/* * Copyright 2005 by Aaron Seigo * Copyright 2007 by Riccardo Iaconelli * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "applet.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "plasma/configxml.h" #include "plasma/containment.h" #include "plasma/corona.h" #include "plasma/dataenginemanager.h" #include "plasma/package.h" #include "plasma/packages_p.h" #include "plasma/plasma.h" #include "plasma/scriptengine.h" #include "plasma/shadowitem_p.h" #include "plasma/svg.h" #include "plasma/widgets/widget.h" #include "plasma/widgets/lineedit.h" #include "plasma/widgets/pushbutton.h" #include "plasma/widgets/boxlayout.h" //#define DYNAMIC_SHADOWS namespace Plasma { class Applet::Private { public: Private(KService::Ptr service, int uniqueID) : appletId(uniqueID), globalConfig(0), appletConfig(0), appletDescription(service), package(0), background(0), failureText(0), scriptEngine(0), configXml(0), shadow(0), cachedBackground(0), kioskImmutable(false), immutable(false), hasConfigurationInterface(false), failed(false), needsConfig(false) { if (appletId == 0) { appletId = nextId(); } if (appletId > s_maxAppletId) { s_maxAppletId = appletId; } } ~Private() { foreach ( const QString& engine, loadedEngines ) { DataEngineManager::self()->unloadDataEngine( engine ); } delete background; delete package; delete configXml; delete shadow; delete cachedBackground; } void init(Applet* applet) { applet->setZValue(100); kioskImmutable = applet->globalConfig().isImmutable() || applet->config().isImmutable(); applet->setImmutable(kioskImmutable); if (!appletDescription.isValid()) { applet->setFailedToLaunch(true); return; } QString language = appletDescription.property("X-Plasma-Language").toString(); // we have a scripted plasmoid if (!language.isEmpty()) { // find where the Package is QString path = KStandardDirs::locate("appdata", "plasmoids/" + appletDescription.pluginName()); if (!path.isEmpty()) { // create the package and see if we have something real package = new Package(path, appletDescription.pluginName(), PlasmoidStructure()); if (package->isValid()) { // now we try and set up the script engine. // it will be parented to this applet and so will get // deleted when the applet does scriptEngine = ScriptEngine::load(language, applet); if (!scriptEngine) { delete package; package = 0; } } else { delete package; package = 0; } if (!package) { applet->setFailedToLaunch(true); } else { setupScriptSupport(applet); } } } } // put all setup routines for script here. at this point we can assume that // package exists and that we have a script engin void setupScriptSupport(Applet* applet) { Q_ASSERT(package); QString xmlPath = package->filePath("mainconfigxml"); if (!xmlPath.isEmpty()) { QFile file(xmlPath); configXml = new ConfigXml(config(), &file); } if (!package->filePath("mainconfigui").isEmpty()) { applet->setHasConfigurationInterface(true); } } void paintBackground(QPainter* p2, Applet* q) { if (q->formFactor() != Plasma::Planar) { // we don't paint special backgrounds for other form factors // if that changes in the future, this method is where such // background painting code should be added return; } QSize contents = contentSize(q).toSize(); const int contentWidth = contents.width(); const int contentHeight = contents.height(); background->resize(); const int topHeight = background->elementSize("top").height(); const int topWidth = background->elementSize("top").width(); const int leftWidth = background->elementSize("left").width(); const int leftHeight = background->elementSize("left").height(); const int rightWidth = background->elementSize("right").width(); const int bottomHeight = background->elementSize("bottom").height(); //const int lrWidths = leftWidth + rightWidth; //const int tbHeights = topHeight + bottomHeight; // contents top-left corner is (0,0). We need to draw up and left of that const int topOffset = 0 - topHeight; const int leftOffset = 0 - leftWidth; const int rightOffset = contentWidth; const int bottomOffset = contentHeight; const int contentTop = 0; const int contentLeft = 0; QSize s = QSize(leftWidth + contentWidth + rightWidth, topHeight + contentHeight + bottomHeight); if (!cachedBackground || cachedBackground->size() != s) { delete cachedBackground; cachedBackground = new QPixmap(leftWidth + contentWidth + rightWidth, topHeight + contentHeight + bottomHeight); cachedBackground->fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(cachedBackground); p.translate(leftWidth, topHeight); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); background->paint(&p, QRect(leftOffset, topOffset, leftWidth, topHeight), "topleft"); background->paint(&p, QRect(rightOffset, topOffset,rightWidth, topHeight), "topright"); background->paint(&p, QRect(leftOffset, bottomOffset, leftWidth, bottomHeight), "bottomleft"); background->paint(&p, QRect(rightOffset, bottomOffset, rightWidth, bottomHeight), "bottomright"); if (stretchBackgroundBorders) { background->paint(&p, QRect(leftOffset, contentTop, leftWidth, contentHeight), "left"); background->paint(&p, QRect(rightOffset, contentTop, rightWidth, contentHeight), "right"); background->paint(&p, QRect(contentLeft, topOffset, contentWidth, topHeight), "top"); background->paint(&p, QRect(contentLeft, bottomOffset, contentWidth, bottomHeight), "bottom"); } else { QPixmap left(leftWidth, leftHeight); left.fill(Qt::transparent); { QPainter sidePainter(&left); sidePainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), "left"); } p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(leftOffset, contentTop, leftWidth, contentHeight), left); QPixmap right(rightWidth, leftHeight); right.fill(Qt::transparent); { QPainter sidePainter(&right); sidePainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), "right"); } p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(rightOffset, contentTop, rightWidth, contentHeight), right); QPixmap top(topWidth, topHeight); top.fill(Qt::transparent); { QPainter sidePainter(&top); sidePainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), "top"); } p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(contentLeft, topOffset, contentWidth, topHeight), top); QPixmap bottom(topWidth, bottomHeight); bottom.fill(Qt::transparent); { QPainter sidePainter(&bottom); sidePainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), "bottom"); } p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(contentLeft, bottomOffset, contentWidth, bottomHeight), bottom); } background->resize(contentWidth, contentHeight); background->paint(&p, QRect(contentLeft, contentTop, contentWidth, contentHeight), "center"); background->resize(); } p2->drawPixmap(leftOffset, topOffset, *cachedBackground); } void paintHover(QPainter* , Applet* ) { //TODO draw hover interface for close, configure, info and move } QSizeF contentSize(const Applet* q) { if (scriptEngine) { return scriptEngine->size(); } if (failureText) { return failureText->geometry().size(); } return q->contentSize(); } static uint nextId() { ++s_maxAppletId; return s_maxAppletId; } KSharedConfig::Ptr config() { if (!appletConfig) { QString file = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("appdata", "applets/" + instanceName() + "rc", true); appletConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig(file); } return appletConfig; } QString instanceName() { if (!appletDescription.isValid()) { return QString(); } return appletDescription.service()->library() + QString::number(appletId); } void getBorderSize(int& left , int& top, int &right, int& bottom) { if (!background) { top = left = right = bottom = 0; } else { top = background->elementSize("top").height(); left = background->elementSize("left").width(); right = background->elementSize("right").width(); bottom = background->elementSize("bottom").height(); } } //TODO: examine the usage of memory here; there's a pretty large // number of members at this point. uint appletId; KSharedConfig::Ptr globalConfig; KSharedConfig::Ptr appletConfig; KPluginInfo appletDescription; Package* package; QList watchedForFocus; QStringList loadedEngines; static uint s_maxAppletId; Plasma::Svg *background; bool stretchBackgroundBorders; Plasma::LineEdit *failureText; ScriptEngine* scriptEngine; ConfigXml* configXml; ShadowItem* shadow; QPixmap* cachedBackground; bool kioskImmutable : 1; bool immutable : 1; bool hasConfigurationInterface : 1; bool failed : 1; bool needsConfig : 1; }; uint Applet::Private::s_maxAppletId = 0; Applet::Applet(QGraphicsItem *parent, const QString& serviceID, uint appletId) : Widget(parent), d(new Private(KService::serviceByStorageId(serviceID), appletId)) { d->init(this); } Applet::Applet(QObject* parentObject, const