package; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import android.content.res.ColorStateList; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.Build; import android.util.Log; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.view.ViewGroup; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import pl.jakubweg.NewSegmentHelperLayout; /* compiled from: PG */ /* renamed from: env */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ enum env { NONE, HIDDEN, WATCH_WHILE_MINIMIZED, WATCH_WHILE_MAXIMIZED, WATCH_WHILE_FULLSCREEN, WATCH_WHILE_SLIDING_MAXIMIZED_FULLSCREEN, WATCH_WHILE_SLIDING_MINIMIZED_MAXIMIZED, WATCH_WHILE_SLIDING_MINIMIZED_DISMISSED, WATCH_WHILE_SLIDING_FULLSCREEN_DISMISSED, INLINE_MINIMAL, VIRTUAL_REALITY_FULLSCREEN, WATCH_WHILE_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE; /* renamed from: a */ public final boolean m33524a() { return !m33520e() && m33523b() && m33517h(); } /* renamed from: b */ public final boolean m33523b() { return this == WATCH_WHILE_FULLSCREEN || this == VIRTUAL_REALITY_FULLSCREEN || this == WATCH_WHILE_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE; } /* renamed from: c */ public final boolean m33522c() { return this == NONE || m33521d(); } /* renamed from: d */ public final boolean m33521d() { return this == INLINE_MINIMAL; } /* renamed from: e */ public final boolean m33520e() { return this == WATCH_WHILE_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE; } /* renamed from: f */ public final boolean m33519f() { return (this == NONE || this == HIDDEN) ? false : true; } /* renamed from: g */ public final boolean m33518g() { return this == VIRTUAL_REALITY_FULLSCREEN; } /* renamed from: h */ public final boolean m33517h() { return this == WATCH_WHILE_MINIMIZED || this == WATCH_WHILE_MAXIMIZED || this == WATCH_WHILE_FULLSCREEN || this == WATCH_WHILE_SLIDING_MAXIMIZED_FULLSCREEN || this == WATCH_WHILE_SLIDING_MINIMIZED_MAXIMIZED || this == WATCH_WHILE_SLIDING_MINIMIZED_DISMISSED || this == WATCH_WHILE_SLIDING_FULLSCREEN_DISMISSED || this == WATCH_WHILE_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE; } /* renamed from: i */ public final boolean m33516i() { return this == WATCH_WHILE_MAXIMIZED || this == WATCH_WHILE_FULLSCREEN; } /* renamed from: j */ public final boolean m33515j() { return m33516i() || this == WATCH_WHILE_SLIDING_MAXIMIZED_FULLSCREEN; } /* renamed from: k */ public final boolean m33514k() { return this == WATCH_WHILE_MINIMIZED || this == WATCH_WHILE_SLIDING_MINIMIZED_DISMISSED; } /* renamed from: l */ public final boolean m33513l() { return m33514k() || m33512m(); } /* renamed from: m */ public final boolean m33512m() { return this == WATCH_WHILE_SLIDING_MINIMIZED_MAXIMIZED || this == WATCH_WHILE_SLIDING_MINIMIZED_DISMISSED || this == WATCH_WHILE_SLIDING_MAXIMIZED_FULLSCREEN || this == WATCH_WHILE_SLIDING_FULLSCREEN_DISMISSED; } } /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public class XGlobals { private static Object AutoRepeatClass; private static env PlayerType; public static FensterGestureController fensterGestureController; public static Boolean XFILEDEBUG = false; public static Boolean newVideo = false; public static Boolean newVideoSpeed = false; public static Boolean debug = false; private static Boolean settingsInitialized = false; public static String manufacturerOverride = null; public static String modelOverride = null; public static Boolean overrideCodec = false; public static Boolean userChangedQuality = false; public static Boolean userChangedSpeed = false; public static Integer prefResolutionWIFI = -2; public static Integer prefResolutionMobile = -2; public static Float prefVideoSpeed = -2.0f; public static Boolean prefAutoCaptions = false; public static Boolean homeAdsShown = false; public static Boolean videoAdsShown = false; public static Boolean reelShown = false; public static Boolean suggestionsShown = true; public static Boolean infoCardsShown = true; public static Boolean brandingShown = true; public static Boolean castButtonShown = false; public static Boolean tabletMiniplayer = false; public static Boolean commentsLocation = false; public static Boolean newActionBar = false; public static Boolean verticalZoomToFit = false; public static Boolean isDarkApp = false; public static Boolean accessibilitySeek = false; public static Boolean HDRBrightness = true; public static Boolean EnableXFensterBrightness = false; public static Boolean EnableXFensterVolume = false; public static Integer maxBuffer = 120000; public static Integer playbackMS = 2500; public static Integer reBuffer = 5000; public static Enum lastPivotTab; public static float[] videoSpeeds = { 0.25f, 0.5f, 0.75f, 1.0f, 1.25f, 1.5f, 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f }; public static void ReadSettings() { Context context; if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue() && (context = YouTubeTikTokRoot_Application.getAppContext()) != null) { ColorRef.setContext(context); SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences("youtube", 