Fix doc for plsama TextField component

Signed-off-by: Daker Fernandes Pinheiro <>
This commit is contained in:
Daker Fernandes Pinheiro 2011-12-22 17:10:40 -03:00
parent c8144504e4
commit 0fbcda30d0

View File

@ -25,79 +25,132 @@ Imports:
QtQuick 1.1
Creates a simple plasma theme based text field.
Like kates..
Creates a simple plasma theme based text field widget.
alias font:
Sets the font for the text area.
* font font:
This property holds the font used in the text field.
The default font value is the font from plasma desktop theme.
int inputMethodHints:
* Qt::InputMethodHints inputMethodHints:
This property holds the the currently supported input method hints
for the text field.
The default values is Qt.ImhNone.
bool errorHighlight:
If it is true then the problematic lines will be highlighted.
* bool errorHighlight:
This property holds if the text field is highlighted or not
If it is true then the problematic lines will be highlighted.
This feature is defined in the Common API but is unimplemented in plasma components.
alias cursorPosition:
Returns the cursor's position.
* int cursorPosition:
This property holds the current cursor position.
alias readOnly:
If this property is set to true the text cannot be edited by user interaction.
* bool readOnly:
This property holds if the text field can be modified by the user interaction.
The default value is false.
alias selectedText:
This read-only property provides the text currently selected in the text edit.
* string selectedText:
This property holds the text selected by the user.
If no text is selected it holds an empty string.
This property is read-only.
alias selectionEnd:
The cursor position after the last character in the current selection.
This property is read-only.
* int selectionEnd:
This property holds the cursor position after the last character in the current selection.
This property is read-only.
alias selectionStart:
The cursor position before the first character in the current selection.
This property is read-only.
* int selectionStart:
This property holds the cursor position before the first character in the current selection.
This property is read-only.
alias text:
The text to display
* string text:
This property holds the entire text in the text field.
string placeholderText:TODO
* string placeholderText:
This property holds the text displayed in when the text is empty.
alias echoMode:
Specifies how the text should be displayed in the TextInput.
* enumeration echoMode:
This property specifies how the text should be displayed in the TextField.
The acceptable values are:
TextInput.Normal - Displays the text as it is. (Default)
TextInput.Password - Displays asterixes instead of characters.
TextInput.NoEcho - Displays nothing.
TextInput.PasswordEchoOnEdit - Displays all but the current character as asterixes.
* TextInput.Normal - Displays the text as it is. (Default)
* TextInput.Password - Displays asterixes instead of characters.
* TextInput.NoEcho - Displays nothing.
* TextInput.PasswordEchoOnEdit - Displays all but the current character as asterixes.
alias validator:
Allows you to set a validator on the TextInput. When a validator is set the TextInput
will only accept input which leaves the text property in an acceptable or intermediate state.
The accepted signal will only be sent if the text is in an acceptable state when enter is pressed.
Currently supported validators are IntValidator, DoubleValidator and RegExpValidator.
An example of using validators is shown below, which allows input of integers
between 11 and 31 into the text input:
import QtQuick 1.0
validator: IntValidator{bottom: 11; top: 31;}
focus: true
The default value is TextInput.Normal
alias maximumLength:
Sets the maximum length that the string can have.
* inputMask: textInput.inputMask
Allows you to set an input mask on the TextField, restricting the allowable text inputs.
See QLineEdit::inputMask for further details, as the exact same mask strings are used by TextInput.
alias acceptableInput:
This property is always true unless a validator has been set. If a validator has been set,
this property will only be true if the current text is acceptable to the validator as a final string
(not as an intermediate string)
* Validator validator:
Allows you to set a validator on the TextField. When a validator is set the TextField
will only accept input which leaves the text property in an acceptable or intermediate state.
The accepted signal will only be sent if the text is in an acceptable state when enter is pressed.
Currently supported validators are IntValidator, DoubleValidator and RegExpValidator.
An example of using validators is shown below, which allows input of integers
between 11 and 31 into the text input:
import QtQuick 1.0
validator: IntValidator{bottom: 11; top: 31;}
focus: true
alias activeFocus:
This property indicates whether the item has active focus.
An item with active focus will receive keyboard input.
* int maximumLength:
The maximum permitted length of the text in the TextField.
If the text is too long, it is truncated at the limit.
By default, this property contains a value of 32767.
* bool acceptableInput:
This property is always true unless a validator or input mask has been set.
If a validator or input mask has been set, this property will only be true if the current
text is acceptable to the validator or input mask as a final string (not as an intermediate string).
This property is always true unless a validator has been set.
If a validator has been set, this property will only be true if the current text is acceptable to the
validator as a final string (not as an intermediate string).
This property is read-only.
Plasma properties:
* bool clearButtonShown:
Holds if the button to clear the text from TextField is visible.
* void copy():
Copies the currently selected text to the system clipboard.
* void cut():
Moves the currently selected text to the system clipboard.
* void deselect():
Removes active text selection.
* void paste():
Replaces the currently selected text by the contents of the system clipboard.
* void select(int start, int end):
Causes the text from start to end to be selected.
If either start or end is out of range, the selection is not changed.
After calling this, selectionStart will become the lesser and selectionEnd will become the greater
(regardless of the order passed to this method).
* void selectAll():
Causes all text to be selected.
* void selectWord():
Causes the word closest to the current cursor position to be selected.
* void positionAt(int position):
This function returns the character position at x pixels from the left of the TextField.
Position 0 is before the first character, position 1 is after the first character but before the second,
and so on until position text.length, which is after all characters.
This means that for all x values before the first character this function returns 0,
and for all x values after the last character this function returns text.length.
import QtQuick 1.1
import org.kde.plasma.core 0.1 as PlasmaCore
import "private" as Private
Item {
id: textField