan(Drawable drawable, boolean useOriginalWidth) {
this.useOriginalWidth = useOriginalWidth;
public int getSize(@NonNull Paint paint, @NonNull CharSequence text,
int start, int end, @Nullable Paint.FontMetricsInt fontMetrics) {
Drawable drawable = getDrawable();
Rect bounds = drawable.getBounds();
if (fontMetrics != null) {
Paint.FontMetricsInt paintMetrics = paint.getFontMetricsInt();
final int fontHeight = paintMetrics.descent - paintMetrics.ascent;
final int drawHeight = bounds.bottom -;
final int halfDrawHeight = drawHeight / 2;
final int yCenter = paintMetrics.ascent + fontHeight / 2;
fontMetrics.ascent = yCenter - halfDrawHeight; = fontMetrics.ascent;
fontMetrics.bottom = yCenter + halfDrawHeight;
fontMetrics.descent = fontMetrics.bottom;
if (useOriginalWidth) {
return (int) paint.measureText(text, start, end);
return bounds.right;
public void draw(@NonNull Canvas canvas, CharSequence text, int start, int end,
float x, int top, int y, int bottom, @NonNull Paint paint) {
Drawable drawable = getDrawable();;
Paint.FontMetricsInt paintMetrics = paint.getFontMetricsInt();
final int fontHeight = paintMetrics.descent - paintMetrics.ascent;
final int yCenter = y + paintMetrics.descent - fontHeight / 2;
final Rect drawBounds = drawable.getBounds();
float translateX = x;
if (useOriginalWidth) {
// Horizontally center the drawable in the same space as the original text.
translateX += (paint.measureText(text, start, end) - (drawBounds.right - drawBounds.left)) / 2;
final int translateY = yCenter - (drawBounds.bottom - / 2;
canvas.translate(translateX, translateY);