/* * Copyright 2008 by Aaron Seigo <aseigo@kde.org> * Copyright 2008 by Petri Damsten <damu@iki.fi> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "wallpaper.h" #include <QColor> #include <QFile> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QImage> #include <QAction> #include <QTimer> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kservicetypetrader.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kio/job.h> #include <version.h> #include "plasma/package.h" #include "plasma/private/dataengineconsumer_p.h" #include "plasma/private/packages_p.h" #include "plasma/private/wallpaper_p.h" namespace Plasma { class WallpaperWithPaint : public Wallpaper { public: WallpaperWithPaint(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : Wallpaper(parent, args) { } virtual void paint(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &exposedRect) { if (d->script) { d->script->paint(painter, exposedRect); } } }; WallpaperRenderThread WallpaperPrivate::s_renderer; PackageStructure::Ptr WallpaperPrivate::s_packageStructure(0); Wallpaper::Wallpaper(QObject * parentObject) : d(new WallpaperPrivate(KService::serviceByStorageId(QString()), this)) { setParent(parentObject); connect(&WallpaperPrivate::s_renderer, SIGNAL(done(int,QImage,QString,QSize,int,QColor)), this, SLOT(renderCompleted(int,QImage,QString,QSize,int,QColor))); } Wallpaper::Wallpaper(QObject *parentObject, const QVariantList &args) : d(new WallpaperPrivate(KService::serviceByStorageId(args.count() > 0 ? args[0].toString() : QString()), this)) { // now remove first item since those are managed by Wallpaper and subclasses shouldn't // need to worry about them. yes, it violates the constness of this var, but it lets us add // or remove items later while applets can just pretend that their args always start at 0 QVariantList &mutableArgs = const_cast<QVariantList &>(args); if (!mutableArgs.isEmpty()) { mutableArgs.removeFirst(); } setParent(parentObject); connect(&WallpaperPrivate::s_renderer, SIGNAL(done(int,QImage,QString,QSize,int,QColor)), this, SLOT(renderCompleted(int,QImage,QString,QSize,int,QColor))); } Wallpaper::~Wallpaper() { delete d; } KPluginInfo::List Wallpaper::listWallpaperInfo(const QString &formFactor) { QString constraint; if (!formFactor.isEmpty()) { constraint.append("[X-Plasma-FormFactors] ~~ '").append(formFactor).append("'"); } KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Wallpaper", constraint); return KPluginInfo::fromServices(offers); } KPluginInfo::List Wallpaper::listWallpaperInfoForMimetype(const QString &mimetype, const QString &formFactor) { QString constraint = QString("'%1' in [X-Plasma-DropMimeTypes]").arg(mimetype); if (!formFactor.isEmpty()) { constraint.append("[X-Plasma-FormFactors] ~~ '").append(formFactor).append("'"); } KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Wallpaper", constraint); kDebug() << offers.count() << constraint; return KPluginInfo::fromServices(offers); } Wallpaper *Wallpaper::load(const QString &wallpaperName, const QVariantList &args) { if (wallpaperName.isEmpty()) { return 0; } QString constraint = QString("[X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name] == '%1'").arg(wallpaperName); KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Wallpaper", constraint); if (offers.isEmpty()) { kDebug() << "offers is empty for " << wallpaperName; return 0; } KService::Ptr offer = offers.first(); QVariantList allArgs; allArgs << offer->storageId() << args; if (!offer->property("X-Plasma-API").toString().isEmpty()) { kDebug() << "we have a script using the" << offer->property("X-Plasma-API").toString() << "API"; return new WallpaperWithPaint(0, allArgs); } KPluginLoader plugin(*offer); if (!Plasma::isPluginVersionCompatible(plugin.pluginVersion())) { return 0; } QString error; Wallpaper *wallpaper = offer->createInstance<Plasma::Wallpaper>(0, allArgs, &error); if (!wallpaper) { kDebug() << "Couldn't load wallpaper \"" << wallpaperName << "\"! reason given: " << error; } return wallpaper; } Wallpaper *Wallpaper::load(const KPluginInfo &info, const QVariantList &args) { if (!info.isValid()) { return 0; } return load(info.pluginName(), args); } PackageStructure::Ptr Wallpaper::packageStructure(Wallpaper *paper) { if (paper) { PackageStructure::Ptr package(new WallpaperPackage(paper)); return package; } if (!WallpaperPrivate::s_packageStructure) { WallpaperPrivate::s_packageStructure = new WallpaperPackage(); } return WallpaperPrivate::s_packageStructure; } QString Wallpaper::name() const { if (!d->wallpaperDescription.isValid()) { return i18n("Unknown Wallpaper"); } return d->wallpaperDescription.name(); } QString Wallpaper::icon() const { if (!d->wallpaperDescription.isValid()) { return QString(); } return d->wallpaperDescription.icon(); } QString Wallpaper::pluginName() const { if (!d->wallpaperDescription.isValid()) { return QString(); } return d->wallpaperDescription.pluginName(); } KServiceAction Wallpaper::renderingMode() const { return d->mode; } QList<KServiceAction> Wallpaper::listRenderingModes() const { if (!d->wallpaperDescription.isValid()) { return QList<KServiceAction>(); } return d->wallpaperDescription.service()->actions(); } QRectF Wallpaper::boundingRect() const { return d->boundingRect; } bool Wallpaper::isInitialized() const { return d->initialized; } void Wallpaper::setBoundingRect(const QRectF &boundingRect) { QSizeF oldBoundingRectSize = d->boundingRect.size(); d->boundingRect = boundingRect; if (!d->targetSize.isValid() || d->targetSize == oldBoundingRectSize) { d->targetSize = boundingRect.size(); emit renderHintsChanged(); } } void Wallpaper::setRenderingMode(const QString &mode) { if (d->mode.name() == mode) { return; } d->mode = KServiceAction(); if (!mode.isEmpty()) { QList<KServiceAction> modes = listRenderingModes(); foreach (const KServiceAction &action, modes) { if (action.name() == mode) { d->mode = action; break; } } } } void Wallpaper::restore(const KConfigGroup &config) { init(config); d->initialized = true; } void Wallpaper::init(const KConfigGroup &config) { if (d->script) { d->initScript(); d->script->initWallpaper(config); } } void Wallpaper::save(KConfigGroup &config) { if (d->script) { d->script->save(config); } } QWidget *Wallpaper::createConfigurationInterface(QWidget *parent) { if (d->script) { return d->script->createConfigurationInterface(parent); } else { return 0; } } void Wallpaper::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { if (d->script) { return d->script->mouseMoveEvent(event); } } void Wallpaper::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { if (d->script) { return d->script->mousePressEvent(event); } } void Wallpaper::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { if (d->script) { return d->script->mouseReleaseEvent(event); } } void Wallpaper::wheelEvent(QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent *event) { if (d->script) { return d->script->wheelEvent(event); } } DataEngine *Wallpaper::dataEngine(const QString &name) const { return d->dataEngine(name); } bool Wallpaper::configurationRequired() const { return d->needsConfig; } void Wallpaper::setConfigurationRequired(bool needsConfig, const QString &reason) { //TODO: implement something for reason. first, we need to decide where/how // to communicate it to the user Q_UNUSED(reason) if (d->needsConfig == needsConfig) { return; } d->needsConfig = needsConfig; emit configurationRequired(needsConfig); } bool Wallpaper::isUsingRenderingCache() const { return d->cacheRendering; } void Wallpaper::setUsingRenderingCache(bool useCache) { d->cacheRendering = useCache; } void Wallpaper::setResizeMethodHint(Wallpaper::ResizeMethod resizeMethod) { d->lastResizeMethod = resizeMethod; emit renderHintsChanged(); } void Wallpaper::setTargetSizeHint(const QSizeF &targetSize) { d->targetSize = targetSize; emit renderHintsChanged(); } void Wallpaper::render(const QString &sourceImagePath, const QSize &size, Wallpaper::ResizeMethod resizeMethod, const QColor &color) { if (sourceImagePath.isEmpty() || !QFile::exists(sourceImagePath)) { //kDebug() << "failed on:" << sourceImagePath; return; } if (d->lastResizeMethod != resizeMethod) { d->lastResizeMethod = resizeMethod; emit renderHintsChanged(); } if (d->cacheRendering) { QFileInfo info(sourceImagePath); QString cache = d->cacheKey(sourceImagePath, size, resizeMethod, color); QImage img; if (findInCache(cache, img, info.lastModified().toTime_t())) { emit renderCompleted(img); return; } } d->renderToken = WallpaperPrivate::s_renderer.render(sourceImagePath, size, resizeMethod, color); //kDebug() << "rendering" << sourceImagePath << ", token is" << d->renderToken; } WallpaperPrivate::WallpaperPrivate(KService::Ptr service, Wallpaper *wallpaper) : q(wallpaper), wallpaperDescription(service), package(0), renderToken(-1), lastResizeMethod(Wallpaper::ScaledResize), script(0), cacheRendering(false), initialized(false), needsConfig(false), scriptInitialized(false) { if (wallpaperDescription.isValid()) { QString api = wallpaperDescription.property("X-Plasma-API").toString(); if (!api.isEmpty()) { const QString path = KStandardDirs::locate("data", "plasma/wallpapers/" + wallpaperDescription.pluginName() + '/'); PackageStructure::Ptr structure = Plasma::packageStructure(api, Plasma::WallpaperComponent); structure->setPath(path); package = new Package(path, structure); script = Plasma::loadScriptEngine(api, q); if (!script) { kDebug() << "Could not create a" << api << "ScriptEngine for the" << wallpaperDescription.name() << "Wallpaper."; delete package; package = 0; } } } } QString WallpaperPrivate::cacheKey(const QString &sourceImagePath, const QSize &size, int resizeMethod, const QColor &color) const { const QString id = QString("%5_%3_%4_%1x%2") .arg(size.width()).arg(size.height()).arg(color.name()) .arg(resizeMethod).arg(sourceImagePath); return id; } QString WallpaperPrivate::cachePath(const QString &key) const { return KGlobal::dirs()->locateLocal("cache", "plasma-wallpapers/" + key + ".png"); } void WallpaperPrivate::renderCompleted(int token, const QImage &image, const QString &sourceImagePath, const QSize &size, int resizeMethod, const QColor &color) { if (token != renderToken) { //kDebug() << "render token mismatch" << token << renderToken; return; } if (cacheRendering) { q->insertIntoCache(cacheKey(sourceImagePath, size, resizeMethod, color), image); } //kDebug() << "rendering complete!"; emit q->renderCompleted(image); } // put all setup routines for script here. at this point we can assume that // package exists and that we have a script engine void WallpaperPrivate::setupScriptSupport() { Q_ASSERT(package); kDebug() << "setting up script support, package is in" << package->path() << "which is a" << package->structure()->type() << "package" << ", main script is" << package->filePath("mainscript"); QString translationsPath = package->filePath("translations"); if (!translationsPath.isEmpty()) { //FIXME: we should _probably_ use a KComponentData to segregate the applets // from each other; but I want to get the basics working first :) KGlobal::dirs()->addResourceDir("locale", translationsPath); KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalog(package->metadata().pluginName()); } } void WallpaperPrivate::initScript() { if (script && !scriptInitialized) { setupScriptSupport(); script->init(); scriptInitialized = true; } } bool Wallpaper::findInCache(const QString &key, QImage &image, unsigned int lastModified) { if (d->cacheRendering) { QString cache = d->cachePath(key); if (QFile::exists(cache)) { if (lastModified > 0) { QFileInfo info(cache); if (info.lastModified().toTime_t() < lastModified) { return false; } } image.load(cache); return true; } } return false; } void Wallpaper::insertIntoCache(const QString& key, const QImage &image) { //TODO: cache limits? if (key.isEmpty()) { return; } if (d->cacheRendering) { if (image.isNull()) { KIO::file_delete(d->cachePath(key)); } else { image.save(d->cachePath(key)); } } } QList<QAction*> Wallpaper::contextualActions() const { return contextActions; } void Wallpaper::setContextualActions(const QList<QAction*> &actions) { contextActions = actions; } const Package *Wallpaper::package() const { return d->package; } } // Plasma namespace #include "wallpaper.moc"