*   Copyright 2007 by Aaron Seigo <aseigo@kde.org>                        *
*                                                                             *
*   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or             *
*   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public               *
*   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either              *
*   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.          *
*                                                                             *
*   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           *
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
*   Library General Public License for more details.                          *
*                                                                             *
*   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License *
*   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to      *
*   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,      *
*   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.                                               *


#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QtCore/QSharedData>

#include <KDE/KGenericFactory>
#include <KDE/KLocale>
#include <KDE/KSharedPtr>

#include <plasma/plasma_export.h>

class KConfigBase;

namespace Plasma

 * @brief A description of the expected file structure of a given package type
 * PackageStructure defines what is in a package. This information is used
 * to create packages and provides a way to programatically refer to contents.
 * An example usage of this class might be:
    PackageStructure structure;

    structure.addDirectoryDefinition("images", "pics/", i18n("Images"));
    QStringList mimetypes;
    mimetypes << "image/svg" << "image/png" << "image/jpeg";
    structure.setMimetypes("images", mimetypes);

    structure.addDirectoryDefinition("scripts", "code/", i18n("Executable Scripts"));
    mimetypes << "text/\*";
    structure.setMimetypes("scripts", mimetypes);

    structure.addFileDefinition("mainscript", "code/main.js", i18n("Main Script File"));
    structure.setRequired("mainscript", true);
 * One may also choose to create a subclass of PackageStructure and include the setup
 * in the constructor.
 * Either way, PackageStructure creates a sort of "contract" between the packager and
 * the application which is also self-documenting.
class PLASMA_EXPORT PackageStructure : public QObject, public QSharedData

    typedef KSharedPtr<PackageStructure> Ptr;

     * Default constructor for a package structure definition
     * @arg type the type of package. This is often application specific.
    explicit PackageStructure(QObject *parent = 0, const QString &type = i18n("Invalid"));

     * Destructor
    virtual ~PackageStructure();

     * Assignment operator
    PackageStructure& operator=(const PackageStructure& rhs);

     * Loads a package format by name.
     * @arg format If not empty, attempts to locate the given format, either
     *             from built-ins or via plugins.
     * @return a package that matches the format, if available. The caller
     *         is responsible for deleting the object.
    static PackageStructure::Ptr load(const QString &packageFormat);

     * Type of package this structure describes
    QString type() const;

     * The directories defined for this package
    QList<const char*> directories() const;

     * The required directories defined for this package
    QList<const char*> requiredDirectories() const;

     * The individual files, by key, that are defined for this package
    QList<const char*> files() const;

     * The individual required files, by key, that are defined for this package
    QList<const char*> requiredFiles() const;

     * Adds a directory to the structure of the package. It is added as
     * a not-required element with no associated mimetypes.
     * @param key  used as an internal label for this directory
     * @param path the path within the the package for this directory
     * @param name the user visible (translated) name for the directory
    void addDirectoryDefinition(const char* key, const QString& path, const QString& name);

     * Adds a file to the structure of the package. It is added as
     * a not-required element with no associated mimetypes.
     * @param key  used as an internal label for this file
     * @param path the path within the the package for this file
     * @param name the user visible (translated) name for the file
    void addFileDefinition(const char* key, const QString& path, const QString& name);

     * @return path relative to the package root for the given entry
    QString path(const char* key) const;

     * @return user visible name for the given entry
    QString name(const char* key) const;

     * Sets whether or not a given part of the structure is required or not.
     * The path must already have been added using addDirectoryDefinition
     * or addFileDefinition.
     * @param path the path of the entry within the package
     * @param required true if this entry is required, false if not
    void setRequired(const char* key, bool required);

     * @return true if the item at path exists and is required
    bool required(const char* key) const;

     * Defines the default mimetypes for any definitions that do not have
     * associated mimetypes. Handy for packages with only one or predominantly
     * one file type.
     * @param mimetypes a list of mimetypes
    void setDefaultMimetypes(QStringList mimetypes);

     * Define mimetypes for a given part of the structure
     * The path must already have been added using addDirectoryDefinition
     * or addFileDefinition.
     * @param path the path of the entry within the package
     * @param mimetypes a list of mimetypes
    void setMimetypes(const char* key, QStringList mimetypes);

     * @return the mimetypes associated with the path, if any
    QStringList mimetypes(const char* key) const;

     * Sets the path to the package. Useful for package formats
     * which do not have well defined contents prior to installation.
    void setPath(const QString &path);

     * @return the path to the package, or QString() if none
    QString path() const;

      * Read a package structure from a config file.
    void read(const KConfigBase *config);

      * Write this package structure to a config file.
    void write(KConfigBase *config) const;

     * Installs a package matching this package structure. By default simply calls
     * Plasma::Package::install.
     * @param archivePath path to the package archive file
     * @param packageRoot path to the directory where the package should be
     *                    installed to
     * @return true on successful installation, false otherwise
    virtual bool installPackage(const QString &archivePath, const QString &packageRoot);

     * @return the prefix inserted between the base path and content entries
    QString contentsPrefix() const;

     * Sets the prefix that all the contents in this package should
     * appear under. This defaults to "contents/" and is added automatically
     * between the base path and the entries as defined by the package
     * structure
     * @arg prefix the directory prefix to use
    void setContentsPrefix(const QString &prefix);

    virtual void pathChanged();

    class Private;
     Private * const d;

 * Register an applet when it is contained in a loadable module
#define K_EXPORT_PLASMA_PACKAGESTRUCTURE(libname, classname) \
K_PLUGIN_FACTORY(factory, registerPlugin<classname>();) \
K_EXPORT_PLUGIN(factory("plasma_packagestructure_" #libname))

} // Plasma namespace