import 'dart:io'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:audio_service/audio_service.dart'; import 'package:freezer/api/cache.dart'; import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart'; import 'package:pointycastle/api.dart'; import 'package:pointycastle/block/aes_fast.dart'; import 'package:pointycastle/block/modes/ecb.dart'; import 'package:hex/hex.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; import 'package:freezer/translations.i18n.dart'; import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart' as crypto; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'dart:convert'; part 'definitions.g.dart'; @JsonSerializable() class Track { String id; String title; Album album; List artists; Duration duration; ImageDetails albumArt; int trackNumber; bool offline; Lyrics lyrics; bool favorite; int diskNumber; bool explicit; //Date added to playlist / favorites int addedDate; List playbackDetails; Track({, this.title, this.duration, this.album, this.playbackDetails, this.albumArt, this.artists, this.trackNumber, this.offline, this.lyrics, this.favorite, this.diskNumber, this.explicit, this.addedDate}); String get artistString => =>', '); String get durationString => "${duration.inMinutes}:${duration.inSeconds.remainder(60).toString().padLeft(2, '0')}"; String getUrl(int quality) { var md5 = crypto.md5; int magic = 164; List _s1 = [ ...utf8.encode(playbackDetails[0]), magic, ...utf8.encode(quality.toString()), magic, ...utf8.encode(id), magic, ...utf8.encode(playbackDetails[1]) ]; List _s2 = [ ...utf8.encode(HEX.encode(md5.convert(_s1).bytes)), magic, ..._s1, magic ]; while(_s2.length%16 > 0) _s2.add(46); String _s3 = ''; BlockCipher cipher = ECBBlockCipher(AESFastEngine()); cipher.init(true, KeyParameter(Uint8List.fromList('jo6aey6haid2Teih'.codeUnits))); for (int i=0; i<_s2.length/16; i++) { _s3 += HEX.encode(cipher.process(Uint8List.fromList(_s2.sublist(i*16, i*16+16)))); } return 'https://e-cdns-proxy-${playbackDetails[0][0]}$_s3'; } //MediaItem MediaItem toMediaItem() => MediaItem( title: this.title, album: this.album.title, artist: this.artists[0].name, displayTitle: this.title, displaySubtitle: this.artistString, displayDescription: this.album.title, artUri: this.albumArt.full, duration: this.duration, id:, extras: { "playbackDetails": jsonEncode(this.playbackDetails), "thumb": this.albumArt.thumb, "lyrics": jsonEncode(this.lyrics.toJson()), "albumId":, "artists": jsonEncode( => art.toJson()).toList()) } ); factory Track.fromMediaItem(MediaItem mi) { //Load album and artists. //It is stored separately, to save id and other metadata Album album = Album(title: mi.album); List artists = [Artist(name: mi.displaySubtitle??mi.artist)]; if (mi.extras != null) { = mi.extras['albumId']; if (mi.extras['artists'] != null) { artists = jsonDecode(mi.extras['artists']).map((j) => Artist.fromJson(j)).toList(); } } List playbackDetails; if (mi.extras['playbackDetails'] != null) playbackDetails = (jsonDecode(mi.extras['playbackDetails'])??[]).map((e) => e.toString()).toList(); return Track( title: mi.title??mi.displayTitle, artists: artists, album: album, id:, albumArt: ImageDetails( fullUrl: mi.artUri, thumbUrl: mi.extras['thumb'] ), duration: mi.duration, playbackDetails: playbackDetails, lyrics: Lyrics.fromJson(jsonDecode(((mi.extras??{})['lyrics'])??"{}")) ); } //JSON factory Track.fromPrivateJson(Map json, {bool favorite = false}) { String title = json['SNG_TITLE']; if (json['VERSION'] != null && json['VERSION'] != '') { title = "${json['SNG_TITLE']} ${json['VERSION']}"; } return Track( id: json['SNG_ID'].toString(), title: title, duration: Duration(seconds: int.parse(json['DURATION'])), albumArt: ImageDetails.fromPrivateString(json['ALB_PICTURE']), album: Album.fromPrivateJson(json), artists: (json['ARTISTS']??