2024-03-31 23:43:13 +04:00

291 lines
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package app.revanced.patches.all.misc.resources
import app.revanced.patcher.PatchClass
import app.revanced.patcher.patch.PatchException
import app.revanced.patcher.patch.ResourcePatch
import app.revanced.patcher.patch.annotation.Patch
import app.revanced.patcher.util.DomFileEditor
import app.revanced.patches.all.misc.resources.AddResourcesPatch.resources
import app.revanced.util.*
import app.revanced.util.resource.ArrayResource
import app.revanced.util.resource.BaseResource
import app.revanced.util.resource.StringResource
import java.util.*
import org.w3c.dom.Node
* An identifier of an app. For example, `youtube`.
private typealias AppId = String
* An identifier of a patch. For example, `ad.general.HideAdsPatch`.
private typealias PatchId = String
* A set of resources of a patch.
private typealias PatchResources = MutableSet<BaseResource>
* A map of resources belonging to a patch.
private typealias AppResources = MutableMap<PatchId, PatchResources>
* A map of resources belonging to an app.
private typealias Resources = MutableMap<AppId, AppResources>
* The value of a resource.
* For example, `values` or `values-de`.
private typealias Value = String
@Patch(description = "Add resources such as strings or arrays to the app.")
object AddResourcesPatch : ResourcePatch(), MutableMap<Value, MutableSet<BaseResource>> by mutableMapOf(), Closeable {
private lateinit var context: ResourceContext
* A map of all resources associated by their value staged by [execute].
private lateinit var resources: Map<Value, Resources>
The strategy of this patch is to stage resources present in `/resources/addresources`.
These resources are organized by their respective value and patch.
On AddResourcesPatch#execute, all resources are staged in a temporary map.
After that, other patches that depend on AddResourcesPatch can call
AddResourcesPatch#invoke(PatchClass) to stage resources belonging to that patch
from the temporary map to AddResourcesPatch.
After all patches that depend on AddResourcesPatch have been executed,
AddResourcesPatch#close is finally called to add all staged resources to the app.
override fun execute(context: ResourceContext) {
this.context = context
resources =
buildMap {
* Puts resources under `/resources/addresources/<value>/<resourceKind>.xml` into the map.
* @param value The value of the resource. For example, `values` or `values-de`.
* @param resourceKind The kind of the resource. For example, `strings` or `arrays`.
* @param transform A function that transforms the [Node]s from the XML files to a [BaseResource].
fun addResources(
value: Value,
resourceKind: String,
transform: (Node) -> BaseResource
) {
)?.let { stream ->
// Add the resources associated with the given value to the map,
// instead of overwriting it.
// This covers the example case such as adding strings and arrays of the same value.
getOrPut(value, ::mutableMapOf).apply {
context.xmlEditor[stream].use { editor ->
val document = editor.file
document.getElementsByTagName("app").asSequence().forEach { app ->
val appId = app.attributes.getNamedItem("id").textContent
getOrPut(appId, ::mutableMapOf).apply {
app.forEachChildElement { patch ->
val patchId = patch.attributes.getNamedItem("id").textContent
getOrPut(patchId, ::mutableSetOf).apply {
patch.forEachChildElement { resourceNode ->
val resource = transform(resourceNode)
// Stage all resources to a temporary map.
// Staged resources consumed by AddResourcesPatch#invoke(PatchClass)
// are later used in AddResourcesPatch#close.
try {
val addStringResources = { value: Value ->
addResources(value, "strings", StringResource::fromNode)
Locale.getISOLanguages().asSequence().map { "values-$it" }.forEach { addStringResources(it) }
addResources("values", "arrays", ArrayResource::fromNode)
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw PatchException("Failed to read resources", e)
* Adds a [BaseResource] to the map using [MutableMap.getOrPut].
* @param value The value of the resource. For example, `values` or `values-de`.
* @param resource The resource to add.
* @return True if the resource was added, false if it already existed.
operator fun invoke(
value: Value,
resource: BaseResource
) = getOrPut(value, ::mutableSetOf).add(resource)
* Adds a list of [BaseResource]s to the map using [MutableMap.getOrPut].
