/* * Copyright 2007 by Aaron Seigo * Copyright 2008 by Ménard Alexis * Copyright 2009 Chani Armitage * Copyright 2012 Marco Martin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "private/containment_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config-plasma.h" #if !PLASMA_NO_KIO #include "kio/jobclasses.h" // for KIO::JobFlags #include "kio/job.h" #include "kio/scheduler.h" #endif #include "abstracttoolbox.h" #include "containmentactions.h" #include "containmentactionspluginsconfig.h" #include "corona.h" #include "pluginloader.h" #include "svg.h" #include "wallpaper.h" #include "remote/accessappletjob.h" #include "remote/accessmanager.h" #include "private/applet_p.h" #include "private/containmentactionspluginsconfig_p.h" #include "private/wallpaper_p.h" namespace Plasma { bool ContainmentPrivate::s_positioningPanels = false; QHash ContainmentPrivate::globalActionPlugins; const char ContainmentPrivate::defaultWallpaper[] = "image"; const char ContainmentPrivate::defaultWallpaperMode[] = "SingleImage"; void ContainmentPrivate::addDefaultActions(KActionCollection *actions, Containment *c) { actions->setConfigGroup("Shortcuts-Containment"); //adjust applet actions KAction *appAction = qobject_cast(actions->action("remove")); appAction->setShortcut(KShortcut("alt+d, alt+r")); if (c && c->d->isPanelContainment()) { appAction->setText(i18n("Remove this Panel")); } else { appAction->setText(i18n("Remove this Activity")); } appAction = qobject_cast(actions->action("configure")); if (appAction) { appAction->setShortcut(KShortcut("alt+d, alt+s")); appAction->setText(i18n("Activity Settings")); } //add our own actions KAction *appletBrowserAction = actions->addAction("add widgets"); appletBrowserAction->setAutoRepeat(false); appletBrowserAction->setText(i18n("Add Widgets...")); appletBrowserAction->setIcon(KDE::icon("list-add")); appletBrowserAction->setShortcut(KShortcut("alt+d, a")); appletBrowserAction->setData(AbstractToolBox::AddTool); KAction *action = actions->addAction("next applet"); action->setText(i18n("Next Widget")); //no icon action->setShortcut(KShortcut("alt+d, n")); action->setData(AbstractToolBox::ControlTool); action = actions->addAction("previous applet"); action->setText(i18n("Previous Widget")); //no icon action->setShortcut(KShortcut("alt+d, p")); action->setData(AbstractToolBox::ControlTool); } void ContainmentPrivate::initApplets() { foreach (Applet *applet, applets) { applet->restore(*applet->d->mainConfigGroup()); applet->init(); #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "!!{} STARTUP TIME" << QTime().msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) << "Applet" << applet->name(); #endif } q->flushPendingConstraintsEvents(); foreach (Applet *applet, applets) { applet->flushPendingConstraintsEvents(); } #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "!!{} STARTUP TIME" << QTime().msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) << "Containment's applets initialized" << q->name(); #endif } void ContainmentPrivate::checkContainmentFurniture() { if (q->isContainment() && (type == Containment::DesktopContainment || type == Containment::PanelContainment)) { createToolBox(); } } void ContainmentPrivate::addContainmentActions(KMenu &desktopMenu, QEvent *event) { if (static_cast(q->scene())->immutability() != Mutable && !KAuthorized::authorizeKAction("plasma/containment_actions")) { //kDebug() << "immutability"; return; } const QString trigger = ContainmentActions::eventToString(event); prepareContainmentActions(trigger, QPoint(), &desktopMenu); } void ContainmentPrivate::addAppletActions(KMenu &desktopMenu, Applet *applet, QEvent *event) { foreach (QAction *action, applet->contextualActions()) { if (action) { desktopMenu.addAction(action); } } if (!applet->d->failed) { QAction *configureApplet = applet->d->actions->action("configure"); if (configureApplet && configureApplet->isEnabled()) { desktopMenu.addAction(configureApplet); } QAction *runAssociatedApplication = applet->d->actions->action("run associated application"); if (runAssociatedApplication && runAssociatedApplication->isEnabled()) { desktopMenu.addAction(runAssociatedApplication); } } KMenu *containmentMenu = new KMenu(i18nc("%1 is the name of the containment", "%1 Options", q->name()), &desktopMenu); addContainmentActions(*containmentMenu, event); if (!containmentMenu->isEmpty()) { int enabled = 0; //count number of real actions QListIterator actionsIt(containmentMenu->actions()); while (enabled < 3 && actionsIt.hasNext()) { QAction *action = actionsIt.next(); if (action->isVisible() && !action->isSeparator()) { ++enabled; } } if (enabled) { //if there is only one, don't create a submenu if (enabled < 2) { foreach (QAction *action, containmentMenu->actions()) { if (action->isVisible() && !action->isSeparator()) { desktopMenu.addAction(action); } } } else { desktopMenu.addMenu(containmentMenu); } } } if (q->immutability() == Mutable) { QAction *closeApplet = applet->d->actions->action("remove"); //kDebug() << "checking for removal" << closeApplet; if (closeApplet) { if (!desktopMenu.isEmpty()) { desktopMenu.addSeparator(); } //kDebug() << "adding close action" << closeApplet->isEnabled() << closeApplet->isVisible(); desktopMenu.addAction(closeApplet); } } } Applet* ContainmentPrivate::appletAt(const QPointF &point) { Applet *applet = 0; QGraphicsItem *item = q->scene()->itemAt(point); if (item == q) { item = 0; } while (item) { if (item->isWidget()) { applet = qobject_cast(static_cast(item)); if (applet) { if (applet->isContainment()) { applet = 0; } break; } } AppletHandle *handle = dynamic_cast(item); if (handle) { //pretend it was on the applet applet = handle->applet(); break; } item = item->parentItem(); } return applet; } void ContainmentPrivate::setScreen(int newScreen, int newDesktop, bool preventInvalidDesktops) { // What we want to do in here is: // * claim the screen as our own // * signal whatever may be watching this containment about the switch // * if we are a full screen containment, then: // * resize to match the screen if we're that kind of containment // * kick other full-screen containments off this screen // * if we had a screen, then give our screen to the containment // we kick out // // a screen of -1 means no associated screen. Corona *corona = q->corona(); Q_ASSERT(corona); //if it's an offscreen widget, don't allow to claim a screen, after all it's *off*screen if (corona->offscreenWidgets().contains(q)) { return; } int numScreens = corona->numScreens(); if (newScreen < -1) { newScreen = -1; } // -1 == All desktops if (newDesktop < -1 || (preventInvalidDesktops && newDesktop > KWindowSystem::numberOfDesktops() - 1)) { newDesktop = -1; } //kDebug() << activity() << "setting screen to " << newScreen << newDesktop << "and type is" << type; Containment *swapScreensWith(0); const bool isDesktopContainment = type == Containment::DesktopContainment || type == Containment::CustomContainment; if (isDesktopContainment) { // we want to listen to changes in work area if our screen changes if (toolBox) { if (screen < 0 && newScreen > -1) { QObject::connect(KWindowSystem::self(), SIGNAL(workAreaChanged()), toolBox.data(), SLOT(reposition()), Qt::UniqueConnection); } else if (newScreen < 0) { QObject::disconnect(KWindowSystem::self(), SIGNAL(workAreaChanged()), toolBox.data(), SLOT(reposition())); } } if (newScreen > -1) { // sanity check to make sure someone else doesn't have this screen already! Containment *currently = corona->containmentForScreen(newScreen, newDesktop); if (currently && currently != q) { #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "currently is on screen" << currently->screen() << "desktop" << currently->desktop() << "and is" << currently->activity() << (QObject*)currently << "i'm" << (QObject*)q; #endif currently->setScreen(-1, currently->desktop()); swapScreensWith = currently; } } } if (newScreen < numScreens && newScreen > -1 && isDesktopContainment) { q->resize(corona->screenGeometry(newScreen).size()); } int oldDesktop = desktop; desktop = newDesktop; int oldScreen = screen; screen = newScreen; q->updateConstraints(Plasma::ScreenConstraint); if (oldScreen != newScreen || oldDesktop != newDesktop) { /* #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "going to signal change for" << q #endif << ", old screen & desktop:" << oldScreen << oldDesktop << ", new:" << screen << desktop; */ KConfigGroup c = q->config(); c.writeEntry("screen", screen); c.writeEntry("desktop", desktop); if (newScreen != -1) { lastScreen = newScreen; lastDesktop = newDesktop; c.writeEntry("lastScreen", lastScreen); c.writeEntry("lastDesktop", lastDesktop); } emit q->configNeedsSaving(); emit q->screenChanged(oldScreen, newScreen, q); } if (swapScreensWith) { //kDebug() << "setScreen due to swap, part 2"; swapScreensWith->setScreen(oldScreen, oldDesktop); } checkRemoveAction(); if (newScreen >= 0) { emit q->activate(); } } void ContainmentPrivate::showDropZoneDelayed() { dropZoneStarted = true; q->showDropZone(dropPoints.value(0).toPoint()); dropPoints.remove(0); } void ContainmentPrivate::dropData(QPointF scenePos, QPoint screenPos, QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *dropEvent) { if (q->immutability() != Mutable) { return; } QPointF pos = q->mapFromScene(scenePos); const QMimeData *mimeData = 0; if (dropEvent) { mimeData = dropEvent->mimeData(); } else { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); mimeData = clipboard->mimeData(QClipboard::Selection); //TODO if that's not supported (ie non-linux) should we try clipboard instead of selection? } if (!mimeData) { //Selection is either empty or not supported on this OS #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "no mime data"; #endif return; } //kDebug() << event->mimeData()->text(); QString appletMimetype(q->corona() ? q->corona()->appletMimeType() : QString()); if (!appletMimetype.isEmpty() && mimeData->hasFormat(appletMimetype)) { QString data = mimeData->data(appletMimetype); const QStringList appletNames = data.split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts); foreach (const QString &appletName, appletNames) { //kDebug() << "doing" << appletName; QRectF geom(pos, QSize(0, 0)); q->addApplet(appletName, QVariantList(), geom); } if (dropEvent) { dropEvent->acceptProposedAction(); } } else if (mimeData->hasUrls()) { //TODO: collect the mimeTypes of available script engines and offer // to create widgets out of the matching URLs, if any const QList urls = KUrlMimeData::urlsFromMimeData(mimeData); foreach (const QUrl &url, urls) { if (AccessManager::supportedProtocols().contains(url.scheme())) { AccessAppletJob *job = AccessManager::self()->accessRemoteApplet(url); if (dropEvent) { dropPoints[job] = dropEvent->pos(); } else { dropPoints[job] = scenePos; } QObject::connect(AccessManager::self(), SIGNAL(finished(Plasma::AccessAppletJob*)), q, SLOT(remoteAppletReady(Plasma::AccessAppletJob*))); } #if !PLASMA_NO_KIO else { QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType mime = db.mimeTypeForUrl(url); QString mimeName = mime.name(); QRectF geom(pos, QSize()); QVariantList args; args << url.toString(); #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "can decode" << mimeName << args; #endif // It may be a directory or a file, let's stat KIO::JobFlags flags = KIO::HideProgressInfo; KIO::MimetypeJob *job = KIO::mimetype(url, flags); if (dropEvent) { dropPoints[job] = dropEvent->pos(); } else { dropPoints[job] = scenePos; } QObject::connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), q, SLOT(dropJobResult(KJob*))); QObject::connect(job, SIGNAL(mimetype(KIO::Job*,QString)), q, SLOT(mimeTypeRetrieved(KIO::Job*,QString))); KMenu *choices = new KMenu("Content dropped"); choices->addAction(KDE::icon("process-working"), i18n("Fetching file type...")); if (dropEvent) { choices->popup(dropEvent->screenPos()); } else { choices->popup(screenPos); } dropMenus[job] = choices; } #endif } if (dropEvent) { dropEvent->acceptProposedAction(); } } else { QStringList formats = mimeData->formats(); QHash seenPlugins; QHash pluginFormats; foreach (const QString &format, formats) { KPluginInfo::List plugins = Applet::listAppletInfoForMimeType(format); foreach (const KPluginInfo &plugin, plugins) { if (seenPlugins.contains(plugin.pluginName())) { continue; } seenPlugins.insert(plugin.pluginName(), plugin); pluginFormats.insert(plugin.pluginName(), format); } } //kDebug() << "Mimetype ..." << formats << seenPlugins.keys() << pluginFormats.values(); QString selectedPlugin; if (seenPlugins.isEmpty()) { // do nothing } else if (seenPlugins.count() == 1) { selectedPlugin = seenPlugins.constBegin().key(); } else { KMenu choices; QHash actionsToPlugins; foreach (const KPluginInfo &info, seenPlugins) { QAction *action; if (!info.icon().isEmpty()) { action = choices.addAction(KDE::icon(info.icon()), info.name()); } else { action = choices.addAction(info.name()); } actionsToPlugins.insert(action, info.pluginName()); } QAction *choice = choices.exec(screenPos); if (choice) { selectedPlugin = actionsToPlugins[choice]; } } if (!selectedPlugin.isEmpty()) { if (!dropEvent) { // since we may have entered an event loop up above with the menu, // the clipboard item may no longer be valid, as QClipboard resets // the object behind the back of the application with a zero timer // so we fetch it again here QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); mimeData = clipboard->mimeData(QClipboard::Selection); } QTemporaryFile tempFile; if (mimeData && tempFile.open()) { //TODO: what should we do with files after the applet is done with them?? tempFile.setAutoRemove(false); { QDataStream stream(&tempFile); QByteArray data = mimeData->data(pluginFormats[selectedPlugin]); stream.writeRawData(data, data.size()); } QRectF geom(pos, QSize()); QVariantList args; args << tempFile.fileName(); #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << args; #endif tempFile.close(); q->addApplet(selectedPlugin, args, geom); } } } } void ContainmentPrivate::clearDataForMimeJob(KIO::Job *job) { #if !PLASMA_NO_KIO QObject::disconnect(job, 0, q, 0); dropPoints.remove(job); KMenu *choices = dropMenus.take(job); delete choices; job->kill(); #endif // PLASMA_NO_KIO } void ContainmentPrivate::remoteAppletReady(Plasma::AccessAppletJob *job) { QPointF pos = dropPoints.take(job); if (job->error()) { //TODO: nice user visible error handling (knotification probably?) #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "remote applet access failed: " << job->errorText(); #endif return; } if (!job->applet()) { #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "how did we end up here? if applet is null, the job->error should be nonzero"; #endif return; } q->addApplet(job->applet(), pos); } void ContainmentPrivate::dropJobResult(KJob *job) { #if !PLASMA_NO_KIO KIO::TransferJob* tjob = dynamic_cast(job); if (!tjob) { #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "job is not a KIO::TransferJob, won't handle the drop..."; #endif clearDataForMimeJob(tjob); return; } if (job->error()) { #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "ERROR" << tjob->error() << ' ' << tjob->errorString(); #endif } // We call mimeTypeRetrieved since there might be other mechanisms // for finding suitable applets. Cleanup happens there as well. mimeTypeRetrieved(qobject_cast(job), QString()); #endif // PLASMA_NO_KIO } void ContainmentPrivate::mimeTypeRetrieved(KIO::Job *job, const QString &mimeType) { #if !PLASMA_NO_KIO #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "Mimetype Job returns." << mimeType; #endif KIO::TransferJob* tjob = dynamic_cast(job); if (!tjob) { #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "job should be a TransferJob, but isn't"; #endif clearDataForMimeJob(job); return; } KPluginInfo::List appletList = Applet::listAppletInfoForUrl(tjob->url()); if (mimeType.isEmpty() && !appletList.count()) { clearDataForMimeJob(job); #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "No applets found matching the url (" << tjob->url() << ") or the mimeType (" << mimeType << ")"; #endif return; } else { QPointF posi; // will be overwritten with the event's position if (dropPoints.keys().contains(tjob)) { posi = dropPoints[tjob]; #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "Received a suitable dropEvent at" << posi; #endif } else { #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "Bailing out. Cannot find associated dropEvent related