package app.revanced.util.microg import import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.InstructionExtensions.addInstruction import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.InstructionExtensions.addInstructions import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.InstructionExtensions.replaceInstruction import app.revanced.patcher.fingerprint.method.impl.MethodFingerprint import app.revanced.patcher.patch.PatchResultError import app.revanced.patcher.util.proxy.mutableTypes.MutableClass import app.revanced.patcher.util.proxy.mutableTypes.MutableMethod import app.revanced.util.microg.Constants.ACTIONS import app.revanced.util.microg.Constants.AUTHORITIES import app.revanced.util.microg.Constants.MICROG_VENDOR import app.revanced.util.microg.Constants.PERMISSIONS import org.jf.dexlib2.Opcode import org.jf.dexlib2.builder.instruction.BuilderInstruction21c import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.instruction.formats.Instruction21c import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.reference.StringReference import org.jf.dexlib2.immutable.reference.ImmutableStringReference /** * Helper class for applying bytecode patches needed for the microg-support patches. */ internal object MicroGBytecodeHelper { /** * Hook a method to check the availability of MicroG. * * @param fingerprint The fingerprint of the method to add the call for the notice in. */ fun injectNotice(fingerprint: MethodFingerprint) { fingerprint.result!!.mutableMethod.addInstruction( 0, "invoke-static {}, Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/MicroGSupport;->checkAvailability()V" ) } /** * Transform strings with package name out of [fromPackageName] and [toPackageName]. * * @param fromPackageName Original package name. * @param toPackageName The package name to accept. **/ fun packageNameTransform(fromPackageName: String, toPackageName: String): (String) -> String? { return { referencedString -> when (referencedString) { "$fromPackageName.SuggestionsProvider", "$fromPackageName.fileprovider" -> referencedString.replace(fromPackageName, toPackageName) else -> null } } } /** * Prime method data class for the [MicroGBytecodeHelper] class. * * @param primeMethodFingerprint The prime methods [MethodFingerprint]. * @param fromPackageName Original package name. * @param toPackageName The package name to accept. **/ data class PrimeMethodTransformationData( val primeMethodFingerprint: MethodFingerprint, val fromPackageName: String, val toPackageName: String ) { /** * Patch the prime method to accept the new package name. */ fun transformPrimeMethodPackageName() { val primeMethod = primeMethodFingerprint.result!!.mutableMethod val implementation = primeMethod.implementation!! var register = 2 val index = implementation.instructions.indexOfFirst { if (it.opcode != Opcode.CONST_STRING) return@indexOfFirst false val instructionString = ((it as Instruction21c).reference as StringReference).string if (instructionString != fromPackageName) return@indexOfFirst false register = it.registerA return@indexOfFirst true } primeMethod.replaceInstruction( index, "const-string v$register, \"$toPackageName\"" ) } } /** * Patch the bytecode to work with MicroG. * Note: this only handles string constants to gms (intent actions, authorities, ...). * If the app employs additional checks to validate the installed gms package, you'll have to handle those in the app- specific patch * * @param context The context. * @param additionalStringTransforms Additional transformations applied to all const-string references. * @param primeMethodTransformationData Data to patch the prime method. * @param earlyReturns List of [MethodFingerprint] to return the resolved methods early. */ fun patchBytecode( context: BytecodeContext, additionalStringTransforms: Array<(str: String) -> String?>, primeMethodTransformationData: PrimeMethodTransformationData, earlyReturns: List ) { earlyReturns.returnEarly() primeMethodTransformationData.transformPrimeMethodPackageName() val allTransforms = arrayOf( MicroGBytecodeHelper::commonTransform, MicroGBytecodeHelper::contentUrisTransform, *additionalStringTransforms ) // transform all strings using all provided transforms, first match wins context.transformStringReferences transform@{ for (transformFn in allTransforms) { val s = transformFn(it) if (s != null) return@transform s } return@transform null } } /** * const-string transform function for common gms string references. * * @param referencedString The string to transform. */ private fun commonTransform(referencedString: String): String? = when (referencedString) { "", "", in PERMISSIONS, in ACTIONS, in AUTHORITIES -> referencedString.replace("", MICROG_VENDOR) // subscribedfeeds has no vendor prefix for whatever reason... "subscribedfeeds" -> "${MICROG_VENDOR}.subscribedfeeds" else -> null } /** * const-string transform function for strings containing gms content uris / authorities. */ private fun contentUrisTransform(str: String): String? { // only when content:// uri if (str.startsWith("content://")) { // check if matches any authority for (authority in AUTHORITIES) { val uriPrefix = "content://$authority" if (str.startsWith(uriPrefix)) { return str.replace( uriPrefix, "content://${authority.replace("", MICROG_VENDOR)}" ) } } // gms also has a 'subscribedfeeds' authority, check for that one too val subFeedsUriPrefix = "content://subscribedfeeds" if (str.startsWith(subFeedsUriPrefix)) { return str.replace(subFeedsUriPrefix, "content://${MICROG_VENDOR}.subscribedfeeds") } } return null } /** * Transform all constant string references using a transformation function. * * @param transformFn string transformation function. if null, string is not changed. */ private fun BytecodeContext.transformStringReferences(transformFn: (str: String) -> String?) { classes.forEach { classDef -> var mutableClass: MutableClass? = null // enumerate all methods classDef.methods.forEach classLoop@{ methodDef -> var mutableMethod: MutableMethod? = null val implementation = methodDef.implementation ?: return@classLoop // enumerate all instructions and find const-string implementation.instructions.forEachIndexed implLoop@{ index, instruction -> // skip all that are not const-string if (instruction.opcode != Opcode.CONST_STRING) return@implLoop val str = ((instruction as Instruction21c).reference as StringReference).string // call transform function val transformedStr = transformFn(str) if (transformedStr != null) { // make class and method mutable, if not already mutableClass = mutableClass ?: proxy(classDef).mutableClass mutableMethod = mutableMethod ?: mutableClass!!.methods.first { == && it.parameterTypes.containsAll(methodDef.parameterTypes) } // replace instruction with updated string mutableMethod!!.implementation!!.replaceInstruction( index, BuilderInstruction21c( Opcode.CONST_STRING, instruction.registerA, ImmutableStringReference( transformedStr ) ) ) } } } } } /** * Return the resolved methods of a list of [MethodFingerprint] early. */ private fun List.returnEarly() { this.forEach { fingerprint -> if (fingerprint.result == null) throw PatchResultError(fingerprint.toString()) val result = fingerprint.result!! val stringInstructions = when (result.method.returnType.first()) { 'L' -> """ const/4 v0, 0x0 return-object v0 """ 'V' -> "return-void" 'I' -> """ const/4 v0, 0x0 return v0 """ else -> throw Exception("This case should never happen.") } result.mutableMethod.addInstructions( 0, stringInstructions ) } } }