" - xfileFIN (Mods, Theming, Support) - Laura (Theming, Support) - ZaneZam (Publishing, Support) - KevinX8 (Overlord, Support)" About Auto repeat in background is off Auto repeat in background is on Auto repeat in background Auto repeat is not linked to Autoplay toggle Auto repeat is linked to Autoplay toggle (Autoplay off = Auto repeat on) Auto repeat linked to Autoplay Auto repeat is off Auto repeat is on Auto repeat Video watermark is hidden Video watermark is shown Video watermark ExoPlayer v2 has to be enabled for buffer settings Buffer settings Cast button is hidden Cast button is shown Cast button Codec override Override manufacturer Override model Extra debug logging is disabled Extra debug logging is enabled Debug mode Tap to set your device\'s default codec Default codec Tap to join Vanced on Discord Discord Server ExoPlayer v2 is experimental. DO NOT report errors that occur when ExoPlayer v2 is enabled Warning Tap to enable hardware HDR Samsung Galaxy S8+ Video brightness will follow your device\'s brightness on HDR landscape videos Video brightness is set to max on HDR landscape videos HDR Max brightness taps needed to enable hidden setting No need, hidden setting has already been enabled Hidden setting have been enabled Info cards are hidden Info cards are shown Info cards Layout settings "The maximum duration of media that the player will attempt to buffer (in milliseconds) Default: 120000" Maximum buffer Select the preferred minimized video type Minimized video type Video only Video with media controls Misc Video resolution is being overridden to max Video resolution is following your device screen resolution Max resolution "The duration of media that must be buffered for playback to start or resume following a user action such as seeking (in milliseconds) Default: 2500" Playback start Select preferred video resolution on Cellular Network Preferred video quality Cellular Select preferred video resolution on Wi-Fi Network Preferred video quality Wi-Fi Select preferred video speed Preferred video speed "The duration of media that must be buffered for playback to resume after a rebuffer (in milliseconds). A rebuffer is defined to be caused by buffer depletion rather than a user action Default: 5000" Rebuffer Vanced settings Tap to enable software HDR Google Pixel XL End screens are hidden End screens are shown End screens Support links Support Video settings Tap to force usage of the VP9 codec VP9 codec not forced VP9 codec is enabled by default for supported devices, disable if you encounter stuttering/slowness in videos VP9 codec Tap to open the XDA post XDA thread Wide search bar Search bar style is defined by the app Forcing wide search bar Dynamic player Dynamic player is defined automatically Dynamic player is forced on square and vertical videos New official theme toggle is in the General settings. This theme toggle is \"Developer\" toggle. Theme info Accessibility controls aren\'t displayed in the player Accessibility controls are displayed in the player Accessibility player Captions aren\'t enabled automatically at 0% volume Captions are enabled automatically at 0% volume Auto captions Amount of pixels excluded from swiping at the top of the display to prevent swipe controls when dragging down notifications Swipe padding Amount of pixels you have to swipe until detecting starts to prevent unintended swiping Swipe threshold Swipe controls for brightness are disabled Swipe controls for brightness are enabled Swipe controls for Brightness Swipe controls for Brightness and Volume Swipe controls Swipe controls for volume are disabled Swipe controls for volume are enabled Swipe controls for Volume Tap to open our website Vanced website Home ads are hidden Home ads are shown Home ads (Experimental) Stories are hidden Stories are shown YouTube stories (Experimental) Ad settings Credits for people who have contributed Credits Home ads removing enhancement and showed other kinds of debugging methods souramoo SponsorBlock implementation JakubWeg Comments are shown at the top (new place) Comments are shown at the bottom (old place). This feature can break things. For example swipe features will not work. Comments location (Alpha) Tablet miniplayer is not being used Tablet miniplayer is being used Tablet miniplayer Vanced translators Link to Crowdin where you can contribute by translating Vanced to your language Enable Sponsor Block (Beta) Switch this on for very cool sponsor segments skipping Enable new segment adding Switch this on to enable experimental segment adding (has button visibility issues). Enable voting Switch this on to enable voting. What to do with different segments General Show a toast when skipping segment automatically Click to see an example toast Skip count tracking This lets SponsorBlock leaderboard system know how much time people have saved. The extension sends a message to the server each time you skip a segment. Adjusting new segment step This is the number of milliseconds you can move when you use the time adjustment buttons while adding new segment Your unique user id This should be kept private. This is like a password and should not be shared with anyone. If someone has this, they can impersonate you Sponsor Paid promotion, paid referrals and direct advertisements Intermission/Intro Animation An interval without actual content. Could be a pause, static frame, repeating animation Endcards/Credits Credits or when the YouTube endcards appear. Not spoken conclusions Interaction Reminder (Subscribe) When there is a short reminder to like, subscribe or follow them in the middle of content Unpaid/Self Promotion Similar to "sponsor" except for unpaid or self promotion. This includes sections about merchandise, donations, or information about who they collaborated with Music: Non-Music Section Only for use in music videos. This includes introductions or outros in music videos Skipped sponsor Skipped intro Skipped outro Skipped annoying reminder Skipped self promotion Skipped silence Skipped preview Skip automatically Show a skip button Don\'t do anything About This app uses the API from Sponsor Block Tap to learn more, and see downloads for other platforms at: sponsor.ajay.app Integration made by JakubWeg Tap to skip Unable to submit segments: Status: %d %s Can\'t submit the segment.\nRate Limited (Too many from the same user or IP) Can\'t submit the segment.\nRejected by auto moderator Can\'t submit the segment.\nAlready exists Segment submitted successfully Submitting segment… Unable to vote for segment: Status: %d %s Can\'t vote for segment.\nRate Limited (Too many from the same user or IP) Can\'t vote for segment.\nA moderator has decided that this segment is correct Can\'t vote for segment.\nDuplicate Voted successfully Voting for segment… Upvote Downvote Change category Choose the segment category You\'ve disabled this category in the settings, enable it to be able to submit New Sponsor Block segment Set %02d:%02d:%04d as the start or end of a new segment? start end now Time the segment begins at Time the segment ends at Beginning of segment set End of segment set Are the times correct? The segment lasts from %02d:%02d to %02d:%02d (%d minutes %02d seconds)\nIs it ready to submit? Mark two locations on the time bar first Edit timing of segment manually Do you want to edit the timing for the start or end of the segment? Done Cannot parse this time 😔 View guidelines Guidelines contain tips about submitting a segment There are guidelines It\'s recommended to read the Sponsor Block guidelines before submitting any segment Already read Show me Skip segment