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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Mark Gaiser <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Martin Klapetek <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Carl Schwan <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "daysmodel.h"
#include "eventdatadecorator.h"
#include "eventpluginsmanager.h"
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDir>
#include <QMetaObject>
constexpr int maxEventDisplayed = 5;
DaysModel::DaysModel(QObject *parent)
: QAbstractItemModel(parent)
, m_pluginsManager(nullptr)
, m_lastRequestedEventsStartDate(QDate())
, m_agendaNeedsUpdate(false)
void DaysModel::setSourceData(QList<DayData> *data)
2014-04-26 01:45:47 +02:00
if (m_data != data) {
m_data = data;
int DaysModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (!parent.isValid()) {
// day count
if (m_data->size() <= 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return m_data->size();
} else {
// event count
const auto &eventDatas = data(parent, Roles::Events).value<QList<CalendarEvents::EventData>>();
Q_ASSERT(eventDatas.count() <= maxEventDisplayed);
return eventDatas.count();
int DaysModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
return 1;
QVariant DaysModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
if (!index.isValid()) {
return {};
const int row = index.row();
if (!index.parent().isValid()) {
// Fetch days in month
const DayData &currentData = m_data->at(row);
const QDate currentDate(currentData.yearNumber, currentData.monthNumber, currentData.dayNumber);
2014-04-26 01:45:47 +02:00
switch (role) {
case isCurrent:
return currentData.isCurrent;
case containsEventItems:
return m_eventsData.contains(currentDate);
case Events:
return QVariant::fromValue(m_eventsData.values(currentDate));
case EventCount:
return m_eventsData.values(currentDate).count();
case containsMajorEventItems:
return hasMajorEventAtDate(currentDate);
case containsMinorEventItems:
return hasMinorEventAtDate(currentDate);
case dayNumber:
return currentData.dayNumber;
case monthNumber:
return currentData.monthNumber;
case yearNumber:
return currentData.yearNumber;
} else {
// Fetch event in day
const auto &eventDatas = data(index.parent(), Roles::Events).value<QList<CalendarEvents::EventData>>();
if (eventDatas.count() < row) {
return {};
const auto &eventData = eventDatas[row];
switch (role) {
case EventColor:
return eventData.eventColor();
return {};
void DaysModel::update()
2014-04-26 01:45:47 +02:00
if (m_data->size() <= 0) {
// We need to reset the model since m_data has already been changed here
// and we can't remove the events manually with beginRemoveRows() since
// we don't know where the old events were located.
const QDate modelFirstDay(m_data->at(0).yearNumber, m_data->at(0).monthNumber, m_data->at(0).dayNumber);
if (m_pluginsManager) {
const auto plugins = m_pluginsManager->plugins();
for (CalendarEvents::CalendarEventsPlugin *eventsPlugin : plugins) {
eventsPlugin->loadEventsForDateRange(modelFirstDay, modelFirstDay.addDays(42));
// We always have 42 items (or weeks * num of days in week) so we only have to tell the view that the data changed.
Q_EMIT dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(m_data->count() - 1, 0));
void DaysModel::onDataReady(const QMultiHash<QDate, CalendarEvents::EventData> &data)
m_eventsData.reserve(m_eventsData.size() + data.size());
for (int i = 0; i < m_data->count(); i++) {
const DayData &currentData = m_data->at(i);
const QDate currentDate(currentData.yearNumber, currentData.monthNumber, currentData.dayNumber);
if (!data.values(currentDate).isEmpty()) {
// Make sure we don't display more than maxEventDisplayed events.
const int currentCount = m_eventsData.values(currentDate).count();
if (currentCount >= maxEventDisplayed) {
const int addedEventCount = std::min(currentCount + data.values(currentDate).count(), maxEventDisplayed) - currentCount;
// Add event
beginInsertRows(index(i, 0), 0, addedEventCount - 1);
int stopCounter = currentCount;
for (const auto &dataDay : data.values(currentDate)) {
if (stopCounter >= maxEventDisplayed) {
m_eventsData.insert(currentDate, dataDay);
if (data.contains(QDate::currentDate())) {
m_agendaNeedsUpdate = true;
// only the containsEventItems roles may have changed
Q_EMIT dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(m_data->count() - 1, 0), {containsEventItems, containsMajorEventItems, containsMinorEventItems, Events, EventCount});
Q_EMIT agendaUpdated(QDate::currentDate());
void DaysModel::onEventModified(const CalendarEvents::EventData &data)
QList<QDate> updatesList;
auto i = m_eventsData.begin();
while (i != m_eventsData.end()) {
if (i->uid() == data.uid()) {
*i = data;
updatesList << i.key();
if (!updatesList.isEmpty()) {
m_agendaNeedsUpdate = true;
for (const QDate date : qAsConst(updatesList)) {
const QModelIndex changedIndex = indexForDate(date);
if (changedIndex.isValid()) {
Q_EMIT dataChanged(changedIndex, changedIndex, {containsEventItems, containsMajorEventItems, containsMinorEventItems, EventColor});
Q_EMIT agendaUpdated(date);
void DaysModel::onEventRemoved(const QString &uid)
// HACK We should update the model with beginRemoveRows instead of
// using beginResetModel() since this creates a small visual glitches
// if an event is removed in Korganizer and the calendar is open.
