make the background render properly. i, or someone like me, REALLY needs to implement tiling in Plasma::Svg.

svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma/; revision=692070
This commit is contained in:
Aaron J. Seigo 2007-07-24 23:46:54 +00:00
parent 8f619a954b
commit 052958075c

View File

@ -135,26 +135,79 @@ public:
const int topHeight = background->elementSize("top").height(); // 23
const int leftWidth = background->elementSize("left").width(); //20;
const int rightWidth = background->elementSize("right").width(); // 20
const int bottomHeight = background->elementSize("bottom").height(); //25;
const int topHeight = background->elementSize("top").height();
const int topWidth = background->elementSize("top").width();
const int leftWidth = background->elementSize("left").width();
const int leftHeight = background->elementSize("left").height();
const int rightWidth = background->elementSize("right").width();
const int bottomHeight = background->elementSize("bottom").height();
const int lrWidths = leftWidth + rightWidth;
const int tbHeights = topHeight + bottomHeight;
background->paint(p, QRect(0, 0, leftWidth, topHeight), "topleft");
background->paint(p, QRect(leftWidth, 0, w - lrWidths, topHeight), "top");
background->paint(p, QRect(w - rightWidth, 0, rightWidth, topHeight), "topright");
background->paint(p, QRect(0, topHeight, leftWidth, h - tbHeights), "left");
background->paint(p, QRect(w - rightWidth, topHeight, rightWidth, h - tbHeights), "right");
background->paint(p, QRect(0, h - bottomHeight, leftWidth, bottomHeight), "bottomleft");
background->paint(p, QRect(leftWidth, h - bottomHeight, w - lrWidths, bottomHeight), "bottom");
background->paint(p, QRect(w - rightWidth, h - bottomHeight, rightWidth, bottomHeight), "bottomright");
background->paint(p, QRect(leftWidth, topHeight, w - lrWidths, h - tbHeights), "center");
int y = topHeight;
QPixmap left(leftWidth, leftHeight);
QPixmap right(rightWidth, leftHeight);
QPainter sidePainter(&left);
background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), "left");
QPainter sidePainter(&right);
background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), "right");
while (y < h - bottomHeight) {
if (y + leftHeight > h - bottomHeight) {
int finalHeight = (h - bottomHeight) - y;
p->drawPixmap(QRect(0, y, leftWidth, finalHeight),
left, QRect(0, 0, leftWidth, finalHeight));
p->drawPixmap(QRect(w - rightWidth, y, rightWidth, finalHeight),
right, QRect(0, 0, rightWidth, finalHeight));
} else {
p->drawPixmap(QRect(0, y, leftWidth, leftHeight), left);
p->drawPixmap(QRect(w - rightWidth, y, rightWidth, leftHeight), right);
y += leftHeight;
int x = leftWidth;
QPixmap top(topWidth, topHeight);
QPixmap bottom(topWidth, bottomHeight);
QPainter sidePainter(&top);
background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), "top");
QPainter sidePainter(&bottom);
background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), "bottom");
while (x < w - rightWidth) {
if (x + topWidth > w - rightWidth) {
int finalWidth = (w - rightWidth) - x;
p->drawPixmap(QRect(x, 0, finalWidth, topHeight),
top, QRect(0, 0, finalWidth, topHeight));
p->drawPixmap(QRect(x, h - bottomHeight, finalWidth, bottomHeight),
bottom, QRect(0, 0, finalWidth, bottomHeight));
} else {
p->drawPixmap(QRect(x, 0, topWidth, topHeight), top);
p->drawPixmap(QRect(x, h - bottomHeight, topWidth, bottomHeight), bottom);
x += topWidth;
background->paint(p, QRect(leftWidth, topHeight, w - lrWidths + 1, h - tbHeights + 1), "center");
static uint nextId()