/* * Copyright 2013 Sebastian Kügler * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 2.010-1301, USA. */ import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Window 2.0 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras import org.kde.qtextracomponents 2.0 as QtExtras // DialogsPage PlasmaComponents.Page { id: dialogsPage anchors { fill: parent margins: _s } Column { spacing: _s/2 anchors.fill: parent PlasmaExtras.Title { width: parent.width text: "Dialogs" } Row { height: _h spacing: _s PlasmaComponents.Button { id: radio checkable: true iconSource: "dialog-ok" text: "Window" } Window { title: radio.text id: qWindow visible: radio.checked width: childrenRect.width height: childrenRect.height color: Qt.rgba(0,0,0,0) DialogContent { id: dContent onCloseMe: { qWindow.visible = false } } } PlasmaComponents.Label { text: qWindow.visible ? "shown" : "hidden" } } Row { height: _h spacing: _s PlasmaComponents.Button { text: "Core.Dialog" iconSource: "dialog-ok-apply" checkable: true //onCheckedChanged: pcDialog.visible = checked onCheckedChanged: pcDialog.visible = checked } PlasmaComponents.Label { text: pcDialog.visible ? "shown" : "hidden" } PlasmaCore.Dialog { id: pcDialog //windowFlags: Qt.Popup visualParent: dialogsPage //mainItem: dContent2 color: Qt.rgba(0,0,0,0) mainItem: DialogContent { id: dContent2 onCloseMe: pcDialog.visible = false } } } Row { height: _h spacing: _s PlasmaComponents.Button { text: "Dialog" iconSource: "dialog-ok-apply" checkable: true onCheckedChanged: { if (checked) { pcompDialog.open(); } else { pcompDialog.close(); } } } PlasmaComponents.Label { text: pcompDialog.visible ? "shown" : "hidden" } PlasmaComponents.Dialog { id: pcompDialog //windowFlags: Qt.Popup visualParent: root content: DialogContent { id: dContent3 onCloseMe: pcompDialog.close() } buttons: PlasmaComponents.ButtonRow { PlasmaComponents.Button { text: "Close"; onClicked: { print("Closing..."); pcompDialog.close() } } PlasmaComponents.Button { text: "Accept"; onClicked: { print("Accepting..."); pcompDialog.accept(); pcompDialog.close(); } } } } } Row { height: _h spacing: _s PlasmaComponents.Button { text: "QueryDialog" iconSource: "dialog-ok-apply" checkable: true onCheckedChanged: { if (checked) { queryDialog.open(); } else { queryDialog.close(); } } } PlasmaComponents.Label { text: queryDialog.visible ? "shown" : "hidden" } PlasmaComponents.QueryDialog { id: queryDialog //windowFlags: Qt.Popup visualParent: root titleText: "Fruit Inquiry" message: "Would you rather have apples or oranges?" acceptButtonText: "Apples" rejectButtonText: "Oranges" onButtonClicked: { print("hey"); queryDialog.close(); } } } PlasmaComponents.ButtonRow { id: buttonRow spacing: _s/2 PlasmaComponents.Button { width: _h text: "Top" onClicked: { locationDialog.location = PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge; locationDialog.visible = !locationDialog.visible } } PlasmaComponents.Button { text: "Bottom" width: _h onClicked: { locationDialog.location = PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge; locationDialog.visible = !locationDialog.visible } } PlasmaComponents.Button { text: "Left" width: _h onClicked: { locationDialog.location = PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge; locationDialog.visible = !locationDialog.visible } } PlasmaComponents.Button { text: "Right" width: _h onClicked: { locationDialog.location = PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge; locationDialog.visible = !locationDialog.visible } } PlasmaComponents.Button { text: "Desktop" width: _h onClicked: { locationDialog.location = PlasmaCore.Types.Desktop; locationDialog.visible = !locationDialog.visible } } PlasmaComponents.Button { text: "Floating" width: _h onClicked: { locationDialog.location = PlasmaCore.Types.Floating; locationDialog.visible = !locationDialog.visible } } PlasmaComponents.Button { text: "FullScreen" width: _h onClicked: { locationDialog.location = PlasmaCore.Types.FullScreen; locationDialog.visible = !locationDialog.visible } } } PlasmaCore.Dialog { id: locationDialog visualParent: buttonRow mainItem: DialogContent { id: dContent4 onCloseMe: locationDialog.visible = false } } } }