{ "okButton": "OK", "cancelButton": "Cancel", "enabledLabel": "Enabled", "disabledLabel": "Disabled", "yesButton": "Yes", "noButton": "No", "navigationView": { "dashboardTab": "Dashboard", "patcherTab": "Patcher", "settingsTab": "Settings" }, "homeView": { "widgetTitle": "Dashboard", "updatesSubtitle": "Updates", "patchedSubtitle": "Patched Applications", "updatesAvailable": "Updates Available", "noUpdates": "No updates available", "noInstallations": "No patched applications installed", "installed": "Installed", "updateDialogTitle": "Update", "updateDialogText": "Are you sure you want to download and update Manager?", "notificationTitle": "ReVanced Manager was updated!", "notificationText": "Tap to open the app", "downloadingMessage": "Downloading update!", "installingMessage": "Installing update... Hang on!", "errorDownloadMessage": "Unable to download update!", "errorInstallMessage": "Unable to install update!", "noConnection": "No internet connection" }, "applicationItem": { "patchButton": "Patch", "infoButton": "Info", "changelogLabel": "Changelog" }, "latestCommitCard": { "loadingLabel": "Loading", "timeagoLabel": "{time} ago", "patcherLabel": "Patcher: ", "managerLabel": "Manager: ", "updateButton": "Update Manager" }, "patcherView": { "widgetTitle": "Patcher", "patchButton": "Patch", "patchDialogTitle": "Warning", "patchDialogText": "You have selected a resource patch and a split APK installation was detected so patching errors can occur.\nAre you sure you want to proceed with patching a split base APK?" }, "appSelectorCard": { "widgetTitle": "Select application", "widgetTitleSelected": "Selected application", "widgetSubtitle": "No application selected.", "noAppsLabel": "No applications found.", "currentVersion": "Current", "recommendedVersion": "Recommended", "anyVersion": "any" }, "patchSelectorCard": { "widgetTitle": "Select patches", "widgetTitleSelected": "Selected patches", "widgetSubtitle": "Select an application first.", "widgetEmptySubtitle": "No patches selected." }, "socialMediaCard": { "widgetTitle": "Social Media", "widgetSubtitle": "We are online!" }, "appSelectorView": { "searchBarHint": "Search applications", "storageButton": "Storage", "errorMessage": "Unable to use selected application." }, "patchesSelectorView": { "searchBarHint": "Search patches", "doneButton": "Done", "noPatchesFound": "No patches found for the selected app." }, "patchItem": { "unsupportedWarningButton": "Unsupported version", "unsupportedDialogTitle": "Warning", "unsupportedDialogText": "Selecting this patch may result in patching errors.\n\nApp version: {packageVersion}\nCurrent supported versions:\n{supportedVersions}" }, "installerView": { "widgetTitle": "Installer", "installButton": "Install", "installRootButton": "Install as Root", "openButton": "Open", "shareButton": "Share file", "notificationTitle": "ReVanced Manager is patching", "notificationText": "Tap to return to the installer", "shareApkMenuOption": "Share APK", "shareLogMenuOption": "Share log", "installErrorDialogTitle": "Error", "installErrorDialogText1": "Root install is not possible with the current patches selection.\nRepatch your app or choose non-root install.", "installErrorDialogText2": "Non-root install is not possible with the current patches selection.\nRepatch your app or choose root install if you have your device rooted.", "installErrorDialogText3": "Root install is not possible as the original APK was selected from storage.\nSelect an installed app or choose non-root install." }, "settingsView": { "widgetTitle": "Settings", "appearanceSectionTitle": "Appearance", "patcherSectionTitle": "Patcher", "teamSectionTitle": "Team", "infoSectionTitle": "Info", "advancedSectionTitle": "Advanced", "darkThemeLabel": "Dark Mode", "darkThemeHint": "Welcome to the Dark Side", "dynamicThemeLabel": "Material You", "dynamicThemeHint": "Enjoy an experience closer to your device", "languageLabel": "Language", "englishOption": "English", "frenchOption": "French", "sourcesLabel": "Sources", "sourcesLabelHint": "Configure your custom sources", "orgPatchesLabel" : "Patches Org", "sourcesPatchesLabel" : "Patches Source", "orgIntegrationsLabel": "Integrations Org", "sourcesIntegrationsLabel": "Integrations Source", "sourcesResetDialogTitle": "Reset", "sourcesResetDialogText": "Are you sure you want to reset custom sources to their default values?", "apiURLResetDialogText": "Are you sure you want to reset API URL to their default values?", "contributorsLabel": "Contributors", "contributorsHint": "A list of contributors of ReVanced", "logsLabel": "Logs", "logsHint": "Share device debug logs", "apiURLLabel": "API URL", "apiURLHint": "Configure your custom API URL", "selectApiURL": "Select URL", "aboutLabel": "About", "snackbarMessage": "Copied to clipboard" }, "appInfoView": { "widgetTitle": "App Info", "openButton": "Open", "uninstallButton": "Uninstall", "patchButton": "Patch", "unpatchButton": "Unpatch", "unpatchDialogText": "Are you sure you want to unpatch this app?", "rootDialogTitle": "Error", "rootDialogText": "App was installed with root mode enabled but currently root mode is disabled.\nPlease enable root mode first.", "packageNameLabel": "Package Name", "installTypeLabel": "Installation Type", "rootTypeLabel": "Root", "nonRootTypeLabel": "Non-root", "patchedDateLabel": "Patched Date", "patchedDateHint": "{date} at {time}", "appliedPatchesLabel": "Applied Patches", "appliedPatchesHint": "{quantity} applied patches" }, "contributorsView": { "widgetTitle": "Contributors", "patcherContributors": "Patcher Contributors", "patchesContributors": "Patches Contributors", "integrationsContributors": "Integrations Contributors", "cliContributors": "CLI Contributors", "managerContributors": "Manager Contributors" } }