import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:root/root.dart'; class RootAPI { // TODO(aAbed): remove in the future, keep it for now during migration. final String _postFsDataDirPath = '/data/adb/post-fs-data.d'; final String _revancedDirPath = '/data/adb/revanced'; final String _serviceDDirPath = '/data/adb/service.d'; Future isRooted() async { try { final bool? isRooted = await Root.isRootAvailable(); return isRooted != null && isRooted; } on Exception catch (e) { if (kDebugMode) { print(e); } return false; } } Future hasRootPermissions() async { try { bool? isRooted = await Root.isRootAvailable(); if (isRooted != null && isRooted) { isRooted = await Root.isRooted(); return isRooted != null && isRooted; } return false; } on Exception catch (e) { if (kDebugMode) { print(e); } return false; } } Future setPermissions( String permissions, ownerGroup, seLinux, String filePath, ) async { try { if (permissions.isNotEmpty) { await Root.exec( cmd: 'chmod $permissions "$filePath"', ); } if (ownerGroup.isNotEmpty) { await Root.exec( cmd: 'chown $ownerGroup "$filePath"', ); } if (seLinux.isNotEmpty) { await Root.exec( cmd: 'chcon $seLinux "$filePath"', ); } } on Exception catch (e) { if (kDebugMode) { print(e); } } } Future isAppInstalled(String packageName) async { if (packageName.isNotEmpty) { return fileExists('$_serviceDDirPath/$'); } return false; } Future> getInstalledApps() async { final List apps = List.empty(growable: true); try { final String? res = await Root.exec( cmd: 'ls "$_revancedDirPath"', ); if (res != null) { final List list = res.split('\n'); list.removeWhere((pack) => pack.isEmpty); apps.addAll( => pack.trim()).toList()); } } on Exception catch (e) { if (kDebugMode) { print(e); } } return apps; } Future unmount(String packageName) async { await Root.exec( cmd: 'grep $packageName /proc/mounts | while read -r line; do echo \$line | cut -d " " -f 2 | sed "s/apk.*/apk/" | xargs -r umount -l; done', ); await Root.exec( cmd: 'rm -rf "$_revancedDirPath/$packageName"', ); await Root.exec( cmd: 'rm -rf "$_serviceDDirPath/$"', ); } // TODO(aAbed): remove in the future, keep it for now during migration. Future removeOrphanedFiles() async { await Root.exec( cmd: ''' find "$_revancedDirPath" -type f -name original.apk -delete for file in "$_serviceDDirPath"/*; do filename=\$(basename "\$file") if [ -f "$_postFsDataDirPath/\$filename" ]; then rm "$_postFsDataDirPath/\$filename" fi done ''' .trim(), ); } Future installApp( String packageName, String originalFilePath, String patchedFilePath, ) async { try { await Root.exec( cmd: 'mkdir -p "$_revancedDirPath/$packageName"', ); await setPermissions( '0755', 'shell:shell', '', '$_revancedDirPath/$packageName', ); await installServiceDScript(packageName); await installApk(packageName, patchedFilePath); await mountApk(packageName); return true; } on Exception catch (e) { if (kDebugMode) { print(e); } return false; } } Future installServiceDScript(String packageName) async { await Root.exec( cmd: 'mkdir -p "$_serviceDDirPath"', ); final String content = ''' #!/system/bin/sh MAGISKTMP="\$(magisk --path)" || MAGISKTMP=/sbin MIRROR="\$MAGISKTMP/.magisk/mirror" until [ "\$(getprop sys.boot_completed)" = 1 ]; do sleep 3; done until [ -d "/sdcard/Android" ]; do sleep 1; done base_path=$_revancedDirPath/$packageName/base.apk stock_path=\$(pm path $packageName | grep base | sed 's/package://g' ) chcon u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0 \$base_path mount -o bind \$MIRROR\$base_path \$stock_path # Kill the app to force it to restart the mounted APK in case it's already running am force-stop $packageName ''' .trim(); final String scriptFilePath = '$_serviceDDirPath/$'; await Root.exec( cmd: 'echo \'$content\' > "$scriptFilePath"', ); await setPermissions('0744', '', '', scriptFilePath); } Future installApk(String packageName, String patchedFilePath) async { final String newPatchedFilePath = '$_revancedDirPath/$packageName/base.apk'; await Root.exec( cmd: 'cp "$patchedFilePath" "$newPatchedFilePath"', ); await setPermissions( '0644', 'system:system', 'u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0', newPatchedFilePath, ); } Future mountApk( String packageName, ) async { await Root.exec( cmd: ''' grep $packageName /proc/mounts | while read -r line; do echo \$line | cut -d " " -f 2 | sed "s/apk.*/apk/" | xargs -r umount -l; done .$_serviceDDirPath/$ ''' .trim(), ); } Future fileExists(String path) async { try { final String? res = await Root.exec( cmd: 'ls $path', ); return res != null && res.isNotEmpty; } on Exception catch (e) { if (kDebugMode) { print(e); } return false; } } }