QVariantList& args) : Widget(0,parentObject), d(new Private(KService::serviceByStorageId(args.count() > 0 ? args[0].toString() : QString()), args.count() > 1 ? args[1].toInt() : 0)) { d->init(this); // the brain damage seen in the initialization list is due to the // inflexibility of KService::createInstance } Applet::~Applet() { needsFocus( false ); if (d->appletConfig) { d->appletConfig->sync(); } if (d->globalConfig) { d->globalConfig->sync(); } delete d; } void Applet::init() { } uint Applet::id() const { return d->appletId; } KConfigGroup Applet::config() const { return KConfigGroup(d->config(), "General"); } void Applet::save(KConfigGroup* group) const { group->writeEntry("plugin", pluginName()); group->writeEntry("geometry", QRect(pos().toPoint(), boundingRect().size().toSize())); Containment* c = containment(); if (c) { group->writeEntry("containment", c->id()); } saveState(group); } void Applet::saveState(KConfigGroup* group) const { Q_UNUSED(group) } KConfigGroup Applet::config(const QString& group) const { KConfigGroup cg = config(); cg.changeGroup(instanceName() + '-' + group); return cg; } KConfigGroup Applet::globalConfig() const { if ( !d->globalConfig ) { QString file = KStandardDirs::locateLocal( "config", "plasma_" + globalName() + "rc" ); d->globalConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig( file ); } return KConfigGroup(d->globalConfig, "General"); } void Applet::destroy() { if (d->configXml) { d->configXml->setDefaults(); } if (d->appletConfig) { foreach (const QString& group, d->appletConfig->groupList()) { d->appletConfig->deleteGroup(group); } d->appletConfig = 0; } deleteLater(); } ConfigXml* Applet::configXml() const { return d->configXml; } DataEngine* Applet::dataEngine(const QString& name) const { int index = d->loadedEngines.indexOf(name); if (index != -1) { return DataEngineManager::self()->dataEngine(name); } DataEngine* engine = DataEngineManager::self()->loadDataEngine(name); if (engine->isValid()) { d->loadedEngines.append(name); } return engine; } const Package* Applet::package() const { return d->package; } void Applet::updateConstraints() { constraintsUpdated(); setShadowShown(formFactor() == Planar); } void Applet::constraintsUpdated() { kDebug() << "Applet::constraintsUpdate(): constraints are FormFactor: " << formFactor() << ", Location: " << location(); } QString Applet::name() const { if (!d->appletDescription.isValid()) { return i18n("Unknown Applet"); } return d->appletDescription.name(); } QString Applet::icon() const { if (!d->appletDescription.isValid()) { return QString(); } return d->appletDescription.icon(); } QString Applet::pluginName() const { if (!d->appletDescription.isValid()) { return QString(); } return d->appletDescription.pluginName(); } QString Applet::category() const { if (!d->appletDescription.isValid()) { return i18n("Miscellaneous"); } return d->appletDescription.category(); } QString Applet::category(const KPluginInfo& applet) { return applet.property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category").toString(); } QString Applet::category(const QString& appletName) { if (appletName.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } QString constraint = QString("[X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name] == '%1'").arg(appletName); KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Applet", constraint); if (offers.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } return offers.first()->property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category").toString(); } bool Applet::isImmutable() const { return d->immutable || d->kioskImmutable; } void Applet::setImmutable(bool immutable) { d->immutable = immutable; setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable, d->immutable || d->kioskImmutable || !scene() || !static_cast(scene())->isImmutable()); } bool Applet::drawStandardBackground() { return d->background != 0; } void Applet::setDrawStandardBackground(bool drawBackground) { if (drawBackground) { if (!d->background) { prepareGeometryChange(); d->background = new Plasma::Svg("widgets/background"); d->stretchBackgroundBorders = d->background->elementExists("hint-stretch-borders"); } } else if (d->background) { prepareGeometryChange(); delete d->background; d->background = 0; } } bool Applet::failedToLaunch() const { return d->failed; } QString visibleFailureText(const QString& reason) { QString text; if (reason.isEmpty()) { text = i18n("This object could not be created."); } else { text = i18n("This object could not be created for the following reason:


