package app.revanced.patches.all.misc.packagename import import app.revanced.patcher.patch.ResourcePatch import app.revanced.patcher.patch.annotation.Patch import app.revanced.patcher.patch.options.PatchOption.PatchExtensions.stringPatchOption import app.revanced.patcher.patch.options.PatchOptionException import org.w3c.dom.Element import @Patch( name = "Change package name", description = "Appends \".revanced\" to the package name by default. Changing the package name of the app can lead to unexpected issues.", use = false, ) @Suppress("unused") object ChangePackageNamePatch : ResourcePatch(), Closeable { private val packageNameOption = stringPatchOption( key = "packageName", default = "Default", values = mapOf("Default" to "Default"), title = "Package name", description = "The name of the package to rename the app to.", required = true, ) { it == "Default" || it!!.matches(Regex("^[a-z]\\w*(\\.[a-z]\\w*)+\$")) } private lateinit var context: ResourceContext override fun execute(context: ResourceContext) { this.context = context } /** * Set the package name to use. * If this is called multiple times, the first call will set the package name. * * @param fallbackPackageName The package name to use if the user has not already specified a package name. * @return The package name that was set. * @throws PatchOptionException.ValueValidationException If the package name is invalid. */ fun setOrGetFallbackPackageName(fallbackPackageName: String): String { val packageName = packageNameOption.value!! return if (packageName == packageNameOption.default) { fallbackPackageName.also { packageNameOption.value = it } } else { packageName } } override fun close() = context.xmlEditor["AndroidManifest.xml"].use { editor -> val document = editor.file val replacementPackageName = packageNameOption.value val manifest = document.getElementsByTagName("manifest").item(0) as Element manifest.setAttribute( "package", if (replacementPackageName != packageNameOption.default) { replacementPackageName } else { "${manifest.getAttribute("package")}.revanced" }, ) } }