LisoUseInAIKyrios 99b07e0e18 feat(YouTube): Support version 19.12, 19.13, 19.14, 19.15 and 19.16 (#3239)
Co-authored-by: oSumAtrIX <>
2024-06-01 22:08:09 +04:00

208 lines
7.5 KiB

package app.revanced.util
import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.InstructionExtensions.addInstruction
import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.InstructionExtensions.addInstructions
import app.revanced.patcher.fingerprint.MethodFingerprint
import app.revanced.patcher.patch.PatchException
import app.revanced.patcher.util.proxy.mutableTypes.MutableClass
import app.revanced.patcher.util.proxy.mutableTypes.MutableMethod
import app.revanced.patches.shared.misc.mapping.ResourceMappingPatch
fun MethodFingerprint.resultOrThrow() = result ?: throw exception
* The [PatchException] of failing to resolve a [MethodFingerprint].
* @return The [PatchException].
val MethodFingerprint.exception
get() = PatchException("Failed to resolve ${this.javaClass.simpleName}")
* Find the [MutableMethod] from a given [Method] in a [MutableClass].
* @param method The [Method] to find.
* @return The [MutableMethod].
fun MutableClass.findMutableMethodOf(method: Method) = this.methods.first {
MethodUtil.methodSignaturesMatch(it, method)
* Apply a transform to all methods of the class.
* @param transform The transformation function. Accepts a [MutableMethod] and returns a transformed [MutableMethod].
fun MutableClass.transformMethods(transform: MutableMethod.() -> MutableMethod) {
val transformedMethods = { it.transform() }
* Inject a call to a method that hides a view.
* @param insertIndex The index to insert the call at.
* @param viewRegister The register of the view to hide.
* @param classDescriptor The descriptor of the class that contains the method.
* @param targetMethod The name of the method to call.
fun MutableMethod.injectHideViewCall(
insertIndex: Int,
viewRegister: Int,
classDescriptor: String,
targetMethod: String,
) = addInstruction(
"invoke-static { v$viewRegister }, $classDescriptor->$targetMethod(Landroid/view/View;)V",
* Get the index of the first instruction with the id of the given resource name.
* Requires [ResourceMappingPatch] as a dependency.
* @param resourceName the name of the resource to find the id for.
* @return the index of the first instruction with the id of the given resource name, or -1 if not found.
* @throws PatchException if the resource cannot be found.
* @see [indexOfIdResourceOrThrow]
fun Method.indexOfIdResource(resourceName: String): Int {
val resourceId = ResourceMappingPatch["id", resourceName]
return indexOfFirstWideLiteralInstructionValue(resourceId)
* Get the index of the first instruction with the id of the given resource name or throw a [PatchException].
* Requires [ResourceMappingPatch] as a dependency.
* @throws [PatchException] if the resource is not found, or the method does not contain the resource id literal value.
fun Method.indexOfIdResourceOrThrow(resourceName: String): Int {
val index = indexOfIdResource(resourceName)
if (index < 0) {
throw PatchException("Found resource id for: '$resourceName' but method does not contain the id: $this")
return index
* Find the index of the first wide literal instruction with the given value.
* @return the first literal instruction with the value, or -1 if not found.
fun Method.indexOfFirstWideLiteralInstructionValue(literal: Long) = implementation?.let {
it.instructions.indexOfFirst { instruction ->
(instruction as? WideLiteralInstruction)?.wideLiteral == literal
} ?: -1
* Check if the method contains a literal with the given value.
* @return if the method contains a literal with the given value.
fun Method.containsWideLiteralInstructionValue(literal: Long) =
indexOfFirstWideLiteralInstructionValue(literal) >= 0
* Traverse the class hierarchy starting from the given root class.
* @param targetClass the class to start traversing the class hierarchy from.
* @param callback function that is called for every class in the hierarchy.
fun BytecodeContext.traverseClassHierarchy(targetClass: MutableClass, callback: MutableClass.() -> Unit) {
this.findClass(targetClass.superclass ?: return)?.mutableClass?.let {
traverseClassHierarchy(it, callback)
* Get the [Reference] of an [Instruction] as [T].
* @param T The type of [Reference] to cast to.
* @return The [Reference] as [T] or null
* if the [Instruction] is not a [ReferenceInstruction] or the [Reference] is not of type [T].
* @see ReferenceInstruction
inline fun <reified T : Reference> Instruction.getReference() = (this as? ReferenceInstruction)?.reference as? T
* Get the index of the first [Instruction] that matches the predicate.
* @param predicate The predicate to match.
* @return The index of the first [Instruction] that matches the predicate.
// TODO: delete this on next major release, the overloaded method with an optional start index serves the same purposes.
@Deprecated("Use the overloaded method with an optional start index.", ReplaceWith("indexOfFirstInstruction(predicate)"))
fun Method.indexOfFirstInstruction(predicate: Instruction.() -> Boolean) = indexOfFirstInstruction(0, predicate)
* Get the index of the first [Instruction] that matches the predicate, starting from [startIndex].
* @param startIndex Optional starting index to start searching from.
* @return -1 if the instruction is not found.
* @see indexOfFirstInstructionOrThrow
fun Method.indexOfFirstInstruction(startIndex: Int = 0, predicate: Instruction.() -> Boolean): Int {
val index = this.implementation!!.instructions.drop(startIndex).indexOfFirst(predicate)
return if (index >= 0) {
startIndex + index
} else {
* Get the index of the first [Instruction] that matches the predicate, starting from [startIndex].
* @return the index of the instruction
* @throws PatchException
* @see indexOfFirstInstruction
fun Method.indexOfFirstInstructionOrThrow(startIndex: Int = 0, predicate: Instruction.() -> Boolean): Int {
val index = indexOfFirstInstruction(startIndex, predicate)
if (index < 0) {
throw PatchException("Could not find instruction index")
return index
* Return the resolved methods of [MethodFingerprint]s early.
fun List<MethodFingerprint>.returnEarly(bool: Boolean = false) {
val const = if (bool) "0x1" else "0x0"
this.forEach { fingerprint ->
fingerprint.result?.let { result ->
val stringInstructions = when (result.method.returnType.first()) {
'L' ->
const/4 v0, $const
return-object v0
'V' -> "return-void"
'I', 'Z' ->
const/4 v0, $const
return v0
else -> throw Exception("This case should never happen.")
result.mutableMethod.addInstructions(0, stringInstructions)
} ?: throw fingerprint.exception