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package app.revanced.integrations.returnyoutubedislike;
import static app.revanced.integrations.sponsorblock.StringRef.str;
import android.os.Build;
import android.text.Spannable;
import android.text.SpannableString;
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import app.revanced.integrations.returnyoutubedislike.requests.RYDVoteData;
import app.revanced.integrations.returnyoutubedislike.requests.ReturnYouTubeDislikeApi;
import app.revanced.integrations.settings.SettingsEnum;
import app.revanced.integrations.shared.PlayerType;
import app.revanced.integrations.utils.LogHelper;
import app.revanced.integrations.utils.ReVancedUtils;
import app.revanced.integrations.utils.SharedPrefHelper;
import app.revanced.integrations.utils.ThemeHelper;
public class ReturnYouTubeDislike {
* Maximum amount of time to block the UI from updates while waiting for network call to complete.
* <p>
* Must be less than 5 seconds, as per:
* Used to send votes, one by one, in the same order the user created them
private static final ExecutorService voteSerialExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
// Must be volatile, since this is read/write from different threads
private static volatile boolean isEnabled = SettingsEnum.RYD_ENABLED.getBoolean();
* Used to guard {@link #currentVideoId} and {@link #voteFetchFuture},
* as multiple threads access this class.
private static final Object videoIdLockObject = new Object();
private static String currentVideoId;
* Stores the results of the vote api fetch, and used as a barrier to wait until fetch completes
private static Future<RYDVoteData> voteFetchFuture;
public enum Vote {
public final int value;
Vote(int value) {
this.value = value;
private ReturnYouTubeDislike() {
} // only static methods
* Used to format like/dislike count.
@GuardedBy("ReturnYouTubeDislike.class") // not thread safe
private static CompactDecimalFormat dislikeCountFormatter;
* Used to format like/dislike count.
private static NumberFormat dislikePercentageFormatter;
public static void onEnabledChange(boolean enabled) {
synchronized (videoIdLockObject) {
isEnabled = enabled;
if (!enabled) {
// must clear old values, to protect against using stale data
// if the user re-enables RYD while watching a video
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Clearing previously fetched RYD vote data");
currentVideoId = null;
voteFetchFuture = null;
private static String getCurrentVideoId() {
synchronized (videoIdLockObject) {
return currentVideoId;
private static Future<RYDVoteData> getVoteFetchFuture() {
synchronized (videoIdLockObject) {
return voteFetchFuture;
// It is unclear if this method is always called on the main thread (since the YouTube app is the one making the call)
// treat this as if any thread could call this method
public static void newVideoLoaded(String videoId) {
if (!isEnabled) return;
try {
PlayerType currentPlayerType = PlayerType.getCurrent();
if (currentPlayerType == PlayerType.INLINE_MINIMAL) {
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Ignoring inline playback of video: "+ videoId);
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> " new video loaded: " + videoId + " playerType: " + currentPlayerType);
synchronized (videoIdLockObject) {
currentVideoId = videoId;
// no need to wrap the call in a try/catch,
// as any exceptions are propagated out in the later Future#Get call
voteFetchFuture = ReVancedUtils.submitOnBackgroundThread(() -> ReturnYouTubeDislikeApi.fetchVotes(videoId));
} catch (Exception ex) {
LogHelper.printException(() -> "Failed to load new video: " + videoId, ex);
* This method is sometimes called on the main thread, but it usually is called _off_ the main thread.
* <p>
* This method can be called multiple times for the same UI element (including after dislikes was added)
* This code should avoid needlessly replacing the same UI element with identical versions.