0); debug = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("debug_xfile_enabled", false)); manufacturerOverride = sharedPreferences.getString("override_manufacturer", null); modelOverride = sharedPreferences.getString("override_model", null); overrideCodec = sharedPreferences.getBoolean("override_resolution_xfile_enabled", false); prefResolutionWIFI = Integer.parseInt(sharedPreferences.getString("pref_preferred_video_quality_wifi", "-2")); prefResolutionMobile = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(sharedPreferences.getString("pref_preferred_video_quality_mobile", "-2"))); prefVideoSpeed = Float.valueOf(Float.parseFloat(sharedPreferences.getString("pref_preferred_video_speed", "-2"))); prefAutoCaptions = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("pref_auto_captions", false)); homeAdsShown = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("home_ads_enabled", false)); videoAdsShown = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("video_ads_enabled", false)); reelShown = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("reel_enabled", false)); suggestionsShown = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("info_card_suggestions_enabled", true)); infoCardsShown = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("info_cards_enabled", true)); brandingShown = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("branding_watermark_enabled", true)); castButtonShown = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("cast_button_enabled", false)); tabletMiniplayer = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("tablet_miniplayer", false)); commentsLocation = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("comments_location", false)); newActionBar = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("xfile_new_actionbar", false)); verticalZoomToFit = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("xfile_zoom_to_fit_vertical", false)); isDarkApp = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("app_theme_dark", false)); accessibilitySeek = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("xfile_accessibility_seek_buttons", false)); HDRBrightness = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("pref_hdr_autobrightness", true)); if (sharedPreferences.getBoolean("pref_xfenster", false)) { sharedPreferences.edit().remove("pref_xfenster").putBoolean("pref_xfenster_brightness", true).putBoolean("pref_xfenster_volume", true).apply(); } EnableXFensterBrightness = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("pref_xfenster_brightness", false)); EnableXFensterVolume = Boolean.valueOf(sharedPreferences.getBoolean("pref_xfenster_volume", false)); try { FensterGestureListener.SWIPE_THRESHOLD = Integer.parseInt(sharedPreferences.getString("pref_xfenster_swipe_threshold", "0")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { sharedPreferences.edit().putString("pref_xfenster_swipe_threshold", "0").apply(); FensterGestureListener.SWIPE_THRESHOLD = 0; } try { FensterGestureListener.TOP_PADDING = Integer.parseInt(sharedPreferences.getString("pref_xfenster_swipe_padding_top", "20")); } catch (NumberFormatException e2) { sharedPreferences.edit().putString("pref_xfenster_swipe_padding_top", "20").apply(); FensterGestureListener.TOP_PADDING = 20; } String string = sharedPreferences.getString("pref_max_buffer_ms", "120000"); if (string.isEmpty()) { string = "1"; } maxBuffer = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(string)); String string2 = sharedPreferences.getString("pref_buffer_for_playback_ms", "2500"); if (string2.isEmpty()) { string2 = "1"; } playbackMS = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(string2)); String string3 = sharedPreferences.getString("pref_buffer_for_playback_after_rebuffer_ms", "5000"); if (string3.isEmpty()) { string3 = "1"; } reBuffer = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(string3)); settingsInitialized = true; } } public static String getManufacturer() { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning Build.MANUFACTURER!"); return Build.MANUFACTURER; } String manufacturer = manufacturerOverride; if (manufacturer == null || manufacturer.isEmpty()) { manufacturer = Build.MANUFACTURER; } if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "getManufacturer: " + manufacturer); } return manufacturer; } public static String getModel() { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning Build.MODEL!"); return Build.MODEL; } String model = modelOverride; if (model == null || model.isEmpty()) { model = Build.MODEL; } if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "getModel: " + model); } return model; } public static boolean autoCaptions(boolean original) { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning " + original + "!"); return original; } Boolean captions = Boolean.valueOf(original); if (prefAutoCaptions.booleanValue()) { captions = true; } if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "autoCaptions: " + captions); } return