/* * Copyright 2007 Matt Broadstone * Copyright 2007 Aaron Seigo * Copyright 2007 Riccardo Iaconelli * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "corona.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "containment.h" #include "view.h" #include "private/applet_p.h" #include "tooltipmanager.h" using namespace Plasma; namespace Plasma { // constant controlling how long between requesting a configuration sync // and one happening should occur. currently 10 seconds const int CONFIG_SYNC_TIMEOUT = 10000; class CoronaPrivate { public: CoronaPrivate(Corona *corona) : q(corona), immutability(Mutable), mimetype("text/x-plasmoidservicename"), config(0) { if (KGlobal::hasMainComponent()) { configName = KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName() + "-appletsrc"; } else { configName = "plasma-appletsrc"; } } ~CoronaPrivate() { qDeleteAll(containments); } void init() { configSyncTimer.setSingleShot(true); QObject::connect(&configSyncTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), q, SLOT(syncConfig())); } void saveLayout(KSharedConfigPtr cg) const { KConfigGroup containmentsGroup(cg, "Containments"); foreach (const Containment *containment, containments) { QString cid = QString::number(containment->id()); KConfigGroup containmentConfig(&containmentsGroup, cid); containment->save(containmentConfig); } } void updateContainmentImmutability() { foreach (Containment *c, containments) { // we need to tell each containment that immutability has been altered c->updateConstraints(ImmutableConstraint); } } void containmentDestroyed(QObject *obj) { // we do a static_cast here since it really isn't an Containment by this // point anymore since we are in the qobject dtor. we don't actually // try and do anything with it, we just need the value of the pointer // so this unsafe looking code is actually just fine. Containment* containment = static_cast(obj); int index = containments.indexOf(containment); if (index > -1) { containments.removeAt(index); q->requestConfigSync(); } } void syncConfig() { q->config()->sync(); emit q->configSynced(); } Containment *addContainment(const QString &name, const QVariantList &args, uint id, bool delayedInit) { QString pluginName = name; Containment *containment = 0; Applet *applet = 0; //kDebug() << "Loading" << name << args << id; if (pluginName.isEmpty()) { // default to the desktop containment pluginName = "desktop"; } if (pluginName != "null") { applet = Applet::load(pluginName, id, args); containment = dynamic_cast(applet); } if (!containment) { kDebug() << "loading of containment" << name << "failed."; // in case we got a non-Containment from Applet::loadApplet or // a null containment was requested delete applet; containment = new Containment(0, 0, id); if (pluginName == "null") { containment->setDrawWallpaper(false); } // we want to provide something and don't care about the failure to launch containment->setFailedToLaunch(false); containment->setFormFactor(Plasma::Planar); } static_cast(containment)->d->isContainment = true; q->addItem(containment); static_cast(containment)->d->setIsContainment(true, true); containments.append(containment); if (!delayedInit) { containment->init(); containment->updateConstraints(Plasma::StartupCompletedConstraint); KConfigGroup cg = containment->config(); containment->save(cg); q->requestConfigSync(); containment->flushPendingConstraintsEvents(); } QObject::connect(containment, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), q, SLOT(containmentDestroyed(QObject*))); QObject::connect(containment, SIGNAL(configNeedsSaving()), q, SLOT(requestConfigSync())); QObject::connect(containment, SIGNAL(releaseVisualFocus()), q, SIGNAL(releaseVisualFocus())); QObject::connect(containment, SIGNAL(screenChanged(int,int,Plasma::Containment*)), q, SIGNAL(screenOwnerChanged(int,int,Plasma::Containment*))); if (!delayedInit) { emit q->containmentAdded(containment); } return containment; } void offscreenWidgetDestroyed(QObject *); Corona *q; ImmutabilityType immutability; QString mimetype; QString configName; KSharedConfigPtr config; QTimer configSyncTimer; QList containments; QHash offscreenWidgets; }; Corona::Corona(QObject *parent) : QGraphicsScene(parent), d(new CoronaPrivate(this)) { d->init(); ToolTipManager::self()->m_corona = this; //setViewport(new QGLWidget(QGLFormat(QGL::StencilBuffer | QGL::AlphaChannel))); } Corona::~Corona() { // FIXME: Same fix as in Plasma::View - make sure that when the focused widget is // destroyed we don't try to