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2020-08-20 00:14:19 +02:00
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 David Edmundson <>
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Kai Uwe Broulik <>
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Noah Davis <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
ComponentBase {
id: root
title: "Plasma Components 2 ProgressBar"
property int orientation: orientationCombo.model[orientationCombo.currentIndex].value
property int progressBarWidth: testProgressBar.width
PlasmaComponents.ProgressBar {
id: testProgressBar
visible: false
contentItem: GridLayout {
columns: 6
columnSpacing: PlasmaCore.Units.largeSpacing
rowSpacing: PlasmaCore.Units.largeSpacing
ColumnLayout {
PlasmaComponents.Label {
text: "0%"
PlasmaComponents.ProgressBar {
minimumValue: 0
maximumValue: 100
value: 0
orientation: root.orientation
ColumnLayout {
PlasmaComponents.Label {
text: "50%"
PlasmaComponents.ProgressBar {
minimumValue: 0
maximumValue: 100
value: 50
orientation: root.orientation
ColumnLayout {
PlasmaComponents.Label {
text: "100%"
PlasmaComponents.ProgressBar {
minimumValue: 0
maximumValue: 100
value: 100
orientation: root.orientation
ColumnLayout {
PlasmaComponents.Label {
id: progressBarAndSliderLabel
text: "The progress bar and slider grooves should have the same visual width."
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
Layout.preferredWidth: progressBarWidth
GridLayout {
id: progressBarAndSliderGrid
columns: orientation === Qt.Vertical ? 2 : 1
rows: orientation === Qt.Vertical ? 1 : 2
PlasmaComponents.ProgressBar {
id: progressBar
minimumValue: 0
maximumValue: 100
value: 50
orientation: root.orientation
PlasmaComponents.Slider {
width: progressBar.width
height: progressBar.height
minimumValue: 0
maximumValue: 100
value: 50
orientation: root.orientation
ColumnLayout {
PlasmaComponents.Label {
text: "Min: 0; Max: 200; Value: 1\nMake sure the bar does not leak outside."
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
Layout.preferredWidth: progressBarWidth
PlasmaComponents.ProgressBar {
minimumValue: 0
maximumValue: 200
value: 1
orientation: root.orientation
ColumnLayout {
PlasmaComponents.Label {
text: "Min: 0; Max: 100; Value: 110\nThe progress bar should look like it is at 100%."
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
Layout.preferredWidth: progressBarWidth
PlasmaComponents.ProgressBar {
minimumValue: 0
maximumValue: 100
value: 110
orientation: root.orientation
ColumnLayout {
PlasmaComponents.Label {
text: "Min: -100; Max: 100; Value: 0\nThe progress bar should look like it is at 50%."
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
Layout.preferredWidth: progressBarWidth
PlasmaComponents.ProgressBar {
minimumValue: -100
maximumValue: 100
value: 0
orientation: root.orientation
ColumnLayout {
PlasmaComponents.Label {
text: "Min: 0; Max: 100; Value: -10\nThe progress bar should look like it is at 0%."
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
Layout.preferredWidth: progressBarWidth
PlasmaComponents.ProgressBar {
minimumValue: 0
maximumValue: 100
value: -10
orientation: root.orientation
ColumnLayout {
PlasmaComponents.Label {
text: "This should have a continuous movement from one end to the other and back."
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
Layout.preferredWidth: progressBarWidth
PlasmaComponents.ProgressBar {
indeterminate: indeterminateCheckBox.checked
value: 0.5
orientation: root.orientation
ColumnLayout {
PlasmaComponents.Label {
text: "Checking and unchecking should not break the layout. The progress bar should look like it is at 50% if unchecked."
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
Layout.preferredWidth: progressBarWidth
PlasmaComponents.CheckBox {
id: indeterminateCheckBox
text: "Indeterminate"
checked: true
ColumnLayout {
PlasmaComponents.Label {
text: "Slider orientation"
PlasmaComponents.ComboBox {
id: orientationCombo
model: [
{text: "Horizontal", value: Qt.Horizontal},
{text: "Vertical", value: Qt.Vertical}