 *   KSysGuard, the KDE System Guard
 *   Copyright 1999 - 2001 Chris Schlaeger <cs@kde.org>
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
 *   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.

 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.


#include <QtGui/QFont>
#include <QtGui/QGraphicsWidget>
#include <plasma/plasma_export.h>

namespace Plasma

struct PlotColor
    QColor color;
    QColor darkColor;

class PLASMA_EXPORT SignalPlotter : public QGraphicsWidget
    Q_PROPERTY( QString title READ title WRITE setTitle )
    Q_PROPERTY( QString unit READ unit WRITE setUnit )
    Q_PROPERTY( qreal scale READ scaledBy WRITE scale ) // Note: The naming of the functions here is poor
    Q_PROPERTY( bool useAutoRange READ useAutoRange WRITE setUseAutoRange )
    Q_PROPERTY( uint horizontalScale READ horizontalScale WRITE setHorizontalScale )
    Q_PROPERTY( bool showVerticalLines READ showVerticalLines WRITE setShowVerticalLines )
    Q_PROPERTY( QColor verticalLinesColor READ verticalLinesColor WRITE setVerticalLinesColor )
    Q_PROPERTY( uint verticalLinesDistance READ verticalLinesDistance WRITE setVerticalLinesDistance )
    Q_PROPERTY( bool verticalLinesScroll READ verticalLinesScroll WRITE setVerticalLinesScroll )
    Q_PROPERTY( bool showHorizontalLines READ showHorizontalLines WRITE setShowHorizontalLines )
    Q_PROPERTY( QColor horizontalLinesColor READ horizontalLinesColor WRITE setHorizontalLinesColor )
    Q_PROPERTY( QColor fontColor READ fontColor WRITE setFontColor )
    Q_PROPERTY( QFont font READ font WRITE setFont )
    Q_PROPERTY( uint horizontalLinesCount READ horizontalLinesCount WRITE setHorizontalLinesCount )
    Q_PROPERTY( bool showLabels READ showLabels WRITE setShowLabels )
    Q_PROPERTY( bool showTopBar READ showTopBar WRITE setShowTopBar )
    Q_PROPERTY( QColor backgroundColor READ backgroundColor WRITE setBackgroundColor )
    Q_PROPERTY( QString svgBackground READ svgBackground WRITE setSvgBackground )
    Q_PROPERTY( bool thinFrame WRITE setThinFrame )
    Q_PROPERTY( bool stackPlots READ stackPlots WRITE setStackPlots )

    SignalPlotter(QGraphicsItem *parent = 0);

     * Add a new line to the graph plotter, with the specified color.
     * Note that the order you add the plots must be the same order that
     * the same data is given in (unless you reorder the plots).
     * @param color the color to use for this plot
    void addPlot(const QColor &color);

     * Add data to the graph, and advance the graph by one time period.
     * The data must be given as a list in the same order that the plots were
     * added (or consequently reordered).
     * @param samples a list with the new value for each plot
    void addSample(const QList<double> &samples);

     * Reorder the plots into the order given.  For example:
     * \code
     *  KSignalPlotter *s = KSignalPlotter(parent);
     *  s->addPlot(Qt::Blue);
     *  s->addPlot(Qt::Green);
     *  QList neworder;
     *  neworder << 1 << 0;
     *  reorderPlots(newOrder);
     *  //Now the order is Green then Blue
     * \endcode
     * @param newOrder a list with the new position of each plot
    void reorderPlots(const QList<uint>& newOrder);

     * Removes the plot at the specified index.
     * @param pos the index of the plot to be removed
    void removePlot(uint pos);

     * Return the list of plot colors, in the order that the plots
     * were added (or later reordered).
     * @return a list containing the color of every plot
    QList<PlotColor> &plotColors();

     * Set the title of the graph. Drawn in the top left.
     * @param title the title to use in the plotter
    void setTitle(const QString &title);

     * Get the title of the graph.  Drawn in the top left.
     * @return the title to use in the plotter
    QString title() const;

