feat(YouTube - Theme): Apply custom seekbar color to splash screen animation (#3978)

This commit is contained in:
LisoUseInAIKyrios 2024-11-25 20:49:05 +04:00 committed by GitHub
parent c67d0c042c
commit 98d57e28af
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
8 changed files with 254 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -2,9 +2,12 @@ package app.revanced.extension.youtube.patches.theme;
import static app.revanced.extension.shared.StringRef.str;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.drawable.AnimatedVectorDrawable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
import app.revanced.extension.shared.Logger;
import app.revanced.extension.shared.Utils;
@ -16,7 +19,8 @@ public final class SeekbarColorPatch {
private static final boolean SEEKBAR_CUSTOM_COLOR_ENABLED = Settings.SEEKBAR_CUSTOM_COLOR.get();
* Default color of the seekbar.
* Default color of the litho seekbar.
* Differs slightly from the default custom seekbar color setting.
private static final int ORIGINAL_SEEKBAR_COLOR = 0xFFFF0000;
@ -72,12 +76,76 @@ public final class SeekbarColorPatch {
return seekbarColor;
* Injection point
public static boolean playerSeekbarGradientEnabled(boolean original) {
return original;
* Injection point
public static boolean useLotteLaunchSplashScreen(boolean original) {
Logger.printDebug(() -> "useLotteLaunchSplashScreen original: " + original);
return original;
private static int colorChannelTo3Bits(int channel8Bits) {
final float channel3Bits = channel8Bits * 7 / 255f;
// If a color channel is near zero, then allow rounding up so values between
// 0x12 and 0x23 will show as 0x24. But always round down when the channel is
// near full saturation, otherwise rounding to nearest will cause all values
// between 0xEC and 0xFE to always show as full saturation (0xFF).
return channel3Bits < 6
? Math.round(channel3Bits)
: (int) channel3Bits;
private static String get9BitStyleIdentifier(int color24Bit) {
final int r3 = colorChannelTo3Bits(Color.red(color24Bit));
final int g3 = colorChannelTo3Bits(Color.green(color24Bit));
final int b3 = colorChannelTo3Bits(Color.blue(color24Bit));
return String.format(Locale.US, "splash_seekbar_color_style_%d_%d_%d", r3, g3, b3);
* Injection point
public static void setSplashAnimationDrawableTheme(AnimatedVectorDrawable vectorDrawable) {
// Alternatively a ColorMatrixColorFilter can be used to change the color of the drawable
// without using any styles, but a color filter cannot selectively change the seekbar
// while keeping the red YT logo untouched.
// Even if the seekbar color xml value is changed to a completely different color (such as green),
// a color filter still cannot be selectively applied when the drawable has more than 1 color.
try {
String seekbarStyle = get9BitStyleIdentifier(seekbarColor);
Logger.printDebug(() -> "Using splash seekbar style: " + seekbarStyle);
final int styleIdentifierDefault = Utils.getResourceIdentifier(
if (styleIdentifierDefault == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Seekbar style not found: " + seekbarStyle);
Resources.Theme theme = Utils.getContext().getResources().newTheme();
theme.applyStyle(styleIdentifierDefault, true);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.printException(() -> "setSplashAnimationDrawableTheme failure", ex);
* Injection point.
@ -189,4 +257,4 @@ public final class SeekbarColorPatch {
private static float clamp(float value, float lower, float upper) {
return Math.max(lower, Math.min(value, upper));

View File

@ -1328,6 +1328,7 @@ public final class app/revanced/patches/youtube/misc/playservice/VersionCheckPat
public static final fun is_19_36_or_greater ()Z
public static final fun is_19_41_or_greater ()Z
public static final fun is_19_43_or_greater ()Z
public static final fun is_19_46_or_greater ()Z
public final class app/revanced/patches/youtube/misc/privacy/RemoveTrackingQueryParameterPatchKt {

View File

@ -48,3 +48,17 @@ internal val lithoLinearGradientFingerprint = fingerprint {
parameters("F", "F", "F", "F", "[I", "[F")
internal const val launchScreenLayoutTypeLotteFeatureFlag = 268507948L
internal val launchScreenLayoutTypeFingerprint = fingerprint {
accessFlags(AccessFlags.PUBLIC, AccessFlags.CONSTRUCTOR)
custom { method, _ ->
val firstParameter = method.parameterTypes.firstOrNull()
// 19.25 - 19.45
(firstParameter == "Lcom/google/android/apps/youtube/app/watchwhile/MainActivity;"
|| firstParameter == "Landroid/app/Activity;") // 19.46+
&& method.containsLiteralInstruction(launchScreenLayoutTypeLotteFeatureFlag)

