-New RunnerManager class, it manages runners at high level
and gives a simple API for interfaces to use.
- AbstractRunners gains description, setIgnoredTypes, ignoredTypes methods.
Now runners can specify what SearchContext::Types they are not going to process.
- SearchContext tries shared data between the original context and any local context.
It doesn't have its own completer no more.
- SearchMatch has a new type of match, CompleterMatch. Instead of using a hard coded
completer in SearchContext
- Interface class on krunner has its own completer and other changes
done to accomodate the above changes in libplasma.
-A new configuration option blacklist for runnermanager and krunner
instead of the whitelist of krunner.
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma/; revision=802903