import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:root/root.dart'; class RootAPI { // TODO(ponces): remove in the future, keep it for now during migration. final String _revancedOldDirPath = '/data/local/tmp/revanced-manager'; final String _revancedDirPath = '/data/adb/revanced'; final String _postFsDataDirPath = '/data/adb/post-fs-data.d'; final String _serviceDDirPath = '/data/adb/service.d'; Future isRooted() async { try { final bool? isRooted = await Root.isRootAvailable(); return isRooted != null && isRooted; } on Exception catch (e) { if (kDebugMode) { print(e); } return false; } } Future hasRootPermissions() async { try { bool? isRooted = await Root.isRootAvailable(); if (isRooted != null && isRooted) { isRooted = await Root.isRooted(); return isRooted != null && isRooted; } return false; } on Exception catch (e) { if (kDebugMode) { print(e); } return false; } } Future setPermissions( String permissions, ownerGroup, seLinux, String filePath, ) async { try { if (permissions.isNotEmpty) { await Root.exec( cmd: 'chmod $permissions "$filePath"', ); } if (ownerGroup.isNotEmpty) { await Root.exec( cmd: 'chown $ownerGroup "$filePath"', ); } if (seLinux.isNotEmpty) { await Root.exec( cmd: 'chcon $seLinux "$filePath"', ); } } on Exception catch (e) { if (kDebugMode) { print(e); } } } Future isAppInstalled(String packageName) async { if (packageName.isNotEmpty) { return fileExists('$_serviceDDirPath/$'); } return false; } Future> getInstalledApps() async { final List apps = List.empty(growable: true); try { String? res = await Root.exec( cmd: 'ls "$_revancedDirPath"', ); if (res != null) { final List list = res.split('\n'); list.removeWhere((pack) => pack.isEmpty); apps.addAll( => pack.trim()).toList()); } // TODO(ponces): remove in the future, keep it for now during migration. res = await Root.exec( cmd: 'ls "$_revancedOldDirPath"', ); if (res != null) { final List list = res.split('\n'); list.removeWhere((pack) => pack.isEmpty); apps.addAll( => pack.trim()).toList()); } } on Exception catch (e) { if (kDebugMode) { print(e); } } return apps; } Future deleteApp(String packageName, String originalFilePath) async { await Root.exec( cmd: 'am force-stop "$packageName"', ); await Root.exec( cmd: 'su -mm -c "umount -l $originalFilePath"', ); // TODO(ponces): remove in the future, keep it for now during migration. await Root.exec( cmd: 'rm -rf "$_revancedOldDirPath/$packageName"', ); await Root.exec( cmd: 'rm -rf "$_revancedDirPath/$packageName"', ); await Root.exec( cmd: 'rm -rf "$_serviceDDirPath/$"', ); await Root.exec( cmd: 'rm -rf "$_postFsDataDirPath/$"', ); } Future installApp( String packageName, String originalFilePath, String patchedFilePath, ) async { try { await deleteApp(packageName, originalFilePath); await Root.exec( cmd: 'mkdir -p "$_revancedDirPath/$packageName"', ); await setPermissions( '0755', 'shell:shell', '', '$_revancedDirPath/$packageName', ); await saveOriginalFilePath(packageName, originalFilePath); await installServiceDScript(packageName); await installPostFsDataScript(packageName); await installApk(packageName, patchedFilePath); await mountApk(packageName, originalFilePath); return true; } on Exception catch (e) { if (kDebugMode) { print(e); } return false; } } Future installServiceDScript(String packageName) async { await Root.exec( cmd: 'mkdir -p "$_serviceDDirPath"', ); final String content = '#!/system/bin/sh\n' 'while [ "\$(getprop sys.boot_completed | tr -d \'"\'"\'\\\\r\'"\'"\')" != "1" ]; do sleep 3; done\n' 'base_path=$_revancedDirPath/$packageName/base.apk\n' 'stock_path=\$(pm path $packageName | grep base | sed \'"\'"\'s/package://g\'"\'"\')\n' r'[ ! -z $stock_path ] && mount -o bind $base_path $stock_path'; final String scriptFilePath = '$_serviceDDirPath/$'; await Root.exec( cmd: 'echo \'$content\' > "$scriptFilePath"', ); await setPermissions('0744', '', '', scriptFilePath); } Future installPostFsDataScript(String packageName) async { await Root.exec( cmd: 'mkdir -p "$_postFsDataDirPath"', ); final String content = '#!/system/bin/sh\n' 'stock_path=\$(pm path $packageName | grep base | sed \'"\'"\'s/package://g\'"\'"\')\n' r'[ ! -z $stock_path ] && umount -l $stock_path'; final String scriptFilePath = '$_postFsDataDirPath/$'; await Root.exec( cmd: 'echo \'$content\' > "$scriptFilePath"', ); await setPermissions('0744', '', '', scriptFilePath); } Future installApk(String packageName, String patchedFilePath) async { final String newPatchedFilePath = '$_revancedDirPath/$packageName/base.apk'; await Root.exec( cmd: 'cp "$patchedFilePath" "$newPatchedFilePath"', ); await setPermissions( '0644', 'system:system', 'u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0', newPatchedFilePath, ); } Future mountApk(String packageName, String originalFilePath) async { final String newPatchedFilePath = '$_revancedDirPath/$packageName/base.apk'; await Root.exec( cmd: 'am force-stop "$packageName"', ); await Root.exec( cmd: 'su -mm -c "umount -l $originalFilePath"', ); await Root.exec( cmd: 'su -mm -c "mount -o bind $newPatchedFilePath $originalFilePath"', ); } Future isMounted(String packageName) async { final String? res = await Root.exec( cmd: 'cat /proc/mounts | grep $packageName', ); return res != null && res.isNotEmpty; } Future saveOriginalFilePath( String packageName, String originalFilePath, ) async { final String originalRootPath = '$_revancedDirPath/$packageName/original.apk'; await Root.exec( cmd: 'mkdir -p "$_revancedDirPath/$packageName"', ); await setPermissions( '0755', 'shell:shell', '', '$_revancedDirPath/$packageName', ); await Root.exec( cmd: 'cp "$originalFilePath" "$originalRootPath"', ); await setPermissions( '0644', 'shell:shell', 'u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0', originalFilePath, ); } Future fileExists(String path) async { try { final String? res = await Root.exec( cmd: 'ls $path', ); return res != null && res.isNotEmpty; } on Exception catch (e) { if (kDebugMode) { print(e); } return false; } } }