package pl.jakubweg; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.util.Log; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import java.util.HashMap; public class StringRef { public static final String TAG = "jakubweg.StringRef"; private static Resources resources; private static String packageName; /** * Called in Application onCreate, should be called as soon as possible when after application startup * @param context Any context, it will be used to obtain string resources */ public static void setContext(Context context) { if (context == null) return; resources = context.getApplicationContext().getResources(); packageName = context.getPackageName(); } private static final HashMap strings = new HashMap<>(); /** * Gets strings reference from shared collection or creates if not exists yet, * this method should be called if you want to get StringRef * @param id string resource name/id * @return String reference that'll resolve to excepted string, may be from cache */ @NonNull public static StringRef sf(@NonNull String id) { StringRef ref = strings.get(id); if (ref == null) { ref = new StringRef(id); strings.put(id, ref); } return ref; } /** * Gets string value by string id, shorthand for sf(id).toString() * @param id string resource name/id * @return String value from string.xml */ @NonNull public static String str(@NonNull String id) { return sf(id).toString(); } /** * Gets string value by string id, shorthand for sf(id).toString() and formats the string * with given args. * @param id string resource name/id * @param args the args to format the string with * @return String value from string.xml formatted with given args */ @NonNull public static String str(@NonNull String id, Object... args) { return String.format(str(id), args); } /** * Creates a StringRef object that'll not change it's value * @param value value which toString() method returns when invoked on returned object * @return Unique StringRef instance, its value will never change */ @NonNull public static StringRef constant(@NonNull String value) { final StringRef ref = new StringRef(value); ref.resolved = true; return ref; } /** * Shorthand for constant("") * Its value always resolves to empty string */ @NonNull public static final StringRef empty = constant(""); @NonNull private String value; private boolean resolved; public StringRef(@NonNull String resName) { this.value = resName; } @Override @NonNull public String toString() { if (!resolved) { resolved = true; if (resources != null) { final int identifier = resources.getIdentifier(value, "string", packageName); if (identifier == 0) Log.e(TAG, "Resource not found: " + value); else value = resources.getString(identifier); } } return value; } }