View File

@ -13,15 +13,24 @@ import app.revanced.patches.shared.misc.mapping.resourceMappings
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.layout.theme.lithoColorHookPatch
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.layout.theme.lithoColorOverrideHook
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.extension.sharedExtensionPatch
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.playservice.is_19_23_or_greater
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.playservice.is_19_25_or_greater
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.playservice.is_19_46_or_greater
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.playservice.versionCheckPatch
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.settingsPatch
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.shared.mainActivityOnCreateFingerprint
import app.revanced.util.copyXmlNode
import app.revanced.util.findElementByAttributeValueOrThrow
import app.revanced.util.getReference
import app.revanced.util.indexOfFirstInstructionOrThrow
import app.revanced.util.indexOfFirstLiteralInstructionOrThrow
import app.revanced.util.inputStreamFromBundledResource
import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.Opcode
import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.OneRegisterInstruction
import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.TwoRegisterInstruction
import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.reference.MethodReference
import org.w3c.dom.Element
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream
import kotlin.use
internal var reelTimeBarPlayedColorId = -1L
private set
@ -30,6 +39,8 @@ internal var inlineTimeBarColorizedBarPlayedColorDarkId = -1L
internal var inlineTimeBarPlayedNotHighlightedColorId = -1L
private set
internal const val splashSeekbarColorAttributeName = "splash_custom_seekbar_color"
private val seekbarColorResourcePatch = resourcePatch {
@ -51,9 +62,8 @@ private val seekbarColorResourcePatch = resourcePatch {
// Edit the resume playback drawable and replace the progress bar with a custom drawable
// Modify the resume playback drawable and replace the progress bar with a custom drawable.
document("res/drawable/resume_playback_progressbar_drawable.xml").use { document ->
val layerList = document.getElementsByTagName("layer-list").item(0) as Element
val progressNode = layerList.getElementsByTagName("item").item(1) as Element
if (!progressNode.getAttributeNode("android:id").value.endsWith("progress")) {
@ -66,9 +76,102 @@ private val seekbarColorResourcePatch = resourcePatch {
scaleNode.replaceChild(replacementNode, shapeNode)
if (!is_19_25_or_greater) {
// Add attribute and styles for splash screen custom color.
// Using a style is the only way to selectively change just the seekbar fill color.
// Because the style colors must be hard coded for all color possibilities,
// instead of allowing 24 bit color the style is restricted to 9-bit (3 bits per color channel)
// and the style color closest to the users custom color is used for the splash screen.
inputStreamFromBundledResource("seekbar/values", "attrs.xml")!! to "res/values/attrs.xml",
ByteArrayInputStream(create9BitSeekbarColorStyles().toByteArray()) to "res/values/styles.xml"
).forEach { (source, destination) ->
fun setSplashDrawablePathFillColor(xmlFileNames: Iterable<String>, vararg resourceNames: String) {
xmlFileNames.forEach { xmlFileName ->
document(xmlFileName).use { document ->
resourceNames.forEach { elementId ->
val element = document.childNodes.findElementByAttributeValueOrThrow(
val attribute = "android:fillColor"
if (!element.hasAttribute(attribute)) {
throw PatchException("Could not find $attribute for $elementId")
element.setAttribute(attribute, "?attr/$splashSeekbarColorAttributeName")
if (!is_19_46_or_greater) {
// Resources removed in 19.46+
* Generate a style xml with all combinations of 9-bit colors.
private fun create9BitSeekbarColorStyles(): String = StringBuilder().apply {
append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>")
for (red in 0..7) {
for (green in 0..7) {
for (blue in 0..7) {
val name = "${red}_${green}_${blue}"
fun roundTo3BitHex(channel8Bits: Int) =
(channel8Bits * 255 / 7).toString(16).padStart(2, '0')
val r = roundTo3BitHex(red)
val g = roundTo3BitHex(green)
