package import import app.revanced.patcher.patch.PatchException import app.revanced.patcher.patch.ResourcePatch import app.revanced.patcher.patch.annotation.CompatiblePackage import app.revanced.patcher.patch.annotation.Patch import app.revanced.patcher.patch.options.PatchOption.PatchExtensions.stringPatchOption import app.revanced.util.ResourceGroup import app.revanced.util.Utils.trimIndentMultiline import app.revanced.util.copyResources import @Patch( name = "Change header", description = "Applies a custom header in the top left corner within the app. Defaults to the ReVanced header.", compatiblePackages = [ CompatiblePackage(""), ], use = false, ) @Suppress("unused") object ChangeHeaderPatch : ResourcePatch() { private const val HEADER_FILE_NAME = "yt_wordmark_header" private const val PREMIUM_HEADER_FILE_NAME = "yt_premium_wordmark_header" private const val HEADER_OPTION = "header*" private const val PREMIUM_HEADER_OPTION = "premium*header" private const val REVANCED_HEADER_OPTION = "revanced*" private const val REVANCED_BORDERLESS_HEADER_OPTION = "revanced*borderless" private val targetResourceDirectoryNames = mapOf( "xxxhdpi" to "512px x 192px", "xxhdpi" to "387px x 144px", "xhdpi" to "258px x 96px", "hdpi" to "194px x 72px", "mdpi" to "129px x 48px", ).map { (dpi, dim) -> "drawable-$dpi" to dim }.toMap() private val variants = arrayOf("light", "dark") private val header by stringPatchOption( key = "header", default = REVANCED_BORDERLESS_HEADER_OPTION, values = mapOf( "YouTube" to HEADER_OPTION, "YouTube Premium" to PREMIUM_HEADER_OPTION, "ReVanced" to REVANCED_HEADER_OPTION, "ReVanced (borderless logo)" to REVANCED_BORDERLESS_HEADER_OPTION, ), title = "Header", description = """ The header to apply to the app. If a path to a folder is provided, the folder must contain one or more of the following folders, depending on the DPI of the device: ${targetResourceDirectoryNames.keys.joinToString("\n") { "- $it" }} Each of the folders must contain all of the following files: ${variants.joinToString("\n") { variant -> "- ${HEADER_FILE_NAME}_$variant.png" }} The image dimensions must be as follows: ${ { (dpi, dim) -> "- $dpi: $dim" }.joinToString("\n")} """.trimIndentMultiline(), required = true, ) override fun execute(context: ResourceContext) { // The directories to copy the header to. val targetResourceDirectories = targetResourceDirectoryNames.keys.mapNotNull { context.get("res").resolve(it).takeIf(File::exists) } // The files to replace in the target directories. val targetResourceFiles = { directoryName -> ResourceGroup( directoryName, * { variant -> "${HEADER_FILE_NAME}_$variant.png" }.toTypedArray(), ) } /** * A function that overwrites both header variants in the target resource directories. */ val overwriteFromTo: (String, String) -> Unit = { from: String, to: String -> targetResourceDirectories.forEach { directory -> variants.forEach { variant -> val fromPath = directory.resolve("${from}_$variant.png") val toPath = directory.resolve("${to}_$variant.png") fromPath.copyTo(toPath, true) } } } // Functions to overwrite the header to the different variants. val toPremium = { overwriteFromTo(PREMIUM_HEADER_FILE_NAME, HEADER_FILE_NAME) } val toHeader = { overwriteFromTo(HEADER_FILE_NAME, PREMIUM_HEADER_FILE_NAME) } val toReVanced = { // Copy the ReVanced header to the resource directories. targetResourceFiles.forEach { context.copyResources("change-header/revanced", it) } // Overwrite the premium with the custom header as well. toHeader() } val toReVancedBorderless = { // Copy the ReVanced borderless header to the resource directories. targetResourceFiles.forEach { context.copyResources("change-header/revanced-borderless", it) } // Overwrite the premium with the custom header as well. toHeader() } val toCustom = { val sourceFolders = File(header!!).listFiles { file -> file.isDirectory } ?: throw PatchException("The provided path is not a directory: $header") var copiedFiles = false // For each source folder, copy the files to the target resource directories. sourceFolders.forEach { dpiSourceFolder -> val targetDpiFolder = context.get("res").resolve( if (!targetDpiFolder.exists()) return@forEach val imgSourceFiles = dpiSourceFolder.listFiles { file -> file.isFile }!! imgSourceFiles.forEach { imgSourceFile -> val imgTargetFile = targetDpiFolder.resolve( imgSourceFile.copyTo(imgTargetFile, true) copiedFiles = true } } if (!copiedFiles) { throw PatchException("No header files were copied from the provided path: $header.") } // Overwrite the premium with the custom header as well. toHeader() } when (header) { HEADER_OPTION -> toHeader PREMIUM_HEADER_OPTION -> toPremium REVANCED_HEADER_OPTION -> toReVanced REVANCED_BORDERLESS_HEADER_OPTION -> toReVancedBorderless else -> toCustom }() } }