to the TransferJob"; #endif clearDataForMimeJob(job); return; } KMenu *choices = dropMenus.value(tjob); if (!choices) { #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "Bailing out. No QMenu found for this job."; #endif clearDataForMimeJob(job); return; } QVariantList args; args << tjob->url().toString() << mimeType; #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "Creating menu for:" << mimeType << posi << args; #endif appletList << Applet::listAppletInfoForMimeType(mimeType); KPluginInfo::List wallpaperList; if (drawWallpaper) { if (wallpaper && wallpaper->supportsMimetype(mimeType)) { wallpaperList << wallpaper->d->wallpaperDescription; } else { wallpaperList = Wallpaper::listWallpaperInfoForMimeType(mimeType); } } if (!appletList.isEmpty() || !wallpaperList.isEmpty()) { choices->clear(); QHash actionsToApplets; choices->addTitle(i18n("Widgets")); foreach (const KPluginInfo &info, appletList) { #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << info.name(); #endif QAction *action; if (!info.icon().isEmpty()) { action = choices->addAction(KDE::icon(info.icon()), info.name()); } else { action = choices->addAction(info.name()); } actionsToApplets.insert(action, info.pluginName()); #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << info.pluginName(); #endif } actionsToApplets.insert(choices->addAction(i18n("Icon")), "icon"); QHash actionsToWallpapers; if (!wallpaperList.isEmpty()) { choices->addTitle(i18n("Wallpaper")); QMap sorted; foreach (const KPluginInfo &info, appletList) { sorted.insert(info.name(), info); } foreach (const KPluginInfo &info, wallpaperList) { QAction *action; if (!info.icon().isEmpty()) { action = choices->addAction(KDE::icon(info.icon()), info.name()); } else { action = choices->addAction(info.name()); } actionsToWallpapers.insert(action, info.pluginName()); } } QAction *choice = choices->exec(); if (choice) { // Put the job on hold so it can be recycled to fetch the actual content, // which is to be expected when something's dropped onto the desktop and // an applet is to be created with this URL if (!mimeType.isEmpty() && !tjob->error()) { tjob->putOnHold(); KIO::Scheduler::publishSlaveOnHold(); } QString plugin = actionsToApplets.value(choice); if (plugin.isEmpty()) { //set wallpapery stuff plugin = actionsToWallpapers.value(choice); if (!wallpaper || plugin != wallpaper->pluginName()) { //kDebug() << "Wallpaper dropped:" << tjob->url(); q->setWallpaper(plugin); } if (wallpaper) { //kDebug() << "Wallpaper dropped:" << tjob->url(); wallpaper->addUrls(QList() << tjob->url()); } } else { addApplet(actionsToApplets[choice], args, QRectF(posi, QSize())); } clearDataForMimeJob(job); return; } } else { // we can at least create an icon as a link to the URL addApplet("icon", args, QRectF(posi, QSize())); } } clearDataForMimeJob(job); #endif // PLASMA_NO_KIO } KActionCollection* ContainmentPrivate::actions() { return static_cast(q)->d->actions; } void ContainmentPrivate::focusApplet(Plasma::Applet *applet) { if (focusedApplet == applet) { return; } QList widgets = actions()->associatedWidgets(); if (focusedApplet) { foreach (QWidget *w, widgets) { focusedApplet->removeAssociatedWidget(w); } } if (applet && applets.contains(applet)) { //kDebug() << "switching to" << applet->name(); focusedApplet = applet; foreach (QWidget *w, widgets) { focusedApplet->addAssociatedWidget(w); } if (!focusedApplet->hasFocus()) { focusedApplet->setFocus(Qt::ShortcutFocusReason); } } else { focusedApplet = 0; } } void ContainmentPrivate::configChanged() { if (drawWallpaper) { KConfigGroup group = q->config(); q->setWallpaper(group.readEntry("wallpaperplugin", defaultWallpaper), group.readEntry("wallpaperpluginmode", defaultWallpaperMode)); } } void ContainmentPrivate::requestConfiguration() { emit q->configureRequested(q); } void ContainmentPrivate::checkStatus(Plasma::ItemStatus appletStatus) { //kDebug() << "================== "<< appletStatus << q->status(); if (appletStatus == q->status()) { emit q->newStatus(appletStatus); return; } if (appletStatus < q->status()) { // check to see if any other applet has a higher