val b = roundTo3BitHex(blue)
val color = "#ff$r$g$b"
<style name="splash_seekbar_color_style_$name">
<item name="$splashSeekbarColorAttributeName">$color</item>
private const val EXTENSION_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR = "Lapp/revanced/extension/youtube/patches/theme/SeekbarColorPatch;"
val seekbarColorPatch = bytecodePatch(
@ -117,27 +220,73 @@ val seekbarColorPatch = bytecodePatch(
if (is_19_23_or_greater) {
playerSeekbarGradientConfigFingerprint.method.apply {
val literalIndex = indexOfFirstLiteralInstructionOrThrow(PLAYER_SEEKBAR_GRADIENT_FEATURE_FLAG)
lithoColorOverrideHook(EXTENSION_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR, "getLithoColor")
if (!is_19_25_or_greater) {
// 19.25+ changes
playerSeekbarGradientConfigFingerprint.method.apply {
val literalIndex = indexOfFirstLiteralInstructionOrThrow(PLAYER_SEEKBAR_GRADIENT_FEATURE_FLAG)
val resultIndex = indexOfFirstInstructionOrThrow(literalIndex, Opcode.MOVE_RESULT)
val register = getInstruction<OneRegisterInstruction>(resultIndex).registerA
resultIndex + 1,
invoke-static { v$register }, $EXTENSION_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR->playerSeekbarGradientEnabled(Z)Z
move-result v$register
"invoke-static/range { p4 .. p5 }, $EXTENSION_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR->setLinearGradient([I[F)V"
// region apply seekbar custom color to splash screen animation.
// Don't use the lotte splash screen layout if using custom seekbar.
).forEach { fingerprint ->
fingerprint.method.apply {
val literalIndex = indexOfFirstLiteralInstructionOrThrow(launchScreenLayoutTypeLotteFeatureFlag)
val resultIndex = indexOfFirstInstructionOrThrow(literalIndex, Opcode.MOVE_RESULT)
val register = getInstruction<OneRegisterInstruction>(resultIndex).registerA
resultIndex + 1,
invoke-static { v$register }, $EXTENSION_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR->playerSeekbarGradientEnabled(Z)Z
invoke-static { v$register }, $EXTENSION_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR->useLotteLaunchSplashScreen(Z)Z
move-result v$register
"invoke-static/range { p4 .. p5 }, $EXTENSION_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR->setLinearGradient([I[F)V",
// Hook the splash animation drawable to set the a seekbar color theme.
mainActivityOnCreateFingerprint.method.apply {
val drawableIndex = indexOfFirstInstructionOrThrow {
val reference = getReference<MethodReference>()
reference?.definingClass == "Landroid/widget/ImageView;"
&& reference.name == "getDrawable"
val checkCastIndex = indexOfFirstInstructionOrThrow(drawableIndex, Opcode.CHECK_CAST)
val drawableRegister = getInstruction<OneRegisterInstruction>(checkCastIndex).registerA
checkCastIndex + 1,
"invoke-static { v$drawableRegister }, $EXTENSION_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR->" +
lithoColorOverrideHook(EXTENSION_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR, "getLithoColor")
// endregion

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ val shortsAutoplayPatch = bytecodePatch(
// Main activity is used to check if app is in pip mode.
"invoke-static/range { p0 .. p0 }, $EXTENSION_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR->" +

View File

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ var is_19_41_or_greater = false
private set
var is_19_43_or_greater = false
private set
var is_19_46_or_greater = false
private set
val versionCheckPatch = resourcePatch(
description = "Uses the Play Store service version to find the major/minor version of the YouTube target app.",
@ -68,5 +70,6 @@ val versionCheckPatch = resourcePatch(
is_19_36_or_greater = 243705000 <= playStoreServicesVersion
is_19_41_or_greater = 244305000 <= playStoreServicesVersion
is_19_43_or_greater = 244405000 <= playStoreServicesVersion
is_19_46_or_greater = 244705000 <= playStoreServicesVersion

View File

@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ fun String.copyXmlNode(
target: Document,
): AutoCloseable {
val hostNodes = source.getElementsByTagName(this).item(0).childNodes
val destinationNode = target.getElementsByTagName(this).item(0)
for (index in 0 until hostNodes.length) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<attr format="reference|color" name="splash_custom_seekbar_color"/>