package pl.jakubweg; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import; import pl.jakubweg.objects.SponsorSegment; import pl.jakubweg.requests.Requester; import static pl.jakubweg.SponsorBlockSettings.skippedSegments; import static pl.jakubweg.SponsorBlockSettings.skippedTime; @SuppressLint({"LongLogTag"}) public class PlayerController { public static final String TAG = "jakubweg.PlayerController"; public static final boolean VERBOSE = false; @SuppressWarnings("PointlessBooleanExpression") public static final boolean VERBOSE_DRAW_OPTIONS = false && VERBOSE; private static final Timer sponsorTimer = new Timer("sponsor-skip-timer"); public static WeakReference playerActivity = new WeakReference<>(null); public static SponsorSegment[] sponsorSegmentsOfCurrentVideo; private static WeakReference currentPlayerController = new WeakReference<>(null); private static Method setMillisecondMethod; private static long allowNextSkipRequestTime = 0L; private static String currentVideoId; private static long currentVideoLength = 1L; private static long lastKnownVideoTime = -1L; private static final Runnable findAndSkipSegmentRunnable = () -> { // Log.d(TAG, "findAndSkipSegmentRunnable"); findAndSkipSegment(false); }; private static float sponsorBarLeft = 1f; private static float sponsorBarRight = 1f; private static float sponsorBarThickness = 2f; private static TimerTask skipSponsorTask = null; public static String getCurrentVideoId() { return currentVideoId; } public static void setCurrentVideoId(final String videoId) { if (videoId == null) { currentVideoId = null; sponsorSegmentsOfCurrentVideo = null; return; } VideoInformation.currentVideoId = videoId; Context context = YouTubeTikTokRoot_Application.getAppContext(); if(context == null){ Log.e(TAG, "context is null"); return; } SponsorBlockSettings.update(context); if (!SponsorBlockSettings.isSponsorBlockEnabled) { currentVideoId = null; return; } if (videoId.equals(currentVideoId)) return; currentVideoId = videoId; sponsorSegmentsOfCurrentVideo = null; if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "setCurrentVideoId: videoId=" + videoId); sponsorTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { executeDownloadSegments(currentVideoId); } }, 0); } /** * Called when creating some kind of youtube internal player controlled, every time when new video starts to play */ public static void onCreate(final Object o) { // "Plugin.printStackTrace(); if (o == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onCreate called with null object"); return; } if (VERBOSE) Log.i(TAG, String.format("onCreate called with object %s on thread %s", o.toString(), Thread.currentThread().toString())); try { setMillisecondMethod = o.getClass().getMethod("replaceMeWithsetMillisecondMethod", Long.TYPE); setMillisecondMethod.setAccessible(true); lastKnownVideoTime = 0; VideoInformation.lastKnownVideoTime = 0; currentVideoLength = 1; currentPlayerController = new WeakReference<>(o); SkipSegmentView.hide(); NewSegmentHelperLayout.hide(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Exception while initializing skip method", e); } } public static void executeDownloadSegments(String videoId) { SponsorSegment[] segments = Requester.getSegments(videoId); Arrays.sort(segments); if (VERBOSE) for (SponsorSegment segment : segments) { Log.v(TAG, "Detected segment: " + segment.toString()); } sponsorSegmentsOfCurrentVideo = segments; // new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(findAndSkipSegmentRunnable); } /** * Works in 14.x, waits some time of object to me filled with data, * No longer used, i've found another way to get faster videoId */ @Deprecated public static void asyncGetVideoLinkFromObject(final Object o) { // code no longer used // if (currentVideoLink != null) { // if (VERBOSE) // Log.w(TAG, "asyncGetVideoLinkFromObject: currentVideoLink != null probably share button was clicked"); // return; // } // // new Thread(new Runnable() { // @Override // public void run() { // try { // // It used to be "b" in 14.x version, it's "a" in 15.x // Field b = o.getClass().getDeclaredField("b"); // // int attempts = 0; // String videoUrl = null; // while (true) { // Object objLink = b.get(o); // if (objLink == null) { // if (VERBOSE) // Log.e(TAG, "asyncGetVideoLinkFromObject: objLink is null"); // } else { // videoUrl = objLink.toString(); // if (videoUrl.isEmpty()) // videoUrl = null; // } // // if (videoUrl != null) // break; // // if (attempts++ > 5) { // Log.w(TAG, "asyncGetVideoLinkFromObject: attempts++ > 5"); // return; // } // Thread.sleep(50); // } // // if (currentVideoLink == null) { // currentVideoLink = videoUrl; // if (VERBOSE) // Log.d(TAG, "asyncGetVideoLinkFromObject: link set to " + videoUrl); // // executeDownloadSegments(substringVideoIdFromLink(videoUrl), false); // } // // } catch (Exception e) { // Log.e(TAG, "Cannot get link from object", e); // } // } // }).start(); // // Activity activity = playerActivity.get(); // if (activity != null) // SponsorBlockUtils.addImageButton(activity); } /** * Called when it's time to update the UI with new second, about once per second, only when playing, also in background */ public static void setCurrentVideoTime(long millis) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "setCurrentVideoTime: current video time: " + millis); VideoInformation.lastKnownVideoTime = millis; if (!SponsorBlockSettings.isSponsorBlockEnabled) return; lastKnownVideoTime = millis; if (millis <= 0) return; //findAndSkipSegment(false); if (millis == currentVideoLength) { SponsorBlockUtils.hideShieldButton(); SponsorBlockUtils.hideVoteButton(); return; } SponsorSegment[] segments = sponsorSegmentsOfCurrentVideo; if (segments == null || segments.length == 0) return; final long START_TIMER_BEFORE_SEGMENT_MILLIS = 1200; final long startTimerAtMillis = millis + START_TIMER_BEFORE_SEGMENT_MILLIS; for (final SponsorSegment segment : segments) { if (segment.start > millis) { if (segment.start > startTimerAtMillis) break; // it's more then START_TIMER_BEFORE_SEGMENT_MILLIS far away if (!segment.category.behaviour.skip) break; if (skipSponsorTask == null) { if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "Scheduling skipSponsorTask"); skipSponsorTask = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { skipSponsorTask = null; lastKnownVideoTime = segment.start + 1; VideoInformation.lastKnownVideoTime = lastKnownVideoTime; new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(findAndSkipSegmentRunnable); } }; sponsorTimer.schedule(skipSponsorTask, segment.start - millis); } else { if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "skipSponsorTask is already scheduled..."); } break; } if (segment.end < millis) continue; // we are in the segment! if (segment.category.behaviour.skip) { sendViewRequestAsync(millis, segment); skipSegment(segment, false); break; } else {; return; } } SkipSegmentView.hide(); } private static void sendViewRequestAsync(final long millis, final SponsorSegment segment) { if (segment.category != SponsorBlockSettings.SegmentInfo.UNSUBMITTED) { Context context = YouTubeTikTokRoot_Application.getAppContext(); if (context != null) { SharedPreferences preferences = SponsorBlockSettings.getPreferences(context); long newSkippedTime = skippedTime + (segment.end - segment.start); preferences.edit().putInt(SponsorBlockSettings.PREFERENCES_KEY_SKIPPED_SEGMENTS, skippedSegments + 1).apply(); preferences.edit().putLong(SponsorBlockSettings.PREFERENCES_KEY_SKIPPED_SEGMENTS_TIME, newSkippedTime).apply(); } } new Thread(() -> { if (SponsorBlockSettings.countSkips && segment.category != SponsorBlockSettings.SegmentInfo.UNSUBMITTED && millis - segment.start < 2000) { // Only skips from the start should count as a view Requester.sendViewCountRequest(segment); } }).start(); } /** * Called very high frequency (once every about 100ms), also in background. It sometimes triggers when a video is paused (couple times in the row with the same value) */ public static void setCurrentVideoTimeHighPrecision(final long millis) { if ((millis < lastKnownVideoTime && lastKnownVideoTime >= currentVideoLength) || millis == 0) { SponsorBlockUtils.showShieldButton(); // skipping from end to the video will show the buttons again SponsorBlockUtils.showVoteButton(); } if (lastKnownVideoTime > 0) { lastKnownVideoTime = millis; VideoInformation.lastKnownVideoTime = lastKnownVideoTime; } else setCurrentVideoTime(millis); } public static long getCurrentVideoLength() { return currentVideoLength; } public static long getLastKnownVideoTime() { return lastKnownVideoTime; } /** * Called before onDraw method on time bar object, sets video length in millis */ public static void setVideoLength(final long length) { if (VERBOSE_DRAW_OPTIONS) Log.d(TAG, "setVideoLength: length=" + length); currentVideoLength = length; } public static void setSponsorBarAbsoluteLeft(final Rect rect) { setSponsorBarAbsoluteLeft(rect.left); } public static void setSponsorBarAbsoluteLeft(final float left) { if (VERBOSE_DRAW_OPTIONS) Log.d(TAG, String.format("setSponsorBarLeft: left=%.2f", left)); sponsorBarLeft = left; } public static void setSponsorBarRect(final Object self) { try { Field field = self.getClass().getDeclaredField("replaceMeWithsetSponsorBarRect"); field.setAccessible(true); Rect rect = (Rect) field.get(self); if (rect != null) { setSponsorBarAbsoluteLeft(rect.left); setSponsorBarAbsoluteRight(rect.right); } } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void setSponsorBarAbsoluteRight(final Rect rect) { setSponsorBarAbsoluteRight(rect.right); } public static void setSponsorBarAbsoluteRight(final float right) { if (VERBOSE_DRAW_OPTIONS) Log.d(TAG, String.format("setSponsorBarRight: right=%.2f", right)); sponsorBarRight = right; } public static void setSponsorBarThickness(final int thickness) { setSponsorBarThickness((float) thickness); } public static void setSponsorBarThickness(final float thickness) { // if (VERBOSE_DRAW_OPTIONS) // Log.d(TAG, String.format("setSponsorBarThickness: thickness=%.2f", thickness)); sponsorBarThickness = thickness; } public static void onSkipSponsorClicked() { if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "Skip segment clicked"); findAndSkipSegment(true); } public static void addSkipSponsorView15(final View view) { playerActivity = new WeakReference<>((Activity) view.getContext()); if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "addSkipSponsorView15: view=" + view.toString()); new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).postDelayed(() -> { final ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) ((ViewGroup) view).getChildAt(2); Activity context = ((Activity) viewGroup.getContext()); NewSegmentHelperLayout.context = context; }, 500); } public static void addSkipSponsorView14(final View view) { playerActivity = new WeakReference<>((Activity) view.getContext()); if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "addSkipSponsorView14: view=" + view.toString()); new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).postDelayed(() -> { final ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) view.getParent(); Activity activity = (Activity) viewGroup.getContext(); NewSegmentHelperLayout.context = activity; }, 500); } /** * Called when it's time to draw time bar */ public static void drawSponsorTimeBars(final Canvas canvas, final float posY) { if (sponsorBarThickness < 0.1) return; if (sponsorSegmentsOfCurrentVideo == null) return; final float thicknessDiv2 = sponsorBarThickness / 2; final float top = posY - thicknessDiv2; final float bottom = posY + thicknessDiv2; final float absoluteLeft = sponsorBarLeft; final float absoluteRight = sponsorBarRight; final float tmp1 = 1f / (float) currentVideoLength * (absoluteRight - absoluteLeft); for (SponsorSegment segment : sponsorSegmentsOfCurrentVideo) { float left = segment.start * tmp1 + absoluteLeft; float right = segment.end * tmp1 + absoluteLeft; canvas.drawRect(left, top, right, bottom, segment.category.paint); } } // private final static Pattern videoIdRegex = Pattern.compile(".*\\.be\\/([A-Za-z0-9_\\-]{0,50}).*"); public static String substringVideoIdFromLink(String link) { return link.substring(link.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } public static void skipRelativeMilliseconds(int millisRelative) { skipToMillisecond(lastKnownVideoTime + millisRelative); } public static void skipToMillisecond(long millisecond) { // in 15.x if sponsor clip hits the end, then it crashes the app, because of too many function invocations // I put this block so that skip can be made only once per some time long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now < allowNextSkipRequestTime) { if (VERBOSE) Log.w(TAG, "skipToMillisecond: to fast, slow down, because you'll fail"); return; } allowNextSkipRequestTime = now + 100; if (setMillisecondMethod == null) { Log.e(TAG, "setMillisecondMethod is null"); return; } final Object currentObj = currentPlayerController.get(); if (currentObj == null) { Log.e(TAG, "currentObj is null (might have been collected by GC)"); return; } if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, String.format("Requesting skip to millis=%d on thread %s", millisecond, Thread.currentThread().toString())); final long finalMillisecond = millisecond; new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(() -> { try { if (VERBOSE) Log.i(TAG, "Skipping to millis=" + finalMillisecond); lastKnownVideoTime = finalMillisecond; VideoInformation.lastKnownVideoTime = lastKnownVideoTime; setMillisecondMethod.invoke(currentObj, finalMillisecond); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Cannot skip to millisecond", e); } }); } private static void findAndSkipSegment(boolean wasClicked) { if (sponsorSegmentsOfCurrentVideo == null) return; final long millis = lastKnownVideoTime; for (SponsorSegment segment : sponsorSegmentsOfCurrentVideo) { if (segment.start > millis) break; if (segment.end < millis) continue;; if (!(segment.category.behaviour.skip || wasClicked)) return; sendViewRequestAsync(millis, segment); skipSegment(segment, wasClicked); break; } SkipSegmentView.hide(); } private static void skipSegment(SponsorSegment segment, boolean wasClicked) { // if (lastSkippedSegment == segment) return; // lastSkippedSegment = segment; if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "Skipping segment: " + segment.toString()); if (SponsorBlockSettings.showToastWhenSkippedAutomatically && !wasClicked) SkipSegmentView.notifySkipped(segment); skipToMillisecond(segment.end + 2); SkipSegmentView.hide(); if (segment.category == SponsorBlockSettings.SegmentInfo.UNSUBMITTED) { SponsorSegment[] newSegments = new SponsorSegment[sponsorSegmentsOfCurrentVideo.length - 1]; int i = 0; for (SponsorSegment sponsorSegment : sponsorSegmentsOfCurrentVideo) { if (sponsorSegment != segment) newSegments[i++] = sponsorSegment; } sponsorSegmentsOfCurrentVideo = newSegments; } } }