// Using beginRemoveRows instead we make the code a lot more complex
// and if not done correctly will introduce bugs.
QList<QDate> updatesList;
auto i = m_eventsData.begin();
while (i != m_eventsData.end()) {
if (i->uid() == uid) {
updatesList << i.key();
i = m_eventsData.erase(i);
} else {
if (!updatesList.isEmpty()) {
m_agendaNeedsUpdate = true;
for (const QDate date : qAsConst(updatesList)) {
const QModelIndex changedIndex = indexForDate(date);
if (changedIndex.isValid()) {
Q_EMIT dataChanged(changedIndex, changedIndex, {containsEventItems, containsMajorEventItems, containsMinorEventItems});
Q_EMIT agendaUpdated(date);
QList<QObject *> DaysModel::eventsForDate(const QDate &date)
if (m_lastRequestedAgendaDate == date && !m_agendaNeedsUpdate) {
return m_qmlData;
m_lastRequestedAgendaDate = date;
QList<CalendarEvents::EventData> events = m_eventsData.values(date);
// sort events by their time and type
std::sort(events.begin(), events.end(), [](const CalendarEvents::EventData &a, const CalendarEvents::EventData &b) {
return b.type() > a.type() || b.startDateTime() > a.startDateTime();
for (const CalendarEvents::EventData &event : qAsConst(events)) {
m_qmlData << new EventDataDecorator(event, this);
m_agendaNeedsUpdate = false;
return m_qmlData;
QModelIndex DaysModel::indexForDate(const QDate &date)
if (!m_data) {
return QModelIndex();
const DayData &firstDay = m_data->at(0);
const QDate firstDate(firstDay.yearNumber, firstDay.monthNumber, firstDay.dayNumber);
qint64 daysTo = firstDate.daysTo(date);
return createIndex(daysTo, 0);
bool DaysModel::hasMajorEventAtDate(const QDate &date) const
auto it = m_eventsData.find(date);
while (it != m_eventsData.end() && it.key() == date) {
if (!it.value().isMinor()) {
return true;
return false;
bool DaysModel::hasMinorEventAtDate(const QDate &date) const
auto it = m_eventsData.find(date);
while (it != m_eventsData.end() && it.key() == date) {
if (it.value().isMinor()) {
return true;
return false;
void DaysModel::setPluginsManager(QObject *manager)
EventPluginsManager *m = qobject_cast<EventPluginsManager *>(manager);
if (!m) {
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if (m_pluginsManager) {
2018-04-13 09:05:17 +02:00
m_pluginsManager = nullptr;
m_pluginsManager = m;
connect(m_pluginsManager, &EventPluginsManager::dataReady, this, &DaysModel::onDataReady);
connect(m_pluginsManager, &EventPluginsManager::eventModified, this, &DaysModel::onEventModified);
connect(m_pluginsManager, &EventPluginsManager::eventRemoved, this, &DaysModel::onEventRemoved);
connect(m_pluginsManager, &EventPluginsManager::pluginsChanged, this, &DaysModel::update);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "update", Qt::QueuedConnection);
QHash<int, QByteArray> DaysModel::roleNames() const
return {{isCurrent, "isCurrent"},
{containsEventItems, "containsEventItems"},
{containsMajorEventItems, "containsMajorEventItems"},
{containsMinorEventItems, "containsMinorEventItems"},
{dayNumber, "dayNumber"},
{monthNumber, "monthNumber"},
{yearNumber, "yearNumber"},
{EventColor, "eventColor"},
{EventCount, "eventCount"},
{Events, "events"}};
QModelIndex DaysModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (parent.isValid()) {
return createIndex(row, column, (intptr_t)parent.row());
return createIndex(row, column, nullptr);
QModelIndex DaysModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const
if (child.internalId()) {
return createIndex(child.internalId(), 0, nullptr);
return QModelIndex();