package import import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.InstructionExtensions.addInstruction import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.InstructionExtensions.addInstructions import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.InstructionExtensions.getInstruction import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.InstructionExtensions.replaceInstruction import app.revanced.patcher.patch.BytecodePatch import app.revanced.patcher.patch.annotation.Patch import app.revanced.patches.all.misc.packagename.ChangePackageNamePatch import app.revanced.patches.all.misc.resources.AddResourcesPatch import app.revanced.patches.shared.misc.settings.preference.BasePreferenceScreen import app.revanced.patches.shared.misc.settings.preference.InputType import app.revanced.patches.shared.misc.settings.preference.IntentPreference import app.revanced.patches.shared.misc.settings.preference.PreferenceScreen.Sorting import app.revanced.patches.shared.misc.settings.preference.TextPreference import import import import app.revanced.util.exception import import import import @Patch( description = "Adds settings for ReVanced to YouTube.", dependencies = [ IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsResourcePatch::class, AddResourcesPatch::class, ], ) object SettingsPatch : BytecodePatch( setOf(LicenseActivityOnCreateFingerprint, SetThemeFingerprint), ), Closeable { private const val INTEGRATIONS_PACKAGE = "app/revanced/integrations/youtube" private const val ACTIVITY_HOOK_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR = "L$INTEGRATIONS_PACKAGE/settings/LicenseActivityHook;" private const val THEME_HELPER_DESCRIPTOR = "L$INTEGRATIONS_PACKAGE/ThemeHelper;" private const val SET_THEME_METHOD_NAME: String = "setTheme" override fun execute(context: BytecodeContext) { AddResourcesPatch(this::class) PreferenceScreen.MISC.addPreferences( TextPreference( key = null, titleKey = "revanced_pref_import_export_title", summaryKey = "revanced_pref_import_export_summary", inputType = InputType.TEXT_MULTI_LINE, tag = "app.revanced.integrations.shared.settings.preference.ImportExportPreference", ), ) SetThemeFingerprint.result?.mutableMethod?.let { setThemeMethod -> setThemeMethod.implementation!!.instructions.mapIndexedNotNull { i, instruction -> if (instruction.opcode == Opcode.RETURN_OBJECT) i else null }.asReversed().forEach { returnIndex -> // The following strategy is to replace the return instruction with the setTheme instruction, // then add a return instruction after the setTheme instruction. // This is done because the return instruction is a target of another instruction. setThemeMethod.apply { // This register is returned by the setTheme method. val register = getInstruction(returnIndex).registerA replaceInstruction( returnIndex, "invoke-static { v$register }, " + "$THEME_HELPER_DESCRIPTOR->$SET_THEME_METHOD_NAME(Ljava/lang/Object;)V", ) addInstruction(returnIndex + 1, "return-object v$register") } } } ?: throw SetThemeFingerprint.exception // Modify the license activity and remove all existing layout code. // Must modify an existing activity and cannot add a new activity to the manifest, // as that fails for root installations. LicenseActivityOnCreateFingerprint.result?.let { result -> result.mutableMethod.addInstructions( 1, """ invoke-static { p0 }, $ACTIVITY_HOOK_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR->initialize(Landroid/app/Activity;)V return-void """, ) // Remove other methods as they will break as the onCreate method is modified above. result.mutableClass.apply { methods.removeIf { != "onCreate" && !MethodUtil.isConstructor(it) } } } ?: throw LicenseActivityOnCreateFingerprint.exception } /** * Creates an intent to open ReVanced settings. */ fun newIntent(settingsName: String) = IntentPreference.Intent( data = settingsName, targetClass = "", ) { // The package name change has to be reflected in the intent. ChangePackageNamePatch.setOrGetFallbackPackageName("") } object PreferenceScreen : BasePreferenceScreen() { // Sort screens in the root menu by key, to not scatter related items apart // (sorting key is set in revanced_prefs.xml). // If no preferences are added to a screen, the screen will not be added to the settings. val ADS = Screen( key = "revanced_settings_screen_01_ads", summaryKey = null, ) val ALTERNATIVE_THUMBNAILS = Screen( key = "revanced_settings_screen_02_alt_thumbnails", summaryKey = null, sorting = Sorting.UNSORTED, ) val FEED = Screen( key = "revanced_settings_screen_03_feed", summaryKey = null, ) val PLAYER = Screen( key = "revanced_settings_screen_04_player", summaryKey = null, ) val GENERAL_LAYOUT = Screen( key = "revanced_settings_screen_05_general", summaryKey = null, ) // Don't sort, as related preferences are scattered apart. // Can use title sorting after PreferenceCategory support is added. val SHORTS = Screen( key = "revanced_settings_screen_06_shorts", summaryKey = null, sorting = Sorting.UNSORTED, ) // Don't sort, because title sorting scatters the custom color preferences. val SEEKBAR = Screen( key = "revanced_settings_screen_07_seekbar", summaryKey = null, sorting = Sorting.UNSORTED, ) val SWIPE_CONTROLS = Screen( key = "revanced_settings_screen_08_swipe_controls", summaryKey = null, sorting = Sorting.UNSORTED, ) // RYD and SB are items 9 and 10. // Menus are added in their own patch because they use an Intent and not a Screen. val MISC = Screen( key = "revanced_settings_screen_11_misc", summaryKey = null, ) val VIDEO = Screen( key = "revanced_settings_screen_12_video", summaryKey = null, ) override fun commit(screen: app.revanced.patches.shared.misc.settings.preference.PreferenceScreen) { SettingsResourcePatch += screen } } override fun close() = PreferenceScreen.close() }