Dialog Positioning Test2: Simplify the code

This commit is contained in:
Vishesh Handa 2014-08-28 14:59:10 +02:00
parent 15a993cf67
commit a9c5e6d96c

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@ -26,15 +26,18 @@ import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras
Item {
width: 400
height: 400
Controls.Label {
text: "Press the buttom and make sure the popup is on the correct place"
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
PlasmaComponents.Button {
id: settingsButton
iconSource: "configure"
text: "More Settings..."
Layout.preferredWidth: 100
text: "Press Me"
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
onClicked: {
contextMenu.visible = !contextMenu.visible;
@ -44,7 +47,7 @@ Item {
id: contextMenu
visualParent: settingsButton
//location: plasmoid.location
location: PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge
type: PlasmaCore.Dialog.PopupMenu
flags: Qt.Popup | Qt.FramelessWindowHint | Qt.WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus
@ -81,39 +84,6 @@ Item {
flat: false
PlasmaExtras.Heading {
level: 3
text: "Visibility"
PlasmaComponents.ButtonColumn {
spacing: 0
Layout.fillWidth: true
PlasmaComponents.ToolButton {
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
text: "Always Visible"
checkable: true
flat: false
PlasmaComponents.ToolButton {
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
text: "Auto Hide"
checkable: true
flat: false
PlasmaComponents.ToolButton {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "Maximize Panel"
iconSource: "zoom-fit-height"