captions.booleanValue(); } public static boolean getOverride(boolean original) { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning " + original + "!"); return original; } Boolean compatibility = Boolean.valueOf(original); if (overrideCodec.booleanValue()) { compatibility = true; } if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "getOverride: " + compatibility); } return compatibility.booleanValue(); } public static int getCommentsLocation(int original) { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning " + original + "!"); return original; } else if (!commentsLocation.booleanValue()) { return original; } else { if (!debug.booleanValue()) { return 3; } Log.d("XGlobals", "getCommentsLocation: Moving comments back down"); return 3; } } public static boolean getTabletMiniplayerOverride(boolean original) { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning " + original + "!"); return original; } else if (!tabletMiniplayer.booleanValue()) { return original; } else { if (!debug.booleanValue()) { return true; } Log.d("XGlobals", "getTabletMiniplayerOverride: Using tablet miniplayer"); return true; } } public static boolean getCastButtonOverride(boolean original) { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning " + original + "!"); return original; } else if (castButtonShown.booleanValue()) { return original; } else { if (!debug.booleanValue()) { return true; } Log.d("XGlobals", "getCastButtonOverride: Hidden by override"); return true; } } public static boolean getNewActionBar(boolean original) { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning " + original + "!"); return original; } else if (!newActionBar.booleanValue()) { return original; } else { if (!debug.booleanValue()) { return true; } Log.d("XGlobals", "getNewActionBar: Enabled"); return true; } } public static int getCastButtonOverrideV2(int original) { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning " + original + "!"); return original; } else if (castButtonShown.booleanValue()) { return original; } else { if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "getCastButtonOverrideV2: Hidden by override"); } return 8; } } public static boolean getNewActionBarNegated(boolean original) { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning " + original + "!"); return original; } else if (!newActionBar.booleanValue()) { return original; } else { if (!debug.booleanValue()) { return false; } Log.d("XGlobals", "getNewActionBar: Enabled"); return false; } } public static boolean getVerticalZoomToFit(boolean original) { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning " + original + "!"); return original; } else if (!verticalZoomToFit.booleanValue()) { return original; } else { if (!debug.booleanValue()) { return true; } Log.d("XGlobals", "getVerticalZoomToFit: Enabled"); return true; } } public static int getMinimizedVideo(int original) { ReadSettings(); Context context = YouTubeTikTokRoot_Application.getAppContext(); if (context == null) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning " + original + "!"); return original; } SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences("youtube", 0); int preferredType = Integer.parseInt(sharedPreferences.getString("pref_minimized_video_preview", "-2")); if (preferredType == -2) { return original; } if (preferredType == 0 || preferredType == 1) { return preferredType; } return original; } public static boolean getThemeStatus() { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning false!"); return false; } else if (!isDarkApp.booleanValue()) { return false; } else { if (!debug.booleanValue()) { return true; } Log.d("XGlobals", "getThemeStatus: Is themed"); return true; } } public static boolean accessibilitySeek(boolean original) { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning " + original + "!"); return original; } Boolean seek = Boolean.valueOf(original); if (accessibilitySeek.booleanValue()) { seek = true; } if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "accessibilitySeek: " + seek); } return seek.booleanValue(); } public static boolean useOldStyleQualitySettings() { boolean value; try { Context context = YouTubeTikTokRoot_Application.getAppContext(); if (context == null) { Log.e("XGlobals", "useOldStyleQualitySettings - Context is null, returning false!"); value = true; } else { SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences("youtube", 0); value = sharedPreferences.getBoolean("old_style_quality_settings", true); if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "old_style_quality_settings set to: " + value); } } return value; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Unable to get old style quality settings", ex); return true; } } public static boolean shouldAutoRepeat() { ReadSettings(); Context context = YouTubeTikTokRoot_Application.getAppContext(); if (context == null) { Log.e("XGlobals", "shouldAutoRepeat - Context is null, returning false!"); return false; } SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences("youtube", 