/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "dataengine.h" #include #include #include #include #include "datasource.h" namespace Plasma { class DataEngine::Private { public: Private(DataEngine* e) : engine(e), limit(0), valid(true) { updateTimer = new QTimer(engine); updateTimer->setSingleShot(true); } DataSource* source(const QString& sourceName, bool createWhenMissing = true) { DataEngine::SourceDict::const_iterator it = sources.find(sourceName); if (it != sources.constEnd()) { DataSource* s = it.value(); if (limit > 0) { QQueue::iterator it = sourceQueue.begin(); while (it != sourceQueue.end()) { if (*it == s) { sourceQueue.erase(it); break; } ++it; } sourceQueue.enqueue(s); } return it.value(); } if (!createWhenMissing) { return 0; } /* kDebug() << "DataEngine " << engine->objectName() << ": could not find DataSource " << sourceName << ", creating" << endl;*/ DataSource* s = new DataSource(engine); s->setObjectName(sourceName); sources.insert(sourceName, s); if (limit > 0) { trimQueue(); sourceQueue.enqueue(s); } emit engine->newSource(sourceName); return s; } void trimQueue() { while (sourceQueue.count() >= limit) { DataSource* punted = sourceQueue.dequeue(); engine->removeSource(punted->objectName()); } } void queueUpdate() { if (updateTimer->isActive()) { return; } updateTimer->start(0); } bool sourceRequested(const QString& source) { //get around const! =P return engine->sourceRequested(source); } QAtomic ref; DataEngine::SourceDict sources; QQueue sourceQueue; DataEngine* engine; QTimer* updateTimer; QString icon; uint limit; bool valid; }; DataEngine::DataEngine(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), d(new Private(this)) { connect(d->updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkForUpdates())); //FIXME: we should delay this call; to when is the question. init(); } DataEngine::~DataEngine() { //kDebug() << objectName() << ": bye bye birdy! " << endl; delete d; } QStringList DataEngine::sources() const { return d->sources.keys(); } void DataEngine::connectSource(const QString& source, QObject* visualization) const { DataSource* s = d->source(source, false); if (!s) { // we didn't find a data source, so give the engine an opportunity to make one if (d->sourceRequested(source)) { s = d->source(source); if (s) { // now we have a source; since it was created on demand, assume // it should be removed when not used connect(s, SIGNAL(unused(QString)), this, SLOT(removeSource(QString))); } } } if (!s) { return; } connect(s, SIGNAL(updated(QString,Plasma::DataEngine::Data)), visualization, SLOT(updated(QString,Plasma::DataEngine::Data))); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(visualization, SLOT(updated(QString,Plasma::DataEngine::Data)), Q_ARG(QString, s->objectName()), Q_ARG(Plasma::DataEngine::Data, s->data())); } void DataEngine::disconnectSource(const QString& source, QObject* visualization) const { DataSource* s = d->source(source, false); if (!s) { return; } disconnect(s, SIGNAL(updated(QString,Plasma::DataEngine::Data)), visualization, SLOT(updated(QString,Plasma::DataEngine::Data))); } void DataEngine::connectAllSources(QObject* visualization) const { foreach (const DataSource* s, d->sources) { connect(s, SIGNAL(updated(QString,Plasma::DataEngine::Data)), visualization, SLOT(updated(QString,Plasma::DataEngine::Data))); } foreach (const DataSource* s, d->sources) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(visualization, SLOT(updated(QString,Plasma::DataEngine::Data)), Q_ARG(QString, s->objectName()), Q_ARG(Plasma::DataEngine::Data, s->data())); } } DataEngine::Data DataEngine::query(const QString& source) const { Q_UNUSED(source) DataSource* s = d->source(source); return s->data(); } void DataEngine::init() { // default implementation does nothing. this is for engines that have to // start things in motion external to themselves before they can work } bool DataEngine::sourceRequested(const QString &name) { Q_UNUSED(name) return false; } void DataEngine::setData(const QString& source, const QVariant& value) { setData(source, source, value); } void DataEngine::setData(const QString& source, const QString& key, const QVariant& value) { DataSource* s = d->source(source); s->setData(key, value); d->queueUpdate(); } void DataEngine::addSource(DataSource* source) { SourceDict::const_iterator it = d->sources.find(source->objectName()); if (it != d->sources.constEnd()) { kDebug() << "source named \"" << source->objectName() << "\" already exists." << endl; return; } d->sources.insert(source->objectName(), source); emit newSource(source->objectName()); } void DataEngine::setSourceLimit(uint limit) { if (d->limit == limit) { return; } d->limit = limit; if (d->limit > 0) { d->trimQueue(); } else { d->sourceQueue.clear(); } } void DataEngine::removeSource(const QString& source) { //kDebug() << "removing source " << source << endl; SourceDict::iterator it = d->sources.find(source); if (it != d->sources.end()) { emit sourceRemoved(it.key()); d->sources.erase(it); } } void DataEngine::clearSources() { QMutableHashIterator it(d->sources); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); emit sourceRemoved(it.key()); delete it.value(); it.remove(); } } void DataEngine::ref() { d->ref.ref(); } void DataEngine::deref() { d->ref.deref(); } bool DataEngine::isUsed() const { return d->ref != 0; } bool DataEngine::isValid() const { return d->valid; } void DataEngine::setValid(bool valid) { d->valid = valid; } DataEngine::SourceDict DataEngine::sourceDict() const { return d->sources; } void DataEngine::setIcon(const QString& icon) { d->icon = icon; } QString DataEngine::icon() const { return d->icon; } void DataEngine::checkForUpdates() { QHashIterator it(d->sources); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); it.value()->checkForUpdate(); } } } #include "dataengine.moc"