public static void onComponentCreated(Object conversionContext, AtomicReference<Object> textRef) {
if (!isEnabled) return;
try {
String conversionContextString = conversionContext.toString();
final boolean isSegmentedButton;
if (conversionContextString.contains("|segmented_like_dislike_button.eml|")) {
isSegmentedButton = true;
} else if (conversionContextString.contains("|dislike_button.eml|")) {
isSegmentedButton = false;
} else {
// Have to block the current thread until fetching is done
// There's no known way to edit the text after creation yet
RYDVoteData votingData;
long fetchStartTime = 0;
try {
Future<RYDVoteData> fetchFuture = getVoteFetchFuture();
if (fetchFuture == null) {
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "fetch future not available (user enabled RYD while video was playing?)");
if (SettingsEnum.DEBUG.getBoolean() && !fetchFuture.isDone()) {
fetchStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "UI timed out waiting for fetch votes to complete");
} finally {
if (votingData == null) {
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Cannot add dislike to UI (RYD data not available)");
if (updateDislike(textRef, isSegmentedButton, votingData)) {
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Updated dislike span to: " + textRef.get());
} else {
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Ignoring already updated dislike span: " + textRef.get());
} catch (Exception ex) {
LogHelper.printException(() -> "Error while trying to update dislikes", ex);
public static void sendVote(Vote vote) {
if (!isEnabled) return;
try {
if (PlayerType.getCurrent() == PlayerType.NONE) { // should occur if shorts is playing
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Ignoring vote during Shorts playback");
if (SharedPrefHelper.getBoolean(SharedPrefHelper.SharedPrefNames.YOUTUBE, "user_signed_out", true)) {
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "User is logged out, ignoring voting");
// Must make a local copy of videoId, since it may change between now and when the vote thread runs
String videoIdToVoteFor = getCurrentVideoId();
if (videoIdToVoteFor == null) {
// user enabled RYD after starting playback of a video
LogHelper.printException(() -> "Cannot vote, current video is is null (user enabled RYD while video was playing?)",
null, str("revanced_ryd_failure_ryd_enabled_while_playing_video_then_user_voted"));
voteSerialExecutor.execute(() -> {
// must wrap in try/catch to properly log exceptions
try {
String userId = getUserId();
if (userId != null) {
ReturnYouTubeDislikeApi.sendVote(videoIdToVoteFor, userId, vote);
} catch (Exception ex) {
LogHelper.printException(() -> "Failed to send vote", ex);
} catch (Exception ex) {
LogHelper.printException(() -> "Error while trying to send vote", ex);
* Must call off main thread, as this will make a network call if user is not yet registered
* @return ReturnYouTubeDislike user ID. If user registration has never happened
* and the network call fails, this returns NULL
private static String getUserId() {
String userId = SettingsEnum.RYD_USER_ID.getString();
if (userId != null) {
return userId;
userId = ReturnYouTubeDislikeApi.registerAsNewUser(); // blocks until network call is completed
if (userId != null) {
return userId;
* @param isSegmentedButton if UI is using the segmented single UI component for both like and dislike
* @return false, if the text reference already has dislike information and no changes were made.
private static boolean updateDislike(AtomicReference<Object> textRef, boolean isSegmentedButton, RYDVoteData voteData) {
Spannable oldSpannable = (Spannable) textRef.get();
String oldLikesString = oldSpannable.toString();
Spannable replacementSpannable;
// note: some locales use right to left layout (arabic, hebrew, etc),
// and care must be taken to retain the existing RTL encoding character on the likes string
// otherwise text will incorrectly show as left to right
// if making changes to this code, change device settings to a RTL language and verify layout is correct
if (!isSegmentedButton) {
// simple replacement of 'dislike' with a number/percentage
if (stringContainsNumber(oldLikesString)) {
// already is a number, and was modified in a previous call to this method
return false;
replacementSpannable = newSpannableWithDislikes(oldSpannable, voteData);
} else {
final boolean useCompactLayout = SettingsEnum.RYD_USE_COMPACT_LAYOUT.getBoolean();
// if compact layout, use a "half space" character
String middleSegmentedSeparatorString = useCompactLayout ? "\u2009 • \u2009" : " • ";
if (oldLikesString.contains(middleSegmentedSeparatorString)) {
return false; // dislikes was previously added
// YouTube creators can hide the like count on a video,
// and the like count appears as a device language specific string that says 'Like'
// check if the string contains any numbers
if (!stringContainsNumber(oldLikesString)) {
// likes are hidden.