status, and stick with that // if we do foreach (Applet *applet, applets) { if (applet->status() > appletStatus) { appletStatus = applet->status(); } } } q->setStatus(appletStatus); } void ContainmentPrivate::createToolBox() { if (!toolBox && KAuthorized::authorizeKAction("plasma/containment_context_menu")) { toolBox = Plasma::AbstractToolBox::load(q->corona()->preferredToolBoxPlugin(type), QVariantList(), q); if (toolBox) { QObject::connect(toolBox.data(), SIGNAL(toggled()), q, SIGNAL(toolBoxToggled())); QObject::connect(toolBox.data(), SIGNAL(toggled()), q, SLOT(updateToolBoxVisibility())); positionToolBox(); } } } void ContainmentPrivate::positionToolBox() { if (toolBox) { toolBox.data()->reposition(); } } void ContainmentPrivate::updateToolBoxVisibility() { emit q->toolBoxVisibilityChanged(toolBox.data()->isShowing()); } void ContainmentPrivate::triggerShowAddWidgets() { emit q->showAddWidgetsInterface(QPointF()); } void ContainmentPrivate::containmentConstraintsEvent(Plasma::Constraints constraints) { if (!q->isContainment()) { return; } //kDebug() << "got containmentConstraintsEvent" << constraints << (QObject*)toolBox; if (constraints & Plasma::ImmutableConstraint) { //update actions checkRemoveAction(); const bool unlocked = q->immutability() == Mutable; q->setAcceptDrops(unlocked); q->enableAction("add widgets", unlocked); // tell the applets too foreach (Applet *a, applets) { a->setImmutability(q->immutability()); a->updateConstraints(ImmutableConstraint); } } // pass on the constraints that are relevant here Constraints appletConstraints = NoConstraint; if (constraints & FormFactorConstraint) { appletConstraints |= FormFactorConstraint; } if (constraints & ScreenConstraint) { appletConstraints |= ScreenConstraint; } if (appletConstraints != NoConstraint) { foreach (Applet *applet, applets) { applet->updateConstraints(appletConstraints); } } if (toolBox && (constraints & Plasma::SizeConstraint || constraints & Plasma::FormFactorConstraint || constraints & Plasma::ScreenConstraint || constraints & Plasma::StartupCompletedConstraint)) { //kDebug() << "Positioning toolbox"; positionToolBox(); } if (constraints & Plasma::StartupCompletedConstraint && type < Containment::CustomContainment) { q->addToolBoxAction(q->action("remove")); checkRemoveAction(); } } Applet *ContainmentPrivate::addApplet(const QString &name, const QVariantList &args, const QRectF &appletGeometry, uint id, bool delayInit) { if (!q->isContainment()) { return 0; } if (!delayInit && q->immutability() != Mutable) { #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "addApplet for" << name << "requested, but we're currently immutable!"; #endif return 0; } QGraphicsView *v = q->view(); if (v) { v->setCursor(Qt::BusyCursor); } Applet *applet = PluginLoader::self()->loadApplet(name, id, args); if (v) { v->unsetCursor(); } if (!applet) { #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "Applet" << name << "could not be loaded."; #endif applet = new Applet(0, QString(), id); applet->setFailedToLaunch(true, i18n("Could not find requested component: %1", name)); } //kDebug() << applet->name() << "sizehint:" << applet->sizeHint() << "geometry:" << applet->geometry(); q->addApplet(applet, appletGeometry.topLeft(), delayInit); return applet; } bool ContainmentPrivate::regionIsEmpty(const QRectF ®ion, Applet *ignoredApplet) const { foreach (Applet *applet, applets) { if (applet != ignoredApplet && applet->geometry().intersects(region)) { return false; } } return true; } void ContainmentPrivate::appletDeleted(Plasma::Applet *applet) { applets.removeAll(applet); if (focusedApplet == applet) { focusedApplet = 0; } emit q->appletRemoved(applet); emit q->configNeedsSaving(); } void ContainmentPrivate::appletAppeared(Applet *applet) { //kDebug() << type << Containment::DesktopContainment; KConfigGroup *cg = applet->d->mainConfigGroup(); applet->save(*cg); emit q->configNeedsSaving(); } void ContainmentPrivate::positionPanel(bool force) { if (!q->scene()) { #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "no scene yet"; #endif return; } // already positioning the panel - avoid infinite loops if (ContainmentPrivate::s_positioningPanels) { return; } // we position panels in negative coordinates, and stack all horizontal // and all vertical panels with each other. const QPointF p = q->pos(); if (!force && p.y() + q->size().height() < -INTER_CONTAINMENT_MARGIN && q->scene()->collidingItems(q).isEmpty()) { // already positioned and not running into any other panels return; } QPointF newPos = preferredPanelPos(q->corona()); if (p != newPos) { ContainmentPrivate::s_positioningPanels = true; q->setPos(newPos); ContainmentPrivate::s_positioningPanels = false; } } bool ContainmentPrivate::isPanelContainment() const { return type == Containment::PanelContainment || type == Containment::CustomPanelContainment; } QPointF ContainmentPrivate::preferredPos(Corona *corona) const { Q_ASSERT(corona); if (isPanelContainment()) { //kDebug() << "is a panel, so put it at" << preferredPanelPos(corona); return preferredPanelPos(corona); } QPointF pos(0, 0); QTransform t; while (QGraphicsItem *i = corona->itemAt(pos, t)) { pos.setX(i->scenePos().x() + i->boundingRect().width() + 10); } //kDebug() << "not a panel, put it at" << pos; return pos; } QPointF ContainmentPrivate::preferredPanelPos(Corona *corona) const { Q_ASSERT(corona); //TODO: research how non-Horizontal, non-Vertical (e.g. Planar) panels behave here bool horiz = formFactor == Plasma::Horizontal; qreal bottom = horiz ? 0 : VERTICAL_STACKING_OFFSET; qreal lastHeight = 0; // this should be ok for small numbers of panels, but if we ever end // up managing hundreds of them, this simplistic alogrithm will // likely be too slow. foreach (const Containment *other, corona->containments()) { if (other == q || !other->d->isPanelContainment() || horiz != (other->formFactor() == Plasma::Horizontal)) { // only line up with panels of the same orientation continue; } if (horiz) { qreal y = other->pos().y(); if (y < bottom) { lastHeight = other->size().height(); bottom = y; } } else { qreal width = other->size().width(); qreal x = other->pos().x() + width; if (x > bottom) { lastHeight = width; bottom = x + lastHeight; } } } // give a space equal to the height again of the last item so there is // room to grow. QPointF newPos; if (horiz) { bottom -= lastHeight + INTER_CONTAINMENT_MARGIN; //TODO: fix x position for non-flush-left panels #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "moved to" << QPointF(0, bottom - q->size().height()); #endif newPos = QPointF(0, bottom - q->size().height()); } else { bottom += lastHeight + INTER_CONTAINMENT_MARGIN; //TODO: fix y position for non-flush-top panels #ifndef NDEBUG kDebug() << "moved to" << QPointF(bottom + q->size().width(), -INTER_CONTAINMENT_MARGIN - q->size().height()); #endif newPos = QPointF(bottom + q->size().width(), -INTER_CONTAINMENT_MARGIN - q->size().height()); } return newPos; } bool ContainmentPrivate::prepareContainmentActions(const QString &trigger, const QPoint &screenPos, KMenu *menu) { ContainmentActions *plugin = actionPlugins()->value(trigger); if (!plugin) { return false; } plugin->setContainment(q); if (!plugin->isInitialized()) { KConfigGroup cfg = q->containmentActionsConfig(); KConfigGroup pluginConfig = KConfigGroup(&cfg, trigger); plugin->restore(pluginConfig); } if (plugin->configurationRequired()) { KMenu *localMenu = menu ? menu : new KMenu(); localMenu->addTitle(i18n("This plugin needs to be configured")); localMenu->addAction(q->action("configure")); if (!menu) { localMenu->exec(screenPos); delete localMenu; } return false; } else if (menu) { QList actions = plugin->contextualActions(); if (actions.isEmpty()) { //it probably didn't bother implementing the function. give the user a chance to set //a better plugin. note that if the user sets no-plugin this won't happen... if (!isPanelContainment() && q->action("configure")) { menu->addAction(q->action("configure")); } } else { menu->addActions(actions); } } return true; } QHash * ContainmentPrivate::actionPlugins() { switch (containmentActionsSource) { case Activity: //FIXME case Local: return &localActionPlugins; default: return &globalActionPlugins; } } }