[json]).map((dynamic art) => Artist.fromPrivateJson(art)).toList(), trackNumber: int.parse((json['TRACK_NUMBER']??'0').toString()), playbackDetails: [json['MD5_ORIGIN'], json['MEDIA_VERSION']], lyrics: Lyrics(id: json['LYRICS_ID'].toString()), favorite: favorite, diskNumber: int.parse(json['DISK_NUMBER']??'1'), explicit: (json['EXPLICIT_LYRICS'].toString() == '1') ? true:false, addedDate: json['DATE_ADD'] ); } Map toSQL({off = false}) => { 'id': id, 'title': title, 'album':, 'artists': a) =>','), 'duration': duration.inSeconds, 'albumArt': albumArt.full, 'trackNumber': trackNumber, 'offline': off?1:0, 'lyrics': jsonEncode(lyrics.toJson()), 'favorite': (favorite??0)?1:0, 'diskNumber': diskNumber, 'explicit': explicit?1:0, //'favoriteDate': favoriteDate }; factory Track.fromSQL(Map data) => Track( id: data['trackId']??data['id'], //If loading from downloads table title: data['title'], album: Album(id: data['album']), duration: Duration(seconds: data['duration']), albumArt: ImageDetails(fullUrl: data['albumArt']), trackNumber: data['trackNumber'], artists: List.generate(data['artists'].split(',').length, (i) => Artist( id: data['artists'].split(',')[i] )), offline: (data['offline'] == 1) ? true:false, lyrics: Lyrics.fromJson(jsonDecode(data['lyrics'])), favorite: (data['favorite'] == 1) ? true:false, diskNumber: data['diskNumber'], explicit: (data['explicit'] == 1) ? true:false, //favoriteDate: data['favoriteDate'] ); factory Track.fromJson(Map json) => _$TrackFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$TrackToJson(this); } enum AlbumType { ALBUM, SINGLE, FEATURED } @JsonSerializable() class Album { String id; String title; List artists; List tracks; ImageDetails art; int fans; bool offline; //If the album is offline, or just saved in db as metadata bool library; AlbumType type; String releaseDate; String favoriteDate; Album({, this.title,, this.artists, this.tracks,, this.offline, this.library, this.type, this.releaseDate, this.favoriteDate}); String get artistString => =>', '); Duration get duration => Duration(seconds: tracks.fold(0, (v, t) => v += t.duration.inSeconds)); String get durationString => "${duration.inMinutes}:${duration.inSeconds.remainder(60).toString().padLeft(2, '0')}"; String get fansString => NumberFormat.compact().format(fans); //JSON factory Album.fromPrivateJson(Map json, {Map songsJson = const {}, bool library = false}) { AlbumType type = AlbumType.ALBUM; if (json['TYPE'] != null && json['TYPE'].toString() == "0") type = AlbumType.SINGLE; if (json['ROLE_ID'] == 5) type = AlbumType.FEATURED; return Album( id: json['ALB_ID'].toString(), title: json['ALB_TITLE'], art: ImageDetails.fromPrivateString(json['ALB_PICTURE']), artists: (json['ARTISTS']??[json]).map((dynamic art) => Artist.fromPrivateJson(art)).toList(), tracks: (songsJson['data']??[]).map((dynamic track) => Track.fromPrivateJson(track)).toList(), fans: json['NB_FAN'], library: library, type: type, releaseDate: json['DIGITAL_RELEASE_DATE']??json['PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE'], favoriteDate: json['DATE_FAVORITE'] ); } Map toSQL({off = false}) => { 'id': id, 'title': title, 'artists': a) =>','), 'tracks': t) =>','), 'art': art.full, 'fans': fans, 'offline': off?1:0, 'library': (library??false)?1:0, 'type': AlbumType.values.indexOf(type), 'releaseDate': releaseDate, //'favoriteDate': favoriteDate }; factory Album.fromSQL(Map data) => Album( id: data['id'], title: data['title'], artists: List.generate(data['artists'].split(',').length, (i) => Artist( id: data['artists'].split(',')[i] )), tracks: List.generate(data['tracks'].split(',').length, (i) => Track( id: data['tracks'].split(',')[i] )), art: ImageDetails(fullUrl: data['art']), fans: data['fans'], offline: (data['offline'] == 1) ? true:false, library: (data['library'] == 1) ? true:false, type: AlbumType.values[data['type']], releaseDate: data['releaseDate'], //favoriteDate: data['favoriteDate'] ); factory Album.fromJson(Map json) => _$AlbumFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$AlbumToJson(this); } enum ArtistHighlightType { ALBUM } @JsonSerializable() class ArtistHighlight { dynamic data; ArtistHighlightType type; String title; ArtistHighlight({, this.type, this.title}); factory ArtistHighlight.fromPrivateJson(Map json) { if (json == null || json['ITEM'] == null) return null; switch (json['TYPE']) { case 'album': return ArtistHighlight(data: Album.fromPrivateJson(json['ITEM']), type: ArtistHighlightType.ALBUM, title: json['TITLE']); } return null; } //JSON factory ArtistHighlight.fromJson(Map json) => _$ArtistHighlightFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$ArtistHighlightToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable() class