// RYD does not provide usable data for these types of videos,
// and the API returns bogus data (zero likes and zero dislikes)
// example video:
// RYD data:
// discussion about this:
// Change the "Likes" string to show that likes and dislikes are hidden
String hiddenMessageString = str("revanced_ryd_video_likes_hidden_by_video_owner");
if (hiddenMessageString.equals(oldLikesString)) {
return false;
replacementSpannable = newSpanUsingStylingOfAnotherSpan(oldSpannable, hiddenMessageString);
} else {
Spannable likesSpan = newSpanUsingStylingOfAnotherSpan(oldSpannable, oldLikesString);
// middle separator
Spannable middleSeparatorSpan = newSpanUsingStylingOfAnotherSpan(oldSpannable, middleSegmentedSeparatorString);
final int separatorColor = ThemeHelper.isDarkTheme()
? 0x29AAAAAA // transparent dark gray
: 0xFFD9D9D9; // light gray
addSpanStyling(middleSeparatorSpan, new ForegroundColorSpan(separatorColor));
CharacterStyle noAntiAliasingStyle = new CharacterStyle() {
public void updateDrawState(TextPaint tp) {
tp.setAntiAlias(false); // draw without anti-aliasing, to give a sharper edge
addSpanStyling(middleSeparatorSpan, noAntiAliasingStyle);
Spannable dislikeSpan = newSpannableWithDislikes(oldSpannable, voteData);
SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder();
if (!useCompactLayout) {
String leftSegmentedSeparatorString = ReVancedUtils.isRightToLeftTextLayout() ? "\u200F| " : "| ";
Spannable leftSeparatorSpan = newSpanUsingStylingOfAnotherSpan(oldSpannable, leftSegmentedSeparatorString);
addSpanStyling(leftSeparatorSpan, new ForegroundColorSpan(separatorColor));
addSpanStyling(leftSeparatorSpan, noAntiAliasingStyle);
// Use a left separator with a larger font and visually match the stock right separator.
// But with a larger font, the entire span (including the like/dislike text) becomes shifted downward.
// To correct this, use additional spans to move the alignment back upward by a relative amount.
class RelativeVerticalOffsetSpan extends CharacterStyle {
final float relativeVerticalShiftRatio;
RelativeVerticalOffsetSpan(float relativeVerticalShiftRatio) {
this.relativeVerticalShiftRatio = relativeVerticalShiftRatio;
public void updateDrawState(TextPaint tp) {
tp.baselineShift -= (int) (relativeVerticalShiftRatio * tp.getFontMetrics().top);
// each section needs it's own Relative span, otherwise alignment is wrong
addSpanStyling(leftSeparatorSpan, new RelativeVerticalOffsetSpan(segmentedLeftSeparatorVerticalShiftRatio));
addSpanStyling(likesSpan, new RelativeVerticalOffsetSpan(segmentedVerticalShiftRatio));
addSpanStyling(middleSeparatorSpan, new RelativeVerticalOffsetSpan(segmentedVerticalShiftRatio));
addSpanStyling(dislikeSpan, new RelativeVerticalOffsetSpan(segmentedVerticalShiftRatio));
// important: must add size scaling after vertical offset (otherwise alignment gets off)
addSpanStyling(leftSeparatorSpan, new RelativeSizeSpan(segmentedLeftSeparatorFontRatio));
addSpanStyling(leftSeparatorSpan, new ScaleXSpan(segmentedLeftSeparatorHorizontalScaleRatio));
// middle separator does not need resizing
replacementSpannable = new SpannableString(builder);
return true;
private static boolean segmentedValuesSet = false;
private static float segmentedVerticalShiftRatio;
private static float segmentedLeftSeparatorVerticalShiftRatio;
private static float segmentedLeftSeparatorFontRatio;
private static float segmentedLeftSeparatorHorizontalScaleRatio;
* Set the segmented adjustment values, based on the device.
private static void setSegmentedAdjustmentValues() {
if (segmentedValuesSet) {
String deviceManufacturer = Build.MANUFACTURER;
final int deviceSdkVersion = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Device manufacturer: '" + deviceManufacturer + "' SDK: " + deviceSdkVersion);
// Important: configurations must be with the device default system font, and default font size.
// In general, a single configuration will give perfect layout for all devices of the same manufacturer.
