# File: inline.py # Description: Inline wrapper # Author: Arvs100 # Date: 25-12-2019 ~ 28-12-2019 from telegram.ext import Updater, InlineQueryHandler, CommandHandler import logging from telegram import InlineQueryResultArticle, InputTextMessageContent, Bot import uuid import requests import password class InlineBot: def __init__(self): self.apiUrl = password.API_URL self.errorText = "Sowwy mawster, an ewror occuwed. ;;w;;" self.commands = { "Pony" : "yay, ponies!", "Clop" : "NSFW ponies", "Furry" : "Furries" "Loli" : "Cute lolis", "Yiff" : "Yiff", "Lewd" : "Say hi to the police", "Rasoio" : "Dai facciamogli lo scherzo del rasoio!1!!" } def callRequest(self, command, senderid, text): r = requests.get(self.apiUrl, headers={ "botid":password.BOT_ID, "botpassword":password.BOT_PASSWORD, "command":command, "replytouserid":"0", "senderuserid":senderid, "receiverchatid":"0", "querytext":text } ) if not r: return self.errorText if not "authorized" in r.headers or not "success" in r.headers or not "htmldescription" in r.headers or not "imageurl" in r.headers: return self.errorText if r.headers["authorized"] != "true" or r.headers["success"] != "true" or r.headers["imageurl"] == "": return self.errorText return r.headers["imageurl"] def start(self): self.bot = Bot(token=password.BOT_TOKEN) self.updater = Updater(bot=self.bot,use_context=True) print("h0nus bot\n"); self.dispatcher = self.updater.dispatcher logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.dispatcher.add_error_handler(self.errorHandler) inline_caps_handler = InlineQueryHandler(self.inlineQuery) self.dispatcher.add_handler(inline_caps_handler) print("Started!") self.updater.start_polling() self.updater.idle() def errorHandler(self, update, context): """Log Errors caused by Updates.""" self.logger.warning('Update "%s" caused error "%s"', update, context.error) def commandStart(self, update, context): context.bot.send_message(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, text="Inline cancer, clop, furry spammer (h0nus)",parse_mode="HTML") def makeResult(self, qTitle, qDesc, picUrl): return InlineQueryResultArticle( id=uuid.uuid4().hex, type="article", title=qTitle, input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent("H0nusBot", "HTML"), description=qDesc ) def inlineQuery(self, update, context): senderid = str(update.inline_query.from_user.id) query = update.inline_query.query results = list() if not query: for key in self.commands: desc = self.commands[key] results.append(self.makeResult(key, desc, self.callRequest(key.lower(), senderid, query))) else: results.append(self.makeResult("Cancer", "Search cancer about " + query, self.callRequest("cancer", senderid, query))) context.bot.answer_inline_query(update.inline_query.id, results, 1, False) InlineBot().start()