transfer it to something that's already been // deleted. clearFocus(); delete d; } void Corona::setAppletMimeType(const QString &type) { d->mimetype = type; } QString Corona::appletMimeType() { return d->mimetype; } void Corona::saveLayout(const QString &configName) const { KSharedConfigPtr c; if (configName.isEmpty() || configName == d->configName) { c = config(); } else { c = KSharedConfig::openConfig(configName); } d->saveLayout(c); } void Corona::requestConfigSync() { // TODO: should we check into our immutability before doing this? //NOTE: this is a pretty simplistic model: we simply save no more than CONFIG_SYNC_TIMEOUT // after the first time this is called. not much of a heuristic for save points, but // it should at least compress these activities a bit and provide a way for applet // authors to ween themselves from the sync() disease. A more interesting/dynamic // algorithm for determining when to actually sync() to disk might be better, though. if (!d->configSyncTimer.isActive()) { d->configSyncTimer.start(CONFIG_SYNC_TIMEOUT); } } void Corona::requireConfigSync() { d->syncConfig(); } void Corona::initializeLayout(const QString &configName) { clearContainments(); loadLayout(configName); if (d->containments.isEmpty()) { loadDefaultLayout(); if (!d->containments.isEmpty()) { requestConfigSync(); } } if (config()->isImmutable()) { d->updateContainmentImmutability(); } KConfigGroup coronaConfig(config(), "General"); setImmutability((ImmutabilityType)coronaConfig.readEntry("immutability", (int)Mutable)); } void Corona::loadLayout(const QString &configName) { KSharedConfigPtr c; if (configName.isEmpty() || configName == d->configName) { c = config(); } else { c = KSharedConfig::openConfig(configName); } KConfigGroup containments(config(), "Containments"); foreach (const QString &group, containments.groupList()) { KConfigGroup containmentConfig(&containments, group); if (containmentConfig.entryMap().isEmpty()) { continue; } int cid = group.toUInt(); //kDebug() << "got a containment in the config, trying to make a" << containmentConfig.readEntry("plugin", QString()) << "from" << group; Containment *c = d->addContainment(containmentConfig.readEntry("plugin", QString()), QVariantList(), cid, true); if (!c) { continue; } c->init(); c->restore(containmentConfig); } foreach (Containment *containment, d->containments) { QString cid = QString::number(containment->id()); KConfigGroup containmentConfig(&containments, cid); foreach (Applet *applet, containment->applets()) { applet->init(); // We have to flush the applet constraints manually applet->flushPendingConstraintsEvents(); } containment->updateConstraints(Plasma::StartupCompletedConstraint); containment->flushPendingConstraintsEvents(); emit containmentAdded(containment); } } Containment *Corona::containmentForScreen(int screen, int desktop) const { foreach (Containment *containment, d->containments) { if (containment->screen() == screen && (desktop < 0 || containment->desktop() == desktop) && (containment->containmentType() == Containment::DesktopContainment || containment->containmentType() >= Containment::CustomContainment)) { return containment; } } return 0; } QList Corona::containments() const { return d->containments; } void Corona::clearContainments() { foreach (Containment *containment, d->containments) { containment->clearApplets(); } } KSharedConfigPtr Corona::config() const { if (!d->config) { d->config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(d->configName); } return d->config; } Containment *Corona::addContainment(const QString &name, const QVariantList &args) { return d->addContainment(name, args, 0, false); } Containment *Corona::addContainmentDelayed(const QString &name, const QVariantList &args) { return d->addContainment(name, args, 0, true); } void Corona::addOffscreenWidget(QGraphicsWidget *widget) { if (d->offscreenWidgets.values().contains(widget)) { kDebug() << "widget is already an offscreen widget!"; return; } widget->setParentItem(0); //search for an empty spot in the topleft quadrant of the scene. each 'slot' is QWIDGETSIZE_MAX //x QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, so we're guaranteed to never have to move widgets once they're placed here. int i = 0; while (d->offscreenWidgets.contains(i)) { i++; } d->offscreenWidgets[i] = widget; widget->setPos((-i - 1) * QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, -QWIDGETSIZE_MAX); kDebug() << "adding offscreen widget at slot " << i; connect(widget, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(offscreenWidgetDestroyed(QObject*))); } void Corona::removeOffscreenWidget(QGraphicsWidget *widget) { QMutableHashIterator it(d->offscreenWidgets); while (it.hasNext()) { if (it.next().value() == widget) { it.remove(); return; } } } void CoronaPrivate::offscreenWidgetDestroyed(QObject *o) { // at this point, it's just a QObject, not a QGraphicsWidget, but we still need // a pointer of the appropriate type. // WARNING: DO NOT USE THE WIDGET POINTER FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN POINTER COMPARISONS QGraphicsWidget *widget = static_cast(o); q->removeOffscreenWidget(widget); } int Corona::numScreens() const { return 1; } QRect Corona::screenGeometry(int id) const { Q_UNUSED(id); if (views().isEmpty()) { return sceneRect().toRect(); } else { QGraphicsView *v = views()[0]; QRect r = sceneRect().toRect(); r.moveTo(v->mapToGlobal(v->pos())); return r; } } QRegion Corona::availableScreenRegion(int id) const { return QRegion(screenGeometry(id)); } QPoint Corona::popupPosition(const QGraphicsItem *item, const QSize &s) { QGraphicsView *v = viewFor(item); if (!v) { return QPoint(0, 0); } QPoint pos; QTransform sceneTransform = item->sceneTransform(); //if the applet is rotated the popup position has to be un-transformed if (sceneTransform.isRotating()) { qreal angle = acos(sceneTransform.m11()); QTransform newTransform; QPointF center = item->sceneBoundingRect().center(); newTransform.translate(center.x(), center.y()); newTransform.rotateRadians(-angle); newTransform.translate(-center.x(), -center.y()); pos = v->mapFromScene(newTransform.inverted().map(item->scenePos())); } else { pos = v->mapFromScene(item->scenePos()); } pos = v->mapToGlobal(pos); //kDebug() << "==> position is" << item->scenePos() << v->mapFromScene(item->scenePos()) << pos; Plasma::View *pv = dynamic_cast(v); Plasma::Location loc = Floating; if (pv && pv->containment()) { loc = pv->containment()->location(); } switch (loc) { case BottomEdge: pos = QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y() - s.height()); break; case TopEdge: pos = QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y() + (int)item->boundingRect().size().height()); break; case LeftEdge: pos = QPoint(pos.x() + (int)item->boundingRect().size().width(), pos.y()); break; case RightEdge: pos = QPoint(pos.x() - s.width(), pos.y()); break; default: if (pos.y() - s.height() > 0) { pos = QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y() - s.height()); } else { pos = QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y() + (int)item->boundingRect().size().height()); } } //are we out of screen? QRect screenRect = screenGeometry((pv && pv->containment()) ? pv->containment()->screen() : -1); //kDebug() << "==> rect for" << (pv ? pv->containment()->screen() : -1) << "is" << screenRect; if (loc != LeftEdge && pos.rx() + s.width() > screenRect.right()) { pos.rx() -= ((pos.rx() + s.width()) - screenRect.right()); } if (loc != TopEdge && pos.ry() + s.height() > screenRect.bottom()) { pos.ry() -= ((pos.ry() + s.height()) - screenRect.bottom()); } pos.rx() = qMax(0, pos.rx()); return pos; } void Corona::loadDefaultLayout() { } void Corona::dragEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event) { QGraphicsScene::dragEnterEvent(event); } void Corona::dragLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event) { QGraphicsScene::dragLeaveEvent(event); } void Corona::dragMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event) { QGraphicsScene::dragMoveEvent(event); } ImmutabilityType Corona::immutability() const { return d->immutability; } void Corona::setImmutability(const ImmutabilityType immutable) { if (d->immutability == immutable || d->immutability == SystemImmutable) { return; } kDebug() << "setting immutability to" << immutable; d->immutability = immutable; d->updateContainmentImmutability(); KConfigGroup cg(config(), "General"); // we call the dptr member directly for locked since isImmutable() // also checks kiosk and parent containers cg.writeEntry("immutability", (int)d->immutability); requestConfigSync(); } QList Corona::freeEdges(int screen) const { QList freeEdges; freeEdges << Plasma::TopEdge << Plasma::BottomEdge << Plasma::LeftEdge << Plasma::RightEdge; foreach (Containment *containment, containments()) { if (containment->screen() == screen && freeEdges.contains(containment->location())) { freeEdges.removeAll(containment->location()); } } return freeEdges; } } // namespace Plasma #include "corona.moc"