<p>Graphical components for common items such as buttons, lineedits, tabbars and so on. Compatible subset of the MeeGo components used on the N9, see <a href="../declarativeimports/plasmacomponents/html/index.html">plasmacomponents</a> </p>
<p>Extra graphical components that extend org.kde.plasma.components but are not in the standard api, see <a href="../declarativeimports/plasmaextracomponents/html/index.html">extras</a> </p>
<p>Bindings for some functionality in Qt not included in the primitive QML components set, sich as support for QImages, QPixmaps, QIcons and mouse and wheel events with screen coordinates, see <a href="../declarativeimports/qtextracomponents/html/index.html">qtextracomponents</a></p>