Artist { String id; String name; List albums; int albumCount; List topTracks; ImageDetails picture; int fans; bool offline; bool library; bool radio; String favoriteDate; ArtistHighlight highlight; Artist({,, this.albums, this.albumCount, this.topTracks, this.picture,, this.offline, this.library,, this.favoriteDate, this.highlight}); String get fansString => NumberFormat.compact().format(fans); //JSON factory Artist.fromPrivateJson( Map json, { Map albumsJson = const {}, Map topJson = const {}, Map highlight = null, bool library = false }) { //Get wether radio is available bool _radio = false; if (json['SMARTRADIO'] == true || json['SMARTRADIO'] == 1) _radio = true; return Artist( id: json['ART_ID'].toString(), name: json['ART_NAME'], fans: json['NB_FAN'], picture: ImageDetails.fromPrivateString(json['ART_PICTURE'], type: 'artist'), albumCount: albumsJson['total'], albums: (albumsJson['data']??[]).map((dynamic data) => Album.fromPrivateJson(data)).toList(), topTracks: (topJson['data']??[]).map((dynamic data) => Track.fromPrivateJson(data)).toList(), library: library, radio: _radio, favoriteDate: json['DATE_FAVORITE'], highlight: ArtistHighlight.fromPrivateJson(highlight) ); } Map toSQL({off = false}) => { 'id': id, 'name': name, 'albums': a) =>','), 'topTracks': t) =>','), 'picture': picture.full, 'fans': fans, 'albumCount': this.albumCount??(this.albums??[]).length, 'offline': off?1:0, 'library': (library??false)?1:0, 'radio': radio?1:0, //'favoriteDate': favoriteDate }; factory Artist.fromSQL(Map data) => Artist( id: data['id'], name: data['name'], topTracks: List.generate(data['topTracks'].split(',').length, (i) => Track( id: data['topTracks'].split(',')[i] )), albums: List.generate(data['albums'].split(',').length, (i) => Album( id: data['albums'].split(',')[i] )), albumCount: data['albumCount'], picture: ImageDetails(fullUrl: data['picture']), fans: data['fans'], offline: (data['offline'] == 1)?true:false, library: (data['library'] == 1)?true:false, radio: (data['radio'] == 1)?true:false, //favoriteDate: data['favoriteDate'] ); factory Artist.fromJson(Map json) => _$ArtistFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$ArtistToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable() class Playlist { String id; String title; List tracks; ImageDetails image; Duration duration; int trackCount; User user; int fans; bool library; String description; Playlist({, this.title, this.tracks, this.image, this.trackCount, this.duration, this.user,, this.library, this.description}); String get durationString => "${duration.inHours}:${duration.inMinutes.remainder(60).toString().padLeft(2, '0')}:${duration.inSeconds.remainder(60).toString().padLeft(2, '0')}"; //JSON factory Playlist.fromPrivateJson(Map json, {Map songsJson = const {}, bool library = false}) => Playlist( id: json['PLAYLIST_ID'].toString(), title: json['TITLE'], trackCount: json['NB_SONG']??songsJson['total'], image: ImageDetails.fromPrivateString(json['PLAYLIST_PICTURE'], type: 'playlist'), fans: json['NB_FAN'], duration: Duration(seconds: json['DURATION']??0), description: json['DESCRIPTION'], user: User( id: json['PARENT_USER_ID'], name: json['PARENT_USERNAME']??'', picture: ImageDetails.fromPrivateString(json['PARENT_USER_PICTURE'], type: 'user') ), tracks: (songsJson['data']??[]).map((dynamic data) => Track.fromPrivateJson(data)).toList(), library: library ); Map toSQL() => { 'id': id, 'title': title, 'tracks': t) =>','), 'image': image.full, 'duration': duration.inSeconds, 'userId':, 'userName':, 'fans': fans, 'description': description, 'library': (library??false)?1:0 }; factory Playlist.fromSQL(data) => Playlist( id: data['id'], title: data['title'], description: data['description'], tracks: List.generate(data['tracks'].split(',').length, (i) => Track( id: data['tracks'].split(',')[i] )), image: ImageDetails(fullUrl: data['image']), duration: Duration(seconds: data['duration']), user: User( id: data['userId'], name: data['userName'] ), fans: data['fans'], library: (data['library'] == 1)?true:false ); factory Playlist.fromJson(Map json) => _$PlaylistFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$PlaylistToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable() class User { String