     *  Set the units.  Drawn on the vertical axis of the graph.
     *  Must be already translated into the local language.
     *  @param unit the unit string to use
    void setUnit(const QString &unit);

     * Return the units used on the vertical axis of the graph.
     * @return the unit string used
    QString unit() const;

     *  Scale all the values down by the given amount. This is useful
     *  when the data is given in, say, kilobytes, but you set the
     *  units as megabytes.  Thus you would have to call this with @p value
     *  set to 1024. This affects all the data already entered.
     *  @param delta the factor used to scale down the values
    void scale(qreal delta);

     * Amount scaled down by. @see scale
     * @return the factor used to scale down the values
    qreal scaledBy() const;

     * Set the minimum and maximum values on the vertical axis
     * automatically from the data available.
     * @param value true if the plotter should calculate its own
     * min and max values, otherwise false
    void setUseAutoRange(bool value);

     * Whether the vertical axis range is set automatically.
     * @return true if the plotter calculates its own min and max
     * values, otherwise false
    bool useAutoRange() const;

     * Change the minimum and maximum values drawn on the graph.
     * Note that these values are sanitised.  For example, if you
     * set the minimum as 3, and the maximum as 97, then the graph
     * would be drawn between 0 and 100.  The algorithm to determine
     * this "nice range" attempts to minimize the number of non-zero
     * digits.
     * Use setAutoRange instead to determine the range automatically
     * from the data.
     * @param min the minimum value to use for the vertical axis
     * @param max the maximum value to use for the vertical axis
    void setVerticalRange(double min, double max);

     * Get the min value of the vertical axis.  @see changeRange
     * @return the minimum value to use for the vertical axis
    double verticalMinValue() const;

     * Get the max value of the vertical axis.  @see changeRange
     * @return the maximum value to use for the vertical axis
    double verticalMaxValue() const;

     * Set the number of pixels horizontally between data points
     * @param scale the number of pixel to draw between two data points
    void setHorizontalScale(uint scale);

     * The number of pixels horizontally between data points
     * @return the number of pixel drawn between two data points
    uint horizontalScale() const;

     * Whether to draw the vertical grid lines
     * @param value true if the lines should be drawn, otherwise false
    void setShowVerticalLines(bool value);

     * Whether the vertical grid lines will be drawn
     * @return true if the lines will be drawn, otherwise false
    bool showVerticalLines() const;

     * The color of the vertical grid lines
     * @param color the color used to draw the vertical grid lines
    void setVerticalLinesColor(const QColor &color);

     * The color of the vertical grid lines
     * @return the color used to draw the vertical grid lines
    QColor verticalLinesColor() const;

     * The horizontal distance between the vertical grid lines
     * @param distance the distance between two vertical grid lines
    void setVerticalLinesDistance(uint distance);

     * The horizontal distance between the vertical grid lines
     * @return the distance between two vertical grid lines
    uint verticalLinesDistance() const;

     * Whether the vertical lines move with the data
     * @param value true if the vertical lines should move with the data
    void setVerticalLinesScroll(bool value);

     * Whether the vertical lines move with the data
     * @return true if the vertical lines will move with the data
    bool verticalLinesScroll() const;

     * Whether to draw the horizontal grid lines
     * @param value true if the lines should be drawn, otherwise false
    void setShowHorizontalLines(bool value);
     * Whether to draw the horizontal grid lines
     * @return true if the lines will be drawn, otherwise false
    bool showHorizontalLines() const;

     * The color of the horizontal grid lines
     * @param color the color used to draw the horizontal grid lines
    void setHorizontalLinesColor(const QColor &color);

     * The color of the horizontal grid lines
     * @return the color used to draw the horizontal grid lines
    QColor horizontalLinesColor() const;

     * The color of the font used for the axis
     * @param color the color used to draw the text of the vertical values
    void setFontColor(const QColor &color);