0); boolean repeat = sharedPreferences.getBoolean("pref_auto_repeat", false); if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "shouldAutoRepeat: " + repeat); } return repeat; } @Deprecated public static void trySetAutonav(boolean autoNav) { try { ReadSettings(); Context context = YouTubeTikTokRoot_Application.getAppContext(); if (context == null) { Log.e("XGlobals", "shouldAutoRepeat - Context is null, returning false!"); return; } SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences("youtube", 0); sharedPreferences.edit().putBoolean("autonav_settings_activity_key", autoNav).apply(); if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "autonav_settings_activity_key set to: " + autoNav); } } catch (Exception e) { } } public static float getHDRBrightness(float original) { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, getHDRBrightness returning " + original + "!"); return original; } float finalValue = original; if (!HDRBrightness.booleanValue()) { if (isFensterBrightnessEnabled()) { finalValue = BrightnessHelper.getBrightness(); } else { finalValue = -1.0f; } if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "getHDRBrightness switched to: " + finalValue); } } if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "getHDRBrightness: " + finalValue); } return finalValue; } public static int getMaxBuffer(int original) { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, getMaxBuffer returning " + original + "!"); return original; } int retrievedValue = maxBuffer.intValue(); return retrievedValue; } public static int getPlaybackBuffer(int original) { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, getMaxBuffer returning " + original + "!"); return original; } int retrievedValue = playbackMS.intValue(); if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "getPlaybackBuffer switched to: " + retrievedValue); } return retrievedValue; } public static int getReBuffer(int original) { ReadSettings(); if (!settingsInitialized.booleanValue()) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, getMaxBuffer returning " + original + "!"); return original; } int retrievedValue = reBuffer.intValue(); if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "getReBuffer switched to: " + retrievedValue); } return retrievedValue; } public static void InitializeFensterController(Context context, ViewGroup viewGroup, ViewConfiguration viewConfiguration) { fensterGestureController = new FensterGestureController(); fensterGestureController.setFensterEventsListener(new XFenster(context, viewGroup), context, viewConfiguration); if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "XFenster initialized"); } } public static boolean FensterTouchEvent(MotionEvent motionEvent) { if (fensterGestureController == null) { if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "fensterGestureController is null"); } return false; } else if (motionEvent == null) { if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "motionEvent is null"); } return false; } else if (!XSwipeHelper.IsControlsShown()) { return fensterGestureController.onTouchEvent(motionEvent); } else { if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "skipping onTouchEvent dispatching because controls are shown."); } return false; } } public static void PlayerTypeChanged(env playerType) { if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XDebug", playerType.toString()); } if (PlayerType != playerType) { String playerTypeString = playerType.toString(); if (playerTypeString.equals("WATCH_WHILE_FULLSCREEN")) { EnableXFenster(); } else { DisableXFenster(); } if (playerTypeString.equals("WATCH_WHILE_SLIDING_MINIMIZED_MAXIMIZED") || playerTypeString.equals("WATCH_WHILE_MINIMIZED") || playerTypeString.equals("WATCH_WHILE_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE")) { NewSegmentHelperLayout.hide(); }; } PlayerType = playerType; } public static void EnableXFenster() { if (EnableXFensterBrightness.booleanValue() || EnableXFensterVolume.booleanValue()) { FensterGestureController fensterGestureController2 = fensterGestureController; fensterGestureController2.TouchesEnabled = true; ((XFenster) fensterGestureController2.listener).enable(EnableXFensterBrightness.booleanValue(), EnableXFensterVolume.booleanValue()); } } public static void DisableXFenster() { FensterGestureController fensterGestureController2 = fensterGestureController; fensterGestureController2.TouchesEnabled = false; ((XFenster) fensterGestureController2.listener).disable(); } public static boolean isFensterBrightnessEnabled() { return EnableXFensterBrightness.booleanValue(); } public static void CheckForMicroG(Activity activity) { AlertDialog.Builder builder; if (!appInstalledOrNot("")) { if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XDebug", "Custom MicroG installation undetected"); } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity, 16974374); } else { builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity); } builder.setTitle("Someone is not reading...").setMessage("You didn't install the MicroG as instructed, you can't login without it.