final String configManufacturer;
final int configSdk;
switch (deviceManufacturer) {
default: // use Google layout by default
case "Google":
// logging and documentation
configManufacturer = "Google";
configSdk = 33;
// tested on Android 10 thru 13, and works well for all
segmentedLeftSeparatorVerticalShiftRatio = segmentedVerticalShiftRatio = -0.18f; // move separators and like/dislike up by 18%
segmentedLeftSeparatorFontRatio = 1.8f; // increase left separator size by 80%
segmentedLeftSeparatorHorizontalScaleRatio = 0.65f; // horizontally compress left separator by 35%
case "samsung":
configManufacturer = "samsung";
configSdk = 33;
// tested on S22
segmentedLeftSeparatorVerticalShiftRatio = segmentedVerticalShiftRatio = -0.19f;
segmentedLeftSeparatorFontRatio = 1.5f;
segmentedLeftSeparatorHorizontalScaleRatio = 0.7f;
case "OnePlus":
configManufacturer = "OnePlus";
configSdk = 33;
// tested on OnePlus 8 Pro
segmentedLeftSeparatorVerticalShiftRatio = -0.075f;
segmentedVerticalShiftRatio = -0.38f;
segmentedLeftSeparatorFontRatio = 1.87f;
segmentedLeftSeparatorHorizontalScaleRatio = 0.50f;
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Using layout adjustments based on manufacturer: '" + configManufacturer + "' SDK: " + configSdk);
segmentedValuesSet = true;
* Correctly handles any unicode numbers (such as Arabic numbers)
* @return if the string contains at least 1 number
private static boolean stringContainsNumber(String text) {
for (int index = 0, length = text.length(); index < length; index++) {
if (Character.isDigit(text.codePointAt(index))) {
return true;
return false;
private static void addSpanStyling(Spannable destination, Object styling) {
destination.setSpan(styling, 0, destination.length(), 0);
private static Spannable newSpannableWithDislikes(Spannable sourceStyling, RYDVoteData voteData) {
return newSpanUsingStylingOfAnotherSpan(sourceStyling,
? formatDislikePercentage(voteData.dislikePercentage)
: formatDislikeCount(voteData.dislikeCount));
private static Spannable newSpanUsingStylingOfAnotherSpan(Spannable sourceStyle, String newSpanText) {
SpannableString destination = new SpannableString(newSpanText);
Object[] spans = sourceStyle.getSpans(0, sourceStyle.length(), Object.class);
for (Object span : spans) {
destination.setSpan(span, 0, destination.length(), sourceStyle.getSpanFlags(span));
return destination;
private static String formatDislikeCount(long dislikeCount) {
synchronized (ReturnYouTubeDislike.class) { // number formatter is not thread safe, must synchronize
if (dislikeCountFormatter == null) {
// Note: Java number formatters will use the locale specific number characters.
// such as Arabic which formats "1.2" into "١٫٢"
// But YouTube disregards locale specific number characters
// and instead shows english number characters everywhere.
Locale locale = ReVancedUtils.getContext().getResources().getConfiguration().locale;
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Locale: " + locale);
dislikeCountFormatter = CompactDecimalFormat.getInstance(locale, CompactDecimalFormat.CompactStyle.SHORT);
return dislikeCountFormatter.format(dislikeCount);
// will never be reached, as the oldest supported YouTube app requires Android N or greater
return String.valueOf(dislikeCount);
private static String formatDislikePercentage(float dislikePercentage) {
synchronized (ReturnYouTubeDislike.class) { // number formatter is not thread safe, must synchronize
if (dislikePercentageFormatter == null) {
Locale locale = ReVancedUtils.getContext().getResources().getConfiguration().locale;
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "Locale: " + locale);
dislikePercentageFormatter = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(locale);
if (dislikePercentage >= 0.01) { // at least 1%
dislikePercentageFormatter.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); // show only whole percentage points
} else {
dislikePercentageFormatter.setMaximumFractionDigits(1); // show up to 1 digit precision
return dislikePercentageFormatter.format(dislikePercentage);
* Number of times the UI was forced to wait on a network fetch to complete
private static volatile int numberOfTimesUIWaitedOnNetworkCalls;
* Total time the UI waited, of all times it was forced to wait.
private static volatile long totalTimeUIWaitedOnNetworkCalls;
private static void recordTimeUISpentWaitingForNetworkCall(long timeUIWaitStarted) {
if (timeUIWaitStarted == 0 || !SettingsEnum.DEBUG.getBoolean()) {
final long timeUIWaitingTotal = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeUIWaitStarted;
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "UI thread waited for: " + timeUIWaitingTotal + "ms for vote fetch to complete");
totalTimeUIWaitedOnNetworkCalls += timeUIWaitingTotal;
final long averageTimeForcedToWait = totalTimeUIWaitedOnNetworkCalls / numberOfTimesUIWaitedOnNetworkCalls;
LogHelper.printDebug(() -> "UI thread forced to wait: " + numberOfTimesUIWaitedOnNetworkCalls + " times, "
+ "total wait time: " + totalTimeUIWaitedOnNetworkCalls + "ms, "
+ "average wait time: " + averageTimeForcedToWait + "ms");