     * The color of the font used for the axis
     * @return the color used to draw the text of the vertical values
    QColor fontColor() const;

     * The font used for the axis
     * @param font the font used to draw the text of the vertical values
    void setFont(const QFont &font);

     * The font used for the axis
     * @return the font used to draw the text of the vertical values
    QFont font() const;

     * The number of horizontal lines to draw.  Doesn't include the top
     * most and bottom most lines.
     * @param count the number of horizontal lines to draw
    void setHorizontalLinesCount(uint count);

     * The number of horizontal lines to draw.  Doesn't include the top
     * most and bottom most lines.
     * @return the number of horizontal lines that will be drawn
    uint horizontalLinesCount() const;

     * Whether to show the vertical axis labels
     * @param value true if the values for the vertical axis should get drawn
    void setShowLabels(bool value);

     * Whether to show the vertical axis labels
     * @return true if the values for the vertical axis will get drawn
    bool showLabels() const;

     * Whether to show the title etc at the top.  Even if set, it
     * won't be shown if there isn't room
     * @param value true if the topbar should be shown
    void setShowTopBar(bool value);

     * Whether to show the title etc at the top.  Even if set, it
     * won't be shown if there isn't room
     * @return true if the topbar will be shown
    bool showTopBar() const;

     * The color to set the background.  This might not be seen
     * if an svg is also set.
     * @param color the color to use for the plotter background
    void setBackgroundColor(const QColor &color);

     * The color to set the background.  This might not be seen
     * if an svg is also set.
     * @return the color of the plotter background
    QColor backgroundColor() const;

     * The filename of the svg background.  Set to empty to disable
     * again.
     * @param filename the SVG file to use as a background image
    void setSvgBackground(const QString &filename);

     * The filename of the svg background.  Set to empty to disable
     * again.
     * @return the file used as a background image
    QString svgBackground();

     * Return the last value that we have for plot i. Returns 0 if not known.
     * @param i the plot we like to have the last value from
     * @return the last value of this plot or 0 if not found
    double lastValue(uint i) const;

     * Return a translated string like: "34 %" or "100 KB" for plot i
     * @param i the plot we like to have the value as string from
     * @return the last value of this plot as a string
    QString lastValueAsString(uint i) const;

     * Whether to show a white line on the left and bottom of the widget,
     * for a 3D effect
     * @param set true if the frame should get drawn
    void setThinFrame(bool set);

     * Whether to stack the plots on top of each other.  The first plot
     * added will be at the bottom.  The next plot will be drawn on top,
     * and so on.
     * @param stack true if the plots should be stacked
    void setStackPlots(bool stack);

     * Whether to stack the plots.  @see setStackPlots
     * @return true if the plots will be stacked
    bool stackPlots() const;

     * Render the graph to the specified width and height, and return it
     * as an image.  This is useful, for example, if you draw a small version
     * of the graph, but then want to show a large version in a tooltip etc
     * @param width the width of the snapshot
     * @param height the height of the snapshot
     * @return a snapshot of the plotter as an image
    QPixmap getSnapshotImage(uint width, uint height);

     * Overwritten to be notified of size changes. Needed to update the
     * data buffers that are used to store the samples.
    virtual void setGeometry(const QRectF &geometry);

    void updateDataBuffers();
    void calculateNiceRange();

    void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);

    void drawWidget(QPainter *p, uint w, uint height, int horizontalScale);
    void drawBackground(QPainter *p, int w, int h);
    void drawThinFrame(QPainter *p, int w, int h);
    void drawTopBarFrame(QPainter *p, int separatorX, int height);
    void drawTopBarContents(QPainter *p, int x, int width, int height);
    void drawVerticalLines(QPainter *p, int top, int w, int h);
    void drawPlots(QPainter *p, int top, int w, int h, int horizontalScale);
    void drawAxisText(QPainter *p, int top, int h);
    void drawHorizontalLines(QPainter *p, int top, int w, int h);

    class Private;
    Private *const d;

} // Plasma namespace