", reason); } return text; } void Applet::setFailedToLaunch(bool failed, const QString& reason) { if (d->failed == failed) { if (d->failureText) { d->failureText->setHtml(visibleFailureText(reason)); } return; } d->failed = failed; prepareGeometryChange(); qDeleteAll(QGraphicsItem::children()); delete layout(); if (failed) { setDrawStandardBackground(true); Layout* failureLayout = new BoxLayout(BoxLayout::TopToBottom,this); d->failureText = new LineEdit(this, scene()); d->failureText->setFlags(0); d->failureText->setHtml(visibleFailureText(reason)); failureLayout->addItem(d->failureText); } else { d->failureText = 0; } update(); } bool Applet::needsConfiguring() const { return d->needsConfig; } void Applet::setNeedsConfiguring(bool needsConfig) { if (d->needsConfig == needsConfig) { return; } d->needsConfig = needsConfig; prepareGeometryChange(); qDeleteAll(QGraphicsItem::children()); delete layout(); if (needsConfig) { setDrawStandardBackground(true); Layout* layout = new BoxLayout(BoxLayout::TopToBottom,this); PushButton* button = new PushButton(this); button->setText(i18n("Configure...")); connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(performSetupConfig())); layout->addItem(button); } } void Applet::performSetupConfig() { qDeleteAll(QGraphicsItem::children()); delete layout(); showConfigurationInterface(); } int Applet::type() const { return Type; } QRectF Applet::boundingRect() const { QRectF rect = QRectF(QPointF(0,0), d->contentSize(this)); int left; int right; int top; int bottom; d->getBorderSize(left,top,right,bottom); //qDebug() << "Background , Border size" << d->background << left << top << right << bottom; return rect.adjusted(-left,-top,right,bottom); } QSizeF Applet::sizeHint() const { int left; int right; int top; int bottom; d->getBorderSize(left,top,right,bottom); //qDebug() << "Applet content size hint: " << contentSizeHint(); return contentSizeHint() + QSizeF(left+right,top+bottom); } QList Applet::contextActions() { return QList(); } QColor Applet::color() const { // TODO: add more colors for more categories and // maybe read from config? QString c = category(); int alpha = 200; // Colors taken from Oxygen color palette if (c == "Date and Time") { return QColor(191, 94, 0, alpha); } else if (c == "Environment & Weather") { return QColor(191, 0, 0, alpha); } else if (c == "Examples") { return QColor(204, 0, 154, alpha); } else if (c == "File System") { return QColor(90, 0, 179, alpha); } else if (c == "Graphics") { return QColor(0, 0, 255, alpha); } else if (c == "Language") { return QColor(0, 191, 0, alpha); } else if (c == "Mapping") { return QColor(191, 245, 0, alpha); } else if (c == "Online Services") { return QColor(255, 213, 0, alpha); } else if (c == "System Information") { return QColor(0, 196, 204, alpha); } else if (c == "Windows and Tasks") { return QColor(255, 126, 0, alpha); } else { return QColor(136, 136, 136, alpha); } } void Applet::paintWidget(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { Q_UNUSED(widget) if (d->shadow && d->shadow->shadowedSize() != boundingRect().size()) { //kDebug() << "sizes are " << d->shadow->shadowedSize() << boundingRect().size(); d->shadow->generate(); } //qreal zoomLevel = painter->transform().m11() / transform().m11(); //kDebug() << "qreal " << zoomLevel << " = " << painter->transform().m11() << " / " << transform().m11(); //if (fabs(zoomLevel - scalingFactor(Plasma::DesktopZoom)) < std::numeric_limits::epsilon()) { // Show Desktop if (d->background) { d->paintBackground(painter, this); } if (!d->failed && !d->needsConfig) { paintInterface(painter, option, QRect(QPoint(0,0), d->contentSize(this).toSize())); } d->paintHover(painter, this); /*} else if (fabs(zoomLevel - scalingFactor(Plasma::GroupZoom)) < std::numeric_limits::epsilon()) { // Show Groups + Applet outline //TODO: make pretty. painter->setBrush(QBrush(color(), Qt::SolidPattern)); painter->drawRoundRect(boundingRect()); int iconDim = KIconLoader::global()->currentSize(KIconLoader::Desktop); qreal midX = (boundingRect().width() / 2) - (iconDim / 2); qreal midY = (boundingRect().height() / 2) - (iconDim / 2); KIcon ico(icon()); ico.paint(painter, (int)midX, (int)midY, iconDim, iconDim); } else if (zoomLevel == scalingFactor(Plasma::OverviewZoom)) { //Show Groups only } */ } void Applet::paintInterface(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, const QRect & contentsRect) { Q_UNUSED(contentsRect) if (d->scriptEngine) { d->scriptEngine->paintInterface(painter, option); } else { //kDebug() << "Applet::paintInterface() default impl"; } } FormFactor Applet::formFactor() const { Containment* c = containment(); if (!c) { return Plasma::Planar; } return c->formFactor(); } Containment* Applet::containment() const { return dynamic_cast(parentItem()); } Location Applet::location() const { Containment* c = containment(); if (!c) { return Plasma::Desktop; } return c->location(); } QSizeF Applet::contentSize() const { int top , left , right , bottom; d->getBorderSize(left,top,right,bottom); // qDebug() << "Geometry size: " << geometry().size(); // qDebug() << "Borders: " << left << top << right << bottom; return geometry().size() - QSizeF(left+right,top+bottom); } QSizeF Applet::contentSizeHint() const { if (layout()) { return layout()->sizeHint(); } return QSizeF(0, 0); } QString Applet::globalName() const { if (!d->appletDescription.isValid()) { return QString(); } return d->appletDescription.service()->library(); } QString Applet::instanceName() const { return d->instanceName(); } void Applet::watchForFocus(QObject *widget, bool watch) { if ( !widget ) { return; } int index = d->watchedForFocus.indexOf(widget); if ( watch ) { if ( index == -1 ) { d->watchedForFocus.append( widget ); widget->installEventFilter( this ); } } else if ( index != -1 ) { d->watchedForFocus.removeAt( index ); widget->removeEventFilter( this ); } } void Applet::needsFocus(bool focus) { if (focus == QGraphicsItem::hasFocus()) { return; } emit requestFocus(focus); } bool Applet::hasConfigurationInterface() { return d->hasConfigurationInterface; } void Applet::setHasConfigurationInterface(bool hasInterface) { d->hasConfigurationInterface = hasInterface; } bool Applet::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent * e ) { if ( !d->watchedForFocus.contains( o ) ) { if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease || e->type() == QEvent::FocusIn ) { needsFocus( true ); } else if ( e->type() == QEvent::FocusOut ) { needsFocus( false ); } } return QObject::eventFilter(o, e); } void Applet::showConfigurationInterface() { if (d->package && d->configXml) { QString uiFile = d->package->filePath("mainconfigui"); if (uiFile.isEmpty()) { return; } KConfigDialog *dialog = new KConfigDialog(0, "", d->configXml); dialog->setWindowTitle(i18n("%1 Settings", name())); dialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); QUiLoader loader; QString filename = d->package->filePath("mainconfigui"); QFile f(filename); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { delete dialog; return; } QWidget *w = loader.load(&f); f.close(); dialog->addPage(w, i18n("Settings"), icon(), i18n("%1 Settings", name())); dialog->show(); } } KPluginInfo::List Applet::knownApplets(const QString &category, const QString &parentApp) { QString constraint; if (parentApp.isEmpty()) { constraint.append("not exist [X-KDE-ParentApp]"); } else { constraint.append("[X-KDE-ParentApp] == '").append(parentApp).append("'"); } if (!category.isEmpty()) { if (!constraint.isEmpty()) { constraint.append(" and "); } constraint.append("[X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category] == '").append(category).append("'"); if (category == "Miscellaneous") { constraint.append(" or (not exist [X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category] or [X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category] == '')"); } } KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Applet", constraint); //kDebug() << "Applet::knownApplets constraint was '" << constraint << "' which got us " << offers.count() << " matches"; return KPluginInfo::fromServices(offers); } KPluginInfo::List Applet::knownAppletsForMimetype(const QString &mimetype) { QString constraint = QString("'%1' in MimeTypes").arg(mimetype); //kDebug() << "knownAppletsForMimetype