package app.revanced.patches.shared.misc.integrations import import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.InstructionExtensions.addInstruction import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.InstructionExtensions.addInstructions import app.revanced.patcher.fingerprint.MethodFingerprint import app.revanced.patcher.patch.BytecodePatch import app.revanced.patcher.patch.PatchException import app.revanced.patches.shared.misc.integrations.BaseIntegrationsPatch.IntegrationsFingerprint.IRegisterResolver import app.revanced.patches.shared.misc.integrations.fingerprints.ReVancedUtilsPatchesVersionFingerprint import app.revanced.util.resultOrThrow import import import import java.util.jar.JarFile abstract class BaseIntegrationsPatch( private val hooks: Set, ) : BytecodePatch(hooks + setOf(ReVancedUtilsPatchesVersionFingerprint)) { @Deprecated( "Use the constructor without the integrationsDescriptor parameter", ReplaceWith("BaseIntegrationsPatch(hooks)"), ) @Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") constructor( integrationsDescriptor: String, hooks: Set, ) : this(hooks) override fun execute(context: BytecodeContext) { if (context.findClass(INTEGRATIONS_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR) == null) { throw PatchException( "Integrations have not been merged yet. This patch can not succeed without merging the integrations.", ) } hooks.forEach { hook -> hook.invoke(INTEGRATIONS_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR) } // Modify Utils method to include the patches release version version. ReVancedUtilsPatchesVersionFingerprint.resultOrThrow().mutableMethod.apply { val manifestValue = getPatchesManifestEntry("Version") addInstructions( 0, """ const-string v0, "$manifestValue" return-object v0 """, ) } } /** * @return The value for the manifest entry, * or "Unknown" if the entry does not exist or is blank. */ @Suppress("SameParameterValue") private fun getPatchesManifestEntry(attributeKey: String) = JarFile(getCurrentJarFilePath()).use { jarFile -> jarFile.manifest.mainAttributes.entries.firstOrNull { it.key.toString() == attributeKey }?.value?.toString() ?: "Unknown" } /** * @return The file path for the jar this classfile is contained inside. */ private fun getCurrentJarFilePath(): String { val className = object {}'.', '/') + ".class" val classUrl = object {} if (classUrl != null) { val urlString = classUrl.toString() if (urlString.startsWith("jar:file:")) { val end = urlString.indexOf('!') return urlString.substring("jar:file:".length, end) } } throw IllegalStateException("Not running from inside a JAR file.") } /** * [MethodFingerprint] for integrations. * * @param contextRegisterResolver A [IRegisterResolver] to get the register. * @see MethodFingerprint */ abstract class IntegrationsFingerprint( returnType: String? = null, accessFlags: Int? = null, parameters: Iterable? = null, opcodes: Iterable? = null, strings: Iterable? = null, customFingerprint: ((methodDef: Method, classDef: ClassDef) -> Boolean)? = null, private val insertIndexResolver: ((Method) -> Int) = object : IHookInsertIndexResolver {}, private val contextRegisterResolver: (Method) -> Int = object : IRegisterResolver {}, ) : MethodFingerprint( returnType, accessFlags, parameters, opcodes, strings, customFingerprint, ) { @Deprecated( "Previous constructor that is missing the insert index." + "Here only for binary compatibility, " + "and this can be removed after the next major version update.", ) constructor( returnType: String? = null, accessFlags: Int? = null, parameters: Iterable? = null, opcodes: Iterable? = null, strings: Iterable? = null, customFingerprint: ((methodDef: Method, classDef: ClassDef) -> Boolean)? = null, contextRegisterResolver: (Method) -> Int = object : IRegisterResolver {}, ) : this( returnType, accessFlags, parameters, opcodes, strings, customFingerprint, object : IHookInsertIndexResolver {}, contextRegisterResolver, ) fun invoke(integrationsDescriptor: String) { result?.mutableMethod?.let { method -> val insertIndex = insertIndexResolver(method) val contextRegister = contextRegisterResolver(method) method.addInstruction( insertIndex, "invoke-static/range { v$contextRegister .. v$contextRegister }, " + "$integrationsDescriptor->setContext(Landroid/content/Context;)V", ) } ?: throw PatchException("Could not find hook target fingerprint.") } interface IHookInsertIndexResolver : (Method) -> Int { override operator fun invoke(method: Method) = 0 } interface IRegisterResolver : (Method) -> Int { override operator fun invoke(method: Method) = method.implementation!!.registerCount - 1 } } internal companion object { internal const val INTEGRATIONS_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR = "Lapp/revanced/integrations/shared/Utils;" } }