id; String name; ImageDetails picture; User({,, this.picture}); //Mostly handled by playlist factory User.fromJson(Map json) => _$UserFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$UserToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable() class ImageDetails { String fullUrl; String thumbUrl; ImageDetails({this.fullUrl, this.thumbUrl}); //Get full/thumb with fallback String get full => fullUrl??thumbUrl; String get thumb => thumbUrl??fullUrl; //JSON factory ImageDetails.fromPrivateString(String art, {String type='cover'}) => ImageDetails( fullUrl: '$type/$art/1400x1400-000000-80-0-0.jpg', thumbUrl: '$type/$art/140x140-000000-80-0-0.jpg' ); factory ImageDetails.fromPrivateJson(Map json) => ImageDetails.fromPrivateString( json['MD5'].split('-').first, type: json['TYPE'] ); factory ImageDetails.fromJson(Map json) => _$ImageDetailsFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$ImageDetailsToJson(this); } class SearchResults { List tracks; List albums; List artists; List playlists; SearchResults({this.tracks, this.albums, this.artists, this.playlists}); //Check if no search results bool get empty { return ((tracks == null || tracks.length == 0) && (albums == null || albums.length == 0) && (artists == null || artists.length == 0) && (playlists == null || playlists.length == 0)); } factory SearchResults.fromPrivateJson(Map json) => SearchResults( tracks: json['TRACK']['data'].map((dynamic data) => Track.fromPrivateJson(data)).toList(), albums: json['ALBUM']['data'].map((dynamic data) => Album.fromPrivateJson(data)).toList(), artists: json['ARTIST']['data'].map((dynamic data) => Artist.fromPrivateJson(data)).toList(), playlists: json['PLAYLIST']['data'].map((dynamic data) => Playlist.fromPrivateJson(data)).toList() ); } @JsonSerializable() class Lyrics { String id; String writers; List lyrics; Lyrics({, this.writers, this.lyrics}); static error() => Lyrics( id: null, writers: null, lyrics: [Lyric( offset: Duration(milliseconds: 0), text: 'Lyrics unavailable, empty or failed to load!'.i18n )] ); //JSON factory Lyrics.fromPrivateJson(Map json) { Lyrics l = Lyrics( id: json['LYRICS_ID'], writers: json['LYRICS_WRITERS'], lyrics: (json['LYRICS_SYNC_JSON']??[]).map((l) => Lyric.fromPrivateJson(l)).toList() ); //Clean empty lyrics l.lyrics.removeWhere((l) => l.offset == null); return l; } factory Lyrics.fromJson(Map json) => _$LyricsFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$LyricsToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable() class Lyric { Duration offset; String text; String lrcTimestamp; Lyric({this.offset, this.text, this.lrcTimestamp}); //JSON factory Lyric.fromPrivateJson(Map json) { if (json['milliseconds'] == null || json['line'] == null) return Lyric(); //Empty lyric return Lyric( offset: Duration(milliseconds: int.parse(json['milliseconds'].toString())), text: json['line'], lrcTimestamp: json['lrc_timestamp'] ); } factory Lyric.fromJson(Map json) => _$LyricFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$LyricToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable() class QueueSource { String id; String text; String source; QueueSource({, this.text, this.source}); factory QueueSource.fromJson(Map json) => _$QueueSourceFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$QueueSourceToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable() class SmartTrackList { String id; String title; String subtitle; String description; int trackCount; List tracks; ImageDetails cover; SmartTrackList({, this.title, this.description, this.trackCount, this.tracks, this.cover, this.subtitle}); //JSON factory SmartTrackList.fromPrivateJson(Map json, {Map songsJson = const {}}) => SmartTrackList( id: json['SMARTTRACKLIST_ID'], title: json['TITLE'], subtitle: json['SUBTITLE'], description: json['DESCRIPTION'], trackCount: json['NB_SONG']??(songsJson['total']), tracks: (songsJson['data']??