\n\nInstall it and try again.").setPositiveButton("Close", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { // from class: @Override // android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { } }).show(); } else if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.i("XDebug", "Custom MicroG installation detected"); } } public static boolean isFensterEnabled() { if (PlayerType != null && PlayerType.toString().equals("WATCH_WHILE_FULLSCREEN") && !XSwipeHelper.IsControlsShown()) { return EnableXFensterBrightness.booleanValue() || EnableXFensterVolume.booleanValue(); } return false; } public static boolean isWatchWhileFullScreen() { if (PlayerType == null) { return false; } return PlayerType.toString().equals("WATCH_WHILE_FULLSCREEN"); } private static boolean appInstalledOrNot(String uri) { try { PackageManager pm = getContext().getPackageManager(); pm.getPackageInfo(uri, PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES); return true; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { return false; } } private static String getVersionName() { try { PackageInfo pInfo = getContext().getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0); String version = pInfo.versionName; return version; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "Unknown"; } } private static int appGetFirstTimeRun() { SharedPreferences appPreferences = getContext().getSharedPreferences("youtube_vanced", 0); String appCurrentBuildVersion = getVersionName(); String appLastBuildVersion = appPreferences.getString("app_first_time", null); if (appLastBuildVersion == null || !appLastBuildVersion.equalsIgnoreCase(appCurrentBuildVersion)) { return appLastBuildVersion == null ? 0 : 2; } return 1; } public static void ChangeLogAndOfficialChecker(Activity activity) { AlertDialog.Builder builder; if (appGetFirstTimeRun() != 1) { final String versionName = getVersionName(); String[] results = XJson.getVersion(versionName); String title = "Vanced Team"; String message = "\n - xfileFIN\n - Laura Almeida \n - ZaneZam\n - KevinX8"; String buttonPositive = "Close"; String buttonNegative = "Remind later"; if (results != null && results.length >= 3 && results[0] != null && !results[0].isEmpty() && results[1] != null && !results[1].isEmpty() && results[2] != null && !results[2].isEmpty()) { title = results[0]; message = results[1]; buttonPositive = results[2]; buttonNegative = (results.length < 4 || results[3] == null || results[3].isEmpty()) ? null : results[3]; } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity, 16974374); } else { builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity); } builder.setTitle(title).setMessage(message).setPositiveButton(buttonPositive, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { // from class: @Override // android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { SharedPreferences appPreferences = XGlobals.getContext().getSharedPreferences("youtube_vanced", 0); appPreferences.edit().putString("app_first_time", versionName).apply(); } }).setNegativeButton(buttonNegative, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { // from class: @Override // android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { } }).show(); } } private static void UnofficialChecker(Activity activity) { AlertDialog.Builder builder; if (ExecuteShellCommand("grep -r m0yP /magisk/iYTBPforMagisk")) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity, 16974374); } else { builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity); } builder.setTitle("Unofficial Version").setMessage("This is an unofficial Magisk module.\nNo support is provided for this and it's adviced to download the official one from the following url.\nUrl:").setPositiveButton("Close", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { // from class: @Override // android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { } }).show(); } } public static String getPackageName() { ReadSettings(); Context context = YouTubeTikTokRoot_Application.getAppContext(); if (XFILEDEBUG.booleanValue() && context == null) { context = XSettingActivity.getAppContext(); } if (context == null) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning!"); return ""; } String PACKAGE_NAME = context.getPackageName(); if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "getPackageName: " + PACKAGE_NAME); } return PACKAGE_NAME; } public static String getStringByName(Context context, String name) { try { Resources res = context.getResources(); return res.getString(res.getIdentifier(name, "string", context.getPackageName())); } catch (Throwable exception) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Resource not found.", exception); return ""; } } public static int getOverrideWidth(int original) { ReadSettings(); Context context = YouTubeTikTokRoot_Application.getAppContext(); if (context == null) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning " + original + "!"); return original; } SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences("youtube", 0); int compatibility = original; if (sharedPreferences.getBoolean("override_resolution_xfile_enabled", false)) { compatibility = 2160; } if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "getOverrideWidth: " + compatibility); } return compatibility; } public static int getOverrideHeight(int original) { ReadSettings(); Context context = YouTubeTikTokRoot_Application.getAppContext(); if (context == null) { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning " + original + "!"); return original; } SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences("youtube", 0); int compatibility = original; if (sharedPreferences.getBoolean("override_resolution_xfile_enabled", false)) { compatibility = 3840; } if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "getOverrideHeight: " + compatibility); } return compatibility; } public static Context getContext() { ReadSettings(); Context context = YouTubeTikTokRoot_Application.getAppContext(); if (context != null) { if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "getContext"); } return context; } else if (XFILEDEBUG.booleanValue()) { return XSettingActivity.getAppContext(); } else { Log.e("XGlobals", "Context is null, returning null!"); return null; } } public static void setOldLayout(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String config, long timeStamp) { ReadSettings(); if (!sharedPreferences.getBoolean("old_layout_xfile_enabled", false)) { sharedPreferences.edit().putString("", config).putLong("", timeStamp).apply(); if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "setOldLayout: true"); return; } return; } if (sharedPreferences.contains("")) { sharedPreferences.edit().putString("", sharedPreferences.getString("", null)).remove("").apply(); } if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "setOldLayout: false"); } } public static void NewVideoStarted() { ReadSettings(); newVideo = true; newVideoSpeed = true; if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XGlobals", "New video started!"); } } public static boolean ExecuteShellCommand(String command) { Process process = null; try { process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); String line = in.readLine(); in.close(); if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("XDebug", "Command Output: " + line); } if (line.contains("m0yP")) { if (process != null) { try { process.destroy(); } catch (Exception e) { } } return true; } if (process != null) { try { process.destroy(); } catch (Exception e2) { } } return false; } catch (Exception e3) { if (process != null) { try { process.destroy(); } catch (Exception e4) { } } return false; } catch (Throwable th) { if (process != null) { try { process.destroy(); } catch (Exception e5) { } } throw th; } } public static Object PrintSettings(Object[] settings) { Exception e; Exception e2; Class stringType; ReadSettings(); Class stringType2 = String.class; if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("Protobuf", "new settings array"); } Object[] newArray = new Object[settings.length + 1]; boolean found = false; int index = 0; try { if (debug.booleanValue()) { try { Log.d("Protobuf", "Printing array"); } catch (Exception e3) { e = e3; Log.e("Protobuf", "Error: " + e.getMessage()); return settings; } } try { try { int i = 0; String className = null; for (Object settingObject : settings) { try { Field[] fields = settingObject.getClass().getFields(); int length = fields.length; int i2 = 0; while (true) { if (i2 >= length) { break; } Field field = fields[i2]; if (field.getType().isAssignableFrom(stringType2) && field.getName().equals("a")) { String value = field.get(settingObject).toString(); if (value.equals("e")) { className = settingObject.getClass().getName(); found = true; break; } } i2++; } index++; if (found) { break; } } catch (Exception e4) { e2 = e4; Log.e("Protobuf", "Error: " + e2.getMessage()); return settings; } } if (found) { if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("Protobuf", "Modifying array"); } System.arraycopy(settings, 0, newArray, 0, index - 1); Class clazz = Class.forName(className); Object object = clazz.newInstance(); newArray[index - 1] = object; System.arraycopy(settings, index - 1, newArray, index, (settings.length - index) + 1); } else { newArray = settings; } int length2 = newArray.length; boolean hitE = false; int loop = 0; int loop2 = 0; while (loop2 < length2) { Object settingObject2 = newArray[loop2]; Field[] fields2 = settingObject2.getClass().getFields(); int length3 = fields2.length; boolean hitE2 = hitE; while (i < length3) { Field field2 = fields2[i]; if (!field2.getType().isAssignableFrom(stringType2)) { stringType = stringType2; length2 = length2; } else if (field2.getName().equals("a")) { if (loop != index - 1 || !found) { stringType = stringType2; } else { if (debug.booleanValue()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); stringType = stringType2; sb.append("String a field: "); sb.append(field2.get(settingObject2).toString()); sb.append(" set: country-type"); Log.d("Protobuf", sb.toString()); } else { stringType = stringType2; } field2.set(settingObject2, "country-type"); } String value2 = field2.get(settingObject2).toString(); if (value2.equals("e")) { hitE2 = true; } if (debug.booleanValue()) { StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); length2 = length2; sb2.append("String a field: "); sb2.append(value2); Log.d("Protobuf", sb2.toString()); } else { length2 = length2; } } else { stringType = stringType2; length2 = length2; if (field2.getName().equals("b")) { if (loop == index - 1 && found) { if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("Protobuf", "String b field: " + field2.get(settingObject2).toString() + " set: B"); } field2.set(settingObject2, "B"); } String value3 = field2.get(settingObject2).toString(); if (hitE2) { field2.set(settingObject2, "11202606,9415293,9422596,9429003,9431755,9435797,9442923,9444108,9444635,9449243,9453077,9456940,9463829,9464088,9467503,9476327,9477614,9478523,9480475,9480495,9482942,9483422,9483531,9484706,9485998,9487653,9487664,9488038,9488230,9489113"); hitE2 = false; } if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("Protobuf", "String b field: " + value3); } } else { String value4 = field2.get(settingObject2).toString(); if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("Protobuf", "String field: " + field2.getName() + " = " + value4); } } } i++; stringType2 = stringType; } loop++; loop2++; hitE = hitE2; i = 0; } return newArray; } catch (Exception e5) { e = e5; Log.e("Protobuf", "Error: " + e.getMessage()); return settings; } } catch (Exception e6) { e2 = e6; } } catch (Exception e7) { e = e7; } return null; } public static Object PrintSettings(Object[] settings, int type) { Exception e; int i = 0; boolean found; Class stringType; ReadSettings(); boolean modifyArray = type == 2; Class stringType2 = String.class; if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("Protobuf", "new settings array"); } Object[] newArray = new Object[settings.length + 1]; if (!modifyArray) { newArray = settings; } boolean found2 = false; int index = 0; if (modifyArray) { try { if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("Protobuf", "Modifying array"); } try { int length = settings.length; int index2 = 0; boolean found3 = false; int i2 = 0; while (true) { if (i2 >= length) { found2 = found3; index = index2; break; } try { Object settingObject = settings[i2]; Field[] fields = settingObject.getClass().getFields(); int length2 = fields.length; int i3 = 0; while (true) { if (i3 >= length2) { break; } Field field = fields[i3]; if (field.getType().isAssignableFrom(stringType2) && field.getName().equals("a")) { String value = field.get(settingObject).toString(); if (value.equals("e")) { found3 = true; break; } } i3++; } index2++; if (found3) { found2 = found3; index = index2; break; } i2++; } catch (Exception e2) { e = e2; Log.e("Protobuf", "Error: " + e.getMessage()); return settings; } } i = 0; System.arraycopy(settings, 0, newArray, 0, index); System.arraycopy(settings, index - 1, newArray, index, (settings.length - index) + 1); } catch (Exception e3) { e = e3; } } catch (Exception e4) { e = e4; Log.e("Protobuf", "Error: " + e.getMessage()); return settings; } } else { i = 0; newArray = settings; } try { int length3 = newArray.length; int loop = 0; int loop2 = i; while (loop2 < length3) { Object settingObject2 = newArray[loop2]; Field[] fields2 = settingObject2.getClass().getFields(); int length4 = fields2.length; while (i < length4) { Field field2 = fields2[i]; if (!field2.getType().isAssignableFrom(stringType2)) { stringType = stringType2; found = found2; } else if (field2.getName().equals("a")) { if (loop == index - 1 && modifyArray) { field2.set(settingObject2, "country-type"); } String value2 = field2.get(settingObject2).toString(); if (debug.booleanValue()) { stringType = stringType2; try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); found = found2; sb.append("String a field: "); sb.append(value2); Log.d("Protobuf", sb.toString()); } catch (Exception e5) { e = e5; Log.e("Protobuf", "Error: " + e.getMessage()); return settings; } } else { stringType = stringType2; found = found2; } } else { stringType = stringType2; found = found2; if (field2.getName().equals("b")) { if (loop == index - 1 && modifyArray) { field2.set(settingObject2, "B"); } String value3 = field2.get(settingObject2).toString(); if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("Protobuf", "String b field: " + value3); } } else { String value4 = field2.get(settingObject2).toString(); if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("Protobuf", "String field: " + field2.getName() + " = " + value4); } } } i++; stringType2 = stringType; found2 = found; } loop++; loop2++; i = 0; } return newArray; } catch (Exception e6) { e = e6; } return null; } public static void PrintVideoQualities(Object quality, int mode) { Class intType; Class stringType; Field