* @param value The value of the resource. For example, `values` or `values-de`.
* @param resources The resources to add.
* @return True if the resources were added, false if they already existed.
operator fun invoke(
value: Value,
resources: Iterable<BaseResource>
) = getOrPut(value, ::mutableSetOf).addAll(resources)
* Adds a [StringResource].
* @param name The name of the string resource.
* @param value The value of the string resource.
* @param formatted Whether the string resource is formatted. Defaults to `true`.
* @param resourceValue The value of the resource. For example, `values` or `values-de`.
* @return True if the resource was added, false if it already existed.
operator fun invoke(
name: String,
value: String,
formatted: Boolean = true,
resourceValue: Value = "values"
) = invoke(resourceValue, StringResource(name, value, formatted))
* Adds an [ArrayResource].
* @param name The name of the array resource.
* @param items The items of the array resource.
* @return True if the resource was added, false if it already existed.
operator fun invoke(
name: String,
items: List<String>
) = invoke("values", ArrayResource(name, items))
* Puts all resources of any [Value] staged in [resources] for the given [PatchClass] to [AddResourcesPatch].
* @param patch The class of the patch to add resources for.
* @param parseIds A function that parses the [AppId] and [PatchId] from the given [PatchClass].
* This is used to access the resources in [resources] to stage them in [AddResourcesPatch].
* The default implementation assumes that the [PatchClass] qualified name has the following format:
* `<any>.<any>.<any>.<app id>.<patch id>`.
* @return True if any resources were added, false if none were added.
* @see AddResourcesPatch.close
operator fun invoke(
patch: PatchClass,
parseIds: PatchClass.() -> Pair<AppId, PatchId> = {
val qualifiedName = qualifiedName ?: throw PatchException("Patch qualified name is null")
// This requires qualifiedName to have the following format:
// `<any>.<any>.<any>.<app id>.<patch id>`
with(qualifiedName.split(".")) {
if (size < 5) throw PatchException("Patch qualified name has invalid format")
val appId = this[3]
val patchId = subList(4, size).joinToString(".")
appId to patchId
): Boolean {
val (appId, patchId) = patch.parseIds()
var result = false
// Stage resources for the given patch to AddResourcesPatch associated with their value.
resources.forEach { (value, resources) ->
resources[appId]?.get(patchId)?.let { patchResources ->
if (invoke(value, patchResources)) result = true
return result
* Adds all resources staged in [AddResourcesPatch] to the app.
* This is called after all patches that depend on [AddResourcesPatch] have been executed.
override fun close() {
operator fun MutableMap<String, Pair<DomFileEditor, Node>>.invoke(
value: Value,
resource: BaseResource
) {
// TODO: Fix open-closed principle violation by modifying BaseResource#serialize so that it accepts
// a Value and the map of documents. It will then get or put the document suitable for its resource type
// to serialize itself to it.
val resourceFileName =
when (resource) {
is StringResource -> "strings"
is ArrayResource -> "arrays"
else -> throw NotImplementedError("Unsupported resource type")
getOrPut(resourceFileName) {
val targetFile =
context.get("res/$value/$resourceFileName.xml").also {
context.xmlEditor[targetFile.path].let { editor ->
val document = editor.file
// Save the target node here as well
// in order to avoid having to call document.getNode("resources")
// but also save the document so that it can be closed later.
editor to document.getNode("resources")
}.let { (_, targetNode) ->
targetNode.addResource(resource) { invoke(value, it) }
forEach { (value, resources) ->
// A map of document associated by their kind (e.g. strings, arrays).
// Each document is accompanied by the target node to which resources are added.
// A map is used because Map#getOrPut allows opening a new document for the duration of a resource value.
// This is done to prevent having to open the files for every resource that is added.
// Instead, it is cached once and reused for resources of the same value.
// This map is later accessed to close all documents for the current resource value.
val documents = mutableMapOf<String, Pair<DomFileEditor, Node>>()
resources.forEach { resource -> documents(value, resource) }
documents.values.forEach { (document, _) -> document.close() }