package app.revanced.patches.shared.misc.gms import app.revanced.patcher.PatchClass import import app.revanced.patcher.patch.ResourcePatch import app.revanced.patcher.patch.options.PatchOption.PatchExtensions.stringPatchOption import app.revanced.patches.all.misc.packagename.ChangePackageNamePatch import app.revanced.patches.all.misc.resources.AddResourcesPatch import org.w3c.dom.Element import org.w3c.dom.Node /** * Abstract resource patch that allows Google apps to run without root and under a different package name * by using GmsCore instead of Google Play Services. * * @param fromPackageName The package name of the original app. * @param toPackageName The package name to fall back to if no custom package name is specified in patch options. * @param spoofedPackageSignature The signature of the package to spoof to. * @param dependencies Additional dependencies of this patch. */ abstract class BaseGmsCoreSupportResourcePatch( private val fromPackageName: String, private val toPackageName: String, private val spoofedPackageSignature: String, dependencies: Set = setOf(), ) : ResourcePatch(dependencies = setOf(ChangePackageNamePatch::class, AddResourcesPatch::class) + dependencies) { internal val gmsCoreVendorOption = stringPatchOption( key = "gmsCoreVendor", default = "com.mgoogle", values = mapOf( "Vanced" to "com.mgoogle", "ReVanced" to "app.revanced", ), title = "GmsCore Vendor", description = "The group id of the GmsCore vendor.", required = true, ) { it!!.matches(Regex("^[a-z]\\w*(\\.[a-z]\\w*)+\$")) } protected val gmsCoreVendor by gmsCoreVendorOption override fun execute(context: ResourceContext) { AddResourcesPatch(BaseGmsCoreSupportResourcePatch::class) context.patchManifest() context.addSpoofingMetadata() } /** * Add metadata to manifest to support spoofing the package name and signature of GmsCore. */ private fun ResourceContext.addSpoofingMetadata() { fun Node.adoptChild( tagName: String, block: Element.() -> Unit, ) { val child = ownerDocument.createElement(tagName) child.block() appendChild(child) } xmlEditor["AndroidManifest.xml"].use { editor -> val document = editor.file val applicationNode = document .getElementsByTagName("application") .item(0) // Spoof package name and signature. applicationNode.adoptChild("meta-data") { setAttribute("android:name", "$") setAttribute("android:value", fromPackageName) } applicationNode.adoptChild("meta-data") { setAttribute("android:name", "$") setAttribute("android:value", spoofedPackageSignature) } // GmsCore presence detection in ReVanced Integrations. applicationNode.adoptChild("meta-data") { // TODO: The name of this metadata should be dynamic. setAttribute("android:name", "app.revanced.MICROG_PACKAGE_NAME") setAttribute("android:value", "$") } } } /** * Patch the manifest to support GmsCore. */ private fun ResourceContext.patchManifest() { val packageName = ChangePackageNamePatch.setOrGetFallbackPackageName(toPackageName) val manifest = this.get("AndroidManifest.xml").readText() this.get("AndroidManifest.xml").writeText( manifest.replace( "package=\"$fromPackageName", "package=\"$packageName", ).replace( "android:authorities=\"$fromPackageName", "android:authorities=\"$packageName", ).replace( "$fromPackageName.permission.C2D_MESSAGE", "$packageName.permission.C2D_MESSAGE", ).replace( "$fromPackageName.DYNAMIC_RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED_PERMISSION", "$packageName.DYNAMIC_RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED_PERMISSION", ).replace( "", "$", ).replace( "", "", ), ) } }