with" << mimetype << constraint; KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Applet", constraint); return KPluginInfo::fromServices(offers); } QStringList Applet::knownCategories(const QString &parentApp) { QString constraint = "exist [X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category]"; if (parentApp.isEmpty()) { constraint.append(" and not exist [X-KDE-ParentApp]"); } else { constraint.append(" and [X-KDE-ParentApp] == '").append(parentApp).append("'"); } KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Applet", constraint); QStringList categories; foreach (KService::Ptr applet, offers) { QString appletCategory = applet->property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category").toString(); //kDebug() << " and we have " << appletCategory; if (appletCategory.isEmpty()) { if (!categories.contains(i18n("Miscellaneous"))) { categories << i18n("Miscellaneous"); } } else if (!categories.contains(appletCategory)) { categories << appletCategory; } } categories.sort(); return categories; } Applet* Applet::loadApplet(const QString& appletName, uint appletId, const QVariantList& args) { if (appletName.isEmpty()) { return 0; } QString constraint = QString("[X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name] == '%1'").arg(appletName); KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Applet", constraint); if (offers.isEmpty()) { //TODO: what would be -really- cool is offer to try and download the applet // from the network at this point kDebug() << "Applet::loadApplet: offers is empty for \"" << appletName << "\""; return 0; } if (appletId == 0) { appletId = Private::nextId(); } QVariantList allArgs; allArgs << offers.first()->storageId() << appletId << args; QString error; Applet* applet = offers.first()->createInstance(0, allArgs, &error); if (!applet) { kDebug() << "Couldn't load applet \"" << appletName << "\"! reason given: " << error; } return applet; } Applet* Applet::loadApplet(const KPluginInfo& info, uint appletId, const QVariantList& args) { if (!info.isValid()) { return 0; } return loadApplet(info.pluginName(), appletId, args); } void Applet::setShadowShown(bool shown) { //There are various problems with shadows right now: // //1) shadows can be seen through translucent areas, which is probably technically correct ubt //looks odd //2) the shape of the item odesn't conform to the shape of the standard background, e.g. with //rounded corners #ifdef DYNAMIC_SHADOWS if (shown) { if (d->shadow) { d->shadow->setVisible(true); } else { d->shadow = new ShadowItem(this); if (scene()) { scene()->addItem(d->shadow); d->shadow->show(); } } } else { delete d->shadow; d->shadow = 0; } #else Q_UNUSED(shown); #endif } bool Applet::isShadowShown() const { return d->shadow && d->shadow->isVisible(); } QVariant Applet::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value) { if (!d->shadow) { return QGraphicsItem::itemChange(change, value); } switch (change) { case ItemPositionChange: d->shadow->adjustPosition(); break; case ItemSceneChange: { QGraphicsScene *newScene = qvariant_cast(value); if (d->shadow->scene()) d->shadow->scene()->removeItem(d->shadow); if (newScene) { newScene->addItem(d->shadow); d->shadow->generate(); d->shadow->adjustPosition(); d->shadow->show(); } } break; case ItemVisibleChange: d->shadow->setVisible(isVisible()); break; default: break; }; return QGraphicsItem::itemChange(change, value); } void Applet::setGeometry(const QRectF& geometry) { if (size() != geometry.size()) { prepareGeometryChange(); qreal width = qBound(minimumSize().width(), geometry.size().width(), maximumSize().width()); qreal height = qBound(minimumSize().height(), geometry.size().height(), maximumSize().height()); setSize(QSizeF(width, height)); if (layout()) { layout()->setGeometry(QRectF(QPoint(0, 0), contentSize())); } } setPos(geometry.topLeft()); update(); } void Applet::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event) { //kDebug() << "context menu event!"; if (!scene()) { return; } Applet* containment = dynamic_cast(topLevelItem()); if (!containment) { Widget::contextMenuEvent(event); return; } // we want to pass up the context menu event to the Containment at // this point containment->contextMenuEvent(event); return; } } // Plasma namespace #include "applet.moc"