fieldArray; ReadSettings(); if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("VideoQualities", "Quality parameter: " + mode); } if (mode == 0) { Class intType2 = Integer.TYPE; Class stringType2 = String.class; Class boolType = Boolean.TYPE; try { Class clazz = quality.getClass(); Field fieldArray2 = clazz.getField("e"); Object[] fieldValue = (Object[]) fieldArray2.get(quality); ArrayList iStreamQualities = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList sStreamQualities = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList bStreamQualities = new ArrayList<>(); int length = fieldValue.length; int i = 0; while (i < length) { Object streamQuality = fieldValue[i]; Field[] fields = streamQuality.getClass().getFields(); int length2 = fields.length; int i2 = 0; while (i2 < length2) { Field field = fields[i2]; if (field.getType().isAssignableFrom(intType2)) { try { int value = field.getInt(streamQuality); intType = intType2; try { int length3 = field.getName().length(); fieldArray = fieldArray2; if (length3 <= 2) { iStreamQualities.add(Integer.valueOf(value)); } if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("VideoQualities", "Integer field: " + field.getName() + " = " + value); } stringType = stringType2; } catch (Exception e) { return; } } catch (Exception e2) { return; } } else { intType = intType2; fieldArray = fieldArray2; try { if (field.getType().isAssignableFrom(stringType2)) { String value2 = field.get(streamQuality).toString(); sStreamQualities.add(value2); if (debug.booleanValue()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); stringType = stringType2; try { sb.append("String field: "); sb.append(field.getName()); sb.append(" = "); sb.append(value2); Log.d("VideoQualities", sb.toString()); } catch (Exception e3) { return; } } else { stringType = stringType2; } } else { stringType = stringType2; if (field.getType().isAssignableFrom(boolType)) { boolean value3 = field.getBoolean(streamQuality); bStreamQualities.add(Boolean.valueOf(value3)); if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("VideoQualities", "Boolean field: " + field.getName() + " = " + value3); } } } } catch (Exception e4) { return; } } i2++; fieldArray2 = fieldArray; stringType2 = stringType; intType2 = intType; } i++; clazz = clazz; } } catch (Exception e5) { } } } public static void PrintQualities(Object[] qualities, int quality) { ArrayList iStreamQualities; Class intType; Object[] objArr = qualities; ReadSettings(); Class intType2 = Integer.TYPE; Class boolType = Boolean.TYPE; if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("QUALITY", "Quality parameter: " + quality); } try { ArrayList iStreamQualities2 = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList sStreamQualities = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList bStreamQualities = new ArrayList<>(); int length = objArr.length; int i = 0; while (i < length) { Object streamQuality = objArr[i]; Field[] fields = streamQuality.getClass().getFields(); int length2 = fields.length; int i2 = 0; while (i2 < length2) { Field field = fields[i2]; if (field.getType().isAssignableFrom(intType2)) { int value = field.getInt(streamQuality); intType = intType2; if (field.getName().length() <= 2) { try { iStreamQualities2.add(Integer.valueOf(value)); } catch (Exception e) { return; } } if (debug.booleanValue()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); iStreamQualities = iStreamQualities2; sb.append("Integer field: "); sb.append(field.getName()); sb.append(" = "); sb.append(value); Log.d("QUALITY", sb.toString()); } else { iStreamQualities = iStreamQualities2; } } else { iStreamQualities = iStreamQualities2; intType = intType2; if (field.getType().isAssignableFrom(String.class)) { String value2 = field.get(streamQuality).toString(); sStreamQualities.add(value2); if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("QUALITY", "String field: " + field.getName() + " = " + value2); } } else if (field.getType().isAssignableFrom(boolType)) { boolean value3 = field.getBoolean(streamQuality); bStreamQualities.add(Boolean.valueOf(value3)); if (debug.booleanValue()) { Log.d("QUALITY", "Boolean field: " + field.getName() + " = " + value3); } } } i2++; intType2 = intType; iStreamQualities2 = iStreamQualities; } i++; objArr = qualities; } } catch (Exception e2) { } } public static ColorStateList getAttributeColor(Context context, int attributeId) { TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue(); context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(attributeId, typedValue, true); int colorRes = typedValue.resourceId; int color = -1; try { color = context.getResources().getColor(colorRes); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) { Log.w("XGlobals", "Not found color resource by id: " + colorRes); } int[][] states = {new int[]{16842910}, new int[]{-16842910}, new int[]{-16842912}, new int[]{16842919}}; int[] colors = {color, color, color, color}; ColorStateList myList = new ColorStateList(states, colors); return myList; } }