[]).map((t) => Track.fromPrivateJson(t)).toList(), cover: ImageDetails.fromPrivateJson(json['COVER']) ); factory SmartTrackList.fromJson(Map json) => _$SmartTrackListFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$SmartTrackListToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable() class HomePage { List sections; HomePage({this.sections}); //Save/Load Future _getPath() async { Directory d = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory(); return p.join(d.path, 'homescreen.json'); } Future exists() async { String path = await _getPath(); return await File(path).exists(); } Future save() async { String path = await _getPath(); await File(path).writeAsString(jsonEncode(this.toJson())); } Future load() async { String path = await _getPath(); Map data = jsonDecode(await File(path).readAsString()); return HomePage.fromJson(data); } //JSON factory HomePage.fromPrivateJson(Map json) { HomePage hp = HomePage(sections: []); //Parse every section for (var s in (json['sections']??[])) { HomePageSection section = HomePageSection.fromPrivateJson(s); if (section != null) hp.sections.add(section); } return hp; } factory HomePage.fromJson(Map json) => _$HomePageFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$HomePageToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable() class HomePageSection { String title; HomePageSectionLayout layout; //For loading more items String pagePath; bool hasMore; @JsonKey(fromJson: _homePageItemFromJson, toJson: _homePageItemToJson) List items; HomePageSection({this.layout, this.items, this.title, this.pagePath, this.hasMore}); //JSON factory HomePageSection.fromPrivateJson(Map json) { HomePageSection hps = HomePageSection( title: json['title'], items: [], pagePath: json['target'], hasMore: json['hasMoreItems']??false ); String layout = json['layout']; //No ads there if (layout == 'ads') return null; if (layout == 'horizontal-grid' || layout == 'grid') { hps.layout = HomePageSectionLayout.ROW; } else { //Currently only row layout return null; } //Parse items for (var i in (json['items']??[])) { HomePageItem hpi = HomePageItem.fromPrivateJson(i); if (hpi != null) hps.items.add(hpi); } return hps; } factory HomePageSection.fromJson(Map json) => _$HomePageSectionFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$HomePageSectionToJson(this); static _homePageItemFromJson(json) => => HomePageItem.fromJson(d)).toList(); static _homePageItemToJson(items) => => i.toJson()).toList(); } class HomePageItem { HomePageItemType type; dynamic value; HomePageItem({this.type, this.value}); factory HomePageItem.fromPrivateJson(Map json) { String type = json['type']; switch (type) { //Smart Track List case 'flow': case 'smarttracklist': return HomePageItem(type: HomePageItemType.SMARTTRACKLIST, value: SmartTrackList.fromPrivateJson(json['data'])); case 'playlist': return HomePageItem(type: HomePageItemType.PLAYLIST, value: Playlist.fromPrivateJson(json['data'])); case 'artist': return HomePageItem(type: HomePageItemType.ARTIST, value: Artist.fromPrivateJson(json['data'])); case 'channel': return HomePageItem(type: HomePageItemType.CHANNEL, value: DeezerChannel.fromPrivateJson(json)); case 'album': return HomePageItem(type: HomePageItemType.ALBUM, value: Album.fromPrivateJson(json['data'])); case 'show': return HomePageItem(type: HomePageItemType.SHOW, value: Show.fromPrivateJson(json['data'])); default: return null; } } factory HomePageItem.fromJson(Map json) { String _t = json['type']; switch (_t) { case 'SMARTTRACKLIST': return HomePageItem(type: HomePageItemType.SMARTTRACKLIST, value: SmartTrackList.fromJson(json['value'])); case 'PLAYLIST': return HomePageItem(type: HomePageItemType.PLAYLIST, value: Playlist.fromJson(json['value'])); case 'ARTIST': return HomePageItem(type: HomePageItemType.ARTIST, value: Artist.fromJson(json['value'])); case 'CHANNEL': return HomePageItem(type: HomePageItemType.CHANNEL, value: DeezerChannel.fromJson(json['value'])); case 'ALBUM': return HomePageItem(type: HomePageItemType.ALBUM, value: Album.fromJson(json['value'])); case 'SHOW': return HomePageItem(type: HomePageItemType.SHOW, value: Show.fromPrivateJson(json['value'])); default: return HomePageItem(); } } Map toJson() { String type = this.type.toString().split('.').last; return {'type': type, 'value': value.toJson()}; } } @JsonSerializable() class DeezerChannel { String id; String target; String title; @JsonKey(fromJson: _colorFromJson, toJson: _colorToJson) Color backgroundColor; DeezerChannel({, this.title, this.backgroundColor,}); factory DeezerChannel.fromPrivateJson(Map json) => DeezerChannel( id: json['id'], title: json['title'], backgroundColor: Color(int.parse(json['background_color'].replaceFirst('#', 'FF'), radix: 16)), target: json['target'].replaceFirst('/', '') ); //JSON static _colorToJson(Color c) => c.value; static _colorFromJson(int v) => Color(v??; factory DeezerChannel.fromJson(Map json) => _$DeezerChannelFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$DeezerChannelToJson(this); } enum HomePageItemType { SMARTTRACKLIST, PLAYLIST, ARTIST, CHANNEL, ALBUM, SHOW } enum HomePageSectionLayout { ROW } enum RepeatType { NONE, LIST, TRACK } enum DeezerLinkType { TRACK, ALBUM, ARTIST, PLAYLIST } class DeezerLinkResponse { DeezerLinkType type; String id; DeezerLinkResponse({this.type,}); //String to DeezerLinkType static typeFromString(String t) { t = t.toLowerCase().trim(); if (t == 'album') return DeezerLinkType.ALBUM; if (t == 'artist') return DeezerLinkType.ARTIST; if (t == 'playlist') return DeezerLinkType.PLAYLIST; if (t == 'track') return DeezerLinkType.TRACK; return null; } } //Sorting enum SortType { DEFAULT, ALPHABETIC, ARTIST, ALBUM, RELEASE_DATE, POPULARITY, USER, TRACK_COUNT, DATE_ADDED } enum SortSourceTypes { //Library TRACKS, PLAYLISTS, ALBUMS, ARTISTS, PLAYLIST } @JsonSerializable() class Sorting { SortType type; bool reverse; //For preserving sorting String id; SortSourceTypes sourceType; Sorting({this.type = SortType.DEFAULT, this.reverse = false,, this.sourceType}); //Find index of sorting from cache static int index(SortSourceTypes type, {String id}) { //Empty cache if (cache.sorts == null) { cache.sorts = [];; return null; } //Find index int index; if (id != null) index = cache.sorts.indexWhere((s) => s.sourceType == type && == id); else index = cache.sorts.indexWhere((s) => s.sourceType == type); if (index == -1) return null; return index; } factory Sorting.fromJson(Map json) => _$SortingFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$SortingToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable() class Show { String name; String description; ImageDetails art; String id; Show({, this.description,,}); //JSON factory Show.fromPrivateJson(Map json) => Show( id: json['SHOW_ID'], name: json['SHOW_NAME'], art: ImageDetails.fromPrivateString(json['SHOW_ART_MD5'], type: 'talk'), description: json['SHOW_DESCRIPTION'] ); factory Show.fromJson(Map json) => _$ShowFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$ShowToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable() class ShowEpisode { String id; String title; String description; String url; Duration duration; String publishedDate; ShowEpisode({, this.title, this.description, this.url, this.duration, this.publishedDate}); String get durationString => "${duration.inMinutes}:${duration.inSeconds.remainder(60).toString().padLeft(2, '0')}"; //Generate MediaItem for playback MediaItem toMediaItem(Show show) { return MediaItem( title: title, displayTitle: title, displaySubtitle:, album:, id: id, extras: { 'showUrl': url, 'show': jsonEncode(show.toJson()), 'thumb': }, displayDescription: description, duration: duration, artUri: ); } factory ShowEpisode.fromMediaItem(MediaItem mi) { return ShowEpisode( id:, title: mi.title, description: mi.displayDescription, url: mi.extras['showUrl'], duration: mi.duration, ); } //JSON factory ShowEpisode.fromPrivateJson(Map json) => ShowEpisode( id: json['EPISODE_ID'], title: json['EPISODE_TITLE'], description: json['EPISODE_DESCRIPTION'], url: json['EPISODE_DIRECT_STREAM_URL'], duration: Duration(seconds: int.parse(json['DURATION'].toString())), publishedDate: json['EPISODE_PUBLISHED_TIMESTAMP'] ); factory ShowEpisode.fromJson(Map json) => _$ShowEpisodeFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$ShowEpisodeToJson(this); } class StreamQualityInfo { String format; int size; String source; StreamQualityInfo({this.format, this.size, this.source}); factory StreamQualityInfo.fromJson(Map json) => StreamQualityInfo( format: json['format'], size: json['size'], source: json['source'] ); int bitrate(Duration duration) { if (size == null || size == 0) return 0; int bitrate = (((size * 8) / 1000) / duration.inSeconds).round(); //Round to known values if (bitrate > 122 && bitrate < 134) return 128; if (bitrate > 315 && bitrate < 325) return 320; return bitrate; } }